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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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13314854 No.13314854 [Reply] [Original]

What's your plan, /biz/?

>> No.13314864
File: 307 KB, 480x454, Sweating Pepe - Code Red.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I-I'm supposed to have a plan?

>> No.13314892

>he not only doesn't have a plan, he didn't even plan for a backup plan, or the backup-backup plan

>> No.13314900

Save 10k for e fund. then put half in voo and half in btc.

>> No.13314903
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buy high, sell low. you?

>> No.13314908

1. Crypto
2. All-in on a risky business venture
3. Suicide

Wagecucking can't be part of my life for much longer. It's too demeaning

>> No.13314910

cash out at 2030 then become cyborg

>> No.13314922

>mine shitcoin
>sell half at first ath, sell rest at top ath

>> No.13314926

maxing our 401ks + saving 150k a year and retire at 60.

>> No.13314943

what's your risky venture?

>> No.13314947

I wagecuck myself for 2-3 years and use the time to learn shit and invest things. Once I reach the point where I can live with 5%gain from active trading and investing, I drop everything.

>> No.13314955

First I attempted a INT build but I didn't do too well in an institutional education system. So even though I had good natural perks my back story prevented a lot of progression on some key developmental story lines due to low CHR. After that failing I attempted a rouge like build and began wagecucking and blew all my money on crypto. Now I'm transitioning my build to a more glass cannon set up. High magics high Luck.

>> No.13314956

Crashing this plane.

>> No.13315015


>> No.13315049
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all in crypto. if doesnt work out in 3-5 years killing myself. fuck wage slaving.

>> No.13315090

It's the only hope. Skin in the game, balls on the table. Nothing to lose

>> No.13315094

I am hoping to be in a car accident involving an 18 wheeler from a big company and hopefully get a half million or so settlement

>> No.13315097

All in CSP

>> No.13315121
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compound interest. make money when the market goes up or down just be right and keeping stacking up % gains. keep trading and investing and scratching the way to the top of the mountain.

>> No.13315132

put 15% of my paycheque into a retirement fund, and all of the rest into different blended mutual funds. Purchase condos when they're developed at reduced rates, rent them at first, then sell them once the price goes up. Maybe fuck around with stock options and some day trading, but I am not confident at all in that sort of thing.


>> No.13316313
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Rheinmetall AG

>> No.13316319
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Why didn't you guys buy gold and short € when I told you to?

it was easy money but you refused to see the light

>> No.13316358

uhm, playing bingo at 60 sounds very funny

>> No.13316368
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Based rheinmetall poster

redpill me on rheinmetall

>> No.13316380

Get a high paying wagie job and pour a large chunk of my income into dividend stocks and bonds for ~10 years


Start a business, has to be online business, preferrably SaaS type of thing.

>> No.13316401
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I'm saving up for pic related so I can sleep comfortably when the world burns outside.

>> No.13316439
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Do you think we'd all realize this was just a bad dream at the end too?

>> No.13316452
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Do I really look like the kind of guy with a plan?

>> No.13316488

Get some LINK, run my node

>> No.13316490


>> No.13316525

1 mil by 40, 32 now

I had ~350k liquid assets at Crypto peak but HODL'd like a retard and now only have ~120k.

>> No.13317488

22 now finishing bachelors in finance, by 25 150k net worth, then hopefully masters and 500k by 30.
poor europe here so those numbers are much more ambitous than they seem from western point of view.

>> No.13317509

I have £50k in low market cap ($100k - $10m) coins

These coins will moon hard during alt rally. I expect 10x. Once that happens I will convert into medium market cap coins ($100m - $1bn). They should move a further 10x.

Once that happens I'll put the £5m into BTC, ETH, LTC and XRP in an even split and then send to Coinbase. I will cash out approx. £10k per month. Ideally the coin growth will exceed my cash out rate so I effectively have infinite money.

This is my plan.

