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File: 36 KB, 232x205, Screenshot 2019-04-10 at 13.13.03.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13283613 No.13283613 [Reply] [Original]

I have unironically sold all my crypto and gone all in on Fantom. I now have about 23m FTM. Was this the worst or best decision of my life?

>> No.13283641


>> No.13283663

If no larp you're pretty crazy, that's close to $350k USD, with that kind of money even a 2x is good money, and if crypto goes bull you'd make it just from holding btc or eth. I'd say keep some FTM but definitely don't go all in, if this dumps you'll be fucked beyond saving

>> No.13283684


I really hope you are larping.

>> No.13283691


>> No.13283698 [DELETED] 

Fucking pump and dump shitcoin, coordinated shill
I have been here for a long time, I can recognize when these motherfucker shill a pump and dump.
Out of nowhere it comes this FTM shilling, because investor have already bought on IDEX at the lowest price possible, and now wanna dump at x8
they wanna make the bull gains even in a crab/bear market
They feel smart cumming on your mouth while you're left holding thei bags (cum) like a whore and you see the price going down and down, then they buy back in and they shill 3 months later.
Seen this pattern every single time on biz, I can recognize the paid shillers from the honest believers of a project

Don't let them humiliate you , don't let them cum on your mouth, GTFO them

They wanna load their cum o you at x5/x8 from IDEX

>> No.13283720

Fucking pump and dump shitcoin, coordinated shill
I have been here for a long time, I can recognize when these motherfucker shill a pump and dump.
Out of nowhere it comes this FTM shilling, because investors have already bought on IDEX at the lowest price possible, and now wanna dump at x8
they wanna make the bull gains even in a crab/bear market
They feel smart cumming on your mouth while you're left holding their bags (cum) like a whore and you see the price going down and down, then they buy back in and they shill 3 months later.
Seen this pattern every single time on biz, I can recognize the paid shillers from the honest believers of a project

Don't let them humiliate you , don't let them cum on your mouth, GTFO them

They wanna load their cum on you at x5/x8 from IDEX

>> No.13283726


you think I invested due to shilling and not doing research? lol

>> No.13283766
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Enjoy your poverty.

>> No.13283790

>you think I invested due to shilling and not doing research? lol
which researches? It's a pump and dump shitcoin, ''it scalses asyncronically'' lol gtfo IOTA 2.0.
There is money to be made on this if DAG meme cames back in the next bull run (improbable)

>> No.13283800

>I recognise a shill
Obviously not, OP is a pajeet and this whole bread is a shill

>> No.13283803


>> No.13283818



English just isn't your thing is it Sanjay.

>> No.13283824

yes pls follow this kind sirs advice, otherwise many rupees will be lost

>> No.13283858

He is, Fantom is a Korean PND with endless shilling here to buy their ICO bags

>> No.13283886
File: 20 KB, 627x138, Screenshot 2019-04-10 at 13.54.40.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no shill here buddy..

>> No.13283912 [DELETED] 

>English just isn't your thing is it Sanjay.
mislead the shilling speech because he want other see me as ranjeesh when I am french. There is no ranjeesh, the shillers can came from USA, EU, India, this is not important.
The important thing you need to know is that they bought at lowest price possible on IDEX and they want to cum on you at x5/x8

Immagine those kinds of return: they are impossible in the real world. But with shitcoins and retarded and coordinated shilling these are possible... so immagine you invested 100k and you get a 500k out of it in 1-2 months. It's the holy grail of pleasure, and it's made in a bear market!

So, please don't be retarded and buying these bag shillers.

DO you wanto to know who are the true believers? The one that shill a project for years

Holochain, LINK, iExec, are all projects in hich the shillers really believe in the coin the have bought

>> No.13283925 [DELETED] 

>English just isn't your thing is it Sanjay.
he mislead the shilling speech because he want other see me as ranjeesh when I am french. There is no ranjeesh, the shillers can came from USA, EU, India, this is not important.
The important thing you need to know is that they bought at lowest price possible on IDEX and they want to cum on you at x5/x8

Immagine those kinds of return: they are impossible in the real world. But with shitcoins and retarded and coordinated shilling these are possible... so immagine you invested 100k and you get a 500k out of it in 1-2 months. It's the holy grail of investement, and it's made in a bear market!

So, please don't be retarded and buying these bag shillers.

DO you wanto to know who are the true believers? The one that shill a project for years

Holochain, LINK, iExec, they are all projects in hich the shillers really believe in the coin the have bought

>> No.13283951

>English just isn't your thing is it Sanjay.
he mislead the shilling speech because he want other see me as ranjeesh when I am french. There is no ranjeesh, the shillers can came from USA, EU, India, this is not important.
The important thing you need to know is that they bought in at lowest price possible on IDEX and they want to cum on you at x5/x8

Immagine those kinds of returns: they are impossible in the real world. But with shitcoins and retardeds, and coordinated shilling... these are possible... so immagine you invested 100k and you get a 500k out of it in 1-2 months. It's the holy grail of investement, and it's made in a bear market!

So, please don't be retarded buying these bag shillers.

