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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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13298055 No.13298055 [Reply] [Original]

Even the Delphi trannies are calling out the CLC scam.

>vastly over-valuing themselves without offering any rational explanation when confronted about it
>Timo debacle
>asking for 700k when all they have to offer is a website and 15 non-exclusive APIs
>only other announced product is nodary, which no one cares about
>vaguely hints at "future products"
>team is 100% bizraelites with no serious business experience or dev talent, bloated as fuck (half of them are "R&D" ie they contribute nothing), 0 hired talent
>hiding the fact that 10% are really 3%
>started getting aggressive and viciously insulting potential investors in biz threads (another sign of unprofessional behavior) when they got called out, also got caught obvious shilling while pretending to be neutral anons

You did this way too early, and the number is way too high. Some people in your group are clearly immature and unprofessional. I want the whole ecosystem to succeed and what you contribute is useful. But you need to listen to the legitimate complaints instead of pretending all is fine.

>> No.13298541

What you'd expect from a bunch of /biz/ pajeets? Honked from the beginning.

>> No.13298561

Hope you know that these fuckers were recruited here

>> No.13298623

We're all here because we don't like the status quo in the worlds of business and finance. We have the power to vote with our $ and tokens. DO NOT GIVE CLCG ANY MONEY! If startups want to use the chainlink community to bootstrap their businesses they shouldn't be dumping on us (esp after Timo argued for 25K sats convincing everyone to buy as he dumped) and they should be committing to a lock in period of all funds at the very minimum. I REPEAT, DO NOT GIVE THESE PEOPLE ANY OF YOUR MONEY

>> No.13298627

can we talk about how everyone thinks these pajeets are doing a good thing for the community when in reality they are centralising chainlink and all the oracles that use them
> muh price per call data from some neets closed source adapters

>> No.13298793

How does 70k get given back to the team?
Why is this frameo faggot spreading blatant fake shit that isn't on the medium article or the clcg whitepaper.
They are giving away 100k(10%) tokens to people who buy them. The team gets 600k tokens.(60%)
I agree the clcg valuation is fucking ludicrous and obnoxious for a non existent service. But seems like frameo is controlled opposition spreading blatant "misinformation" on behalf of clcg so they can point out and say everything else is "misinformation".

Don't trust any of these discord faggots. This is so unprofessional.

>> No.13298802
File: 35 KB, 657x640, 1551663480477.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

delphi isnt clc? damn i thought they are the same faggots

>> No.13298848

Nah, we are just the faggits who make 90% of link memes and waternark them to piss everyone off. Inb4 muh centralized shitlording. Also, happy burthday delphi and happy birthday deco.

>> No.13298854

What's the source for the 70k? Didn't see anything on the medium post.

>> No.13298899

>insults from delphi fags
If that should mean anything, it’d probably mean that CLC is doing well

Fuck delphi

>> No.13298923

These discord faggots are behind CLC.
3 of their members are recent discord mods. Frameo is a reverse psychology misinformation clc shill from Delphi.

Fuck Delphi
Fuck clc
Fuck frameo
Fuck timo (same person and frameo)
And most importantly fuck jannies

>> No.13298938

Ahem...*ting ting ting*


Fuck you kurt/astro if youre reading this
Fuck clc and their comical attempt at a valuation, akin to a child wearing dads oversized suit jacket and scrawling in crayons on spreadsheets
Fuck delphi
Fuck timo and his twitter
But most of all

>> No.13299027

Thanks for copying my message and replacing frameo with astro.

Now that I think of it, why do these 3 discord name fags all have similar sounding discord names?

Fuck the lot of you.

>> No.13299239

>falling for the delphi meme

>> No.13299586

anon...that's a pretty measured response.

>> No.13299645



Everyone saw the same FUD for Linkpool, and they had incredible returns. CLC has a path to a similar return, and even paved the way for it -- they're doing a second sale in 2020 with working products and revenue.

