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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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13308544 No.13308544 [Reply] [Original]

>His dabbling in Crypto currency without 3-6 months of expenses saved and tucked away.
>He owns no real estate
>His only plan for making it is getting rich of internet funny money.

Please... If you don't have a good amount of savings tucked away for a rainy day, don't bother with crypto. It won't run away. If you try and dabble with the most volitile asset in human history with NO SAVINGS to be a saftey cushion you are going to get REKT and lose tonnes of money and worst of all trade EMOTIONALLY.

It is impossible to not be emotionally attached with your trading/ investing money if that is all the money you have.

If you trade emotionally you are going to get destroyed by corporations that spend more time studying your trading habits then you do.

>> No.13308566

t. silver spoon

>> No.13308598

*snif* *snif*
what's that smell
smells like

>> No.13308640


Got no debts, no real estate and 50k of play money. You can't stop meeeeee! You can buy an italian village for a few hundred bucks anyway, fuck real estate, fuck boomers and fuck banks.

>> No.13308670
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If you give a poor person 500 dollars they will buy 500 dollars worth of SCRATCH TICKETS

I have da goods boss, just saying that you can't go full retard.

knock yourself out, just make sure you have something saved for retirement.

>> No.13308755

Shut up anime posting faggot.

>> No.13308793
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It hurts cause its true.

Your gambling with your future investing in memes shilled by pajeets

>> No.13308813

Hand fetish?