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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 1.11 MB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2019-03-16-23-58-48.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13303503 No.13303503 [Reply] [Original]

anyone know how to get into dropshipping?

>> No.13303513
File: 72 KB, 664x1016, 51762ec6-573d-4dde-8822-0ec812fccd4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why thats like getting into beanie babies near the end of its run

>> No.13303535

no no no op, you are too late to dropship, you need to look into chicken and shrimp farming!

>> No.13303551

it's 2019 ffs

>> No.13303577


What's that have to do with anything? If you have a good relationship you can dropship things as fast as Amazon Prime.

>> No.13303589

holy fucking orbiters

>> No.13303604

so whats good for 2019 other than twitch thoting?

>> No.13303652


Anything, everyone drop ships, these guys are fucking NEET faggots who have no idea what they're talking about. Even Amazon drop ships from manufacturers.

>> No.13303660
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for me, its the simple chicken farm, free food and a healthy profit!

>> No.13303663


Fuck all, imagine that smell...

>> No.13303666

Lmfao must be larping

>> No.13303682

That's disgusting and you are going to get very ill

>> No.13303683
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nah, my cute little chickens smell great, and make friendly companions

>> No.13303688
File: 95 KB, 531x800, 3F149935-D1AD-4BF1-8839-1A6E01184EE5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let them outside for fresh air and sun, psychopath. Animals feel pain, like you.

>> No.13303699

buy up overpriced items from ebay and sell them for cheaper on alibaba so more people buy them

>> No.13303702
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>> No.13303705


>My chickens
>Smell great

pick one

>> No.13303711
File: 1.71 MB, 1345x1231, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dont worry, my chickens live in far better conditions than the farm raised ones, and I sell them for a great profit to hipsters and environmentalists ;)

>> No.13303723

Need a time stamp or something. This is unfathomable

>> No.13303736

that is disgusting but hilarious chickenanon
also post more chicken fagget

>> No.13303753
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this one is named pepe

>> No.13303762

>search Google for this image
>no results found

>> No.13303765


>> No.13303773

>homemade tendies

Reddit big gay!

>> No.13303784

post the whole setup

>> No.13303801

god please someone upload this pic for me


>> No.13303817

how why when did you start in the chicken blackmarket business

>> No.13303829

my indonesian friend gave me the whats what, I'm mainly trying to replace all the shit that we are forced to buy at the store. fuckin traces of roundup in everything. he raises fighting roosters back home, for cock fights, a good cock can sell for a grand or two

>> No.13303837

there's more money in making dropshipping tutorials on youtube than in dropshipping and that's drying up too

>> No.13303843


My weakness

>> No.13303848

That image is old as hell, it's not his house. It was originally from Russian 2ch if I recall right. At least the apartment fits

>> No.13303860

i sur wish i could sell my cock for a grand or two
i do this as well but with vegies in my appartement as soon as we buy a house we will go for livestock but outside kek

>> No.13303870

https://video.nest.com/live/cJA9EIsMso heres my chick cam, one of them knocked it over, but you can see them cluckin around

>> No.13303876

But this is ducking disgusting
>farmhouse dreams

>> No.13304014
File: 43 KB, 500x381, 1ihxm3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why even post that you are a worthless bored thot on the interwebz is this what the internet was made for that normies invade it with they bullshit and cucks upboat whores whats their endgame

>> No.13304142

kek will smite you if u hurt him

>> No.13304148

imagine being so engulfed in your virginity you get jealous of FEMALES getting attention pfttthahahaha

>> No.13304171

Do you have sex with them? If they're young enough they go into cardiac arrest seconds after insertion and thier whole body contracts right before death. It milks me dry everytime

>> No.13304249

license and registration..... CHICKEN FUCKER!

>> No.13304316

This is what I've been thinking too.
All these kids supposedly making an absolute killing with dropshipping like 60k a month or so, yet they're peddling their 150$ courses on how to become a good dropshipper.
Something's not right with that picture.

>> No.13304323

nah hes right dude.
>muh free food, muh better conditions than the farm raised ones
they're literally rotting away indoors.
oh wait so is your greasy ass.
if your gonna do something do it proper ffs

>> No.13304351

Amazing chicken mining rig

>> No.13304360

Lmao you think chickens are let outdoors on farms

>> No.13304376

this is why u guys need to stop larping your bait ideas. some motherfucers will bite. I bet at least one of you is rising shrimp in your bathtub.

>> No.13304377

Holy kek wtf lololol This nigga be free ranging chickens in his neet cave kek

>> No.13304390

i love biz

>> No.13304410

just bought 100k shrimp

>> No.13304455

not commercial farm but any farm that hopes to raise healthy chicken yeah

>> No.13304461
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Me too chicken bro.

>> No.13304482


A better question is, if I know why should I tell you anything about it? Why should I help create my own competition?

