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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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13287084 No.13287084 [Reply] [Original]

I've been crunching some numbers, researching how much api providers charge right now, looking into Oraclize and other oracle services customer-base and how much are they paying...

And I've came to the conclusion that LINK holders are completely out of their mind. The network just WON'T have nowhere near the fee revenue to justify the price predictions that are thrown around in this board.

If we're LUCKY, we might see a 10MM USD a YEAR at the beginning at the network. It's fucking ridiculous.

Even if we the network eventually gets adopted by a few banks for derivatives trading purposes (which WON'T happen in less than 03 years, you idiots have no idea how far away smart contracts are from being actually usable) it'll be HARD to get over 100 MM usd a YEAR in network fees. Shit just isn't that profitable.

So yeah, LINK is basically overinflated in price because delusional neets bought into the non-sense from a group of LARPERS and didnt actually do any research.

>> No.13287106

Great pasta show us your short now pls


>> No.13288317

lets see the numbers so we can tear them apart.

>> No.13288805

oraclize, 0.02 cents per call, 1 million calls since they started,do the math champ

>> No.13288815

Wrong Location Sergey

>> No.13288823
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Deluded Linkies, reporting in

>> No.13288828

im patient,

3 years 5 years, 10 years. it dont matter to me.

>> No.13288864
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>> No.13288874
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Leave Sergey alone, he will lead us to the singularity.

>> No.13289242

Collateral on network has to be equal to value on contracts. Do you understand this?