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File: 87 KB, 634x636, Craig-Wright.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13298347 No.13298347 [Reply] [Original]

Is he right about everything?

>> No.13298354

no hes not stop posting this asshole. hes australian so this is just one massive shitpost

>> No.13298368

with that face? I doubt

>> No.13298373

why is he not right about blockchain related stuff?

>> No.13298381

Read his papers. He has absolutely no clue.

>> No.13298396
File: 72 KB, 634x636, 1543440792045.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty much yes. I haven't seen one valid argument against what he's saying, only "muh faketoshi". My favourite is when he was on a panel saying bitcoin is turing complete and the other panelists snarkily told him "no, it isn't. You should write a whitepaper about it if you think that".
Guess what, a year later he released a peer reviewed paper demonstrating the turing completeness of bitcoin. He is an absolute savage.

>> No.13298409
File: 89 KB, 1092x728, D3zaw0EX4AA21N2.jpg large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well he was right about one thing at least, that if you buy his coin you're going bankrupt hahahahah

>> No.13298414

look at this expert over here

>> No.13298449

POW is best , and only system based in actual capitalism. The only way to get things done is through actual work. Don't like it go buy basedboy eth and shill for corruption.
Fixed protocol with no chance to be changed, settled for generations to come. No one has control of money and no once will define how you make business. You are the owner of your creation.
Patented services like in real life. If you don't like nChain, create your own services or pay others.
Actual inmutable history record of basically ANY file you want.
Legally enforced tokens that represents currencies like usd, that's inside the blockchain.
And the most important: Legally enforced, so we stop with crimes such as cp and money laundering.
>But muh CSW
If you are fixated jn a single person, you are a retard. BSV is way more important than a person that could or could not be Satoshi.

>> No.13298768

he is pretty much wrong about everything except one thing: communism sucks.

>> No.13298774

>demonstrating the turing completeness of bitcoin
no, he demonstrated that a (-n external) turing machine can use the blockchain as tape.

>> No.13298785

Name one thing he is wrong about

>> No.13298847
File: 283 KB, 1080x1582, Screenshot_20190411-124407.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bitcoin is a failed project

>> No.13298852
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>> No.13298868

His identity

>> No.13298871
File: 26 KB, 444x271, vitalik-buterin-craig-wright-satoshi-twitter-comments.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't even know who's jewing who anymore

>> No.13298876

shitskins were unequivocally a mistake

>> No.13299267

negative gamma

>> No.13299562

POW is a dead-end. The incentives are broken w/ regards to storing the blockchain. Even if BSV scales to a million TPS the fees won't offset the loss of the block reward. We can see this right now with 128mb blocks being mined worth only 60 bucks in fees.

>> No.13299582


>> No.13299583


>> No.13299648

>muh laws
you do realize that laws are just someone else's authority being arbitrarily impossed on you right?

>> No.13299674

128 megs is childs play, lol. when we hit terabyte blocks the fees are something like 60 bitcoins a block just in fees. and we are aiming for petabyte and exabyte blocks

>> No.13299715

proof of work is winner takes all, which is why bitcoin is the only end-game pow coin

>> No.13299735

You're thinking about proof of stake

>> No.13300071

You clearly don't understand law, and that doesn't discard the other points. BSV removes the power that comes from money. You control your creations, whatever it is

>> No.13300160

he is most importantly absolutely wrong about what bitcoin is and is not.

>> No.13300690

Spreding lies like there is no tomorow oh boy, if you had actualy read some of his papers and articles you would understand what does turing completeness mean, being turing complete means it can compute any type of number or function , so yes bitcoin IS turing complete.And it does not mean that its infinite because once you get to the reaaaly big number you just store that value add another drive and continue to compute thus being turing complete.

>> No.13300773

hello Bob , how are you today?

>> No.13300787 [DELETED] 
File: 649 KB, 678x703, 1531100380717.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I fucking LOVE Biz memes.

Biz is soooo fucking based lol. Craig = le god.

We need to meme him into emperor status lol, how frickin based would that be guys?

It's like... he's just as based as Trump and MoonMan. I think its because he's so sassy and non-sequitorious.

This is TOTALLY the next, most epic and righteous BASED meme.... get this:

He's on the internet...

He's contrarian to what seems reasonable and admirable...


Quite silly and ironic...

But actually a super fun and great guy.


I fucking LOVE Biz memes.

Biz is soooo fucking based lol. Craig = le god.

We need to meme him into emperor status lol, how frickin based would that be guys?

It's like... he's just as based as Trump and MoonMan. I think its because he's so sassy and non-sequitorious.

This is TOTALLY the next, most epic and righteous BASED meme.... get this:

He's on the internet...

He's contrarian to what seems reasonable and admirable...


Quite silly and ironic...