>> No.13304490
File: 1.36 MB, 2560x1440, 20190411_210013.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is now a chicken thread.

They are getting bigger.

>> No.13304504
File: 1.12 MB, 2560x1440, 20190411_210006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is Nutella. Definitely a rooster.

>> No.13304520

s-stick it in the microwave.

>> No.13304533
File: 1.03 MB, 2560x1440, 20190411_205952.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go back to b.

>> No.13304565



>> No.13304570

Imagine posting this image unironically.

>> No.13304591

>all these city slickers
scared of a chicken, eh?

>> No.13304601

This looks absolutely disgusting...

>> No.13304617
File: 933 KB, 2560x1440, 20190324_130659.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy came out of the egg with some feathers.

>> No.13304634

бpaтaн ты eбaнyтый чтo ли ?

>> No.13304679
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>> No.13304725

>a thread about dropshipping turned into chicken shitposting

Is there a better thread to represent /biz/? Someone should screencap this

>> No.13304734

go back

>> No.13304770
File: 73 KB, 937x1440, 20190226_195932.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the egg incubator that I use.

>> No.13304820
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>this thread

>> No.13304937

You have to be an absolute nerdy virgin to chicken farm in your apartment

>> No.13305043

It's just the brooder dude.

>> No.13305068
File: 1.05 MB, 809x600, redday.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh sweet another chicken guy.
I made a thread a while back when I made the mistake of using chicken wire instead of machine cloth for my chicken tractors. False advertising.

>> No.13305078

I member. RIP chickenbros. Did you eat them?

>> No.13305088

Lmao I remember this thread

>> No.13305089

What's the ROI of chicken farming vs Shrimp farming?

>> No.13305099

It was only half and no, I didn't eat these. Who knows what diseases this predator had.

I did eat the other half though. Out of this world. Totally blew away any other chicken I've ever had.

I'm experimenting now with insect raising. My goal is to produce a 100% grass and insect fed chicken. No grains in their diet (besides the occasional grass seed). Can't wait.

>> No.13305113

I wish you luck based grass roots anon.

>> No.13305139

Jelly. Keep us updated and one day we may feast on chickenbro's tendies.

>> No.13305154

Just waiting for Sergey to get his shit together and then I'll really scale up.

Anyone who can sign a 2017 link wallet gets invited to the farm for top-tier chicken.

>> No.13305185

What the fuck is this thread

>> No.13305212
File: 8 KB, 640x400, 1554865311554.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can u eets dees chikuns?

>> No.13305219

I'm building a chicken tractor next weekend. What happened here?

>> No.13305228

I started a worm bin. Thinking about soldier flies.

>> No.13305255

You know, I don't come on 4chan as often anymore, but damn you guys fucking delivered today.

first thread I click and its some neet farming chickens in his lair

never change biz

>> No.13305291

First anon, you drop it, then you ship it for ultimate returns.

>> No.13305295

Chicken wire... apparently it's for keeping chickens in, not keeping anything out. You want to spring for machine cloth to keep them safe.

Solider flies are great but I haven't found a good way to keep the population totally stable without breeding and holding the adults (shit gets messy and weird) but you can't beat the self harvesting aspect. If the weather is good, adult flies will lay their eggs above your bins as they are attracted by the smell so the whole thing self perpetuates. The problem is if it gets too hot or cold the cycle will be broken. I'm thinking of keeping a handful of larva in the fridge at 50F or so in suspended animation so I can repopulate as necessary but even with that you might see a downtime of a week or so.

Mealworms are pretty great and straightforward but take a bit more work to separate everything but overall a very stable, controllable, and predictable setup.

I have a worm bin too but I'm not even going to bother with them for chicken food. I've seen some profitable setups but they only seem the worth the effort and work if you are willing to market their casings, compost, or sell them directly. That's a lot of extra processing/marketing/infrastructure.

>> No.13305317

Order cheap shit on alibaba and other chink scam sites. Send it to amazon. Amazon handles FBA and takes a %. You pay amazon for storing. You have to deal with re-up and take losses from all the BS cheap inventory you get from china. Rinse & repeat until your store is in the red with amazon fees and you can't shovel enough chinese shit to pay amazon. Close store. /

>> No.13305542
File: 822 KB, 1242x1726, DtPQwaS[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13305559

I've looked at some of that and the profit is ridiculously low.

>> No.13306127

absolutely based
but see someone anon

>> No.13306215

wait hang on, what exactly happened here that was caused by chicken wire?

>> No.13306217

nevermind just read this post >>13305295

>> No.13306433
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couldn't they just jump out?

>> No.13306601


>> No.13306615

Why don't you just sell drugs like a normal person

>> No.13307209

Yeah, I'll move them to a bigger brooder in about a week.

>> No.13308123

toasting ebin bread lmao