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File: 67 KB, 793x391, Screenshot_20190410-222207_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13291830 No.13291830 [Reply] [Original]

The CLC group is a Chainlink 3rd party business.
They are currently raising 4000 ETH with only a 10% share of their company. Giving themselves a wild valuation at $7million!!
This is soo extreme i think it speaks for itself without even picking to pieces how bad their business model is.

There is also now controversy over one of the CLC group research advisors. He is affiliated with Chainlink through a 3rd party and fudding and announcing his swing trades on twitter and in discord. The last thread I saw uncovered possible crimes he is committing in Australia and Germany.

For the sake of a healthy Chainlink community, I concur that it is not acceptable to have a member like Timo with his personal and business conflicts of interests with regards to market manipulation. Combine that with him and his CLC buddies asking for fat stacks of your donations so he can further swing and steal our linkies, I call upon CLC group to dismiss him or forever be known to endorse this type of behaviour.

Just imagine based Jonny from linkpool announcing he is swinging his fat link stacks while raising money for linkpool. Linkpool wouldn't even exist right now.

>> No.13291866

Calm down Frameo. I hope you'll be able to find a nice girlfriend or maybe get a dog to get your mind off of the fact that you weren't allowed into the group due to your psychotic behavior, which is also conveniently at display in your recent rants here and in r/lt. Get some company for those lonesome evenings man. I mean it sincerely. It will all get better.

>> No.13291901

regardless of what you think about timo it is clear that this launch blew the fuck up in their faces

$7m valuation is comical as fuck

>> No.13291929

>7million dollars for a bunch of adapters that 1 guy can do in a week

seriously how is this not a scam?

>> No.13291943

one single tweet, destroyed their entire reputation. top kek

>> No.13291948

The timo stuff is kind of the cherry on a fat greedy diabetes iced cake.

$7m is so bad. These guys will be 100% using these funds for salaries which will be used to swing on us. The behaviour of timo has essentially been endorsed by another CLC group member in discord. Investing in these guys would be so stupid.

>> No.13291969

and this timo faggot also knew before everyone else knew
he will dump on everyone first chance he gets 100%
And other will do the same to get their millions

>> No.13291979


This is insane. CLC is an outright scam.

I would check competing products. I'm not sure we can invest in it yet, but CLC is already BTFO'd


>> No.13291993

Yep, if I were the other team members I'd be mad as FUCK at Timo for spoiling it. People might not have been so critical of their valuation and fundraising if he had just shut his trap

>> No.13292003

Imagine being this butthurt that someone is making money off of your cult coin. You’ve spent months holding it and making gay memes and smarter people than you are getting rich off of it instead of sitting on their ass like the low T fags you all are. Pretty funny.

>> No.13292019

I laughed so hard when I read 10% in the announcement. Are they fucking joking with this shit?

>> No.13292025
File: 143 KB, 733x1024, against bolshevism and usury.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I find it hard to believe that anyone still takes this thing seriously after that tino dicko guy bragged about swing trading their """""""company"""""" funds. Absolute joke of a scam and personally i wouldn't be surprised if it was actually r*dditors trying to scam 4channers. Just a though.

>> No.13292027

Somehow the scammers need to make
money they would want you to dump on them

>> No.13292033

They won't get rich from this ICO.

>> No.13292041

I'm all for people making money. As much as I hate swingers I am still all for people making money

The issue with Timo is he has a clear conflict if interest, he works for a 3rd party and is asking for a million dollars for his self valued 7million dollar company so he can swing further on the backs of linkies. Combine that with his swing announcements this is 100% market manipulation from a team member.

Imagine Jonny from linkpool behaving like this.

>> No.13292044


It's remarkable. They're going out and getting APIs for the community and people are sperging about a member who likes to trade crypto... in a crypto community.

>> No.13292049


>> No.13292120

Are people actually considering investing into this? They literally just provide APIs and are claiming that they are worth 7 million dollars. This is something that virtually all companies do for free. So I'm really curious as to how anyone could claim this company is worth anything other than zero

>> No.13292153

A literal manipulator who will spend any ico money raised to pump and dump on the very people who invested in the first place. Also centralizing the supply more than even the scammiest of shitcoin icos do.

Look, im all for the service they want to provide, but to affiliate with a literal scamartist pumping and dumping with his daddies money is really fucking bad for your image.
7million for a literal website relying on a proof of concept crypto startup with no mainnet to succeed.
They managed to get this far without external funding, which is a good thing. Keep it this way and IF chainlink delivers and clc gets some actual adoption THEN try to raise an ipo/ico whatever. Otherwise your just giving your money away to timo so he can pump and dump on you some more.

>> No.13292155

They don’t work with ChainLink. Who gives a fuck. ChainLink is open source. Who gives a fuck? Why are you faggots crying for some government regulatory dick you can suck on.

>> No.13292179

3rd party affiliation. Do you know what that means?

>> No.13292202

Do you know what open source means? They also have no contracts with anyone...and it is a cryptocurrency.

You faggots are insufferable.

>> No.13292210

Oh wow the little guy learned about divide & conquer. Poorly done though. Why did you make a new thread anyway? Delusions are tough to cope with, especially when you have a thread full of them written out staring you in the face. I guess i don't blame you

>> No.13292275

I did not make this thread and I am not who you think I am

You sound like a team member who is assblasted that the launch got fucked

Truly hope you meet your funding goal but anyone with a brain will not touch this with a 10ft pole

>> No.13292320

>too retarded to know how IDs work

>> No.13292392

Scrolled up and down too quick like the faggot phoneposter I am, shit happens. I deserve this. Admittedly, I was too scared to join the group but I wish them luck. I just don't get why everyone is focusing on one guy. Also $7mil really isn't a lot. I just want to hear their plans for scaling with that money.

>> No.13292413
File: 2 KB, 125x90, 1554935716881s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow guys check out this blatant scam from another one of their members .

They are trying to use the crypto securities excuse for not being able to give ROE on a SERVICE, which is what every company raising funds does. Total fucking scam

>> No.13292426

nigger need a bigger pic

>> No.13292489
File: 246 KB, 1440x1045, 1554935716881.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No idea how that happened hahaha. Here you go frens

>> No.13292491

see >>13292330

>> No.13292634
File: 82 KB, 400x350, 1523971634974.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We are early adopters, we already won. Just play safe and hold tight.
There can be infinitely more companies like Linkpool & CLC which build on top of Chainlink, and there's many more to come. Why would you give up your future stake in the Chainlink network to make a risky bet in a company that could be easily surpassed and replaced?

Remember, LINK is one and only, these companies are not

>> No.13292640

>still using ye olde ERC20 token cash grab in 2019.
Initially I thought CLC could be something good. Not so sure now. Thanks for looking out anons.

>> No.13292680

This, kek

>> No.13292692


CLC GROUP is actually evaluating themselves at $24million

They want 720k for a 10% share
70% of that 10% gets given to team members. So really they are trying to fool you all and give away only 3% for 720k. Which is where you get the 24m evaluation.

This is fucking insane as fuck

>> No.13292694

>we won by getting dumped on in a zero sum game
Seriously peak delusion

>> No.13292720

It's fine if the clg people buy the other 7% themselves. So they're only raising 210k from outside investors

>> No.13292735

Wowee. How can they possibly value 10% at more than the 25% of Linkpool, which sold for 1000 ETH at crowdsale

>> No.13292784

Not even creating adaptors. Just an indexing service that any 12 year old could tweet

>> No.13292989
