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13314358 No.13314358[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How do I profit off incels?

>> No.13314382

No homo but he’s a decent looking guy
Sorry you can teach yourself simple things to get with women.
Women are much simpler that we give them credit for

>> No.13314387 [DELETED] 

lmao. here in blessed europe we dont have such issues because it costs 30 bux to nut on a eastern europe 9/10 whores face

>> No.13314396

Romantic love is honestly one of the worst memes that has ever spread among humanity. I'm not kidding.

>> No.13314398

What the fuck happened to the world?

How did we turn normal sexual development into this?

>> No.13314410

Just think, one slut could have prevented this

>> No.13314416

>he’s a decent looking guy
He's subaverage and you're contributing to his delusional idea of his deserved status.

>> No.13314427

i want 1000 girlfriends

>> No.13314430

The media makes everyone think they're all entitled to romance and love. How many movies have the awkward, bumbling guy "winning" the beautiful woman from the chad? Incels consume this media and can't reconcile the cognitive dissonance between the fact that they're not an attractive partner, their egos that tell them they're valuable, and the constant media messaging that you don't have to improve yourself to be attractive.

>> No.13314453

We profit by killing all these despicable pieces of shit. Maybe if he wasn’t such a fucking weirdo. What’s the story with this? Where you see it at

>> No.13314463

Tell the incels to shoot up the Jews responsible for breaking apart our once monogamous societies so he shoots up the jews responsible instead of normie npc’s.

>> No.13314483
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>whiner faggot gets busted for terrorism

>> No.13314491

>No homo but he’s a decent looking guy
>50x50px avatar
Ok fag your gaydar must have ultra zoom

>> No.13314495

Why not just put a bullet in this dudes head? He’s going to keep coming back

>> No.13314496

This is true, but I think that the most damaging message is to think that you need to be in a relationship to be happy.

And so people come to believe it's easier to do a mass shooting and die than convince a woman to go out with you. This is insane to me.

>> No.13314497

But women always end up with the incels after they had their “fun” and looking to settle down now that chad doesn’t want to fuck them anymore that they hit the wall.

The whore will then typically divorce rape the poor beta and fuck a nigger the moment the opportunity arises. Everyone used to pairbond with their equals in monogamous societies as to prevent these problems. Men kept their women in place and the nuclear family was intact. Men got weak and Jews being Jews that hate us took control of our women and turned them to complete whores and now us whites have under replacement levels of children.

>> No.13314508
File: 192 KB, 958x958, 9DFAA4BA-98DF-4F59-B345-AC0790B3791C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This dude has a YouTube channel. Look at this piece of shit no wonder why. He doesn’t stand a chance lmao

>> No.13314525


>> No.13314560

wait so did he get swatted yet or what?? details goys COME ON!

>> No.13314592

A lot of people think this just affects incel men. It gets to women, too. Usually when they're older and not as sexually attractive
The difference is men are more likely to have an extreme violent reaction towards others when they reach that breaking point, while women just begrudgingly accept the reality, or kill themselves
Look at all the stories of women "marrying" themselves, marrying "backup" men and committing suicide because they weren't married by a certain age
While those are rare, also look at the more common complaints from older women about why they can't find a good man. Yes, part of that is looking for a man that'll spend money on them, but those women also want love/a "real" relationship too
Another unfortunate difference is those women usually had loads of sex partners up to that point while their male counterparts are typically virgins. But both still fall for the romantic love meme, and get frustrated when they can't find it

>> No.13314619
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>> No.13314631

thank you anon. I saw >>13314483 after posting and figured I'd be rightfully flamed

>> No.13314637
File: 219 KB, 656x935, C9D27798-47EB-4A52-85A6-E66F57561606.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those women should of not been whores with such unrealistic standards of securing a top 5% male. Literally it’s chads fault for using these women for easy sex. By giving them sex their standards become extremely high and they won’t settle for anything less. Then by the time they know it they are 30+ and childless and kill themselves.

Monogamous societies prevented all this incels and whores and ensured the health of the nuclear family.

>> No.13314647

surely someone out there would be happy to settled down with her

>> No.13314653

Not the chads she wanted, that’s why she killed herself.

