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File: 102 KB, 997x622, yangers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13315369 No.13315369 [Reply] [Original]

YANG GANG 2020 edition

Before you buy anything, make a brokerage account and read investopedia articles and/or the books in the OP list. If you don't have a broker, you can't buy stocks and if you blindly buy things without understanding how the stock market works or doing any research on the individual stocks you're buying, you will lose money and it will be entirely your fault.

List of popular brokers:
https://pastebin.com/mrSchZPg (embed) (embed)

List of basic stock market terminology for newfags:
https://pastebin.com/VtnpN5iJ (embed) (embed)

Real-time market news:

Educational sites:

Free in depth technical analysis charts:

Premarket Data:

Earnings Report Calendars:

Pump and Dump Advertising:

Boomer Investing 101

Suggested books:

On the last Episode of /SMG/:

>> No.13315405

Will Yang make anime real?

>> No.13315411



>> No.13315414

>trusting a chink

>> No.13315421

Yang is an anime character.

>> No.13315426

>injure foot weightlifting
>go to ER to make sure I’m not doing any permanent damage
>dr. Keeps pressuring me to get an x-ray
>logic is “that way, if it still hurts 2 weeks from now, you’ll know why”
>keeps pressuring me because it’s a really good time to get an x-ray, there’s very little wait
>$150 copay


>> No.13315428
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Hello frens. Tell me, how often are stock shills right? I doubt they have others best interest in mind. Yet I have seen a few that turned out to be right.

>> No.13315441
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>> No.13315463

Lolol Doctors are a fraud. He knew there was nothing wrong with you. They teach this in med school.

>> No.13315490
File: 93 KB, 648x420, h_and_s.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where my $CI boys at? I bought 7 calls for $987 @$170 ending 5/3. If $UNH reports decent earnings on 4/16, we'll see a decent bump in the healthcare sector. $CI reports on 5/3. We're at a near low from the last two years. If $UNH and $CI are decent earnings then we've got a moon mission. For you TA fags, we're looking like an inverted h/s. This shit is a gamble, but you don't make solid money without risk.

>> No.13315521

>They teach this in med school.
>Actually believing this
No. This isn't a medschool thing. This is a hospital policy thing. Just a way to increase revenue because hospital is a private corporation.

So much unnecessary medical screening in this country because they can get insurance to pay for it, which ends up raising the price of insurance so it fucks over the public at large.

Single payer would unironically fix so much inefficiency in the American healthcare system, which is why it will never happen, and why all the medical lobbyists and health organizations will rally against it.

I still can't believe I had to pay that much just to wait around. I thought it would be good for peace of mind at the very least but after waiting and waiting... to then have to pay $150.


>> No.13315531

You'll definitely be getting shilled to less talking about stocks here. Only a few of us autists deal in stocks. On the flip side, 4chan is a pretty notable aggregator of crypto news. No amount of shilling here will alter the market.

>> No.13315541
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You are cordially invited to baghold MYOS and QBAK with me, bros. Fuilt Tord Bough edition.

>> No.13315559

A little moisturizer before things get that bad have really helped me. Once the skin starts cracking that bad in winter, it takes a lot longer to fix.

>> No.13315562

I was reading somewhere (Business Insider?) that 2/3 of buys of AAPL were from AAPL itself over the last couple of months, which makes sense because the price is up 30% even though sentiment has barely changed. Sold right after reading that ($199.60), and it's been even or down since.

>> No.13315601
File: 126 KB, 1125x2436, 0_ekpwtmlxhur21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone wanna go to Disney World with me? All expenses covered!

>> No.13315625

Nice larp, redditfag https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/bcec2c/im_going_to_disney_world/

>> No.13315653

>going to Florida voluntarily
Why not Tokyo Disney or something?

Heh heh gottem

>> No.13315680

Lol bunch of reddit fags

>> No.13315719

Get a job, asshole. Midwest has dirt cheap living and high (for the area) paying manual labor jobs. If you got a retarded degree and are in debt for that, I can't help you.

>> No.13315742

And I'm not fucking around when I say midwest is the tits. I've got a job lined up with 20k more than I'm making now, on the east coast. I'll be blowing most of that on the cost living.

>> No.13315814

Need the market to stay calm Monday morning so I can buy calls on VXXB

>> No.13315839
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Are all of you guys traders or are there some buy and hold style investors here too?

t. buy and hold guy

>> No.13315842

>retarded degree
Even worse, no degree at all!

Currently studying for a medical technologist job, took a break from wage slaving, hoping to start an actual career.

>> No.13315932

LPTX poster plz post positions. I want to chronicle your ascension.

>> No.13315955

add this link:

Very useful for forex traders

>> No.13316018

>Even worse, no degree at all!

In my experience, only top tier students end up with decent jobs. The other 95% mind as well have joined the air force or some shit. They'd be better off for it. Hindsight is 20/20 though.

>> No.13316239

Yang is an anime character who dies in the beginning of a series with no significance to the story line and his fans die poor in real life.

>> No.13316540
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This is mine #rip

>> No.13316778
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>wake up this morning
>check stocks
>It's satuday

Why is this allowed

>> No.13317179

dead thread

>> No.13317396

This is why we need to destroy the insurance industry

>> No.13317470
File: 239 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20190110-150427_Robinhood.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hope ya'll still holding REFR


>> No.13317499

This is true. Fuck all yang gang and fuck weebs and niggers.

>> No.13317567
File: 45 KB, 700x467, 11-andrew-yang-hologram.w700.h467.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no, he's already dead. only his hologram survives.

>> No.13317720

can i tell you i absolutely loathe euros for how they use commas and decimals points for numbers

>> No.13317760

I have 1350 shares. Did I just make it?

>> No.13317770

Euro here. You're right. I find it despicable myself too.

>> No.13317841

do some of you brainlets actually believe people are going to unironically vote for a chinaman?

>> No.13317861

At least you have health insurance.. I can't even go to the doctor..

>> No.13317909
File: 61 KB, 882x287, my_LPTX_bags.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are we posting our LPTX bags? Here's mine. Who here /HODLingforamoonmission/?

>> No.13317935


Holding 50,000+ strong

No, not yet. This is 2 year hold

>> No.13317959

I don't see why not
A reasonably friendly chinaman could easily be electable.
The traits that (I think) would help them:
somewhat athletic
America-first attitude (doesn't have to be as constantly talking about it as Trump, but something on their record)

best would obviously be a half asian veteran.
female asian / half-asian would be electable too
you have to look at how unreasonably garbage the current crop of top Dem& Repub leaders are.
Imagine a reasonably young Asian filling the ACO role, but instead of being demanding, out-of-touch, and trying to come out guns blazing, they just smile mostly and do simple things that people approve of. That's all you need.