>> No.13317514
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All in on LINK, and I will literally kill myself if it doesn't work out. I would rather die than get a job

>> No.13317559
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I'm over 30, I'm running out of time.
>all in crypto (holding, staking, mining)
>3-5 years to make it, need to 50x my whole stack
>i will travel and live abroad while working remotely here and there
No backup plan.

>> No.13317600

How do you know this isn't gonna go 50k in low shitcoins, 25k in mid shitcoins and then 10k in btc/eth?

Basically the same.
t. 36

>> No.13317632

>How do you know this isn't gonna go 50k in low shitcoins, 25k in mid shitcoins and then 10k in btc/eth?
I don't. But I'm willing to bet that it will, based on research I've done.

If it goes down to £10k then i'm not to bothered. I have other savings and a decent job. Worth taking a punt on though.

>> No.13317723

>remain homeless for another year
>funnel all fiat into buying coins rather than a roof or possessions
>finish last year of school
>get loans and scholarships...
>only buy coins with them
>avoid porn and fapping for insane energy
>sell adderal scrip i get
>daytrade when schoolwork done
>learn advanced math and cryptography and other languages in free time
>become trilingual coin investor with school tm degree
>finally attain home when i can buy one straight up by cashing out 40% of crypto
>dont wagecuck ever for a single second
>start business when done school
>sell crypto and adderal for fiat hustle while in school

>> No.13317727

what career?

>> No.13317958

financial analyst primarily

>> No.13318063

>mizerable cubicle monkey
>at least makes comission
>saves 30k+ a year, last year i saved a 75k comission check.
>link,eth nodes
>btc, would like to have 5.

only other path id take is multifamily real estate, leveling up and up..

Im self aware enough to know that id hate managing a business day to day and that passive income, pursuing hobbies year round is my amibition, not being in my business and certainly not in my cubicle.

current holding 77k link, 0 eth, 0 btc, waiting for prices to drop into my accumulation zone where ill influx somewhere between 20-60k more usd.

>> No.13318239

>abandoned all friends and girls so i dont get temptation to go out and spend money with them
>use all money you can get to cryptos, been doing this more than a year

ive refrained from all funny stuff just to save as much money to cryptos as i can.

>> No.13318325

>77k link
>0 btc

The absolute state of this board

>> No.13318381

pretty much this is my plan,

1 btc
32 eth
60k link
20 ltc

thinking about adding more, but also trying to save fiat to have a downpayment for multi family

>> No.13318412

Keep wage-slaving at only $24hr for the next few years until my crypto stash (mainly BTC) is worth $500k.

>> No.13318970

Continue putting monthly savings (after maxing IRA) into high interest savings, until:
-S&P correction to <2500, then put monthly savings into that.
-Crypto officially bottoms and makes definitive LT bullish reversal, and allocate half of monthly savings into that (ETH most likely)
-Stake everything possible once POS launches

This bear market has been a great time to focus on trading US markets, focusing on work, increasing work rentals, and getting close to launching my blog. Once the fabled GBR comes, things should be good from all sides.

>> No.13319066

1 million HOT suicide insurance IMO

>> No.13319095


>> No.13319154 [DELETED] 
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Goal: Power
Method 1: Keep growing BTC stack + keep working way up government ladder with goal of cabinet level position OR being wealthy enough to influence metapolitics
Method 2: Get stuck somewhere in the middle of the government ladder and crypto goes nowhere so I start to slowly build wealth through slum lording + traditional investments/401k + building self-sustaining family farm and eventually run for local political office

>> No.13319157

Cashed out all alts and buying as much BtC as I can buy for the next 2 years.

>> No.13319176

buy 500€ worth of BTC 100€ of ETH and 100€ of LTC every month untill i can buy i nice house. Retire soon after and move into a smaller home when necessary.

>> No.13319330

100k link selling at $7

>> No.13319363

Just put the 20 litecoin in link BTC or eth ffs

>> No.13319640


Based and redpilled frens. I'm not living on this Earth unless I can live how I want to.

>> No.13319726


>> No.13319744

this, if LN becomes usable LTC and most other pow currency shitcoins are gonna die