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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 1.33 MB, 1600x1200, OilWell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13304337 No.13304337 [Reply] [Original]

How does one buy an oil well?

>> No.13304346


>> No.13304414

If you go through a company that's drilling-Firstly, you have to be an accredited investor. Then you tell them you want an entire well to yourself. You pay them however many millions it takes, $20 million dollars, or so, and they go into a field they have scanned and dig a hole and hopefully you hit a lot of oil otherwise you lose all your money.

>> No.13304462

t. 10 years in oil and gas industry

>> No.13304469


t. Albertan OilFag

>> No.13304503


What do you do in the oil and gas industry? Is it fun?

>> No.13304521


>Pay for oil well
>The high school dropouts manage to drill it properly, without cementing it shut or something
>Hit a lot of oil
>But the price of oil dropped 40% between when you started drilling and when your well started producing
>Lose money anyway

How did drilling for oil even become a thing?

>> No.13304522

It can be fun, but its fucking dangerous work. People die all the time or get rekt for life. Imagine prison with a paycheck. That is what working on an oil rig is like.

>> No.13304537

So is there a risk of being anally raped? Asking for a friend.

>> No.13304547

>Imagine prison with a paycheck

I used to work in frack. That's actually a very good way to sum up oilfield work in one sentence. I heard "snitches get stitches" for the first time in reference to an oilfield worker who complained to HR about somebody saying mean things to him.

>> No.13304556

You can get raped in any industry you goof.

>> No.13304559


>> No.13304573

Fuck I swear frac crews are stuffed full of some sub iq mouth breathers I am surprised they know to swing a sledgehammer.

What made you get out fren? AmeriBurgers are killing it down there while our drama teacher in charge has effectively killed our industry for at least 5 years.

>> No.13304577

stories please?

>> No.13304615

Not today fren. Bitcones are getting rekt.

>> No.13304616


I was a field engineer from 2014-late 2015. I got laid off because we ran out of wells to frack when the price of oil dropped below 40. I would have quit a month or so later for my next (current) job anyway. Got tired of Schlumberger pressuring me into committing fraud on their behalf.

>> No.13304690


>Getting ready to start frack job with some new technology that wasn't used in this way before
>High-ranking engineer (from our company) is there, to see how it goes (this is normal for shit that wasn't tried before)
>High ranking engineer is a fairly attractive female. Let's call her Stacey.
>Stacey is really fucking smart. She really knows her shit about fracking and this technology. Experienced engineers report to her.
>Client's representative disagreed with her frequently on how the well should be fracked
>I don't think he really understood who she was and how important she is
>When client rep forgets she's still in the room, he says to someone else "That Stacey chick doesn't know shit about fracking but she's got some nice tits."
>Everyone goes silent
>Stacey calls someone high-up in the client's company who she knows personally, tells what happened and that we'd love to continue working with them, only not with this particular representative
>Client rep was replaced and I never saw him again

>> No.13304714

Stories specific to fracking pls

>> No.13304719


>Rigging over to a different well
>That basically means hammering apart iron pipes and hammering them back together again
>We only have one hammer
>One guy on the crew is former army infantry, with PTSD
>He has the hammer and refuses to give it to anybody
>He rages for no reason and hammers apart all the iron pipe, yelling swear words the whole time, while everyone else watches from a distance

>> No.13304773
File: 273 KB, 555x466, sandking_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


That's all I've got, fren

>Working on a well for Marathon
>Pic related holds sand and throws it into a hopper when we pump a stage. We call it a sand chief
>Marathon is serious about safety, even more so than normal
>They have a safety guy whose job is to walk around the site looking for unsafe things
>I show up on location and find out the last engineer emptied every bin on the sand chief except the 2 closest to the front
>The weight of the sand made the sand chief tip over
>Safety guy walks right by it and misses it
>We poker face and empty that chief on the next stage, tell nobody.

