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13323773 No.13323773 [Reply] [Original]

Daily reminder that only a select few cryptocurrencies will retain or grow in value during the GBR. We do have several contenders still, but a majority will never reach much higher than 2x where they are at now. Shill your choices here.

Guaranteed will be utilized due to adoption or tech:
> NANO (sorry LTC, BCH, & BCHSV)

Possible contenders:

> Link

Am I missing anything?

>> No.13323778

That's a cool picture anon

>> No.13323787
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Thank you. She is the oracle.

>> No.13323845

FTM is a pajeet scam

>> No.13323908
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Agreed. That is why it is in the wildcard category. None of those coins have demonstrated that they have a working usable product, however they do make good promises.

Suicide squad

Honorable mentions

I do not have much faith in single use case currencies, tbqh senpai. But everything on these lists outside of the Suicide squad and Wildcards should be more or less a guaranteed profit, if buying now.

>> No.13323916

Oh nononononono

>> No.13323923

It's all so tiresome. Poo in the loo you poverty fuck.

>> No.13323926
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Nano is the superior currency coin and fits the criteria as defined by Satoshi to become a usable cryptocurrency. XRP and XLM, as well as GRIN are just as fast, however they suffer from issues pertaining to distribution and/or inflation in the case of GRIN. LTC is just bitcoin lite, it has no real use case with both BTC and NANO being in the picture. Nano holds a special place in my heart and wallet due to its UNIX based philosophy. Do one thing, and do it well.

>> No.13323929

If XMR survives it will eventually reach parity with BTC sometime in the 2020s if not exceed it.

>> No.13323932

Agreed. In terms of store of value, for those with value to store, anyways, it is the ideal pick.

>> No.13323960

typical biztard
learn about crypto somewhere else, faggot.

You started well with BTC, XMR and ETH...then you say NANO.

Clearly bag holder. I did a nice 10x when it was XRB from buying early Dec 17 but this is an utter shitcoin with normie friendly concepts.

>> No.13323966

GRIN and other tokens with halve over time have the same ultimate effect. In 10 years the constant issuance rate, rather than being % based, will be miniscule. GRIN will be a good buy in 1-2 years.

>> No.13323990
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If you can present a valid argument why a coin with the following does not have a near guaranteed future, I would love to hear it. Please refrain from emotional outbursts and assertions without evidence, however.

> no-premine
> no ICO
> sub 1 second transfers
> free
> decentralized
> deflationary
> eco-friendly

These are all of the qualities that make BTC and LTC desirable, with improvements on the model without sacrifice. Seems like an obvious pick to me, anyways.

I agree, this is why I am not investing in GRIN until the time is right.

>> No.13324009

Literally only BTC and ETH will make it. The rest are just pajeet scam coins designed to distract you from sound money and the smart contract platform of a web3 future.

>> No.13324011

You seriously going to miss absolute gems like SNTVT?

>> No.13324015

Dash kmd nano ;

>> No.13324029

Explain the benefits DASH has to Nano. What can you tell me about KMD?

>> No.13324033
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Never even heard of SNTVT, the name alone makes me feel like pic related

>> No.13324052

If ETH can truly scale, it will likely far surpass EOS, ADA, XTZ, and related. The same could be said about BTC with the lightning network vs. currency oriented coins such as Nano, but these improvements to the protocol have yet to be demonstrated as viable alternatives to the competition.

>> No.13324090


The new generation of smartphones supports btc, ltc and eth and they've been doing fantastically in venezuela.

>> No.13324092

Dash is a btc based chain, they forked off in 2014. Because of the scaling debate. They have a masternode network that governs the chain. Instant transactions, no double spends. Dash is the coin where innovation and adoption happen. One can work for the DAO. Dash is self funding. there will always be development and marketing / adoption. Things like a blockstream takeover are less likely to happen when chains have self funding models. Also things don't get stuck as easily. Development moves on. Dash evolution, instant send, privacy options, chainlocks.

The smart man's BTC is DASH after you research. Then if you don't like dash you should get BCH. second best where things are moving.

the benifit of dash over nano is proven security in a working system.