But actually a super fun and great guy.

>> No.13300868

Who is right about what? Can't find the guy on twitter.

>> No.13301201

That thing haven't posted for 10 months, hopefully killed itself

>> No.13301236
File: 33 KB, 645x588, brainlet2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13301277
File: 382 KB, 310x315, eat this.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek. Imagine being this triggered.
CSW is the gift that keeps on giving. No man has rustled so many brainlet jimmies since le Orange Man.

>> No.13301302

That would be true if he had a public forum to spread the contents of his diseased mind. Thankfully, he has none.

>> No.13301377
File: 63 KB, 695x390, 44385EE8-101F-450F-80EE-1A35F91A3CB6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s called medium faggot. Don’t like it? STIFF! He’ll post his musings directly onto the BSV chain and get tipped sats all day.

>> No.13301399

I heard he works for the M16 after he was arrested for tax violations in Aussie. Together they came up with the satoshi plan and he stayed out of jail.

>> No.13301421

wew its really been swallowing the money of anyone who ever bought it. i'm sure itll swallow a lot more on its way to 0

>> No.13301432
File: 23 KB, 346x346, 1A77E9CB-87EC-43F0-9BA2-55A28FA51E8E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just HODL BTC, we r all hodlnaut, am I rite?

>> No.13301471

>It’s called medium

>> No.13301550

The level of salty retardation in these threads is off the charts. There is nothing to compare it to.

>> No.13301585

>bitcoin IS turing complete
it's not and if you actually red them you would know it's all bullshit. takes about 2-3 hours to write a turing complete script and interpreter. if bitcoin script wanted to be turing complete it would be.

>> No.13301596

i'm actually jay not bob

>> No.13301618

>projecting like a true narcissist
Attributing your own feelings to others won't make those sad feelings go away, sorry.

>> No.13301628

Fucking cuck
Imagine paying for storage when you have torrent for free

>> No.13301776

>BSV is way more important than a person
it's literally cregs pet project nobody else gives a fuck except a few pedos that like cp on blockchain

>> No.13301822

No its not. Hes saying amyone can build on it. The protocol is set in stone. Its everyones project

>> No.13301956

>The protocol is set in stone.
doesn't look like it hardforks left and right introducing new opcodes fucking with the block limit to the extent completely unwarranted by tx count making it a shitty slow expensive storage accessible mainly via extremely centralized services doesn't sound one bit like bitcoin unchanged sorry pajeet kun!

>> No.13302021
File: 893 KB, 900x900, s.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there a Punished Satoshi image version?

>> No.13302120

Well the 1mb cap was temporary...what is the roadmap of bitcoin core again? Is lightning it?

>> No.13302121

>million TPS is roughly $1000 at $0.001 per transaction
>$60,000 per minute
>$600,000 per block
>not enough of an award

>> No.13302146

>what is the roadmap of bitcoin core again?
2mb blocks eventually when needed.

>> No.13302158
File: 63 KB, 630x630, facepalm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it was fucking needed at the end of 2017 and you know it

>> No.13302161

>2mb blocks eventually when needed.
They were needed years ago and Core can't HF anymore. So those upgrades will never come.

>> No.13302173

>Core can't HF anymore
it will when it really needs to, see consensus is not hard it's just cashies can't get it.

>> No.13302174

I thought segwit was a blocksize increase? 4mb? So just aiming to be a one trick pony?

>> No.13302180
File: 70 KB, 243x200, so done.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13302199

Social consensus is not consensus. Miners were bullied but i believe they will turn soon

>> No.13302201

segwit is not a block size increase btc can fit around 1.7x tx in the same 1mb block than without segwit. segwit x2 would have been a hardfork block increase but there was no consensus and died off.

>> No.13302241
File: 39 KB, 640x640, 1554438849388.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he thinks miners will be played a second time

Think again, nigger.

>> No.13302246

>Social consensus is not consensus
like i said cashies will never get it. there are multiple consensus mechanisms that govern btc they interact with each other and strengthen each other.
the price is determined by market consensus
the longest chain is determined by miner consensus
the longest valid chains propagation is determined by network node consensus
the code used by the network is determined by user consensus
the protocol change is by consensus among developers and miners who are all held hostage to the expectations of the crowd the reaction of the node owners and traders to everything they say or do. it's all very complex but there is one word that describes this mess perfectly:


>> No.13302258


>> No.13302344

btw all creg needs to do to prove bitcoin is turing complete is proving it can execute arbitrary but predefined series of this function
subleq(a, b, c) {
Mem[b] = Mem[b] - Mem[a];
if (Mem[b] ≤ 0) goto c;
to prove bitcoin is a deterministic turing machine (he can't btw) but they probably fuck around with non-deterministic tm (not useful at all in practical terms*) theory (much harder to disprove) just to be dicks about it.