By then, these 100k tokens will be setting up a moon colony

>> No.13299686

>g-guys we are totally like Linkpool! pls buy our scamtokens

>> No.13299765

Crypto is so fucking retarded man.
This overvaluation of a literal who startup relying on a third party to succeed to ever have any form of revenue stream is fucking peak brainletism.
Don't fucking give your money away to them before they proved themselves and that their product will have actual use/adoption, the only thing you feed is Timo's binance account so he can dump on you some more.
Sure what they are doing is great and all, and i really do hope they succeed, but this whole ICO reeks of an attempted cashgrab that will eventually end up in the pockets of the guys behind it so they can load up free linkies sponsored by brainlets literally just by printing imaginary tokens with an outrageous valuation.

>> No.13299771

> discord shillers
even with the LP gains its cap is 10 million at the minute with a working product and proven LINK payments
think about that for a minute

>> No.13299840

When they did the crowdsale, they didn't have any of that.

I'm gonna do a long post about this later. I think the pros/cons are being obscured by bitter delphi idiots and overzealous CLC shills. Somebody needs to break this down, because there is money to be made. It'll be my community service for the year.

>> No.13299894

You are a CLC team member. Stop fucking reverse psychology shilling. You faggots are so bad at it.

Trying to compare CLC to linkpool is so fucking laughable. You guys are done.

>> No.13299919

> when they did the crowdsale, they didn't have any of that
and they didn't value themselves at 7 million, barely 1
they also showed off their early contracts

>> No.13299993

Linkpool literally asked for 600k for 6.5% of the company.

CLC is 700k for 10%.

You're an idiot. Go back and look at some of the FUD Linkpool got, then compare. Suddenly things start falling into place.

>> No.13300002

Scratch that, 600k for 25%. So 2.4 million.
But, like I said, the valuation is high.

>> No.13300021

After condoning sir tintin action, i don’t think any linkies going to trust u guys.

>> No.13300369
File: 247 KB, 638x359, amidisabled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what dumb niggers wouldn't just buy more LINK tokens already? only pure nigger brainlets buy things like LP shares and would even consider dropping a dime on this, if you are reading this and considered dropping money on this, you need to go and literally look at the mirror, and just rethink your life.

>> No.13300407

I would have considered dropping a couple of eths, if only to help them kickstart the ecosystem.

>> No.13300511

Trying to compare yourselves to linkpool again. They didn't get a beat down like CLC is getting on reddit. They also didn't get 90%+ people in every biz thread beating them down.
This isn't fud. This is a genuine shit project and it is being called out for what it is. Go ahead and keep trying to compare yourselves to linkpool, it's doing you some real favors.

>> No.13300519
File: 2.68 MB, 352x288, 71C2E06C-38BE-46C5-B76B-F0ABFBD54611.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a world we live in. Maybe one guy points out how they’re fucking centralizing the control over API providers by throwing money in their face. How could you ever approve of that, regardless of CLC’s 7 mill valuation. Absolutely fucking ridiculous.

>> No.13300574

They let timo post that shit on Twitter. That's just fucken bad for any business. Yeah you can fight it off with "it's his personal matters", but any business owner would rather avoid that situation. They didn't either see it coming or didn't give a shit. I don't know what's worse.

>> No.13300691

I wouldn’t be solely on the basis that Timo is such a smug cunt. Yeah you swing traded a load of link, good luck to you but the bragging is too much.

>> No.13300708

t. Nopants

>> No.13300829

>Compares Reddit reactions
Sounds like you need to go back

>> No.13300945

Discord mod fergly is also the linktrader reddit mod and is deleting posts which reveal the truth about timo and this project. These mods are all in it together with the CLC group. This is so corrupt and a bad image for link these guys need to be shut down any attempt they make at scamming us for money.

>> No.13300969
File: 13 KB, 285x156, 1553211933288.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would you invest in a project built to run on Chainlink before investing in Chainlink itself? I don't understand this.

>> No.13300976

T. esoteric shitposter. HBD

>> No.13301134

As far as I can tell, the FUDDer is deleting his own posts and he gets rekt.

>> No.13301474

It literally says deleted by moderator you fucking brainlet. More CLCg lies exposed.