NANO has no proven security as of now.
I have a huge bag of nano but it is, experimental tech compared to proven BTC chain tier blockchains. ( that's also why I'm in actually ) if nano works the spam and security issues. its gonna be huge. I think it will dominate the microtransactions space.

looking at the market as a whole, its also the best store of value, no inflation completely distributed. it has serious moon tier 100x potential just becaus of this lone fact.

Then we have KMD. it's just a smart contract platform like ETH. but it scales RIGHT NOW. also innovating with DPoW. I see the most development and adoption happen in KMD.

>> No.13324098


Eh, BTC and LTC already do all of those and have been around forever.

>> No.13324110

Thank you anon. I would give you a nano tip but there is yet to be a method to do so on anonymous imageboards.

KMD seems interesting, I will add it to my portfolio based on your advice. I may do similarly with DASH, but I will have to do more research. Are there currently dApps hosted on KMD?

BTC + LTC are not environmentally friendly, nor are they instant, or free. They are established however.

>> No.13324125



>> No.13324161

Compelling argument, anon.

>> No.13324178

Yes there are a few dapps on KMD.
Every DAPP runs on its own "assetchain" this means that no cryptokitties DAPP can fuck up the entire network.

Theres tons of projects on KMD and everyday people move from ETH to KMD ( an assetchain on KMD == dapp on ETH ))

#Hush is transitioning to a #KMD assetchain, the snapshot will be tomorrow at block 500k. They're also updating their whitepaper, latest version is here: https://github.com/MyHush/hush-v3-whitepaper/raw/master/hush-v3.pdf … @MyHushTeam

KMD is a ZCASH fork. which means very audited code and safe releases.

notaried KMD assetchains/dapps:

>> No.13324186

You should look into dash.

I went from BTC to BCH to DASH and stuck there since they have the most stuff going on.

Dash code even runs the LTC ligthning nodes.

>> No.13324191

You need to go back

>> No.13324206

>he doesn‘t know about FLASH

>> No.13324209

Is KMD centralized? Lets say I wanted to host an alt-right or other questionable website/service, such as a darkmarket. Could I do so? What are the limitations?

As per those FUDing without argument, you shall be ignored, and rightly so.

>> No.13324237

there's no one company in charge.
the main dev is anonymous.
There has been talks about removing the "trusted setup" out of the Zcash base.

it really depends who you ask. some xmr fanboys would probably call it a centralized scam. but then again the xmr codebase is being updated by the same developers who call the shots and fork every 6 months to "combat assics" / ( protect their own interests as miners I would say )

There is a project on KMD called PIRATE which is a fork of KMD. it is said to be one of the most secure / private / decentralized cones there is.

So yeah, dunno


if you look at the current globe internet infrastructure. You will see that its highly centralized with big hubs and datacenters.

You can't really go around that right now unless we start doing fibre to curbs for everyone to everyone... you know... in the grand scheme. the big picture. Decentralization becomes a meme in a way. cause the infrastructure you build it on is centralized.

>> No.13324243

Well can you answer directly? If I hosted offensive content, would it be subject to removal? If so, how and by who?

>> No.13324270


>> No.13324273

here's the answer:

11:55 AM] jl777c: we dont even know all the assetchains that people have launched. we would have no way to shut any chain down
[11:55 AM] jl777c: we could however refuse to dPoW a chain, that is an extra service over and above the blockchain itself

>> No.13324288

Immediately disregarded as brainlet logic.

>> No.13324429

>being this new to crypto

dash is the definition of scamcoin my friend. do some research on its dubious beginnings.

>> No.13324440

thats all there is for dash fud

> muh it had an insta mine

lets not forget satoshi has 1 million btc. ( instamine tier?)
lets not forget that most coins have dev allocations

also, those dash were given away driving adoption and price even further.

> being this new to crypto
if you pull the instamine card on dash for a reason to blow it off as a scam you are really stupid and, probably newer to crypto than me.

>> No.13324442

See I would rather just go for ETH in that case. The power of dApps is that they are not subject to censorship. May as well use a central database in a foreign country for hosting questionable material. Same risk in terms of having your content removed.

>> No.13324453

dev allocations and instamining are not the same thing

i NEETed for a year off my gains, made (and withdrew) just over six figs during last bubble. my initial inv was $1k back in late 2016, so yeah i am pretty new but not bullshitting or fuddy dudding

>> No.13324477
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What are your HODLings, fren? What do you think of my list?