>> No.13318175
File: 146 KB, 1018x1074, leapin2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Who here /HODLingforamoonmission/?
300 shares deep and plan to accumulate as much as I can before the liftoff to $18.
Or $20
Or $50.

>> No.13318209
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Does it have a future or us it done for

>> No.13318221
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let me guess.. you're under the age of 23 and think you know everything about politics and economics?

>> No.13318366


>> No.13318384

What do they do?

>> No.13318527
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>he still doesn’t own Ferrari stock

>> No.13318657


>> No.13318701

>markets will be closed for Good Friday
4 day trading week

You think his ethnicity is what make him unelectable?

The real problem is: he’s not an out-of-touch, entitled boomer.

>> No.13318723
File: 143 KB, 810x956, Screenshot_20190413-133422.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he didn't buy Disney stock

>> No.13318739

Of course they do. They're just easy to bully right now but every time the angry investor boomer of the week has their way yelling at them, they have gone back up.

I stocked up on the dip at 9.30.

>> No.13318800

>holding LPTX and AAPL through Schwab
Based and basedbased

>> No.13318956
File: 41 KB, 500x375, are_you_frustrated.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Andrew Yang is Siegfried Kircheis?

>> No.13318960

It will be either Trump again or Biden. Thin possibility of that Buttigieg guy

The rest aren't serious contenders as the market and people's retirement would be in jeopardy from candidates that are financially and economically illiterate. When you can ask Bernie and Pocahontas and the rest how they are going to pay for their changes and they appeal to fantasy or don't answer at all then they will be torn apart by Trump. It requires a doomsday mindset to think the batshit insane progressives have any chance. A recession before the election would make their chances even less likely, not more.

>> No.13318998

You read the new medicare for all act its very specific on what revenues it will raise. Progressive taxes on workers starting at about 30,000 incomes and on businesses starting at like 1 million revenues. It's very similar to employer based insurance plans, except you don't have to worry about loosing it when you change jobs or become unemployed.

>> No.13319063

We need to get Yang elected period.

>> No.13319116

Fuck off.

>> No.13319129

>Jim Cramer could be the cofounder and chairman of TheStreet.com and hosts Crazy cash. ...
>Crazy cash contains various sections like Crazy Post, Am I Diversified, Crazy Bull Disease, Outrage of the day, Marshmallows, Sell Block, Off the Charts, Execution Choice, Game Plan, Lightning Round.

Not gonna happen mate. He's too much of an unknown for the establishment to feel comfortable with him, because he might do something unpredictable.

The Dem/Rep two party system is going to strangle this country to death.

>> No.13319165
File: 1.49 MB, 1961x3000, (C95)[アイクソール]アイクソール_2018Winter_08.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A good plurality of Americans are already on government healthcare and a good amount can afford normal healthcare. I'm not sure why people think America's healthcare system is Somalia-tier when the State is already heavily involved.

I think social issues will be at the forefront of everyone's minds this election, even if the politicians trying to get elected want to stay away from the most extreme species of idpol.

>> No.13319191
File: 34 KB, 640x360, 45048-1532336916.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

people pay too much attention to politics, it's mostly just scam to for newspapers to get viewership. for example president sits only 4 years that is so little time there is only chance for minor minor things to change. it really does not matter who is in charge things will develop at their own weight anyways

>> No.13319217
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>passive politics
This is a Luddite thing to say.

Politics is extremely agenda-based and purposeful. Maybe broader trends can come about organically from smaller happenings, but as a whole, it's very purposeful.

>> No.13319242

>politics is extremely agenda-based and purposef

disagree the changes are always minor everyone is speaking of and periods in charge so short there is no possibility anything to happen

>> No.13319261
File: 6 KB, 356x480, 1504124895801.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Scratch that.

You're an idiot and shill.

>> No.13319264

just n example everyone was orgamis about obamas win, but actually he did not change anything. if anything he did exactly what bush did before him, middle east etc. 100% same politics. all people were scammed for "NEEEWW HOPE!" :D same with trump, nothing changed and changes and people were ORGASSSMIC when we won

>> No.13319278

no your been bought into politics scam too much, go back to pol. we trade here for our own good, politics will never help your life you have to help yourself :)

>> No.13319331

I am still origami about letting kids stay on their parents health insurance plans later and insurance companies not being allowed to discriminate based on preexisting conditions.

I think the rest of the country is too, otherwise trump would have successfully repealed it.

The whole checks and balances thing is set up to make sure govt can’t act quickly, because that would threaten muh freedoms.

>> No.13319485
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>tfw hoping my biotechs moon before election season tanks them down for years

Anybody else ktf

>> No.13319515

I think both of those things are fine things too. My biggest problem with it all was that they punished you for not having health care. I think there's something good there, but people need to stop being afraid of not getting their way - either repeal or full on health insurance for everyone fags need to chill out and stop trying to sabotage the other side at every turn.

>> No.13319522

I know what it claims to do. Even Bloomberg said it would bankrupt us for a long time. All Trump will have to do is explain the cons that Dems leave out and he crushes them.

>> No.13319649
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>> No.13319674


Tell me what are your 'techs and I'll tell you what your chances are.

>> No.13319702

> Even Bloomberg

Anyways, every single cost analysis acknowledges that it costs less compared to what americans are paying now. All Sanders will have to do is ask Trump where America is getting the extra 3 trillion dollars to pay for private health insurance.This is why apples to apples comparisons are important.

>> No.13319746

Laugh away. When you make fantasy numbers and play pretend that his proposals will pay for it all and get called on it, you get to watch your candidate lose. Look up public sentiment when told taxes raise and waits are longer. And yes, taxes will have to skyrocket for everyone to pay for it.

I mention Bloomberg because he's a relatively sane Democrat.

>> No.13319808

Bloomberg is a technocratic billionaire who's clinton tier neoliberalism is as inept as it is stupid.

These "fantasy numbers" are all straight out of right wing think tanks that confirm the savings of literally trillions of dollars. Medicare for all will eliminate health insurance premiums, and polling has confirmed people are willing to pay more in taxes so long as they know the rich are paying more.

>> No.13319877
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Realistic golden bull here
We're in for a large wave of volitility soon. Buy calls on VXXB and use your gains to buy food stocks like PEP and GIS.
When the crash finally happens in three years, FALN will crash to the point it yields 10% or more. Sell your food stocks to buy the dip. Junk bonds recover the fastest in a crash.
Do it.