>> No.13304816


>Priming up pumps
>Tard on frack crew forgets to open a valve, but says it's open anyway
>Pump operator starts the pump. Pressure goes way up because water can't go anywhere when the valve is closed
>This is very dangerous because the iron pipes can explode
>Gets reported as a safety incident
>Everyone involved writes their statement on my computer
>Tard's turn
>Hunt-and-peck types for at least 15 minutes
>He just wrote words, not sentences or even phrases, just like "the pump and pto operator close valve"
>Submit everyone's statement, unedited
>Tard gets fired
>Find out later tard is illiterate

>> No.13304856

Bwahaha holy kek

>> No.13304862

>Crew is idle, waiting for something to happen
>Everybody is standing around talking about politics
>One of the crew members outright names the Jew, saying how the Jews control our money and government and that's why all our wars are in the middle east, fighting for Israel and some other /pol/ tier shit
>He is saying all of this in front of another crew member who he knows is Jewish
>The two of them are best friends and their friendship seems completely unaffected by this man's anti-semitic rant

>> No.13304880 [DELETED] 


This is factually correct.
t. CWI faggot

>> No.13304892


>> No.13304923

these stories are far more entertaining than anyhting else going on this shit board right now

>> No.13304934


>Local 798
>Break out after a few years
>Weld 36" mainline for a few years in Wisconsin
>Tired of rat labs
>Get CWI
>Feels good man
>Lose all respect from everyone
>Doesn't really matter because I don't give a fuck
>Get drunk one night after working for weeks on a spread with retards
>Call old union steward
>Ask how "seven whiney eight" is doing
>big mistake
>truck gets keyed, tires slashed
>someone steals my hardhat once a week and shits in it
>fail all their welds
>wew lad

I fucking love it all

>> No.13304971

God I have more interesting stories from cleaning porta shitters for a living than some of these gay ass oil stories

>> No.13305013

>someone steals my hardhat once a week and shits in it

>> No.13305035
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I'm listening

>> No.13305060

Please tell. I'm an experienced music festival goer and have seen just about everything happen in those things. Sometimes I think there's no way to recover the porta potty and the company is just better at writing it off as a total loss and burning the bio-hazard into the ground. Interested to know what happens behind the scenes.

>> No.13305097

Have a great-grandfather that bought hundreds of acres in Utah that have sheep grazing for absolutely 0 reason other than it was cheap, then have a prospector 120 years later find shitloads of shale and crude on it and collect your free royalty check
t. oil fund trustee

>> No.13305132

im a more festival goer,
i have been to every
coachella since 2009
edc since 2008

and i have artist passes cus i go with the artists bitch

>> No.13305172

Congrats nigga. Hows that feel?

>> No.13305204

actually i dont get the paychecks, my deadbeat older cousin, recently deceased due to being a useless fucktard, as well and my grandfather and couple other crazy women get about $40000 a year from it each. since my cousin died with no will, its likely going to give over half of the sharehold to the crazy sisters who will probably sell it all off to buy cars and shit while my side of the family is left with nothing. so don't feel bad i just wanted to brag a little since i lost this week on stocks

>> No.13305213

god you must have every std on gods green earth

>> No.13305304


>> No.13305474
File: 1.11 MB, 2560x1920, 20150901_145250.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pics or didn't happen

>> No.13305570

standard oil

>> No.13305626

shieet there really is no way to get in on that? that sucks

>> No.13305636

i unironically still have a uti from raw-dogging the ascended negress at electric forest. god she was so hot and the fact that i was cucking her man made it so much sweeter. worth every itch

>> No.13305652

lmfao was he the only one that got fired?

>> No.13305659

>cleaning porta potties in the middle of the california heat
>be on the middle of a grape vine orchard looking for the next shitter in my route
>quiet, nobody to see for miles, shit is kinda eerie
>big ass mexican comes out of nowhere
>he's standing 30 feet away from me
>oh fugg, motherfucker is holding a fillet knife
>starts walking towards me
>should I stay or should I go now?
>truck is 100 yards away as I got out to look for this shitter
>mexican gets closer staring at me, knife on hand
>I don't know what to do, so I stand therr, if he tries something ill stab him with my pen and run
>he's now right next to me, then suddenly stops
>oh fugg, death by mexican shank or raped
>I have a partner in my truck, fucker hasn't come out to check on me wtf
>mexican then uses knife to cut bundle of grapes
>"twnga, bano over there"
>fucker looks like he just got out of a dumpster
>He keeps giving me grapes, im just standing there with my arms full of wine grapes
>he proceeds to eat some too, cuts one by one with his knife while staring at me without blinking
>"bueno, no?"
>"haha, si amigo"
>he's just standing there eating grapes now
>gtfo before I get raped on the grape vines
>get back on truck, partner asks me wtf took so long, i just give him the grapes and gtfo
Best advice I would give anyone is to tuck their nuts when they use a potter, the tanks on those things are crawling with black widows/cockroaches you name it. They always get cleaned and never repurposed. Music festivals are NOTHING compared to the toilets we would get from indian reservations. Those were always the worst.