>> No.13324499
File: 45 KB, 695x194, dashforward.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you completely missed the point. Ive just asked the dev team and they can not shut down asset chains. they can only not deliver Dpow service.

pic related . dash isn't a scam and the instamine does not matter whatsoever. thats what 6 years ago, all coins got giifted away. how do you think dash got so popular? its at over 100 eur still! no other big coin has maintained value as well as dash

>> No.13324535

Refusing service is more or less the same. Unless of course Dpow service could be provided by other parties on the network, with these parties and the content creators kept anonymous.

>> No.13324554


your picks are all too new...

I'm looking for undervalued stuff. I'm looking for low marketcap, low supply, decent tech, at least a year or so old but STILL active, ideally with working examples and results. I'm looking at IPFS based coins, web 3.0 shit.

Above all though, bitcoin is king, and its easy forget this. Right now my current folio distribution does not reflect that (got caught with my pants down when BTC jumped to $5k)

My current folio:
>ARK 29.53%
>BCH 21.56%
>SHIFT 20.85%
>BTC 11.28%
>BAT 11.23%
>LTC 5.54%

>> No.13324564

Oh yeah XMR is a great pick I think, forgot to mention that. Definitely one I've been procrastinating to invest in.

>> No.13324575

>bitcoin is king
bitcoin is being strangled. its king, but I would say for another 2 cycles, btc dominacne is going down andwill keep going down.

it just doesn't work as easily and smoothly as some of the competition.

I don't pay with btc, i don't transact in btc. its shit

if I want to pay securely and fast I use Dash instant send or BCH. they have a ton of coverage

hopefully soon nano will get microtransaction coverage. Id pay with nano too

dash, nano, bch, if you actually used some of the coins you buy. you'll know which ones are great.


I have KMD as smart contract platform.
ETH died when crypto kitties fucked it up
moving to POS + sharding is centralizing.

ETH will turn into an EOS.

>> No.13324584

LTC will begin the next bull run with its halvening

>> No.13324587

Need a quantum resistant coin in the wildcards. Snowblossom maybe, maybe QRL, maybe Mochimo. Hard to say which, they all seem like shitcoins rn desu.

>> No.13324590

XMR - No. Grin - Better tech will win. One day in the future, say 2030, Grin could challenge BTC.

But there is no need to FOMO due to high inflation. I still think it is currently cheap. Accumulating before Binance launch.

>> No.13324594

Are u deluded? Didn't you see it has already run up and almost 3x its price?

>> No.13324612

I still think we are in a very very early adoption phase, even with all the press that crypto has gotten... across teh board crypto is very inaccessable to normies and simply not practical for npc culture.

i don't disagree with you though. BTC is shit. But BTC is what everyone hears... its what everyone sees. It's the ATMs popping up. It's the familiar safe bet in an unfamiliar landscape that normie wagecucks have neither the time nor inclination to research, and for that reason I think its gonna be much harder to topple than you think.

>> No.13324622

hate to break it to you, but 99% of these coins are not going to exist in 2030

>> No.13324637

have you ever thought about zooming out?

>> No.13324650

I like the idea of IPFS, and decentralized internet as a whole. Your list doesn't really strike me as anything unheard of or special however.

Anything you aren't naming? I am interested by ideas like NKN and HOLO, but execution has yet to demonstrate they can function as claimed.

POS isn't centralizing it in my opinion. How would sharding centralize it? ETH seems like the bastion of being able to host content without censorship. It may be the closest thing to web 3.0 if it can scale. HOLO is yet to prove itself. KMD is interesting, but it depends on how the dpow works whether I would consider it viable. If one can join a pirate node network, or self host without fear of censorship, I am game. But it seems like those in charge can limit accessibility by preventing the nodes from hosting content. Unless of course the nodes themselves have 100% sovereignty over what they want to host, which would bypass the issue of censorship.

>> No.13324674

Just looked through these a bit more carefully, thanks for the tip anon, it is much appreciated.