>> No.13319935


Good luck not raising taxes or creating longer waits when we already have a doctor shortage. But I'm sure everyone pointing out the fatal flaws is a right wing think tank. You're handing the nomination to the centrist Dems or Trump on a silver platter by being unrealistic.

>> No.13319960
File: 8 KB, 246x250, 1555102508764s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm applying for a Webull account and it wants me to send a PICTURE of my SSN card.... to it's "clearing firm"
I'm not so sure about this. Are these apps just a scam?

>> No.13319990
File: 109 KB, 235x191, 1427260658243.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Support increased when people were told “Medicare-for-all” would guarantee health insurance as a right (71 percent) and eliminate premiums and reduce out-of-pocket costs (67 percent).

But if they were told that a government-run system could lead to delays in getting care or higher taxes, support plunged to 26 percent and 37 percent, respectively. Support fell to 32 percent if it would threaten the current Medicare program.

>Several independent studies have estimated that government spending on health care would increase dramatically, in the range of about $25 trillion to $35 trillion or more over a 10-year period. But a recent estimate from the Political Economy Research Institute at the University of Massachusetts in Amherst suggests that it could be much lower. With significant cost savings, the government would need to raise about $1.1 trillion from new revenue sources in the first year of the new program.

>Indeed, the poll found that many people are still unaware of some of the basic implications of a national health plan.

For example, most working-age people currently covered by an employer (55 percent) said they would be able to keep their current plan under a government-run system, while 37 percent correctly answered that they would not.
Yep, the people that support it don't even know that it costs them anything. Or that they lose choices.

Candy, Spice, and all things nice. Until they learn how it works and that they do have to pay for it. And then its dead in its infancy and so is the Dem nomination.

>> No.13320021
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Switching IPs
Look at this chart of the VIX index, not a VIX traded product. We're in for waves lads, the golden bull will have fake outs to rek the small specs
It's obviously hard to guess when the next wave will hit, so be patient
I'm ready lads
All brokerages require your SSN, this isn't a crypto exchange

>> No.13320022

You mean the dems are gonna strangle the country to death? The Republican establishment already lost, otherwise Jeb Bush would be president right now.

>> No.13320028
File: 145 KB, 1806x854, BRUHH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot the chart with a kot

>> No.13320127
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I do not care about anything other than the absolute state of this market.
Get on the VIX train Monday @ open or be crushed you dumb niggers

>> No.13320165

You'd have a lot more doctors if becoming a doctor didn't land you in lifelong debt slavery. This is why Cuba actually pays people to train as doctors.

Everything is framing. You tell people they'll pay lower premiums and get better coverage, they'll be on board, which is literally what will happen.

>> No.13320169

the yang gang OP was a mistake

>> No.13320172

ADMA, LPTX, and I'm waiting for another entry into NVTA since I sold at 25.30

>> No.13320182
File: 85 KB, 754x1158, 1550266202856.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i thought everyone would know it was just a meme because of the anime boobies
I forgot communists and /pol/ ruin everything, sorry

>> No.13320183

Vix is going to 9 to decay everyones vixetfs first

>> No.13320199
File: 27 KB, 296x340, 1555150233534.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's okay, the thread will be over *soon* then we can do a non political topic.

>> No.13320217
File: 2.78 MB, 963x1602, smg the absolute state.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's some OC to repay my debt to the general, from an image I grabbed here the other week

>> No.13320235
File: 2.49 MB, 1920x1211, 1505701313605.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

automation replacing jobs super speed nao so ofcourse socialism will gain vote, middle class pratcitally vanished in short time. over 90% of all jobs created are part time gig jobs etc. this all good if you keep border controls etc. living standard increasing trendemously with technology and maybe if lucky in 30 years working seen very rare

>> No.13320236

You should read the article. That is literally not what will happen. When they are told all the details they balk at it, just like Vermont.

>> No.13320242
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You may be right ratsu. VIX hasn't hit 9 since before the VIX apocalypse last year though, isn't that a little low?
I'll try again with lude cirnos

>> No.13320265
File: 27 KB, 304x593, 1554677161563.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lude cirnos

>> No.13320277

can't wait until you claim to be hosting a movie for movie night again and then don't actually play anything for the 900th time in a row

>> No.13320285

Actually on the note of NVTA if this shit dips back into the 25s on Monday then I highly suggest you get in on it. It even survived the BERN and has done nothing but continue to rise. Honestly I regret being spooked on it being over sold and I think there's some real potential in this one.

>> No.13320293
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>pic related
Feel free to play your own movie night

>> No.13320299

Sundown has replaced you as the official movie night host

>> No.13320302
File: 143 KB, 1150x1266, 1515619953716.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's fine, I've been really busy with irl stuff lately

>> No.13320305
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these are the actual results from the poll they are citing. All the statements, with the exception of hurting actual medicare, are true. As I said, it's all about framing.

>> No.13320324

>communists on /biz/
y tho?

>> No.13320330

double down on lyft puts every time it pops up. It will immediately get shorted any time Uber IPO news leaks out.
If Uber IPO's at 72, lyft will immediately drop to 20.

>> No.13320336
File: 16 KB, 481x280, 1545849427672.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13320337

You are ignoring what you don't want to hear Gommie. 'Framing' is rhetoric. When you bullshit people they do tend to think favorably. When someone else tells them it does have a cost, the additional information tanks the favorability.

You are going to be preaching to your choir while the center left, center right, and far right reject it.

>> No.13320350
File: 121 KB, 1797x753, 313.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can never tell if you're memeing ratsu. The lowest vix ever got pre-VIX death was around 9.13. It hasn't hit below 10 since after the XIV liquidation

>> No.13320360
File: 3.88 MB, 2916x1844, Screen Shot 2019-04-02 at 10.43.30 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're not REAL communists. Real communism has never been tried because there are no real communists.

Part of the Cirnocalypse that marked the end of Uboachan. Don't do it.
More anniemay tiddies, less 2hu and shipgirls

>Talking shit on Bloomberg while I listen to his personal radio station to hear about next week's earning reports
Stay frosty

>Lyft at 20
Oh fuck I'm getting hard just thinking about it. IPO's seem too difficult to me, but pinterest is very close to being able to turn a profit, hits the big spender demo in the US hard, and hasn't spread much overseas yet.

