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13297762 No.13297762 [Reply] [Original]

If you don’t have by 30

>wife and kids
>a mid career job making 6 figures with a manager/director title
>a McMansion and a decent 6 figures 401k

Face it your life is basically over and you should reroll

>> No.13297775

you sound like a demoralizer

>> No.13297813

by that logic, you should be hanging dead instead of posting this

>> No.13297971
File: 24 KB, 471x345, homer phone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wife and kids
don't need this shit

>a mid career job making 6 figures with a manager/director title
wagecucking is for retards

>a McMansion
people really live in those wooden barns and pay millions for them? looks like shit lmao

>and a decent 6 figures 401k
I only hold crypto (chainlink) you dumb goy

>> No.13298810

>wife and kids
>a mid career job making 6 figures with a manager/director title
yes, $140k salary
>a McMansion and a decent 6 figures 401k
no mcmansion. i have a tastefully remodeled midcentury house in a nice neighborhood. have $300k in the market split between taxable and tax advantaged retirement savings

i'm somehow living the typical boomer lifestyle that most millennials say is impossible to achieve these days. doesn't really feel like making it though since i'm in a high cost of living city and there are a ton of mid-20s tech bros making more money than me.

>> No.13298828

i'm 30 and living by my parents, unemployed, my credit score is 0 because i took car loan which i didnt pay and interest was like 3000%

life is ok. also my crypto portfolio was 500k ATH but didnt sell.

LOL is this hell?

>> No.13298841

yes and its your own creation

>> No.13298842

why would I want to live in a neighborhood? why would I pay millions of dollars to live in a neighborhood? you sound like a complete brainlet.

>> No.13298859


>I only hold crypto (chainlink)

You'll never make it frend

>> No.13298864

I'm 34, make a modest living via trading from my den, wife and 2 kids and I live in the woods. Op is a faggot

>> No.13298865

wtf? i just wanted to make it with millionaire lifestyle, beautiful wife and fast cars. this wasnt what i wanted.

>> No.13298877

dw we still have one more opportunity, this will be our last chance. Except for the beautiful wife.

>> No.13298887

It's never too late to get a beautiful wife, retard. If you have money and good status etc, a 20 some woman will go for someone in their 40s+

>> No.13298916


>wife and kids
only if you're a retard.

>a mid career job making 6 figures with a manager/director title
I own a construction company since I was 25. I'm not a wagecuck, retard.

>a McMansion and a decent 6 figures 401k
I don't have a need for that, I live wherever I want for whatever ammount of time I want. I'm not bound by a house.

Seriously, why even make a thread for that? You just sound like you haven't acomplished neither of those things in life.

>> No.13299128

why the fuck does a male need to have kids before 30? You realize you're going to be married to a middle aged woman in a few decades right? Take some fucking time and live a little

>> No.13299145

20s-30s are the time to accrue assets. Let the women get married right out of school

>> No.13299158

About to buy a house in niggerville for like 150k with a low mortgage and literally have my wife get on welfare and knock her up. I gave up doin it the right way

>> No.13299202

>take some time to live a little
Pfffft id rather grind out my 20s and 30s raising kids and accumulating wealth and enjoy it when they all leave the house by my mid-40s. Not to mention youd have no chance kdeping up with them if you wait too long.

>> No.13299233

women don't need school
prove me wrong, protip: you can't

>> No.13299280

I’m worth 5mil...I rent, no kids, Live with GF and I feel pretty good.

>> No.13299285

We can’t.

>> No.13299403

Bruh all i see from parents whose kids moved is boredom and misery. I got it mapped out that i'll just die when they move out.

>> No.13299466

>have kids
>accrue wealth

>> No.13299475

Ah yes, the larping thread.

>> No.13299482

>>wife and kids
fuck this boomer meme

>> No.13299487

Is it a normie wagecuck OPing? Come on, slave, I laugh in your face.

Married to a whore (literally)
cryptobillionaire and cybersec prodigy
Luxury yacht and McMansion in Belize (though a dead neighbor in the fridge)

>> No.13299488

McMansion isn't a term of endearment. They're built just as shitty as any Toll Brothers/Lennar house just with more square footage and some of the worst architectural choices you'll see in a "high end" build.

>> No.13299521

>wife and kids

precisely why i would reroll

>> No.13299525

it's such a mistake for a man to marry/have children before 35. You reach peak attractiveness in mid to late 30s. The best women want men who've already made it and can sustain it

>> No.13299549
File: 753 KB, 806x763, 63109261-AB7C-474B-8190-B4C6D9C5B45A.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

never gonna make it

>> No.13299553

imagine being 30 and already having those things, basically means you were already settled down at 22 and missed out on the best years of your life lmao

>> No.13299722

It's been statistically proven that the vast majority of women have affairs. And a McMansion is a perversion of taste and decency. I'd rather buy a smaller house with style.

