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File: 57 KB, 480x637, 1466623924178.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1329037 No.1329037 [Reply] [Original]

Really makes you think.

>> No.1329042

jokes on you, i want to be cremated

>> No.1329055

About what?

>> No.1329064

Is this like an Indian meme?
"Everyone shits in a hole", that kind of thing?

>> No.1329066

Except one comes 20 years earlier.

>> No.1329073
File: 118 KB, 480x637, rich vs poor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Really makes you think.

>> No.1329078


Having money will give you between 20-40 years of extra life, maybe even more when considering the future medical tech advances.

>> No.1329079
File: 115 KB, 480x637, rich vs poor future.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This also really makes you think.

>> No.1329081


>> No.1329083

>not knowing you can live on in memory
>not changing the world
>mfw peasants are content with being remember by their family that doesnt really give a shit about them

>> No.1329117

Rich people have nicer granite gravestones with their faces enscribed on it. Also at a nice cemetery with a view. Poor goes in a hole in the desert.
It doesn't even matter though, they're dead!
What matters is how they spent their lives, and the rich man had a better time

>> No.1329137

this desu

>> No.1329172
File: 73 KB, 480x637, 1466624474190.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Really makes you think.

>> No.1329198

>not burying the poor in mass graves
excuse me did Bernie Sanders win the election or something? Are we wasting money now what the fuck

>> No.1329255

Can someone shoop that where the rich grave is a pyramid

>> No.1329260

>40 years extra life
What the fuck? Put that statistic back in your ass where you found it. Wealth has barely any impact on lifespan. The oldest people in the world are poor japanese villagers

>> No.1329290

who eat natural food, mostly fish and rice.
in the west you only get to eat organic food if you live in the country. go to the mall, all the healthy food (with no chemicals or very few) is expensive.

>> No.1329300

u got to be mad rich top 0.2% to get cryptogenics

>> No.1329334


>> No.1329467


>> No.1329473


>> No.1329510

Eating healthy is not expensive. Its the mix of lesser education and convenience of fast food that make poorer populations more prone to obesity

>> No.1329527

Who the fuck wants to live that long anyway? I'm already bored with life and I'm not even 30 yet.

>> No.1329531

>$40k is top .2%

>> No.1329598

>implying when you are dead you give a shit how fancy your tomb is

>> No.1329634

I'm pretty convinced that we will cure aging in our lifetimes

just sayin :^)

>> No.1329649

>implying i wont

>> No.1329678

If you really think that, then what are you waiting for? Just kill yourself.

Or were you just being a self-deceiving prat and thinking that you want to die young when you don't want to die at all?

>> No.1329884

I think it was hyperbole. Calm your tits

>> No.1329904
File: 73 KB, 800x583, 2300-19-800x583.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Wealth has barely any impact on lifespan.
Kek. Found the moron.

>> No.1329983

Yeah makes me think op is autistic and one of those fags who think that there is nobility in poverty

>> No.1329986

>what is correlation vs causation
Ya sometimes the morons just point themselves out

>> No.1330262

That's the cost of a nice funeral. Even broke disabled genius hermit Satashi Nakamoto (Hal Finney) got to be cryo-preserved so that his consciousness may join us in the matrix someday so he may finally spend those 1MM BTC.

It is foretold.

>> No.1330277

Oh? And what do you think causes the higher life expectancy of the rich? Is it evian?

You fucking autistic motherfucker. You retarded cunt suckling bitch. YOU NEED THE MONEY IF YOU WANT TO LIVE LONG.

>> No.1330373 [DELETED] 

>what is correlation vs causation
Someone doesn't know what those words mean. Of course its correlation, not causation. There is no biological mechanism that converts currency into cellular regeneration. No one claimed otherwise.

What YOU claimed was: "Wealth has barely any impact on lifespan." I.e., YOU said there is no correlation between wealth and lifespan. I fucking blew up your argument with one graph that took 20 seconds to find.


Fuck, you wi

>> No.1330375

>what is correlation vs causation
Someone doesn't know what those words mean. Of course its correlation, not causation. There is no biological mechanism that converts currency into cellular regeneration. No one claimed otherwise.

What YOU claimed was: "Wealth has barely any impact on lifespan." I.e., YOU said there is no correlation between wealth and lifespan. I fucking blew up your argument with one graph that took 20 seconds to find.


>> No.1330421

those poor sods are going to turn to mush if they ever melted out, they were frozen wrong full of ice crystals that fucked their cell membrane.
basically dead meat with no hopes of resurrection kept for a fortune.

>> No.1330630
File: 1.94 MB, 853x589, Healthy vs Unhealthy graph.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Who wants to live to old age?
>Let's enjoy our lives to the fullest and die sooner!

This has to be the dumbest thing ever said by anyone.

If you die younger, it's not because your timer is up and you suddenly go game over.
It's because your health is such shit that it gradually goes down until your body can't handle it anymore.

It's not like the guy who will die at 50 and the guy who will die at 90 will have the same "well-being" at 49.9yo and one will suddenly die, while the other will just keep going.

It will be more like pic related.

TL;DR: If you die sooner, not only you will have a shorter life (which, since you're stupid, you see as a good thing), but you'll also suffer more for those fewer years.

>> No.1330638

And that's only considering health.
If we talk about boredom, then why don't old people kill themselves?
There are tons of young people who live a life significantly worse than the one old people live. Why don't they all kill themselves?

Maybe living a shitty life is better than not living at all, since once you die you have literally nothing else.

Also if you're bored with life, it's 100% because you decided to be.
You can always pick up a new hobby or activity to fill your time. I'm sure there is something you'd like to do instead of being bored.
You have Internet acces, so you can very easily find a new passion to fill your time and mind.