>> No.13320376
File: 2.99 MB, 1984x1361, 1492359351714.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

problem in usa medicare higher cost than other western world is that doctors need insurances against patients, which are super costly. in europe most employers provide private health care insurance, some countries even require employers that, and then public health care might switch and pay you to go private health care provider if lines are too long for public side

>> No.13320379

My boss asked me to drop out of school and partner with him but I hate my job.
I'm gonna take my life savings and put a strangle on SPY next week. If I lose it all I'll do it. YOLO
>IPO's seem too difficult to me, but pinterest is very close to being able to turn a profit,
I like pinterest as a website and it is a great vector into millenials but its got the fundamental issue youtube had originally of generating revenue from large amounts of stolen content

>> No.13320387

it didnt hit 9 because Powell was against fed shorting the vix when he entered but now we're doves again

>> No.13320406

This type of content is still all over youtube, facebook, insta, and twitter. All over social media, and everyone seems to be fine?

I keep forgetting that I'll want to buy twitter into the next election season... better put it on my watchlist. Easier than figuring out which dudeweed to get in.

>> No.13320408

thank you for making sure there won't be a VIX spike next week

>> No.13320419
File: 43 KB, 757x305, precise methodology.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here, I brought up the precise methodology. The order was randomized. Some people heard the arguments that it would raise taxes and still said they'd be for it once they heard it would provide healthcare as a right.

>They're not REAL communists. Real communism has never been tried because there are no real communists.
No, pretty much all the self proclaimed communists of the 20th century were communists. But communism isn't brought about by communists, nor does it require them.

Better bantz, plus investing is a way to allow me to test my predictions about the nature of capitalism.

>> No.13320434
File: 638 KB, 2000x3070, bc04fc97ee31253c06e120707310e9e7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>strangle on SPY

at ath :P

>> No.13320455


What other sites do you go on for trading talk?

>> No.13320463


Are you buying calls on the VIX?

>> No.13320471

I'm buying shares of KHC this week before moving to GIS. Instead of buying a lottery ticket like I do on weekends and buy OTM SPY calls
Probably not yet, Ratsu says 9 but I might wait till 10

>> No.13320472

Do you know what a strangle is?

>> No.13320481

Yeah I know they require your ssn, but these guys want a picture of the card, which makes me very uncomfortable

>> No.13320488

Why you stupid boomer, are they going to print it off and buy drugs with it?

>> No.13320498

I think my death zone is the 289-291 range, smacking 288s or 292s probably shouldn’t spike vix

>> No.13320508

The absolute state of American healthcare

>> No.13320546

Earnings season bearish means that sell offs from smart money happen 1-2 weeks prior, simultaneous pre-earnings selloffs will drop the S&P

>> No.13320557
File: 123 KB, 208x249, sx.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

youre buying GIS NOW? next time buy the dip god dammit
current new food buys: Bunge, FIZZ, Kellogg, dean
although dean and Kellogg arent very good, deans having lots of oversold swings

also we watching Air Bud tonight??

>> No.13320626

What evidence for recovery of FIZZ?
good numbers on la croix?
Seems fad is fading

>> No.13320629

never traded options t b h have access to better vehicles :O

>> No.13320631

Ferrari is king, probably the only italian stock, together with campari, that doesn't seem a rollercoaster. It's 25% of my portfolio right now

>> No.13320657

theres no evidence they just pissed off wall street with their words and the sell off doesnt match the financial strength even with weaker guidance
soooooo its worth placing a buy. Im in at 52.90

>> No.13320674


I'm considering buying Ferrari before exdiv and keep it for div and sell later but I don't know... Never see people talking about it here.

>> No.13320714

I'm 22 bruh. And yes now the pic of my card is in the hands of some shady clearing agency on some database for the world to see. I don't think a pic of my card is even out there so why start now?

>> No.13320740

Then fuck off and use a different app

>> No.13320745

Maybe, I'm not sure on movie night yet

>> No.13320790
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>> No.13320818

Someone should due the math and see if 1000 a week on .1 dollar strangles will inevitably be profitable because of volatility spikes.
I mean SPY would only need to spike 5-7ish pts in either direction from Monday a minimum of 1.2.days the entire trading year for you to break even. Has there ever been a year in the history of the NYSE exchange where that hasn’t happened?

>> No.13320824

I guess the equation is complicated by implied volatility.

>> No.13320849

It’d be better if you took every huge price drop in the last 10 years and compared the returns to 500 x whatever option was trading at 0.1 the previous trading day and checked if that were > than 520,000

But you gotta pay a shitload for historical options data that far back

>> No.13320869

Drop or spike *

>> No.13320972
File: 180 KB, 720x1024, Air Bud poster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>are we watching Air Bud tonight??
We certainly are! Torrented and uploaded to google drive successfully, confirmed working on cytube. 9:00 pm MTN (Chad) Time, 11:00 pm EST

>> No.13321006

:D:D:D:D I'll be there!

>> No.13321053

Real airbud has never been tried.

We should watch Network. That is a real movie that pertains to our mutual interests.

>> No.13321066

The day we hit the ATH how far are we gonna fall just from algos, bagholders, and historical/common sense traders all selling at the same time?

>> No.13321067

SO. We now that biotech is getting pummeled as a sector, it seems like it’ll be a good time for M&A. AbbVie desperately needs to make an acquisition.

Who are the likely suspects for ABBV to acquire?

Are there any rumors, and meetings, and insider buying that we should be paying attention to?

What do you think ABBV would require from a company to make them a good target for acquisition?

>> No.13321111

I'm sure that people said that after the dot com bubble burst too.
Biotechs are the definition of a bubble. 50-90% of any given small cap's MC is traders and baggies. Once people don't see the profitability in buying they won't.
Hold off until waters clear up.
Lose all your money trading options like me.

>> No.13321119

But people who use Robinhood say this is true for them too. I'm wondering if anyone has gotten around it somehow (the PIC, not the number itself since you're probably too dumb to understand the difference)

>> No.13321133
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Imagine being this paranoid

>> No.13321136

He is teh gay Trump!

>> No.13321147

Stop trying to rust my iron hands...
Altria and the cancer fighting techs can’t both be going down while the broader market goes up. It’s literally improbable.

>> No.13321149

For what its worth, i have accounts with robinhood and tasyworks and I haven't had to do the pic thing with either of them. never used webull though

>> No.13321154


>> No.13321163

Actually scratch SPY strangles. Strangle/straddling AAPL seems like a sure thing.
Qualcomm dispute in courts Monday, earnings approaching, China phone uptick, bearish analyst hitjobs. Idk where she's heading but she's heading somewhere.