>> No.13299740

Not true. I know of a man who made it in his 40’s and married a nice wholesome waifu in her 20’s and they have a kid togeather and are getting married.

Never ever give up and fall for Jewish demoralization. Keep doing whatever you can to improve yourself. Workout, read books, start a business, go to university, do nofap, join a club, get new hobbies. Literally anything that’ll help in the quest a becoming a strong man with a strong foundation and and get wholesome housewife that’ll provide you with lots of children.

To do this is the biggest middle finger to the evil Jew bastards.

>> No.13299777

It is impossible because the average millennial salary is no way close to 140k.

What the fuck is wrong with you? You are in the top 5% of millennials.

>> No.13300154

Tech management?
What do you do?

>> No.13300241

average salary is lower, but average cost of living in the us is a lot lower than where i live as well.

>> No.13300262
File: 552 KB, 3000x5000, DE89B04D-5DC1-4D6D-8C69-B5DBC425C9C2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welcome back bucko!

>> No.13300340

i win

>> No.13300764
File: 209 KB, 700x700, 1554905323214.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


A normal Person with a basic IQ of a bread wouldnt buy such a house.
I can only imagine some rich ass Investment trust diversifiying its portfolio by buying such houses but even with 6 figues on your account you wont be able to pay of the mortgage , the interest alone would eat all the timespan up your ass

>> No.13300793

Im glad you're back bucko
Someone poet the image

>> No.13300816

*90% off billionaires disagree*

>> No.13300948


>> No.13302033

LOL, OK guy

>> No.13302098

6 figures at 30, depends where you live.

>> No.13302103

accounting 6 figures
LMAO larp

>> No.13302117

We'll see mate

>> No.13302226

partners at big 4 firms make $500k+. partners at my firm (decent sized regional) make $300k.

>> No.13302293

Why would you pay 2m for a house made of paper?

>> No.13302316

>no friends
>no job
>live with parents

>> No.13302540

uropoores jelly

>> No.13302624

>If you don’t have by 30.
Yep I'm 30.

>wife and kids
I would like a best friend, but not a ball and chain. I do want kids. I have failed here.

>a mid career job making 6 figures with a manager/director title
Wagecucking is starting to die out.

>a McMansion and a decent 6 figures 401k
I want to buy land instead. Seems like a better meme.

>Face it your life is basically over and you should reroll
You got me. Gun, jump, or exit bag?

>> No.13302633

the land

>> No.13302729

>wife and kids
literally no reason to get this before you are 40 these days given how SMV drives everything now

>a mid career job making 6 figures with a manager/director title
yes to 6 figures, but not everyone can be a manager. Also, good jobs nowadays are really luck-based to the point where I no longer consider having one to be a badge of honor

>a McMansion
I personally think they're ugly as shit, a ranch house is comfier and more aesthetic. McMansions are for tasteless white people whose parents paid for their existence

>a decent 6 figures 401k
same thing as the 6 figure job, this is now luck-based because most well-paying jobs are switching to having the majority of their workforce being contractors

>> No.13302771
File: 57 KB, 600x600, 1553937076725.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have a job though. I know your NPC mind can't comprehend this but having a job means you're a cuck.

Entrepreneurialism is the trust form of chaddery. Now go fuck off and dick your bosses dick so you don't get laid off in the next recession.

>> No.13302791

>don't need wife and kids
You don't need what you can't have homey, its called cope

>> No.13302807

Never gonna make it, NPC.

>> No.13302819

I made it this year. I'm retired at 25. Better than 99.99% of people.

>> No.13302841

I have all of these things and am still dead inside.

>> No.13302877

Nope. 29. Working retail and basically minimum wage. Made 150k on my own with investments. No kids or family. Just a gf and still live at my moms.

Never say it's over guys. Fuck this system. They don't even have enough room for college graduates with their loans they can't pay. Just make decent pay and live a happy life.

>> No.13302882

Op is bucko the boomer a faggot who should kill himself

>> No.13302913

Aside from networking and safety I agree, neighborhoods suck.

>> No.13302919
File: 26 KB, 440x472, 1548283943283.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2million dollars for a house.. guys why on earth would anyone that even has 5m buy this?

>the land

yeah ok that doesn't mean anything when i don't have the time or go outside anyway

>> No.13302964

When I was earning 6 figs I had the same feeling.
>I won at life
>Time to reroll.

>> No.13302968

Lmao @ 1450 Wasp Lane