>> No.13314658

Eh. He's probably better looking than me, and I've slayed a LOT of trim. He needs to cut the whiney shit and pick up a couple hobbies that attract women.
I mean it's to late for him now, as he posted that shit publicly on Facebook. Not a good look.

>> No.13314661

invent suicide booths like in futurama

>> No.13314723

damnnn not my boy kris the YouTuber

>> No.13314762

Whats the female version of an incel? Statistically speaking for every 30 year old incel there is a nonStacy woman who got pumped and dumped by Chads and wonders why she can't secure a family with them.

>> No.13314787

dangerous one, too
he's dangerous, death sentence as a minimum, sell organs to rich old fucks

>> No.13314813


Sad little fucks with no dads around.


>> No.13314818

there's no

>> No.13314833

why the fuck did he post that on Facebook?
now he has no chance of getting ANY woman
fucking retard

chads are far more dangerous than incels
incels are inherently incompetent
in contrast, the chad serial killer Ted Bundy has almost as high of a kill count as the incel killers on the Wikipedia page combined

>> No.13314842


No shit.


>> No.13314850

>be a foot or nude-selling e-girl

>> No.13314859

>now he has no chance of getting ANY woman
You know what's really fucked up?
If he actually killed anyone, I guarantee you he would have gotten several genuine love letters from women

>> No.13314889
File: 21 KB, 255x227, AC453354-E79D-4BB3-B918-3018E92F68FB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The female version of an incel is a women who feels entitled to getting a top male. She rides the cock caursel hoping to secure a relationship but always gets pumped and dumped and angry why she can’t find good men. Incels try and get her to pairbond with her equal to which she tells them to stfu, that she is a queen that deserves a 6’+ foot millionaire. She dreams constantly about being with the best but never achieving it, and having the realization that it’s too late and now the only people that will pick her up are the worst of betas, even worse off then the betas she brushed away in her youth. She’ll get insane amounts of regret and remorse especially if she sees one of her past betas she rejected get a women and start a happy family.

Incels are a symptom of female hypergamey. Female hypergamey is a result of our society losing control of their women and Jews gaining that control. All societies that lost control of their women always went down an ever increasing path of degeneracy until the civilization collapses.

The cure is to put women back in their place as house mothers that raise big families and also get rid of alljews permanently.

TLDR: the incel version of women are whores that end up hitting the wall with no chance of securing a healthy relationship and family.

>> No.13314913

fucking kek

>> No.13314973

>be girl
>stream on twitch
>be man
>find dumb dumb roastie
>make her a twitch streamer
> collect a percentage
> eventually shell cut you out of the business
>find new girl

>> No.13314998

Create a speed dating business.
Women standards are going to keep increasing.
The men who have no luck with their friends, and online will use dating services and pay top dollar just to have a chance.

As long as women standards become unapproachable to the average man, the average men will use these services.

>> No.13315013

Biggest problem is they are low status men wanting high status women. They want love, sex, romance handed to them. If you sit around all day and bitch about females on the computer you are going nowhere. I hate most women myself. But there is a saying: You get the money, you get the power, then you get the woman. No model or attractive woman wants to play video games and clean up after a incel. When she could get a chad or brad with money, nice car, nice house, and hobbies.

>> No.13315020
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getting thots to change themselves and genociding all Jews is far more difficult than making female androids, which we'll have by at latest 2050

>> No.13315046

I want infinity gfs

>> No.13315095

>No model or attractive woman wants to play video games and clean up after a incel. When she could get a chad or brad with money, nice car, nice house, and hobbies.
But the thing is: they can't get that. there isnt enough men like that around for every one of these sluts

>> No.13315214

Why don't blacks ever do mass shootings over not getting laid

>> No.13315221

This. More than 25% of men under 30 already substitute women with porn and video games. Society has already failed its just going to take a decade or two to really see the impact.

I'm unironically considering becoming a mormon simply because they are the ONLY majority white Christian-like demographic that is keeping up with the shitskin birthrates. When the west collapses, the country they form will be the closest thing to the civilized America that I and my ancestors grew up in. It will be like what Capetown is to South Africa.

I see where society is going, I don't want a daughter in this climate who inevitably becomes a trashy whore and thinks nigger culture is something to be glorified. At the same time, I don't want a son who feels alienated by this degenerate culture and turns to vidya and porn to escape it just like I did for years and many of my male friends and colleagues still do.