>> No.13321173

Great movies. Airbud is so clown world and so sad.

>> No.13321198

Cancer fighting tech companies are, according to market logic, valueless because of negative EPS. They're only worth as much as somebody thinks they will be... kinda like the dotcoms were...

>> No.13321209

>it’s going up... or down.
How do I double inverse iron condor?

>> No.13321303

It's called a strangle or a straddle. .. context clues game week bro, you'll never make it.

>> No.13321308

N-no. My Leap and Verastem bags are definitely NOT expired lottery tickets.

>> No.13321350

Thank you! I'll detain and question Webull about it this week

>> No.13321362

How high could sqqq go in the next recession?

>> No.13321409
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>> No.13321414


>They're only worth as much as somebody thinks they will be

Doesn't that go for everything though? Stocks in general, fiat, heck, even real estate.

>> No.13321419

Biotech dip or crash. too early to tell

>> No.13321454

Not really. I mean other companies have assets that can be assigned a dollar value and sold off to cover outstanding shares. Biotech has the potential to be just billions of dollars in overpriced and useless chemical concoctions.

That's why biopharma trading under asset value was relatively unaffected, like REPH or ESPR (actually I'm not entirely sure if ESPR is undervalue, I only did slight DD on that one).

>> No.13321483


positively based

>> No.13321493

I fucking have to have my fucking check out to the IRS postmarked by fucking Tuesday because entitled unionized fucking assholes need a fucking hand out. Screw you guys, I'm going to Mexico.

>> No.13321519

Look for a near term rise to the $20s; we got there last December no problem. When shit really hits the fan we are looking at $100+

>> No.13321553


good riddance

>> No.13321580

Trading is like a handout in itself.... Making money shouldn't be this easy anyway, and you're participating in the same corrupt system that feeds their greed by doing so

>> No.13321619

>trading is easy
lmao I've never experienced this much stress in my entire life. Wagecucking restaurant biz 15 hours a day 6 days a week was more fun.
I get like 3 hours of sleep a day during the week because Im watching the Nikkei.

>> No.13321626

>you're participating in the same corrupt system that feeds their greed
hey I was given this world I didn't make it

>> No.13321640

Unless you’re trading the Nikkei, what’s the point?

Just wake up 1-2 hours before opening and check out how it did then.

Related: what alerts are helpful? If you could set alerts for news events, chart events, %drops or rises, insider trading, options activity, etc. what would you want to know about (day or night)?

>> No.13321697

I like looking to see if nikkei lines up with futures. Futures sometimes follows the nikkei really closely if things were slow yesterday or if there's no market news the following day.
I get obsessed trying to plan my strategy around it but by the time opening bell comes I panic and immediately divert from my strategy (which ofc always turns out to be correct). Gotta get outta this rut.
>Related: what alerts are helpful?
Yahoo finance usually does a good job of summarizing market catalysts for the day.
Analyst downgrades are probably the only useful alerts, because you can usually get out 3/4 of the way from the bottom of the selloff, then buy back at bottom. Everything else is too late. That's why I'm staring at charts and tickers for 9 hours a day.

>> No.13321705

Bruh you need to get a life

>> No.13321726

Yeah but how? Adults don't make friends easily. And I can't call up my highschool friends after all these years and try to reconnect until I've made my first mill.

>> No.13321739

you sound more ignorant than any fucking nigger i've ever met

>> No.13321742
File: 11 KB, 128x106, 1552600605890.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he's trying to walletmaxx
Walletmaxxing is a lonely incel cope. You can do things now even if you're poor
Read a book, take up running, join a painting class
It's almost like you have to go out in social situations to meet people instead of sitting in your basement

>> No.13321774

>Love running and lifting
>Break my toe
I think I'm just going to have to fast and study and be miserable for the next month or so.

Maybe pick up a musical instrument or foreign language. tbhdesu I feel less motivated than ever right now.

For the first time in my life I just want money. This be me:

>> No.13321778

i woke up at six, lost power at 8, went to a funeral, wiped the ass my own uncle and clean up his literal shit, drank enough alcohol to kill an average human being, still managed to make a crowd of teary eyed people laugh from their heart, and just said you know what fuck this i'm going on vacation... and when I get back I better feel better.

>> No.13321805

Relax its a joke. I don't want to call up my old friends because I have none.
Also I run 10 miles a day and gave up art years ago because it makes me too competitive. I read a book a week at the least. I'm relatively friendly and sociable, but nothing ever seems to arrive from it.
Besides, I don't want to be too heavy, making friends with someone who has zero other friends can be unnerving. I don't feel like anyone will gain anything from being my friend so I don't want to add a net negative impact to their lives. I add absolutely nothing to society and don't want to burden it any more than it already is, even if that makes me borderline suicidal.

>> No.13321814

Some times I think of how lucky it must be for those who fucking just overdose and never fucking breath again, but reminded in the eyes of the survivors who fucking have to still exist and get through it because we are the ones who say fuck you, I'll take the curse and be damn sure to see you die first. Call it a fucking curse, the ones who go first don't fucking deal with. Oh yeah and I want to say fuck jannies, niggers and basically anybody who honestly wants to be a democrat or socialist.

>> No.13321823

When were you diagnosed with an insane lying disorder

>> No.13321830

We will all suicide after we've made it, some day. No worries friend

>> No.13321833

>>Break my toe
Dude my toenail died and completely fell off last year and now it grows all weird. Its like 10 times as thick as regular toenail and curves like I'm some kind of velociraptor .

>> No.13321842

wow, you run 10 miles a day because of your own denial and self coping mechanisms, and haven't figured it out yet? what the fuck do you even do while you're running, fucking just chant left right left and how many steps it has been since you fucking last thought about it?

>> No.13321844
File: 301 KB, 520x678, 1553722200369.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You gonna get that checked?

>> No.13321846

fasting doesn't have to be miserable anon. Just have one meal a day and make it your favorite meal.

>> No.13321853

Running and reading books is not difficult. Evolution made it so that as long as we keep pace we can run indefinitely.
Reading is just a habit. When I was a hikkimori NEET I'd just read for 15 hours and average like a novel a day. Nonfiction is the ideal but I'm only human.

>> No.13321873

Running/exercise in general is a form of self-hate for me, of course I know this. I started when I was fat as shit and would stare at a clock and count on the treadmill until I reached 1-2 hours.
Pretty cool how you totally nailed my physiological profile.

