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13298764 No.13298764 [Reply] [Original]

>He believed that there will be another 2017 -tier bull run.

If you're reading this, it is already too late.

they arent here anymore, early adopters of BTC & ETH.

They are enjoying their life at super yacht with pounds of cocaine and hookers, in crypto-billionaire's club, while you still waging your ass of to invest all your wealth into crypto, taking investment adices from smelly pajeets and late adopter zoomers who really think btc will go to 100k$ some day.

It won't. There wont be any 2017 bull runs ever again. It was once in a lifetime chance and we didn't made it frens.

>> No.13298771

>there wont be any 2013 runs ever again

>> No.13298782
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You've had your chances, and we all missed it.

>> No.13298827
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>> No.13298838
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fucking boomers. why they always win? fucking fuck.

>> No.13298883

very gassable face

>> No.13298888

They have all the capital, all the positions, all the power, all the best jobs. And they are not going to give anything that up willingly.

>> No.13298941

those digits won't lie.

wonder what world looks like when all of these boomers are out of work-force.

>> No.13298952

>its just gonna go up infinitely
dude its been 10 fucking years. you had 1/10 of a century to buy it and you didnt. you decided to ignore and fomo in at the top like a normie. some win,some lose. not everyone can be a winner. cope

>> No.13298975
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> all assets and financial products will be tokenized
> blockchain and smart contracts are an emergent tech that will find widespread adoption in all sector of the economy
> all crypto market cap is ever gonna be worth is no more than 190bn

You retards have been saying the same bs in each bear market.

>> No.13299019

>he actually believes in that
>he fell for the tech meme

>> No.13299026

>no argument

>> No.13299065

you really believe all the boomer wealth won't go into crypto? once the zoomers get their inheritance they will pick up their coins.

>> No.13299094

bitcoin has pyramid ponzi scheme -status among mainstream normies. also bitcoin is over decade old technology. only thing what keeps btc up is the hope that it will pump like 2017.

why would any boomer buy fraction of btc if they can buy something else, better tech crypto.

nobody even cares about the tech they just care about getting rich..

>> No.13299105
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I'm here, still working, because I'm not a degenerate. I still have work to do before the cocaine.

>> No.13299136

Lmao I can't tell you how long this bear market will last. Maybe it is.turning around now, maybe not.. but what I can tell you with 100% certainty is that you are a retard.

Human technological infrastructure and economic automation will not scale up on centralized systems with single points of failure, distributed networks are a must.

Smart contracts themselves will save enormous time and money is many sectors of the economy.

Furthermore as fuckery from banks continue with QE and maybe negative interest rates, people will be looking to shield themselves from that threat. Decentralized, predictable value transfer protocols are the solution.

Don't know if you believe your own bs or just being edgy or acting retarded or whatever but if you truly believe what you say, there is no hope for you.

>> No.13299152

Dont care about BTC dont love it, don't hate it. Something will one day replace it or it will continue to be used as a reserve currency with the most secure netowrk.

>> No.13299161

Do you even know what blockchain is about?

>> No.13299192
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t. Aditya

>> No.13299196

I will post a pasta which is very intuitivley and high IQ written from

Bitcoin is a ponzi scheme, but unlike other ponzi scheme which are centralized and govern shut them down, being decentralized make it go on and on infinitley... simply no one can stop it. The scarcity of the coins make it even easier to shill/to go up

Also: (2 reason) there are big powers behind bitcoin. Big whales, they won't let it crash.
They play now the crab market game beacuse there is no catalist and normies are burnt. They need to let them forget a little bit about december 2017
The next catalist will bring this market cap sphere in orden of 500billions and then to trillions.

And in the future fiat, gold will be completley tokeneized.

Basically we are early, yes. We are the third leg of people who will speriment a golden bull run. Don't know if we will be the last generation esperimenting a golden bull run, or there will be also another generation after us.

We need to wait until smart contracts starts to became a reality and the governament start to talk about tokenized assets

Another 5 years and we are set

>> No.13299207
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>which is very intuitivley and high IQ written from

>> No.13299242

I am french,please forgive my errors.
Also this is a bad meme: even a pajeet could use google translate
So please fuck off zoomer

>> No.13299292

Human technological infrastructure and economic automation will not scale up on centralized systems with single points of failure, distributed networks are a must.
Ok, but decentralized application MUST FIND A way to scale, because in this moment centralized ones are more efficient

>> No.13299354

if you're still here and especially working, you didn't make it enough.

this. bitcoin will rule as soon as people and especially govs understand that crypto need something better and especially some regulating.

>> No.13299355

That’s not any ordinary boomer. That’s a Jewish one.

>> No.13299564

Agreed. Thankfully technology improves fast. ETH is the model t