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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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13296300 No.13296300 [Reply] [Original]


If you dont get it now chances are you will get in too late.

Quant Network IS the standard.

Banks coming next.

>> No.13296388

You guys still don’t get it. QNT has nothing. So they want to keep you “holders” believe. That old men got some pocketmoney from Shilbert for a picture. Those banks all have teams working for themself and they don’t need Silly Shilly.

Also keep going to toxic the quant social media accounts. Big money loves to see how these alcoholics loves everything what silly shilly writes.

QNT = empty box. Idea is okay, but more then a motorcycleshop wont happen.

Keep holding and love the empty box, while others go further. Let him invent all the ISO standards, while others go further. Let him join every board, while others go further.

>> No.13296402

Lol what? You loose.

>> No.13296408

Oh i get it, your name is funny. Did not get you were trying to be funny at first.

>> No.13296473

This is sad

>> No.13296488

You really don’t get it. Silly shilly is keeping the shit alive with retail money. The treasury is “his” treasury. Just analyse his tweets. Do you really believe he won’t announce already one of the 170 clients who are working on his magical ledger? Those clients are you guys. The blind fans behind a laptop adoring it.

But keep spreading the blind love.

>> No.13296509

Retail money is the last sucker to hold bags before niggers and women

>> No.13296511

You are obviously trolling, nevermind you will not make it. Enjoy mcdonalds

>> No.13296562

No trolling sir. Just here to tell you the shilly truth. It’s good to believe in something, but never loose yourself in it. If he was that succesfull businessman he won’t needed the retail money for the ICO. He won’t needed to shill every penny out of it. Opening Offices? For what?

>> No.13296599


Why office? For team to sell services to US clients. Is to complicated for you?

>> No.13296647

For what?

Again: no working product, no tokenomics, no transparency, no clients.... nothing nothing nothing

Soon they will say.

Transparency? Yeah right.

This is real business sir.... yeah right

One big funny show it is.

You want to know a real Tech community build project. With transparency and no bullshit. Join Komodo my friend. That is real Tech. Or is Quanf also partnering them? Never ever happening!

>> No.13296708


A full-release is available for consortium / private chain clients, the public chain release is currently in alpha (launched just over 4 months ago). Beta testnet will be deployed on 23rd April. It is early days,

Token utility paper still in draft, treasury system will be live end of Q2 so an update will likely happen before then https://www.quant.network/QUANT_Token_Utility_V0.1.pdf

>> No.13296771

Yes sirs, we have very good product. Oh you want to see? Fuck you, invitation only, we're just not inviting anyone.

>Asking money to develop on "platform"
>Asking money for every action on their "platform"
>Still need to pay fees for BTC/ETH/Whatever.

Yeah. I can see enterprises fighting each other over having to pay three times the normal fees.

>> No.13296792

All of that is wrong though isn't it? It's weird how obsessed and wrong you are.

>> No.13296836


>Enables multiple DLTs to interoperate without having to code bridges and host peg-zones/wait for Cosmos IBC to be released end of year
>Allow private and public chains to interoperate, without risk of developer lock-in
>Enables treaty-contracts to transact data and value between chains as well as off-chain resources, using a single (likely Java based) language
>Consistent API to access every supported DLT
>Treasury /may/ be able to facilitate purchase of gas if underlying DLT requires it

>> No.13296866

No volume, nobodys buying this junk but the tellies and a few of gills guys who want to dump on them.

>> No.13296871

No volume, nobodys buying this junk but the tellies and a few of gills guys who want to dump on them.

>> No.13296988


Low volume yes, not no volume. And why would team risk their reputation on a pump and dump as you allege?

Gilbert Verdian was Chief Technical Officer at UKFI, responsible for rapidly establishing the agency during the financial crisis to take ownership of £350B worth of toxic assets from the banks. As Chief information security officer
for PayUK, previously NPSO—Nation Payments Scheme Operating, he was responsible for the security for all payments in the UK, £6T per year.

>> No.13297010

Whenever Quantards try to shill the project they don't mention anything relevant to the project. They only mention the accomplishments of the CEO. If this isn't a warning sign I don't know what is.

>> No.13297043


AMA: Lets start with the good news. We've got IDAX

Tellies: This will open up the chinese market for quant! This is great!

Example 1 out of 100

>> No.13297094

You gave me a migraine. Suck my penial to help relieve, fogger.

>> No.13297103

Fuck off back to your circle group. Nobodys buying into the baggening of the decade in two weeks.

>> No.13297113

OP is putting a lot of effort into this fud. I wonder why. Thanks for saving us, op.

>> No.13297123


It was in reference to the team orchestrating a pump and dump rolleyes, sorry i didn't realise I couldn't bring up reputation. Best stick to fighting a straw-man like you

>> No.13297135

Whatever, your loss of you dont buy. You clearly dont understand the scope of this

>> No.13297150

>Managing Director of Rockefeller Capital joins Quant Network
This is the most meaningless statement ever.

>> No.13297158


You keep getting the chop here. And you always end it like this after getting buried.

Till next time begger.

>> No.13297170

So you saying I should come out as gay for QNT to moon?

>> No.13297175

Hey, can I suck your dick instead?

>> No.13297181

Aye, me is gowin hungry as market begger, lad. How can I trust yous with me monies, fookin lil orc?

>> No.13297211

So they have a new scammer on board. Congrats.

>> No.13297282


>Last chance to buy below 5$
>Top 50,,,,,,, next stop top 10\

3 weeks later, decimated back to #140

>> No.13297295

kys newfag

>> No.13297541


Komodo is a good project and Quant does plan to add support for interoperability blockchains, once support has been added for 1st gen + 2nd gen DLT's. I guess in 2020+.

>> No.13298432

$100 soon

>> No.13298987

Do you sit on biz refreshing the page for Quant threads so you can post your pathetic fud. Honestly fucking kill yourself.

>> No.13299021
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Imbecile fudder ignores your post because he's too retarded to understand any of it.

>> No.13299079


Nope, your going to the slaughterbank EOM

Finally these threads will die

>> No.13299125

he looks like boomer

>> No.13299155

you gave him the chop? How will he ever recover?

>> No.13299189

lol this shits already pumped hard, its done. if you're buying these bags you deserve to stay poor kiddos

>> No.13299212
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>> No.13299214

They not gonna ruin their reputation, they just gonna dump on you retail investors while they laugh on your dumb money believing fairy tales with their banking friends.

>> No.13299219
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>> No.13299241
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Investing in this project is believing those people will help you to become rich, see attached pic.

>> No.13299259

You should probably hedge your QNT bag with some XRP if you think this strat will pay off....

>> No.13299290

Why do you keep changing your ip?