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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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13287569 No.13287569 [Reply] [Original]

Considering how many of you were rich in Dec. 2017 peak bull market, and you fucked that up

What makes you think you are going to time your exit correctly next time?

>> No.13287621

Any kind of exit this time has to be seen as a success for most of the retardic autists who are still here

>> No.13287654

selling bits on the way up, i can live with lower earnings aslong as i earn something

>> No.13287670

>What makes you think you are going to time your entry correctly?

>> No.13287671

>I swear if we get another bull run I'm selling the top this time
>bull run happens
>it keeps going up
>fuck it, buy back
>become greedy again as it keeps going up
>lose 99% again

>> No.13287693
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because it will be different this time

>> No.13287715

The true /biz way

This is actually the right answer I think

>> No.13287721


Yeah that'll be me.

>> No.13287736

Akshully I had 1.5k dorrars during peak bull and now I'm at 127k so I guess I'm doing alright.

>> No.13287818

There's no entry m8, I've got 21k spent on a 20k portfolio and I'm still buying every month.

>> No.13287887

I have my targets. Same as I've always had. I either hit them and be rich or walk away with nothing. No in between.

So that's what make me think. Faggot.

>> No.13287895

no idea,I had 50 btc in summer of 2014 and though I'd never see six figures ever again, and I was wrong kekius mamixilianus.