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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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13321593 No.13321593 [Reply] [Original]

>can't get a job anywhere
>uncle manages to get a construction job
>work with a bunch of Chads
>constantly bullied because I'm frail and never have any stories about shagging girls

It hasn't even been a month on the job yet. I'm not gonna make it

>> No.13321597

Toughen up, pussy.

>> No.13321611

How about you start doing what you feel most? Go make those stories, its only you who stops it from happening. And hey.... Those guys work in the construction job. Think about that, this should give you enough of motivation.

>> No.13321617

They want you to quit then..
stop being a faggot and stick with it..
If you quit it's because, you are a pussy.
Dudes I have been in numerous "new" situations like this.. I make great money.. one of the best things you can do is expose yourself to ridicule...
They are probably just trying to help you.. They want to make sure you're not some soft neet faggot.

>> No.13321625

Pick out the biggest one and bash his skull in with one of your tools

>> No.13321639
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pic related is this poster... He's your everyday neet chan poster

>> No.13321642

eat more, to gain size
drink a bulking protein shake 5 scoops before work and 5 when you get home everyday
hulkmode in no time

>> No.13321647

Give them ecstasy, coke, or whatever they like you'll be the man

>> No.13321652

>notools helper whining after a month
if you do your job and don't complain, you'll eventually fit in. sounds like you're a hardcore faggot and can't/won't.

>> No.13321663


The only thing I am certain of is that I am superior to you

>> No.13321669

just b urself and tell em all about your animays and meme posting on /biz/
don't shill them crypto though or they might put you in the cement mixer when it dumps

>> No.13321678


>> No.13321713

construction will man you up and put some muscles on your bones but nowdays women don't care about the prestige of working a hard job. you are either a chad or your not and working hard wont change that.

>> No.13321795

Thanks for the feedback guys but I think I'm just going to quit on Monday

fuck everything

>> No.13321829

lol faggot
I hope you get a new job and the chads there bully you too

>> No.13321835

Just put on your best dress clothes, look them in the eye, and shake their hand.

Works every time.

>> No.13321886

They are miserable and just trying to have fun with you. I'm not even trying to insult them. They just want to make the best out of their work day and enjoy themselves a bit.

When I first started construction I was a fat fuck, my boss was an old Chad who would fuck with me every day. Then one day he said something like "anon you got big tits and a nice fat ass. I think I'd like to fuck you". I glanced over to him and said "you couldn't get past the cheeks" and the other employees started laughing so hard one almost fell off a ladder. It's just banter, everybody just wants to have a laugh. I lost 80lbs and ended up getting strong as fuck on that job.

>> No.13321919

If you do end up quitting, I hope you don't just go back to being a NEET. Keep trying to find a job and learn to be more assertive.

>> No.13322012

i feel ya, used to be on a roofing crew

>have scrawny fucking limbs
>new to roofing
>dont chew tobacco, smoke or get drunk everyday
>dont eat fast food
>crew finds out im a vegan
>nonstop harassment lol
>then they find out I'm gay and live with my boyfriend
>"so how's your boyfriend, anon?"
>really good, he sucks my dick like a little bitch everynight (could say with confidence because true)
>harassment ends there, respected for not giving a fuck

either harass them jokingly back or own up to being a faggot. Idiot worker bees are good people and you can still learn a lot from getting a long with them.

>> No.13322016

based and alphapilled

>> No.13322024

Record them drunk driving and threaten to send it to the cops

>> No.13322034
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Recently got a job as a kitchen hand, pay is good and just being reliable and hard working is unironically the best way to be comfortable with the people you work with.

>> No.13322039

this but not the clothes.

>> No.13322045
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Yep if you can handle the banter on 4chan, you can handle any kind of banter.

Just imagine your co-workers as us Anon's and let your instincts do the rest.

>> No.13322069

wish I could get into construction. can't afford trade school and I'm too old to get a student loan for it. desk jobs suck and lead to an early death

>> No.13322115

show up at a site with steel toe boots and a hard hat. Just keep checking kijiji manual labour and be ready to start in like 15 hours from when you respond.

>> No.13322117

Agree and amplify. They're most likely just having fun. It's how dudes treat their friends, we make fun of each other.

The upside to being a guy is at least we say shit to each other's faces and if you can handle it, everyone laughs. No back stabbing or drama unless you're hanging with numale onions boys.

>> No.13322144

How you react matters. I used to have coworkers that would tease me and I'd just stone wall 'em. There's no point in talking to someone who just makes you feel bad.