*unlike say eth which has deterministic turing complete script and smart contracts on-chain

>> No.13302384
File: 168 KB, 900x600, Craig-Wright-Chalkboard-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is he right about everything?
Absolute unit!

>> No.13302423
File: 141 KB, 650x531, 1549393220916.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gonna have to go ahead and save that one.

>> No.13302481

is he a or married to ?

>> No.13302515

normie meme
This thread is bot thread everyone watch out

>> No.13302685

this anon isnt wrong.

Creg Satoj recently said that "bitcoin is not a cryptocurrency"
im not making this up.

>> No.13302717

its no secret that creg satoj pays his fellow street shitting pajeets in india to post about him on this neet image board

>> No.13302720

Was he talking about LN? If that's the case then I agree.

>> No.13302853
File: 19 KB, 863x588, cregtard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no he was making shit up about only state issued money is currency when it's totally the other way around. currency is just a unit of account and a medium of exchange the broadest definition. bitcoin and all other crypto is currency. legally also in non-cucked countries. while money is specific to a country or jurisdiction and has to be legal tender also.

>> No.13302863

ive reported you to craigs legal team, have a nice life

>> No.13302864

mind you the definition was greatly confused in the past centuries if you look at dictionary definitions from 1800 it's gonna be a mess.

>> No.13302876

i have reported myself several times but maybe you got better luck anon

>> No.13302888

Wrong. Only when legally enforced becomes a currency. Right now Bitcoin SV is a system that allows you to upload any kind of files, it's not just a ledger for transactions. What he said is that the first step is to create tokens that are approved by a certain state ( example USD) and they will probably have the same value, and will be inside the Bitcoin blockchain. In a distant future you could talk about a cryptocurrency , IF it's adopted worldwide.

>> No.13302917

>Only when legally enforced becomes a currency.
that's bullshit every fucking fiat is currency yet none of them is legal tender ie money in any given country except the one issued there.

>> No.13302995

Currency is determined by law, you can't change that. You can exchange between different currencies and use a different currencies from the legally enforced one (USD Fiat) ,if the other part is willing to accept it. Bitcoin is NOT a currenciy, is an asset like any other that is accepted to trade (gold,silver, euro) . Cryptography is a means to an end just like the blockchain itself. What matters is POW and Capitalism. You can decide to use nChain or whatever other developer apps ( or can make your own) that will eventually show up. That's when centralized power disappears and no one can dictate how you do business with your peers. Fuck developers and fuck csw and Satoshi, if he dies tomorrow doesn't matter beacuse Bitcoin will be set in stone , fuck cult of personalities and proof of social media.

>> No.13303048

here is the list before you fags get all confused by the big words
>currency = unit of account + medium of exchange + divisible + somewhat fungible
>foreign currency = currency + price volatility
>cryptocurrency = currency + unconfiscateable + trustless + permissionless (unless it's a shitcoin)
>national currency = currency + legal tender
>electronic money = national currency + easy to transport and transact
>money = currency + pretty fungible + durable + legal tender
>good money = money + store of value + easy to transport and transact
>wealth/equity = money equivalent of all assets owned

>> No.13303063 [DELETED] 

>Currency is determined by law, you can't change that.
your currency is not determined by my law.
law and money is subjective currency is not.
you already got btfo just stop!
>asset = has value
>commodity = asset + exchangeable
>currency = commodity + medium of exchange + divisible + somewhat fungible

>> No.13303103

>Currency is determined by law, you can't change that.
your currency is not determined by my law.
law and money is subjective currency is not.
you already got btfo just stop!
>asset = has value
>commodity = asset + exchangeable
>currency = commodity + unit of account + medium of exchange + divisible + somewhat fungible

>> No.13303123

My law says my currency is the main one, if you are from another country you have your own legally enforced money aka currency, but for me it's just another asset that is considered "foreing currency" beacuse it belongs to another state. Crypto currency is a meme term to sell smoke and mirrors, beacuse it's just a fucking asset that people are willin to trade for other assets , It's more like a comoditty. In the future monetary offer could be created through tokenization but it will be actual currency by then, similar to electronic money, but inside the blockchain wich makes it better and easier to spot crimes.

>> No.13303133

foreign currency is still currency you asstard you just proved my point only you don't have 2 braincells to see it.

>> No.13303149

Who is this twitterless loser?