>> No.13321888

Fasting is super easy on keto. You don't get hungry at all even though you're fucking starving to death.
OMAD is kinda retarded since the body can only effectively utilize 20-35 grams of protein every 4 hours. 100-120 grams is wasted.

>> No.13321889

you should kill the new one too if it's that fucked up, maybe the 3rd one will look better than the first two, you'll never know unless you find out. :D <3 <;-)

>> No.13321904

I used to hate exercise too anon, but after a couple years of heavy workouts I grew to enjoy it. It's all about getting your body to start producing endorphins.

If you're looking to improve yourself, it comes down to learning new skills like writing, drawing, statistical modeling or reading theory.

>> No.13321912

>You don't get hungry at all even though you're fucking starving to death.
i've seen it, even the biggest whores i've ever been with couldn't effectively use all the protien i produced all in and over them.

>> No.13321917
File: 30 KB, 400x400, 8908222.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


like yeah world so corrupt and we just feeding system kekies
me am mad of hell and no gonna take it ne more >:D !!!!

>> No.13321930

I don't really hate it, its kinda the only way my brain releases endorphin . I miss it when I was out of shape and would run for 10 minutes and spend the next 10 panting like a dog. I don't breathe heavily doing anything besides HIIT anymore.

>> No.13321936

you expect me to watch this shit? fuck that im going to watch 10 hours s&m non man on man pornography instead and pretend i watched your nigger dog play nigger ball

>> No.13321942

Are you LPTXanon?

The whole concept of "protein limit" is based on shakey/bunk science. We can't say that your body just turns it into fat.

>You don't get hungry at all even though you're fucking starving to death
>starving to death
No. You're not "starving"
You're starving when your insulin is high so your body can't access its fat stores and has to break down muscle.

Fasting is deep ketosis, without meme macros.

>> No.13321962

>RKG has good taste in movies
RKG! Step on my testicles and spend all my money on risky options!
Use my accounts to max out my margin on SPY puts RKG!

TA all my holdings and tell me why I’m losing money RKG!!

>> No.13321968

how do you fast without burning muscles then? eat fat?

>> No.13321973

r9k guy doesn't want to put you in pain, he wants to witness some one murder you and then eat your fucking body so he can consume your being

>> No.13321981

When I did keto I was at like 900 calories a day (well bellow my BMR) while running 5 miles on top of that and not getting any hunger pangs at all. Unless I'm a physicist's wet dream I doubt I was somehow creating energy from nothing.

>> No.13321986

fuck market's closed on friday because of pass over isn't it... fucking kikes take our checks waste no time to cash them, then hand us a short trading week on top. fuck it here's to fiscal year 2019 frens

>> No.13321997

I just did this recently. BCAAs and glutamine with every meal.
But all fasting will result in some muscle loss. Thats why body builders bulk and cut over long periods of time.

>> No.13322007

SPY gets back to back options expirey days though.

>> No.13322011

>doesn’t know what Good Friday is
Sort of. Because of Jesus’s last Passover before his big t-pose reveal.

>> No.13322036

you know jesus sounds great, fucking kid's mother gets raped and lies about so get gets the bright idea to hyjack an alcoholic's boat to change the lives of countless fucking clueless followers because he was murdered by people who were tired of his bull shit?

>> No.13322037

The past 3 years the day before good friday has been red

>> No.13322044

lmao nah joseph got cucked hard.

>> No.13322054

I got in @ 7.53 and I'm still holding

Tusa can get fucked

>> No.13322057

You'll pay for this in the afterlife

>> No.13322068
File: 56 KB, 720x720, 1435802736441.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

TaxAct imports Apex 1099-B but doesn't import Robinhood Clearing 1099-B and doesn't provide csv and can't import data and have to enter every single motherfucking thing AAAAAAAAAAAGHHHHHHHHHH

>> No.13322078

Lost half my portfolio because I didn’t sell my options the day before they went to shit.

Must just go all in microsoft calls fuck it why not

>> No.13322085

nah, man this jesus guy is all omnipotent and forgiving, he doesn't give a fuck and everybody gets a free pass no matter what they believe say or do. even those bastards ted bundy and adolf hitler get too go to heaven with all of us

>> No.13322097
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You'll pay for that too

>> No.13322105

Because its at the ath and some bad news could kill it.
A Netflix Disney double strangle earnings play could work good this weak.
Super good netflix ER will hurt disney, super bad ER will tank Netflix and explode disney.

>> No.13322109

Also are you me? I averaged into a small profit until Trump and Bernie tagteam fucked me.

>> No.13322152

is it time for movie night yet? I need the link

>> No.13322189
File: 54 KB, 720x736, 1519292295156.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did it manually. Downloaded the csv from Schwab and copy+pasted hundreds of values. Took me over five hours, but I saved a few shekels by not using automatic import. The money I saved was NOT WORTH IT, by the way. No way I'm doing it manually next year. Hell no.

>> No.13322194
File: 3.89 MB, 241x328, 1549310611218.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dancing anime girl gif that I saved but will never use because it doesn't suit my personality

>> No.13322207

Feel like that's the kind of thing you could right a script for.

>> No.13322216
File: 30 KB, 500x500, QpD7fqB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are you guys not trading crypto? *dabs*

>> No.13322239

You know, my boss said the same thing to me. To paraphrase: "if you find yourself doing the same thing over and over, there's probably a way to do it with some code".

Entering all those dates and costs, making sure I entered the wash sale adjustments, it was all so time consuming.

>> No.13322273

i got bitcoins and all of them shit coins, except link, i only trust shit i can buy from non-ghandi mart exchanges

>> No.13322282

yo if link manages to btfo ripples, bat, and eos, well fuck it, well played biz i didn't fucking buy any *dabs*

>> No.13322284

Wait what?
I just started using RH this year, assuming it'd be as easy to file as schwab makes it.

Fuck that might be the last straw. Do I still have to figure out every transaction for the IRS if I only lost moneys?

>> No.13322311
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>> No.13322330

The market has been hammering LB lately
I talked to my zoomer sister and her friends and they all still like victoria secret. It may not be as hip as LULU or some AEO, but victoria secret is still important among zoomer girls

>> No.13322334

Buy LB to long thots, the market will reverse it soon
DLTH and BOOT to long rural boomers too
VFC and COLM for stuff I wear :3

>> No.13322361
File: 179 KB, 1080x2340, Screenshot_20190413-190419.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>these options were a dollar each Thursday
>tfw could of bought 100 contacts for $100 on Thursday and sold it for $21K on Friday
Tell me /smg/, which stock will be the next stock to moon like Disney?