>> No.1330647

lmao bitch got roasted

>> No.1330678

What do I care what happens to my body when I'm dead?

>> No.1330707

You're right, this is only a problem for people who are part of a religion.

>> No.1330858
File: 492 KB, 176x216, 1520.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm sure you heard this from a reputable source. Top kek. Idiot.

Lmao, no.

>> No.1330897

>Not building a mausoleum for your corpse

Fucking poorfags

>> No.1331067
File: 29 KB, 640x480, REMEMBER ME.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most people who care about being seen as a respectable person while they're alive, also care about being seen as respectable while they're dead.

I bet most would like to be remembered positively.

Also being remembered is the closest thing we have to living after death. It really makes you think huh.

>> No.1331152

This is why it's important to have children, so we can provide a strong future for our children, who'll provide a strong legacy for theirs.

Even still, I'd rather live interestingly than shitty. The inevitability of death makes me want to be more hedonistic, not less.

>> No.1331213

Why so butthurt? The reason why I don't want to live that long is because from experience I've seen that life only continues gets worse at a steady rate. Literally every year I've lived has been more boring and less fun than the last. Since I'm already at the point where I barely give a shit anymore, why would I possibly want to live for another 50 years? I'm not interested in having children anyway, so there's no practical reason for it either.

There's nothing wrong with killing yourself when life gets too boring. That's what Hunter S Thompson did.

>> No.1331633

>Let's enjoy our lives to the fullest and die sooner!

not disagreeing with you but life for the sake of life means nothing.

>> No.1331644

>during cryptopreservation one of adverse side effects is extrarcellular ice formation in which water migrates out of cells from which ice forms. oo much extracellular ice can cause mechanical damage to the cell membrane due to crushing.
>"lol im sure you're smart lol but i don't believe you because i cant into google"

get a load of this faggot

>> No.1331647

Sadly, you have to kill millions of Jewish people to be remembered but you can have kids or adopt kids that will eventually have an impact on the world which will be good or bad depending on how you raised them.

>> No.1331655

>live interestingly
>raise kids

pick one.

>> No.1331694

Actually smoking and obesity are the causation of of that graph. Having money doesnt magically make you skinny or not smoke. Read a book faggot

>> No.1331708

It kind of does. Rich people can get entertainment and thrills without taking enormous health risks inherent in gluttony/nicotine addiction.

>> No.1331720
File: 19 KB, 1350x561, Oyster.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why so butthurt?
I'm not butthurt at you Anon, I'm just tired of hearing people (mainly smokers and other people chosing to ruin their own lives and using that as an excuse).

>The reason why I don't want to live that long is because from experience I've seen that life only continues gets worse at a steady rate. Literally every year I've lived has been more boring and less fun than the last. Since I'm already at the point where I barely give a shit anymore, why would I possibly want to live for another 50 years? I'm not interested in having children anyway, so there's no practical reason for it either.
There's always someone worse off than you. Even if you're handicapped, you can always choose to change parts of your life if you want.
Hell if you want to kill yourself you go full crazy like pic related since you would have nothing to lose.

>There's nothing wrong with killing yourself when life gets too boring. That's what Hunter S Thompson did.
>A famous and respected person did something outside of his field, so that something must automatically be respectable and not wrong at all.
I'm sure he (or whoever you respect) also did something you'd find despicable and wrong.
Just because a great man did something it doesn't mean you should too.

>life for the sake of life means nothing
Yes, and?
Life doesn't have to have meaning. You can still do whatever the fuck you want without having a specific meaning, and it would still be way better than dying.

That's also true.

>> No.1331734

Do you legally get to keep your assets after you're dead?

>> No.1331883

Rich people can be fat and smoke too.

>Protip: it's access to quality healthcare, dummy. Your shitty insurance doesn't even come close to covering what rich people can do when faced with serious condition, not to mention you get shitty doctors, shitty, nurses, and shitty hospitals.

>> No.1332663
File: 91 KB, 480x637, 9i5nqefd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1332697

Wow what a shitty fucking thread.
Leave it to money grubbing kikes to fail to understand life and death.
All they know is greed.
Fucking losers.

>> No.1332713
File: 395 KB, 4200x2800, your fucking choices.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Hey, sup

>> No.1334648

I hate this image so much. Person who wrote this and posts it has is that person who tries to help you back up when you fall over and YOU JUST WANT NO FUCKING HELP BECAUSE WHAT JUST HAPPENED WAS HUMILLIATING AND I DONT WANT YOU TO ATTRACT MORE ATTENTION

>> No.1334656


>> No.1334663

This. Freezing prevents rotting but destroys tissue.

>> No.1334898

Is this bait? What are you doing on biz if you can't into bitcoins?

>> No.1335128

you need a source to tell you that water turn into ice? or that the human body mostly water? kill thy self

>> No.1335958

How are you this fucking stupid? Has it occurred to you that they would try to get around this somehow?

>> No.1336304

You live 15 Years longer and 25 Years healthier as a rich person. You can buy the virginity of the poor mans daughter.

>> No.1336648

>that image
Yeah guise, if you're suicidal JUST HAVE FUN!

>> No.1337259

That's not what it means.
It doesn't say if your life is shit, just have more fun.

It says that if you're at the point where you're actually killing yourself (meaning you don't care about life anymore), just go do something crazy instead and if you die doing it, then it would be the same result as the other option. Except now you don't necessarily die and can potentially change your life for the better.

>> No.1337287
File: 103 KB, 480x637, rich vs poor future.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Really makes you think.

>> No.1337622

eppa genetics, B

>> No.1337630

Wrong, I have a mausoleum for me and my family, poorfag will be dead and forgotten.