>> No.13315237

what i don't understand is why some people who are against shitty throw-away plastic are for sexual liberation. or who are against coal-burning and for green energy are for sexual liberation, as well. it's also the thing with games, movies and characters within becoming more and sexualized only because "muh sex sells." and while banning sexualization entirely would probably also be shit (surely at some point gamers and co have to start being at least somewhat reasonable themselves), if things are let to develop on their own, everything will at some point be about nothing but sex. whereas western "roasties" already integrated oversexualized fiction (e.g. "sex and the city") into their day-to-day life. and the quality of tv-shows, games and daily life will suffer. everything will turn to low-quality shit. like today's west. or western women. they are low-quality shit. so you have shit throw-away plastic products and short shit relationships which destroy the (social) environment. shitty plastic razors instead of a metal safety razor. shitty cc-riders instead of loyal girlfriends. that's the way of the roastie. and then they also fuck around and want contraceptives paid for them, referring to themselves as "socialist" and "empowered," while behaving in an entirely anti-social manner, such that single males can pay for their cock-carousel antics. and then they want for others, but never themselves, to again pay for the fallout (sex robots, whores, etc) via "health care." just... kek. what an irrational shit-show.

>> No.13315257

1) They do but it gets clumped up with gang crime shootings
2) Black mass shootings do happen as well but go unreported by the media on purpose
3) Black's are far more likely to just rape women
4) Because of black crime rate, many black men are murdered or in jail which leads to way more black women than men. Also black women are the least desirable so there is no shortage of black women desperate for even an incel tier black man.
5) There are factually less incel tier blacks than whites because blacks have lower inhibition and are also glorified in the media as confident and "gangsta". Whites, especially suburban whites often have issues deriving confidence in themselves because they come from a boring, clean cut generic background.

>> No.13315265

Fuck you talking you fucking faggot
I can tell from the picture he’s a decent looking guy
Even if he wasn’t you fucking faggot, it’s much easier to talk to women that you think you fucking faggot.

>> No.13315286


Girls with ZERO respect.

Instagram thinks for them.

>> No.13315300
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Back in my day we LIED and said we got some pussy before, but we were just having a dry streak. What kind of fucking loser goes and complains in Facebook about not getting their dick wet?? I bet this trend started with r9k.

>> No.13315332

All I want is 1000 girlfriends yet no one cares about me
I'm 27 and I'm still a 1000 girlfriend virgin.
If society is unwilling to meet my demand, I'm afraid I will hagve to take drastic action.
I'm penning my manifesto now.

>> No.13315335

>Blaming women for literally everything
Porn and preponderance of masturbation curbs the natural male instinct to pursue females in the ridiculously persistent way that they were once capable of.

>> No.13315349

I think the problem is more that flirting with random girls is socially dangerous, especially at work where all the high quality women are. That leaves you stuck with bars and tinder which are full of ogre whores

>> No.13315352

>How did we turn normal sexual development into this?
Frankfurt School
Critical Theory

>> No.13315363

Any product that appeals to highly insecure men.

Dating "Secrets", Penis Enhancement products, Get more confidence products, Get rich quick products.

Anythinf that helps them believe that they are superior to others.

>> No.13315378


Ogres that did the carousel and demands 10/10

And they have kids....inbred immigrant kids. xD

This world is unhinged.

>> No.13315395

>ogre whores
The fact you find them undesirable is the result of accommodation to looking, and getting off, at porn-tier women on a daily basis.
Current incels are low tier men, they are supposed to pair with "ogre whores"

>> No.13315400


Don't watch porn.

>> No.13315416

>I think the problem is more that flirting with random girls is socially dangerous
This in particular is what scared me shitless of women when I was 6 years old. Remember watching television where some man was trialed for sexual harassment and heard how vague the accusations were.
Also avoided women because any sexual impulses were quickly quenched by masturbation in the entirety of my youth and young adulthood.daily.

>> No.13315437

I don't.
Nice digits btw

>> No.13315448

Basically its just evolution.

Why should hot women pair their genes with a low-tier man? Why should a high-tier man pair with a low-tier woman?

Theres zero benefit except for a one nighf stanf and they cant find anyone else.