>> No.13322364

Turbo Tax can do it but not Taxact

>> No.13322367


>> No.13322374

I fucking KNEW Disney was going to surge, I just thought it would dump first.

I could’ve made a lot more money if I knew how to trade options.

>> No.13322380

(I also thought it might take another hit after its ER. Wonder if I should place puts...)

>> No.13322441

>which stock will be the next stock to moon like Disney?
Not mooning, but AAPL is almost guaranteed to start dumping between now and the 25th-26th (probably to 195 range). Buy some puts, maybe short calls (potential to run up until the 18th on Qualcomm news depending on Monday's outcome).
Otherwise keep your money all set to buy 2 strangles at bottom, 1 on May 3rd at a strike 5 away from SP, 1 on May 10th 10 from SP.
There is no way AAPL doesn't pop 5-10 pts in either direction following earnings. Its practically a guarantee. Bad earnings will bring it to the 180s-high 170s, good earnings will shoot it to 210+, excellent earnings will have it trading at the ATH 230s range within a week.
Yeah I definitely shoulda strangled it. I thought the pump would be like 2-5 pts a day, which would've still been profitable w/ a strangle.

>> No.13322507
File: 67 KB, 394x612, 54465.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is my range on AAPL earnings. Imagine if I hadn't lost the majority of my portfolio this week.

>> No.13322528

Actually now that I think about it, buy half of the straddle (call side) at the bottom of pre-earnings dump, start accumulating on the 22nd. But 1/5th every day until green. Day before earnings buy the puts when they're in the red.

>> No.13322531

straddling for pussy

>> No.13322568

I hope you're all screencapping me for my /biz/ bankrupt suicide thread.

>> No.13322610
File: 3 KB, 709x33, cytube room.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Movie night movie night! Get in here.
Tonight's feature: Air Bud (1997)

>> No.13322615

We just had a mental breakdown like two days ago, let's stop getting so reckless with options.

Whoever you are, you really like the "strangle". But I have no idea what you're talking about and I think I should start with more basic options.

>> No.13322626

If I don't lose all my money now gambling in the market, I'll lose it all when its in the 6 digits when I'm 45

>> No.13322680
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>> No.13322900
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>saving to my mad gains on weed bullshit folder

Will use when the time comes.

>> No.13322992

You can summarize your 1099 b and just point your tax form at it.
You'd know this if you weren't a tax program fag.

>> No.13323006

Fujiwara a slut

>> No.13323010

How the fuck? Was that a call?

>> No.13323023

The IRS lets you attach the 1099 b and just write "see Schwab 1099 b" on the 8949 with the totals at the bottom of the 1099 b... What are you doing, anon?

>> No.13323038

>looks impressive
Not that impressive!

Those Disney 130 strikes were up 21,000%

>> No.13323145

good movie

>> No.13323159


This world am harsh place.

>> No.13323166

>Whoever you are, you really like the "strangle"
Strangles and straddles are interchangeable options strategies for when you're sure a price will spike in either direction, straddles have a lower risk lower reward though so they're for boomers and not ballers.

>> No.13323175

Is strangles at ath a good strategy?

>> No.13323197

I didn't know that I could do that. I thought I had to fill out the 8949. It never made any sense to me that I had to fill out that form when it was pretty much a copy+paste of the 1099b, but then government forms never came off as "user-friendly" to me.

>> No.13323225

Read the irs instructions for schedule d / 8949, anon.

>> No.13323244

>having trouble finding W-2
G-good joke, me!
top prankster!

>> No.13323259

Even if he was willing to give UBI to everyone, what the hell makes you think that would be possible?

>> No.13323285

KMI, SLB, fail with me brother

>> No.13323340

This is eye opening. That's why my gains carry a heavy emotional guilt. Mantra:" I deserve this. I am worth it. "
You're doing it wrong

>> No.13323368

Depends. If SPY tries to hit the ATH a couple times and gets slapped down each time a strangle or two would be well placed while ViX is low.
There's good chance we sell off a bit around ATH just because of how major December's drop was. Unless something pushes us above it overnight it will get rejected at the least first time

>> No.13323383

>You're doing it wrong
Yeah I've been tailspinning trying to recover losses on SPY and biotech. Every time I plan in advance I do very well. The unreal amount of money you can make in the first 30 seconds of the trading day if you do everything right keeps tickling my greed bone.

>> No.13323392

And the good thing about strangles is that even if something pushes it up above the ATH you profit either way.
There's no sense iron-condoring a key resistance.

>> No.13323397
File: 283 KB, 978x743, i8949.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait, are you talking about Exception 2? Can I still skip 8949 if I have a shitload of adjustments in box 1g? The instructions on form 8949 says I can't aggregate the transactions if adjustments are required.

>> No.13323592

Holy shit fuck this non-itemized deduction shit.

I end up doing so much math just to figure out if I need to be doing that math in the first place. Fuck that.

Next year I should probably just do sales tax based deduction instead of income tax based deductions, and save all my recipts.

Oh SHIT, it’s 4 months into next year and I haven’t collected any receipts?!

>> No.13323594

feelings too confident about my AAPL 6 leg strangle.
>Day of Earnings
>1.5 to -1.5% = investment lost
>Greater than or less than = profit
>13 to -18% = within first few days, minimum 1,000,000

My only worry is I won't be able to pick them up as cheap as I want

>> No.13323665


I just found out that if I'm a "full time" student "during some part of each of five months", I can't deduct my 401K contributions? What the fuck is this shit?

School started August 27th, so technically that's 5 months. The fuck was the point of those contributions then? What would be the point Is trying to cram more into an IRA pointless too?

>> No.13323684

You're not aggregating the transactions, you're telling the tax processor to look at your 1099 b to view the transactions.

>> No.13323700

The question you should be asking is how is doing it via exception 2 mathematically any different from you inputting every transaction into 8949?

>> No.13323805

>doing taxes on April 14th
Brainlets will refute the stupidity of this.

>> No.13323820

Alberta provincial election is this week. It may have an effect on Canadian oil company stocks, depending on the winner. Conservative party is likely to retake power.

>> No.13323841

>doing taxes
The goverment thinks im dead

>> No.13323879

How will this effect Canadian mining stocks and weed stocks? Isn’t there a weed law up on the ballot?

Are Canadian kekservatives on the drill baby drill platform?

>> No.13323895

Procrastinators aren’t always brainlets. I just happen to have an anxiety disorder while also being a brainlet.