Do you want to know who are the true believers? The one that shill a project for years

Holochain, LINK, iExec, they are all projects in which the shillers really believe in the coin they have bought

>> No.13283960

23 mil fantom would have been alot of volume in a day. Doubt serious. But if you did you will make it. No worries op. Have 2 mill here and holding.

Dag + smart contract. There is nothing they can say that doesn't make that real. Main net launch will be much higher than now. Plus a big exchange will send it through the roof. Just hodl.

>> No.13283968


Do you actually look at projects? Or just base your opinions of some conspiracy of idex international pump and dumpers? You mentioned HOLO, its a fantastic project which I also bought into very early.

There wasn't much vol on idex in Fantom before it pumped. And it actually pumped due to Andre Cronje interviews mainly. I'm not a fucking idiot, I buy fundamental sound tech. Andre just gives for me a seal of approval that this is really a great low cap project. So what's your fucking problem? Forget indian curry shills and international Interpol conspiracies. Why as a reality low cap project with sound tech not a great investment at this stage early in the next crypto cycle?

>> No.13283973

where did i say I bought it in a day?

I actually aimed for half my stack but I just couldn't stop myself buying more. I see so much potential here.

>> No.13284001
File: 7 KB, 608x129, yass.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nou shillar hur buddo

>> No.13284002

If you can't answer these simple questions you're a lying fraud and we have to assume ftm is a scam:
1. What exchange(s) did you buy ftm on and WHEN
2. What prices did you buy ftm at
3. What coins did you sell in order to go all in
4. Where are you storing your ftm.

Mute all ftm threads if this nigger isnt serious.

>> No.13284038

The part where you were selling all your crypto. Seems like a fast processes to do.

Maybe real. Who knows? If we make it you are going to own a small country lol

>> No.13284039

>There wasn't much vol on idex in Fantom before it pumped.
well and what does this mean? It means nothing
The fatct that there was no volume when it pumps should say that it's not a pump a dump? No sense
>I buy fundamental sound tech. Andre just gives for me a seal of approval that this is really a great low cap project
Fundamentals are a little bit a meme. ''DAG with smart contracts''..the same way DERO was shilled last year. This is the most gamble market you can get in, it's like going into a casinò.
Imagine buying into a coin which makes a fancy youtube video presentation IOTA-like/typo with a lot of buzzwords and a tech that can be replicated the next 4 months by X project...
You must be a retarded to do that. You must be a retarded to buy a coin which pumped x3 ina bear maret, which out of nowhere gets shilled with shitty memes and treads.
>Andre approves it
Do you know how many ''influent people'' in crypto do they ''approve'' projects (also prjects like IOTA, Nano, etc..). So your argumentation is meaningless in my opinion

>> No.13284052

op here on mobile
bought around 330sats on sunday, i have strong hands i will hold atleast until next week unless it doesnt look like i'll break even
got out of BSV, no longer have a good feeling about CSW. something iffy going on with him.
my 10k ftm is being held securely in the hands of george cao

>> No.13284127

this is not OP, lying dick. lol...

>> No.13284195


Well thanks for putting all that effort into a project you believe to be a pnd. I get it, you think its a scam shitcoin. Cool. You didnt make any points that have changed my view however.

*word in your ear. The bear market ended in Dec 2018.

>> No.13284311

George CAO the SCAMMER

You are 100% retarded

>> No.13284439
File: 124 KB, 882x731, 1528313975460.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13284468

this shit was on idex for months at $0 and nobody wanted of it.
And all of a sudden it's the new iota,icx...
What fundamentals changed since? Any great news beside this coordinated shills&pump?

>> No.13284623

Check their website OP, they're gunning for the smart city market.

Can't wait to pay for my smart devices using Fantom in my smart city with 80 billion connected internet of things devices!

fucking lol

>> No.13284796


Forget the marketing of smart cities and all of that shit. Dag + smart contracts and being the first out of the gate to do it will cause the price to rise from where it currently is. How hard is that to understand? It’s a safe bet right now to hold some.

>> No.13285205

Actually Fantom was shit hot at the peak of the ICO bubble. I think CNBC crypto even mentioned it in one of their reports in South Korea. Korean Jew was talking like it was THE Korean project to rule them all. The got an extreme amount of money and then the crypto bubble popped so when tokens were first released idex stuck them on there and people forgot about it. I was surprised it didnt moon and I think ICO investors were just trying to get some value back. My point is it didn't spring out of no where. It was set to be the next ICON as I remember.

So now the tech ideas have actually realized and Andre kicked it into shape. Which is why its making waves again. This was ALWAYS a big project.

>> No.13285239

Warning: this is a discord tranny thread! Exit now!

>> No.13285837
File: 4 KB, 282x179, 231nhyk8yv001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pumps and pumps and pumps for 5 weeks without ever dumping. we have higher highs and higher lows and no one with a brain is selling
must be a pump and dum

>> No.13286297


>> No.13286465


Faggot cosplay is on another board.

>> No.13286553

>already lost 0.001 eth
FUCK YOU TO where is my pump

>> No.13286580


>> No.13286590

settle down. we are in the "shake the weak hands who only wanted a free ride to moon" phase. slowly going down until the next big pump.