>> No.13322155

Working with low skill wagies will just bring you down in the long run. It's a skill, but it's very true that you end up like the people you hang around most. If you're TOO different from your coworkers, it's a recipe for burnout in the long term.

That being said, I wouldn't quit if I were you OP. There's no excuse for a young man to be physically frail. Autistic sure, but physically weak, no way. Detach yourself from the mindset that they're poking fun of you out of malice and do the best job you can while you look for something else.

>> No.13322171

>just stone wall 'em
good advice if you like being the official workplace autist
banter shouldn't be stonewalled or ignored if you actually want to socialize
the only right way to take it is to dish it back and if you're not witty enough then at least take it with a cheeky attitude, no one likes a bore like work isn't dull and boring enough by itself

>> No.13322190

buddy just start lifting and eating lots of NON-SOI protein

>> No.13322209

That's the initiation process dumbass. If you can't handle banter you will never be accepted. Just toughen up and learn the banter pussy, for once stop being autistic

>> No.13322218

If you volunteer to do the most difficult jobs immediately, you will shift the power dynamic. The crew boss' main leverage on you is getting you to do stuff you hate. If you choose to do that which everybody hates (youre there for 8 hours anyway, so doesnt matter how the time is spent) you will lessen the power the crew boss has and you will increase the love/respect from the crew because they dont have to do the thing. If theyre going to tell you to do the most difficult/dirtiest/heaviest/uncomfortable shit anyway then start doing it even before they tell you. There will be nothing more they can take from you

>> No.13322228
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>one of the best things you can do is expose yourself to ridicule
A fucking men. This is at least half the reason why this godforsaken board is occasionally valuable. A hurt box is valuable and the more you're hurting, the more you're growing. Embrace the pain and you win the game.

>> No.13322229

Dont quit bro. Use the down time you have from the job to train for the next thing. Learn a trade in the evenings for example. Waste no time. Alternatively if you're young you could consider joining the air Force or something

>> No.13322249

this is just terrible advice
it's like none of you schmucks ever had a real job
you don't simply "take" tasks from your boss and if you volunteer for the all the shitty ones they won't even second think it and it'll be the start of a very abusive work environment where you get paid the same to get stepped on because you volunteered for it and that only leaves you tired and depressed, probably quit your job after a couple of months

>> No.13322275

when you do a task everyone else would complain about it and you dont give a single fuck about it, that's the opposite of abuse. I've won respect on many crews by doing this, it shows you have a professional attitude because work is work not something to trifle over like little girls trying to be lazy. If there's something heavy as fuck that needs to be moved go pick it up and emasculate everyone. If there's dirty work to be done, do it furiously and get fucking dirtier than everyone else and don't act bothered at all.

>> No.13322337

just bee yourself

>> No.13322344

I'm a jet mechanic and earned my way to a sweet spot by doing the tough work that nobody would touch for a year. They put me in a cushy position to increase productivity in the area. It builds character.

>> No.13322346

lmao dis nigga

>> No.13322349

being built like a monkey is a plus when you climb ladders for a living

>> No.13322372

this is unironically great for you.

when I got sober my friend brought me into a group of chads and it changed my life. just don't get pissy

>> No.13322408
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I got a job at a construction site when I was 18 just taking all the trash out to the bins and by lunch time I had blisters the size of pancakes on my heels from the steelcaps, I could barely walk. I told them I had to go home and they all laughed at me. A couple days later some of them drove past me in their truck and they slowed down an laughed at me again. I wanted to cry.

>> No.13322429

what do you mean by amplify? Please respond

>> No.13322465

It's bad advice desu. It can be done when you're in a position of confidence and established respect, but more often than not you'll end up a butt monkey.

>> No.13322496

>It's how dudes treat their friends, we make fun of each other
All the friend groups I've been in that do this are full of shitty people.

>> No.13322505

enjoy being worked to death after this, hope the "love/respect" from your shitty crew was worth it

>> No.13322580

They're teaching you. Stop reacting emotionally and learn something.

>> No.13322634
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>> No.13323098

It's banter. Stop being a pussy

>> No.13323116

Just quiet up, keep to yourself, and work harder than them. Monk mode. Over time they will respect you.

Do you really want to give up on the one shot you have to make something of yourself? Be the hero of your own story.

>> No.13323118

>Be the hero of your own story.


>> No.13323122

It'll make you either lean or it'll make you fat.

>> No.13323136

Stop being a fucking bitch. Holy shit.

>> No.13323137


>> No.13323138

just quit, its not for u

>> No.13323164

that pic is total and utter delusion