>> No.13324738

My plan is to take a pretty big risk and invest heavily into SHIFT, simply because it hits all points. disclaimer: shameless shill inbound

>low marketcap
>(currently) low volume
>still very active
>EXTREMELY low supply
>IPFS web hosting
>working product (shiftnrg website is a fully functional working example using their IPFS tech), in fact, the ONLY working product among the IPFS niche coins
>over a year old, so not vaporware scam AFAIK
>still active, updates etc.
>and at a VERY low price compared to other coins
>no real substantive competition

obviously I value innovation, otherwise I wouldn't care about IPFS, however, when it comes to newer coins like NKN and HOLO, I don't even really waste my time. Sounds lazy, and it probably is, but it has been my experience that ideas alone mean nothing (if you are like me and you are an investor, not a trader, ie. long term vs short term trading)

there have been a lot of surprises when it comes to what pops and what doesn't... I remember when ripple was like 1k sats, pennies, if that. It was that way for YEARS and then boom it popped the fuck off and why? I surely didn't get it... it was a centralized chinese scamcoin all along in my mind, not even a real cryptocurrency. But it popped. PIVX was a similar situation, no real use-case, no real purpose other than a failed shitcoin that was rebranded by a savvy comp sci student in salt lake city. The only reason is popped I think was because it was one of the first to adopt PoS. I managed to get lucky with that one, sure, but I was ignorant and new back then.

My point is that unheard of or special or innovative doesn't make or break a coin. All you're trying to do is make money at the end of the day, and you do that by finding whats undervalued and buying it hoping that other people follow suit and see the actual value in it. My aforementioned criteria is how I determine a coins actual value and if it meets or exceeds them I place my bet.

>> No.13324739

You need to research Grin, it is at Top 10 rank on Messari's 2050 MCap list. With a high inflation, it is not at $20 mn in 3 months for nothing.

Don't generalize.

As a generalization, I do agree about what you have said.

>> No.13324755

Just bought 100k.

>> No.13325898


damn anon that picture is awesome

>> No.13326802
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Replace ARK with BPT
t. Former deluded arkie. An ultra on the scene. Made Ark websites, became a delegate, pumped out loads of content for them.

>> No.13327832

Doesn't seem like it can do anything that a traditional social media website can do with a cryptocurrency add-on, tbqh senpai.

Don't forget Steem either.

>> No.13327862

*can't do

>> No.13327865

Sky will surpass ETH. Mark my words.

>> No.13327930

Your argument for this statement, anon? We know ETHs strengths and weaknesses already. What can Sky do that ETH cannot?

>> No.13328341

I tried

>> No.13328347

Unironically monitoring this thread

>> No.13328392


>> No.13328407

Everyone is missing LTC using Beam's features for mimblewimble and ETH incorporating ZCash and merging into one coin, which Buterin already said opened to the idea.

>> No.13328420

for what

>> No.13328644
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Yeah, you are missing that utility alone does not mean higher price.
ETH being used means not much.
It would be killer currency. However, skeleton's vision is cheap platform for dapps.
For such purpose eth can stay at $7 indeed. Unless it generates huge revenue and we are far from that.

Other shitcoins desperately try to find solution to a problem, like pets.com. Useless.

Deflationary currency / store of value which is agreed upon, therefore being a fiat and platform already ..That is only BTC.
Similar strategy is employed by LTC, and partly XMR.

>> No.13328655

Everyone sleeping on RLC is an absolute retard and you deserve to never make it.

>> No.13328678

Don't forget Nano, which has the greatest tech and most likely to be adopted, assuming LN doesn't come through.

Mimblewimble requires both operators be online, kind of like LN, no?

>> No.13328712

>Mimblewimble requires both operators be online, kind of like LN, no?

>> No.13328807

What’s a good price point for GRIN? Been looking at but it looks like it’s still finding its bottom

>> No.13328819

Grin is a terrible investment for at least 3 years.

>> No.13328824

Thanks, looking into this. I was always a big fan of Nano, but this may just bring me back to the blockchain side.

Curious what downsides there are to this or what arguments could be made.

>> No.13328882

I never met someone who had alt coin, I think investors just hold them to hedge there bet in case BTC goes belly up. I don't think any of them make it through next winter their value is going with the beanie babies

>> No.13328894

Juicy tidbits