>> No.13303240

>In the future monetary offer could be created through tokenization but it will be actual currency by then, similar to electronic money, but inside the blockchain wich makes it better and easier to spot crimes

it's like these retards never learn... asset backed crypto is an abomination, it's just as you said a shitty token not even crypto. tether usdc and the rest is just pure undiluted bullshit backed by literal empty promises not even a fucking states mind you. they are worse than fiat in every which way except one: they can easily cross borders like crypto in general.

btc is the only one true crypto it's the only one trustless permissionless publicly audited ledger that is secure. everything other than btc is a shitcoin. that doesn't mean some projects don't have value or don't accomplish anything just not as currency. it's child's play to separate a token from the underlying asset and sell them separately.

this means nothing can be backed in a decentralized manner. every asset backed crypto is a fucking central authority trustful scam not worthy of the name crypto. at best you can make a tracking crypto like dai which is not actually backed by usd only it's purchasing power is loosely tied to usd. only way to make a "stable" coin properly only it's fuck complicated.

>> No.13303249

given a 1mb cap btc will die if they do not increase supply

>> No.13303265

don't worry btc dominance is guaranteed for the next 1-2 decade. it will die eventually of course. btc can not scale long term. it's just we are at the beginning of this story not the end.

>> No.13303287

I'm talking about security not marketcap. I don't think it will survive the next halfing

>> No.13303300

it will obviously survive it you can expect $10k at the halving and a bull run shortly after.

>> No.13303344

do you think the btc blocksize should ever be changed?

>> No.13303367

The fact that developers make the decisions and the fact that they have censored people in the past makes it centralized. LN is a scam that is not going to work.
Permionless only can be done if you want to be a criminal, bitcoin only works within the law. A token backed by the state it's just currency but represented in a different format, and will be INSIDE Bitcoin wich is NOT a currency is a system composed by a permissioned ledger.
Decentralitazion is only achieved when the protocol is set forever and everyone can develop their own apps and upload their own intelectual property in it ,and charge a price for it without a middle men. The fact that LN is the only solution they came up with, shows you how they closed all the doors of freedom to put you inside a cage, and wants to force everyone use that scam. But it won't be so obvious, it will be like social network and mainstream OS : it's not an obligation to use it, except if you don't you can't even get a job or have a normal life.

>> No.13303562

>the price is determined by market consensus
nope, its the utility that determines the price
>the longest chain is determined by miner consensus
>the longest valid chains propagation is determined by network node consensus

There are no nodes , the nodes ARE the miners , your arguments collide.

>the code used by the network is determined by user consensus
Again , stop being a retard you as a user dont vote on the mining block size, its the miners that define the software.

>he protocol change is by consensus among developers and miners who are all held hostage to the expectations of the crowd the reaction of the node owners and traders to everything they say or do. it's all very complex but there is one word that describes this mess perfectly:

This part is just IDIOTIC and completely TWISTED to justify core/blockstream quotas.

>> No.13303617

thanks Bob , but you made some mistakes there.
DM if you need some help to get that correctly

>> No.13303629

Bob you realy need to clean your yard and your trailer stinks, DM if you need a shovel to move those piles of cat sand from your porch.

>> No.13303648

Hes your worst nightmare and your nemesis

>> No.13303670

how will the supply solve the problem brainlet ? making more btc will save you from fees but at the same time will eat you hodl meme coins

>> No.13303695

creg get the fuck off 4channel you fucking normie

>> No.13303790

I'm just seeing if the shills are promoting inflation or block size increase cause they're gonna have to do something or they're going to loose all their hash.
Or maybe their plan is just to make it fail so they can write headlines "bitcoin was a failed experiment and why that's a good thing" which would then ironically make the success of bsv more undeniable

>> No.13303826

Bsv will grow when developers create new apps and interesting features that interact with the protocol. Csw and nChain are just one of those, people get way too fixated on them , when in fact there's a lot of other pioneers right now.

>> No.13303828

communism is awesome

>> No.13303862

they already acted the full retard (hodlonaut meme) when you should never play full retard, the btc crash will happen as you say thru the hash drop. We cant saves thoses who don't want to be saved.
Their plan is going to work until btc keeps the 1st place on cmc once that changes and btc drops under 1k it will go like knife thru butter in a summer day the fees will skyrocket.
And im not even tryng to FUD because once thats happens we all lose in the short term then comes utility by the time thats happens bs and other project will rise showing whats what.

>> No.13303875

yeah look at cuba

>> No.13303904

I don't need any reassurance about bsv.
I'm just interested in where blockstream and the rest of them are going to take their narrative. Theyre in so deep with their lies
Like I think their no.1 priority was to transmute into something that had the same characteristics of the existing system which was as simple as giving bitcoin the negative properties of gold and then recreating the construction of central banking digitally. but the fundamental flaw is bitcoin has no security if you give it the properties of gold because miners would need to be incentivised inflationary supply which then gives it less demand

priority no.2 would be destroy it which isn't really possible and if they burn up the argument they made no one will ever fall for it again and then they're really screwed

>> No.13303922


>> No.13304137

>we all lose in the short term
buying low is winning