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13307799 No.13307799 [Reply] [Original]

Would learning russian be a good idea for business? Would it be a good idea for getting access to the finest woman on earth?

>> No.13307843

ive wondered if i should learn russian too. I suppose it'd make sense if Russia will indeed take over the world in the future (not farfetched if climate change drives everybody up there). But that depends on if Russia will even let you in their borders, let alone do biz with you if you're a filthy foreigner

>> No.13307864

If you are looking for gold-diggers, then yes.

>> No.13307865


Bacherlor's degree in Russian here. Unironically got me my first job because it is known as an extremely hard language for Amerikantsi to learn. My first boss was impressed. Haven't used it in 4 years though, hoping to go .mil or something spookier. Hard to get a job using it in the civilian world without a clearance or a very advanced degree. If you work in arms or heavy equipment or oil/natural gas it would be useful. Otherwise, it's just an ability to instantly get Russkie to like you because they think Americans are fucking light minded, and if you can actually hold a conversation they may think you are, in fact, not so retarded.

>> No.13307867

I spent 5-6 hours a week last year learning Russian. It's very difficult. I've taken a short break and will get into it again soon, but the grammar is intense and if you don't have a 4-5 year commitment with native speakers to correct you, you're not going to become fluent.

>> No.13307874

Lmao he believes in climate change

>> No.13307941

Is it possible to be at least conversational without having to learn the intricacies of grammar?

>> No.13307962

бaceд и cлaвпиллт

>> No.13307980


It's really not. Each and every noun/adjective/verb has many different forms depending on case. In english we generally use prepositions such as "to/for" for the dative case (datelnii padezh) for instance. In Russian there are many different permutations of each case for nouns/adjectives/verbs and so on at just the basic level. This is not even getting into more advanced grammatical constructions that are difficult for the average pleb to explain in English such as "You would have had to have been there" that exist just the same in Russian. This is also not touching culture / idioms / cultural ideology which is incredibly important to language: especially for a nation such as Russia which is essentially "replace republic with centralized despotism, replace Indians with Siberians: the nation. Russia is so very like the USA in many ways, especially in the country, but very different in others. Southerners get along well in Russia, for instance, but softer coastal people only really do well in Moscow/St Petersburg.

>> No.13308017

Also, accents change dramatically as you go through Russia: which makes it hard to get along if you are relying on canned phrases. Not to mention, many Russians ( especially 18-35 demographic) speak broken English so if you embarrass yourself they'll just start trying to speak to you in English. Your goal is to speak Russian better than they can English, which is just not going to happen unless you have internalized the grammar. It's not overly difficult, and generally very formulaic. It's just very different from English where we essentially tell the rules to go fuck themselves because our language is a hilarious amalgamation of Germanic, French, Greek, and Latin influences.

>> No.13308113

Interesting. Perhaps it will be easier for me being a Polish person living in Poland. I'm horrible at polish grammar myself, yet fare well.

>> No.13308176

learn chink

>> No.13308180

>Wanting to learn Russian.

What the fuck bro.

Miracle at Vistula aside, you probably would be ok since you are already native in another member of the slavic language family.

>> No.13308191

Dem Ukrainian women brah.

>> No.13308343

>good idea for business
Better men have tried in the 90's. The only time it's a good idea to do business with Russia is for raw materials, but you're probably looking into consumer goods where the real money is, which Russia hasn't produced since whenever The Old Regime fell.

>finest women on earth
maybe in porn, but irl most of them are very conservatively minded to the point where it'd inconvenience you. She'd be willing to be a stay at home mommy more than most westerners, but be prepared to do EVERYTHING that's not specifically a role that's traditionally been assigned to women like cooking and cleaning. Also she'll be preparing the paperwork for a divorce the second you hit a rough spot financially, they have no loyalty at all when it comes to tough situations. You're better off finding a Russian girl who grew up in America, at least with Americans they have a constant low amount of loyalty instead of having a lot of loyalty except for the times when you fuck up at which point they throw you in the trash.

>> No.13308500

Russia is a third world and will be irrelevant for the next 20 years at least. It's like learning one of those poojet languages.

Your best best is learning Spanish if you're in the US or whatever chink bugmen dialect is popular if you're in Canada or Australia.

>> No.13308533


>> No.13308610

Yeah but you got the Stans, and eastern europe, caucasus too probably. Russian covers a huge territory. Also Russia may be a third world shithole, but will their stake in Antarctica or the Arctic be?

>> No.13308624

Who is this thot?

>> No.13308676

So you're a Pole wanting to learn Russian to get access to the "finest women"? You won't get any particular advantage over Polish women.

>> No.13308738

Can easily tell you this isn't true.The polish women I've met are nothing like the Ukrainian/Russian women I've met. Quite a bit hanging around in the city I live in.
Perhaps it's an effect of the Russians/Ukrainians being migrants, but can easily tell that the Ukrainian men remain as big shitstains as you'd assume, so idk

>> No.13308780

What would happen in a country that collapsed economically, yet contains a huge population of one of the most desirable women on the planet?

>> No.13308792
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>Also she'll be preparing the paperwork for a divorce the second you hit a rough spot financially
Why should it be different? You failed as a man.

>> No.13309355


Russia did collapse (ie. the USSR).

So, just look at history books.

>> No.13309383

Free travel and liberal migration policies weren't really in place so it would a wee bit different this time. Also, overt military conflict is much less likely.