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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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13306783 No.13306783 [Reply] [Original]

Who else fell for this pajeet PnD scam?

>> No.13306794

Stop posting this shit, went nearly all in 3 days ago. Don’t know what to fucking do with myself. Stay strong ftm chads

>> No.13306847

It's the same shit every month, with a different shitcoin. Anyone who falls for it, deserves it. Fucking gullible newfags. Here's something for you absolute idiots to remember: The harder something is shilled, the MORE LIKELY it is that it's a scam.

>> No.13306886
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>Stay strong ftm chads

>> No.13306894
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Bro, LTO was the pnd of February, and FTM was the pnd of March and early April

>> No.13306947
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I learned this from SIGT two years ago but I made like 500$ from the price swings resulting from the panic selling. Good old times. Never touched anything else than ETH and BTC since then.

Go fuck yourself newfags

>> No.13307069

Just capitulated and sold all.

>> No.13307120

If you must invest in a shitcoin I'll help you out. Invest in TRAC. It's a boring supply chain company that's building an actual old-school business around their token. It probably won't moon overnight, but it will grow over time much faster than a typical stock investment. It rarely gets shilled here, probably won't hear about TRAC for weeks. It's boring so it stays under the radar.

Please for fuck's sake stop being seduced by flashiness and learn to value practical applications. That's for literal gullible faggots.

>> No.13307139

Just you OP.

>> No.13307169

So many of you moonboy dumbasses calling it a a scam because it dumped. You think the devs have control how the price works? You probably call it a "pajeet PnD scam" cause you haven't done any research yourself and just listen to posts on /biz/. Fundamentals aren't changed, just the dumb moonboys who bought in the shills are the same morons to sell at a loss as it dumps.

>> No.13307173
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>Stay strong ftm chads

>> No.13307176

you should be close to 300% up right now. you bought high. don't forget to sell low.

>> No.13307178


I guess this is a good time to buy?
The biz memes and shilling alone should reverse this sharp downfall somewhat

>> No.13307189

Amen brother I don’t get why you would FUD a coin you don’t care about or doesn’t matter.

This dip will recover I know it

>> No.13307205
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>> No.13307210

Unironically bought 170K, got about 840K now...
If this shit goes down, I'm fine with that.

>> No.13307228

Hey hey heyyyy

>> No.13307248

This coin is getting the most low IQ fud I've ever seen.

Always judge a project by the quality of its fud. When the best ppl can do is "gook scam" then you know you're on to something good.

>> No.13307300

I was here when ethereum was being shilled and I sold early because of the same retarded fud. I did my research on fantom. I’m not missing another opportunity again, and this is a fucking golden opportunity.

>> No.13307329
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>> No.13307333

Your English is improving Pajeet

>> No.13307373
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>> No.13307423

damn it

>> No.13307441

>up over 300% from the feb bottom
>support found at 6k sats

next we go sideways until binance/mainnet/big news. only pupmp&dump guys left because they want to short.

if you are long term investor you will be fine.

>> No.13307444

There are more shitskins in Canadastan than there are whites. You didn't post a picture of your hand because you are one of those shitskins.

>> No.13307454

How did you get your refugee passport?

>> No.13307460

definitly a shitskin

>> No.13307486

says the person that can't even spell definitely

>> No.13307629

Lto, chx, qnt, FTM, bird, vidt, what am I missing?

QNT is the only one I got in on.

>> No.13307754

Vidt has a real product and client, steady stream of announcements. No possibility of missed deadline fud, mainnet fud, etc... it is working now and the price will continue to grow until it reaches Factom levels.

>> No.13307975

Could still be a pajeet desu

>> No.13308194

it doesn't matter. this is bagholder talk. you can choose to fall in love with a project and hold if for another half a year, hoping it goes up enough to be worth it...or you can choose to sell and use that money to catch other pumps. there's no reason you can't buy back into FTM again before the next rise, but holding when hype is dying and it's about to fall down slowly for the next few weeks is stupid. see CHX as an example of what you can expect. get smart and protect your gains anon.

>> No.13308209

don't forget that fantom has tons of bullish events coming. you fall for the fud and you are easily manipulated.

>> No.13308302

Blatant discord pajeet shilling of this gook scam here. If you fell for this you're a retard. Treat it as a learning experience.

>> No.13308345

you can easily miss the boat. nobody is going to sell you their ftm low when it turns around. what you put your money in probably won't be as good of a return as fantom

>> No.13308382

i kind of feel bad for all the newfags.

>> No.13308401

I dont. They have to learn the hard way about getting dumped on.

>> No.13308459

Yea, it's hard to beat daily losses up to 20%. What other coins can I lose money faster?

>> No.13308622

The ONLY thing that matters is developers using it do create applications with A LOT of users.

The rest like vaporware partnerships, exchange listings, and so forth are literally pajeet strategies.

I still haven't seen shit by Fantom, only vaporware.
I still hold a big bag though.

>> No.13308635
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FANTOM is literally the shitcoin of mental illness and mutilated genitals.

>> No.13308644

Typical biz. Bullish at the top. Bearish at the bottom. Never change.

>> No.13308690

what? how is it easy to miss the boat? you thought this would 10x in a day and never come back down?

>> No.13308706
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>Typical biz

falling for PnD scams. FTO was shilled to the max like this earlier. Now it's this chink dogshit claiming to build smart cities

Fuck off scammer

>> No.13308720

I would have sold if I thought it was going to continue for 10x. the fact it's dumping early is good because those coins with huge 10x rises are major dumps. like 99%.

you're a fool if you don't hold through mainnet and a larger exchange listing. this has tech good enough to be there with ada and eos. a clone would have be launched in a couple months, this has been in development for a while.

>> No.13309243

thanks for selling bottom op. i just loaded up more fantom on this dip.

>> No.13309297
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How many fanties to sniff her panties?
>pic related

>> No.13309311

>Stay strong ftm
Most female-to-males literally commit suicide

>> No.13309352

Never fall for a fat cow

>> No.13309380

LOL how'd you fall for this shit? it was such obvious scam anon. they shilled non-stop newfriend, that's never a good sign

>> No.13309386

you're not making sense. explain to me how it's easy to get left behind on a coin like this? shit doesn't multiply overnight without a retrace. I have no intention of holding the drop. I sold this for a lot higher than it is today and I have no fear of getting left behind.

>> No.13310014

t. coping brainlet who got scammed by chinks

>welcome to /biz/ newfag

>> No.13310037

Price dips when everything dips. It's normal after a massive rise. You guys will never make it.

>> No.13310046
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>FtM chad