If you want to be with high tier women, learn what works to get a high tier woman (note I said what WORKS, and not what people ADVISE you on what works).
Ignore datinf advice from females unless they are lesbian - since they dont date their own gender.

Same advice but switch genders for low-tier females.

>> No.13315470

Or people should just stick to their own tier instead of chasing some ghost

>> No.13315476

I'm pretty ugly but if I had 1000 girlfriends, each girlfriend would only have to fuck me about once every three years
(assuming I am having sex with a different girlfriend once every single day).
This is a great deal for my girlfriends because they can fuck Chads the other 999 days. I don't mind.
Overall I think my system is incredibly reasonable, and I think I should have 1000 girlfriends.

>> No.13315510

Relationships aren't exclusively about sex

>> No.13315518

incels needs to kill themselves

>> No.13315537
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lol , how can you be so fucked up to kill anyone but not make profit?

If u dont have any women maybe work on urself fking faggot.
Do lifting , go to the gym , build up wealth with "27" women searching for a safe harbor with a man that cares for her and the kids.

Women are overrated , dated a bunch with 25 , i cant make it out with any of them.
So annoying and whorelike , everyone of them.
They only want their own profit .
So yeah , keep on building wealth up then marry a foreigner girl , because white western women mostly are little rats (90%)

>> No.13315546


Don't give up.

blame the inbred politics telling it's pop to have inbred children with diversity.

>> No.13315551

If that's true then why would I want to fuck literally 9/10 of the women I saw in Europe? America just has fucking ugly obese women with deformed faces and disgusting accents.

>> No.13315554


Kid, you even go outside you door?

Stop larping.

>> No.13315556

Hypergamy still exists in yurop, kiddo. The girls being hotter only means hotter girls for the top 5-10%.

>> No.13315558

I would take a 2/10 Polish girl over an 8/10 American chick any day.

>> No.13315561

All the time, I do live in a majority black city though so that might play a part. White chicks here are still uglier than euros

>> No.13315566

<There is a saying

It's a line from a film you dumbass nigger. Is this where biz gets its life advice from? You're 12 aren't you?

>> No.13315572

Slav women are very inflexible in their choice of men, so what works on the typical US roast will likely not work on a slav broad.
Incels were once institutionalized into a separate class all thorough polish history. They were called catholic priests.

>> No.13315579

So you're saying that you only respond ... to the top tier of hotness? That only confirms that your sexually desensitized to women in general.

>> No.13315582

Tits or gtfo roastie

>> No.13315592

Post shriveled up, unused dick incel

>> No.13315811

Feminism is the red pill. Become a feminist and see how easy it is to get girlfriends. The red pill that incels need.

>> No.13315823

It's true if you fake being a feminist. Being an actual feminist and having a GF is basically impossible.
How do you approach women being a feminist? You can't. You also can't talk to one because you find her good looking because that would be objectification.

>> No.13315829

...but not the red pill they deserved.



>> No.13315841

If this dude is so worried about getting some pussy why didn't he get in his car and drive to a brothel in Nevada. He lived in Utah and could have been there in a few hours. What the fuck is wrong with these dudes?
I'm ugly as fuck and never had a problem getting pussy all throughout my teens and 20's. It's called wash yourself, wear decent clothes, comb your hair, and learn to speak without sperging out. Seriously. It's that easy. I am less good looking than this guy but he claims he couldn't get any pussy and now he's about to be locked up for who the fuck knows how long and his long term prospects at life are over cuz he wanted to get on twitter and get some attention. Jesus Christ get some perspective.

>> No.13315852

media/tv - especially these hollywood degeneraes - have literally SHIT for the last 30-40years into childrens minds.

>> No.13315867

if media was 100% fact and no bullshit, no one would watch it. People like drama and emotional shit.

The media realises this and gives the people what they want, and this is the reason why media is as it is today.

Marketing 101: Give the people what they want.

>> No.13315875

there's plenty of annoying / pain in the ass women; you couldn't imagine the sheer number of non-staceys. As a guy its usually better to be alone than to be together with such a freak.

Honestly there are tons of women out there you don't want to be with.

>> No.13316051

We know you're a roastie. Stop pretending otherwise

>> No.13316061
