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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 9 KB, 200x200, flo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13281300 No.13281300 [Reply] [Original]

Many of you dont know that the cost of 1 million stored records = 11 dollars

stored records are not transactions as stored records are limited
in simple terms this would have to be so massively adopted to gain any type of value that this would have to be bigger then what stinky linkies hope chainlink to be.

imagine 100 million stored records for 1.1k usd lmao.
anyone who fell for this scam enjoy your worthless bags

>> No.13281309
File: 96 KB, 1276x440, Screen Shot 2019-04-09 at 6.30.54 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related the calculations behind this number

>> No.13281311

explain more

>> No.13281341

Imagine buying an omegamaker coin

>> No.13281355

the entire use of FLO is based on stored records. thats the whole use of storing the meta data.

Stored records are exactly just that. Medici plans on using this to store the records of land rights.
The cost of 1 million stored records is only 11 dollars.
Unlike transactions that can be unlimited going back and forth, stored records are limited and a one way street.

For Flo to be worth anything more then 500k MC would mean that we would need to store trillions upon trillions of stored records.
This is impossible.

>> No.13281387

Lmao the absolute state of the idiots who bought this coin

>> No.13281421

this is why you dont invest in an omegacuck coin. guys a fucking scammer

>> No.13281521

at the current rate of mining block rewards flo would have to store 130 million records a day to keep up with the influx of new coins to sustain its current value of 10 cents.
the absolute state

>> No.13281568

Welp the truth is indeed out at this point

>> No.13281578

Thanks just bought 100k.

>> No.13281583

medici ventures/overstock/tzero/rvn is going bankrupt.. google it

>> No.13281588

The same idiots buying fantom now. Flavor of the week shitcoins always end up raping the 10iq /biz/ denizens.

>> No.13281652
File: 107 KB, 1630x1134, lolololol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its a shame you guys keep letting omegamaker scam you like this.

>> No.13281689

Thanks just sold

>> No.13281714

What the FUCK

>> No.13281751

Where are people getting this fud? Or is it you just spamming it everywhere?

>> No.13281890

google it

>> No.13281895

truth is it just another random insecure unused shitcoin out of thousands.

>> No.13281898

fuckin did. nothing.

>> No.13281914


>> No.13282001

Thanks, I see a lot of room to grow. Waiting some idiots dump and I can buy at cheap

>> No.13282079

Spotted the person holding bags he can’t sell

>> No.13282272

this coin is pointless. it needs more mass adoption required to move this to 1 dollar then it requires chainlink to move to 1000 dollars

>> No.13282412

lmfao.. if anyone reads what omegamaker is fud'ing, can't figure out why he's wrong, and decides to sell. then they deserve to be poor

>> No.13282594

i've done this calculation before -- i currently have an app in development, you should hear about it soon enough

to anyone who can code: try to think about what can be done with permanent and easily accessible public storage. think about the kinds of protocols you could run on it. it's possible to do it NOW, there are no promises, the system is already in place, and working well

think about the possible applications, assuming the data stored in the blockchain will still be accessible by people 100 years from now

human society is going to need this kind of space going forward -- it's an objective reality. it might as well be flo

>> No.13282822

What I don't get is why people are blaming omegamaker and not the original curry flinging shill MARSLANDER?!

>> No.13282864
File: 746 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20190409-073915_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13282870

who are the fucking idiots not want to buy something at cheap?

you can store some records at cheap price but you don't want, you want to use more money for it. WTF??

What is in your brain? or Do you have brain?

>> No.13282889

I'm up on flo. Medici is using it in combination with ravencoin, so I'm pretty hopeful. I was into flo before omegamaker even mentioned it.

>> No.13282907

the minimum price to store records is pathetically low. the miners will receive the fees and are instantly capable of dumping. the amount of mass adoption needed for big holders to hold a significant amount of flo is mass adoption that can not be reached on this planet. You dont understand how this coin works because you're a low iq biztard.

Let me explain it to you in child terms.
This is not a store of value coin therefore miners wont need to hold this shitcoin. The cycle will be similar to vidt if you dont understand that then you're an idiot

>> No.13282974


Go to Bitcoin to store records

FLO is not a store of value coin, FLO is a store of data coin, idiot

When FLO has a lot of dapps run on it, miners will get more fees --> miners will switch from another coins (ex: LTC) to FLO --> Is it a mass adoption?

>> No.13282996

Marslander was spamming this shit way before that

>> No.13283036

miners will instantly dump after acquiring the fees used to store the data. its a cycle idiot.
like i said before the amount of dapps that would need to run on its for the fee's to increase is not possible on the planet earth.

what dont you understand the price would only increase if miners felt the need to hold to gain value.
100 flo = 1 million stored data
>that same 100 flo goes to miners who inturn dump and send it back to the market

there is 150 million flo there will never be a shortage because the cycle will repeat itself you fucking idiot

>> No.13283057

how hard is it to fucking understand.
flo is only needed to process the storage. therefore the miners who receive the fee will be freely to dump instantly back on the market.

jesus christ biztards are literally idiots

>> No.13283139

So, dump your coin and move on

Don't need to care about it if it's a shitcoin

Why do you care so much?

You want to buy at cheap, lol

>> No.13283142
File: 33 KB, 332x415, 58b82db31a00001500f412fa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take this fud with a grain of salt. Not only will Medici be using it to store property records, tZero will also use it to store every single transaction that happens on their "blockchain stock market". I'd also like to know where you got that fee. Estimated fee in the wallet is .0002 FLO (200x what you wrote) and a transaction I made with no metadata was 0.0000454 (4.5x what you wrote).

OP is probably mars or omega (probably the same faggot).

>> No.13283189
File: 527 KB, 800x450, Deal_W_Byrne.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13283191

FLO potential. Big short selling controversy.


>> No.13283379
File: 100 KB, 609x732, flosexy2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Marslander is not Omega. Omega is a fud monkey trying to buy lower. Guys you cannot short FLO. Ask why would someone fud it? The only answer --> They need to buy cheaper.