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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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13293353 No.13293353 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.13293358

>living in jew york
how cucked are you anon

>> No.13293375

I miss trex, nicest charts and indicators and great ui in general. All shitcoins used to pump in this amazing pattern of accumulating volume from page 10 or so

>> No.13293402

There's a lot of black people who are very rude and selfish in the subway. Makes me sad that my taxes go towards supporting them. My apartment for which rent costs me 60% of my take home pay is probably the average boomers mcmansion living room. I have never in my life seen a firearm and am well aware that If any type of civil war broke out, the city would start and start to cannibalize itself within 2 weeks.

So, a lot

>> No.13293417

>If any type of civil war broke out, the city would start and start to cannibalize itself within 2 weeks.
I'm looking forward to the highways getting cut off and your cancerous liberal hive-city being cut off from the 24/7 importation of supplies your disease requires to live. Roving bands of niggercannibals will be eating wypipo within a month.

>and that's a good thing

>> No.13293458

I've been waiting for the right time to move since 18 when I decided I'm leaving. I'm headed down to Florida or the Carolinas

>> No.13293482

Imavine still using us shit exchanges kek

>I miss trex, nicest charts and indicators and great ui in general.
Bro what Bittrex UI is shit they don't even have trading view charts wtf literally the worst UI and order types of any major exchange

>> No.13293498

>what is Binance

>> No.13293565

Sucks, I live in chinatown and was hoping to have a place to trade my FLO. Then again, good fucking riddance to one of the most unscrupulous and poorly designed exchanges ever. Fucking unusable ui made timing trades a living hell.

Lol. Actually believing that any town or rural area is self-sufficient. This is the financial and artistic capital of the world withh dozens of bridges and tunnels, not fucking australia. When the revolution comes enjoy your extra week of life you dumb redneck.

>> No.13293601

are my fundus really safu?

>> No.13293613


>> No.13293633


>> No.13293650

What's going on in New York for this to happen?

This is also a bible-stamped certified Jesuspost, Jesus bless your finances.

Philippians 4:19 King James Version (KJV)
19 But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus.

Matthew 6:21 King James Version (KJV)
21 For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.

>> No.13293670

i only used BITTREX for WAX, now have to sign up somewhere or someshit

>> No.13293824

leaving (((NY))) was the best thing I ever did.

My blood pressure is lower.
My bank account is higher.

>> No.13293830


>> No.13293845

Wait what the hell???

>> No.13294383


Chinatownanon here. Whered u go

>> No.13294397

Get the fuck outta there. Left at the end of February and feel like I made the best decision of my life

>> No.13294449
File: 19 KB, 325x288, 1549829240094.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wtf is with the greasy black dudes doing "show time" on the subway, swinging around on the handrails in the subway car like literal apes?

>> No.13294479

Where did you move? I’ve been here for 3 years and it’s great in your 20’s, but I can’t imagine being here too much longer.

>> No.13294634

Virginia. Not Northern Virginia.

>> No.13294653

Carolinas, just stay away from nigger areas in South Carolina, they are some of the most feral of all.

Stay out of Florida, the weather is miserable and it's just filled to the brim with nigs and wetbacks. In before "muh panhandle", yes, that area is just fine, but it would culture shock the living fuck out of you, stay in the Carolinas

>> No.13294672

First Kraken, now Bittrex. Can't use Bitmex. What the fuck, I hate living in NY. I have literally 0 options for margin trading unless I use a VPN and risk shitmex banning me.

>> No.13294690

How to spot accumulation?

>> No.13294691

newfag spotted. old trex was objectively the best ui. they redesigned it right around the time they started pushing heavy kyc.

>> No.13294752


Remember buying antshares on Bittrex? Man those were the days

>> No.13294779

.... Wow. This post gave me superaids.

>> No.13294883

the real question is how much of their volume is from new york.

>> No.13294926

Panhandlers make more money than many jobs that require college degrees. I've spoken with some hobos, if they have a good spot like times Square or Columbus circle they make 300-500 dollars a day, cash, not reported to the IRS. The equivalent salary you'd have to be making 115-190k. Imagine that? Even if they only make 80 dollars a day that's like you or me making 30k. Why wageslave when you can sit on the sidewalk for 4 hours then go back home?

>> No.13294965

they have low volume overall the past year now maybe, will probably shut down once liquidity leaves from NY. i'm moving everything to Binance.

>> No.13295132

Sign up for Bittrex coin removal notifications at https://blastnotifications.com/coin_removals.html

>> No.13295598

>Why wageslave when you can sit on the sidewalk for 4 hours then go back home?
because "home" is some shitty apartment where they drink/do drugs each night with all their gains because they have zero credit/credit-history, or worse, terrible credit/debt already
they ain't buying houses

>> No.13295617


play with jews get jewed

IRL 101, homos

>> No.13295652


>> No.13296376
File: 4 KB, 166x250, Meth-Kurcko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah snap. Would be nice to be an exchange that has an emphasis on regulatory compliance.

>> No.13296554

No it wouldn't. All that is wanted is no kyc and volume.

>> No.13296686

Kek. Go back to plebbit or just KYS if you don't understand.

>> No.13296691

who told you to use those terms

>> No.13296693

Being a Crypto New Yorker is like being a gay muslim now

>> No.13296714

fuck you and fuck kevins forehead

>> No.13296743

Are we really going to need to move to regulated exchanges? This time last year everyone said 2018 is the year of DEXs yet so far all we have is IDEX and I preferred ED to that. Foreheads exchange is nearly as ugly as Kraken and avoiding tax is going to be tough.

>> No.13296766

White privilege is a myth.


urban privilege
The social and economical benefits, advantages and/or immunities that all urban people benefit from on a daily basis. Urban privilege is often ignored, it exists without conscious knowledge of its presence and it helps to maintain the socioeconomic hierarchy in this country.

Even the most economically disadvantaged people in an urban environment are better off, have more opportunities, and have an easier life than the economically disadvantaged from rural areas, specifically the Appalachian region.

Urbanites, even the poor ALL benefit from the collective wealth of the individuals within the urban center that they live. Because NYC has wealthy individuals, they were able to build and maintain cheap public transportation (buses or subway). Even the poorest individuals in these communities can move about freely and cheaply. Whereas, rural poverty never receives such benefits because there is no collective wealth or individual wealth.

Additional urban privilege includes the internet, healthier food, diversity, education, healthcare, criminal justice, woman's rights, housing standards, and even recreational activities.

Perhaps the largest injustice with urban privilege is the lack of media attention rural poverty receives compared to urban poverty. Urbanites often commute from middle/high-income suburbs into urban work centers, they pass and see urban poverty daily. Meanwhile, rural poverty goes unnoticed or ignored because no one has to see it on a consistent basis (if ever).
They think they are so poor and bad off, but their urban privilege blinds them to the true poverty that lies outside of their city.

>> No.13296791

>Live in a 'Free' Country
>get denied access to your account
fuckin brainwashed Mutts!

>> No.13296800

>avoiding tax is going to be tough
That's a fair point, but then regulated exchanges are no option for you. However, a good tax consultant might do the job, too, if "avoiding" means pay as little as possible.
You can count on that, mate. Are you still not able to read and understand what SoW actually means in your case?
Oh, here in India we have a file on our desktop and we can copy paste all kinds of fitting answers and phrases, sirs.

>> No.13296865

Can this be avoided by using a vpn or am i fucked no matter what due to using my ny address.

>> No.13296869

Using my NY address to sign up for my account, i mean

>> No.13296889

just move lol