Dude yeah off the grid and shit epik

>> No.13323936
File: 6 KB, 626x172, Screenshot_2019-04-14 GE General Electric Co — Stock Price and Discussion StockTwits.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys did buy GE after I shilled it so much right?

>> No.13323994

MAXR, but dont tell anyone.

>> No.13324006

Oof. Those reverse splits will fuck you up.

>> No.13324686 [DELETED] 


>I can't deduct my 401K contributions? What the fuck is this shit?

When have 401k contributions been deductible?

Traditional IRA... sure. If your income level qualifies you.

>> No.13324835

>Buying The Simpsons, I mean, 20th century Fox
>Buying Star Wars

I'll take Properties that would have been great to own 30 years ago, Alex. Marvel Cinematic movie rights were a good decision, though.

Image some conservative mom thinking it'll be safe to let her six year old watch Disney+ an itchy and scratchy themed simpsons episode comes on.

>> No.13325712

If we expand social security and have a Medicare for all system, will it be good for the economy

>> No.13325750

Sometimes I come to this thread to see if there are any actual, serious people basing their investments on well articulated fundamentals and DCFs and what do I come across? Kids who think they're making more sophisticated decisions than all the crypto retards on this board.
I thought you guys liked martin shkreli

>> No.13325815

if Tiger Woods wins this masters we open up with a +10% facemelter on boom euphoria

this is alternative investing, the crypto kids are serious and non-ironic

>> No.13325850
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>> No.13325938

Martin Shkreli is a biotech investor/pharma CEO
Investing in small biotechs is as close as you can get to Martin Shkreli

>> No.13325956

Molanari is winning the masters and Italy's economy will be saved. This will s we need sqqq to the moon

>> No.13325969

The economy is firing on all cylinders guys.. new ath coming

>> No.13325992

Monday is our last chance to cash out before the big one Monday we go back to the 1929 lows.

>> No.13326042

does /smg/ work a regular job alongside stock trading?

what’s the lowest amount of money that you’ve turned into a huge amount?

>> No.13326047

no way.. go outside once in awhile baggie.. everyone is in full hustle mode.. the chasers haven't even got in yet

>> No.13326110

This weekend's financial reporting is very bearish. Unless BAC annihilates earnings we're headed down a bit
>cash out
Just inverse your holdings dummy. You make more cash falling down than climbing up.

>> No.13326118

8000 to 120000

>> No.13326123


>> No.13326132

hate to break it to you
I flipped long
we have a couple more days before the action starts. Monday and Tuesday are safe
Monday afternoon and Tuesday afternoon we reconsider

regular job yes
never popped off with a huge amount, that's not my style

>> No.13326139

Ron Paul 2012!

>> No.13326167

3000 into 17000 in a day

2000 into 12000 in 3 days

>> No.13326243

noooo dis make me sad :(

>> No.13326261
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I think I may be on the verge of creating a financial model that can beat the market on a year to year basis...I'm not going to say exactly what it is or how it works, but it relates to this graph.

>> No.13326273
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put an extra $50 in my account to mess around with swing trading/TA-based trading

I think there's going to be a small pullback to at or near the kijun (red line) before we go to a new ATH, going to buy 5 shares of SQQQ at open and sell at ~180

>> No.13326282

the volume on GALT calls (as far as RH shows) really increased through Thursday into Friday
you should put your money there, not on something that you don't understand like QQQ :^)
we'll see how it goes

>> No.13326311

I am sitting in the American express lounge at the airport drinking complementary bloody Mary's and eating procuitto

>> No.13326327
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>I am sitting in the American express lounge at the airport drinking complementary bloody Mary's and eating procuitto
see what i mean.. economy is booming.. no stopping this ride anytime soon

>> No.13326337

everyone dipping their balls on the 12th

you mean American airlines lounge mate? is there really an American express lounge?

>> No.13326364
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XBI just recently did the same thing
From my experience, biotechs are like the canary in the coal mine for the broader market

>> No.13326386

It's the American Express lounge. I got to the airport like 5 hours too early

>> No.13326401
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Where you going?

>> No.13326421

I realized why I never heard of the AmEx lounge, I don't use AmEx and we don't have an AmEx lounge at ORD
(and I usually am in and out of DFW, LAS, and MIA pretty quick)

>> No.13326456

>don't but QQQ calls but something safe like GALT
Lmao call volume always increasing during a drop. Biotech traders buying call options after a drop is like losing all your money in blackjack so you go and play roulette.
biotechs sold off in response to a specific catalyst event. They've always been in a bubble. Buy options now and you may just get fucked by volatility premiums.
Wait until it settles. Bought some LABD and LABU calls yesterday, gonna see where it takes me.

>> No.13326465

I'm going on a cruise for tax week. Going to go see them Mayan ruins I hear about on ancient aliens all the time.

>> No.13326472

The sure sign the biotechs are trouble is that data P&Ds barely moved the numbers on Friday and small//nano cap aligned with the indices.

>> No.13326487

>not going to the Caribbean to be with your offshore holdings when the IRS comes kicking down your door
You got $$$ hidden in Central America or what? From my experience cartels aren't very good bankers.

>> No.13326537

I wonder how much of biotech trading is short sellers. I think 10% of all trading is short selling across the board but biotechs must be like 50%. If buys dry up shorts will just skullfuck anyone trying to enter the cup on the handle..

>> No.13326539


We bull!

>> No.13326630

How much did you earn or loss in stocks since you have been doing this

>> No.13326677

my RH account is +$20.65%, from 22K to 26.5K this year. My long term gains across other accounts and asset classes are much higher on a dollar basis, but probably never as good as 20% in ~75 trading days
Also I didn't start with 22K on Jan first, I was adding in a couple thousand a week, so my real gain % would be higher

how about yourself?

>> No.13326752

I try to do that senpai
Market research, dcf, financial statement analysis etc
Any good idea to research on?

>> No.13326756
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>how about yourself?

Kek I'm not going to lie. Just getting started this week, and at the moment I'm reading the sticky in order to understand the basics. It took me a while to take the black pill but it finally sunk in that the crypto easy money dream is dead.

>> No.13326793

the crypto easy money dream isn't dead, you just won't make a lot buying/selling coins on an exchange unless you get lucky

there are still easy thousands/millions of dollars to be made in crypto if you are OK with scamming people. Or just think of it as 'creative marketing'. If you get some kind of crypto enterprise started now with low cost-of-entry, it could be worth millions if another bubble happens.

do you have a real job (or in school), or are you NEET?

things are getting spicy on the final holes of the masters right now. If you really want to make it on the stock market, you need to watch GOLF

>> No.13326855

