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File: 295 KB, 2048x1365, averynotgoodpaperoflies..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13280813 No.13280813 [Reply] [Original]

What's the best resume you've read/written?
Ive read too much dumb ones. I just need to feel better about humanity...

>> No.13280828

too many dumb ones*

you retard

>> No.13280964

Any resume that contains an "Objective" section is an instant delete.

>> No.13280972

I caught the stupids

>> No.13280988

what do you guys think about an "Interests" little section at the tail end of a resume?

I had one that included what languages I spoke but I deleted it because it's actually not really relevant at all, looking back I think it's a pretty stupid section to have

>> No.13281102

I will shred your file if I ever see it.

>> No.13281136
File: 247 KB, 605x1092, 0711F3B5-606B-4B46-A8D8-A4068C1AB633.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every resume that has a self-rated skill section gets shredded immediately. I also only hire whites and some asians.
t. I own a company that makes electronics for CNC machines with 17 employees

>> No.13281374

How seriously do you guys consider candidates' LinkedIn profiles?

Going to judge you boomers hard based off your answers.

>> No.13281418

Pretty seriously. Here's why.

A solid photo, LinkedIn Resume and Recommendations (Written and Skills Based) means you give a shit and have thought even a little bit about your career. You spent time to refine, tune and optimize your portfolio. You went out to network with folks in your industry and have developed a positive reputation.

That shit matters a lot if you ever want to make decent money. It's worth a few hours of your time to do so.

So do it. The worst that happens is you create a profile that's better than 70% of the trash ones on there.

Do it.

>> No.13281428
File: 177 KB, 859x1076, ANON_RESUME_WINTER18.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13281465
File: 75 KB, 960x960, bored pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Goddamn, it's so depressing that 99% of boomers think like this. Fucking hate it. It's just like how Boomers were late to social media so now they take Facebook so seriously too. They misinterpret online actions with real actions and cannot separate the two worlds in their confused, Alzheimer's ridden brains.

Social media + boomers is such a terrible goddamn combination, but factor in a career aspect to it and you get the disgusting virtue signaling, corporate nonsense bullshitting garbage that is LinkedIn. It's a recipe for disaster and hopefully the meme will fade out sooner or later.

>So do it. The worst that happens is you create a profile that's better than 70% of the trash ones on there.

I do it because I'm smart enough to know that boomers think like you, but not because it's meaningful or reflective of me in any remote way. I'll play the game but it means nothing and if I ever get in a position of power I'll do away with this nonsense.

>> No.13281480

Certificate in financial markets

>> No.13281496

Best resume is like:


Job title matching job description
Bullet point: copy and pasted from job description

Then a bunch of bullet point with copy and pasted words form the job description and industry buzz words.

The more copy and pasted from the job description and the most buzz words used the better as that will trigger the relevancy algorithms and the HR girl reading it who has no idea whats she reading will like it because it sounds like the job description.

Remember than no one will read past the first two bullets points at most.

>> No.13281527

Bro, I agree.

I hear you, you should do away with this nonsense.

BUT. Until you can specifically do that, play the game. You spend, what, 2 hours realistically? Fucking around with buzz words. Get noticed.

You guys seriously fucking forget that we came of age in the 70's and 80's. Inflation sucked ass. The economy was garbage. Nespotism, Corruption and the Old Guard kept anyone who wasn't a east coast / NYC wasp faggot piece of shit out of the Finance, Insurance, Industrial and Petro Chem companies. That's where the money was pre-Tech and pre-Liberalization (Reagan, you stupid brilliant fool).

Try not to forget, a lot of us are not these evil shit stain corporatists. I still feel, think and perceive myself as a young 20-something, but my fucking body is giving out on me despite my best efforts to build muscle, eat right and calm the fuck down.

It sucks man. No one likes this bullshit social media distortion with reality. It's a shame some in their 50's and up got overly absorbed into it. Literally eats a persons soul away.

I'm sorry your generation's are dealing with working around all this nonsense. I sincerely hope ya'll realize a fair, meritocratic system and economy sooner rather than later.

>> No.13281546
File: 133 KB, 641x354, trick.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You never know what people might find as 'best'.
When I applied to Med School 14 years ago,every inerviewer thought it was absolutely fascinating that I was Navy sub veteran...I thought it was not that big of a deal but evryone else did. Plus I mentioned on my resume 'proud owner of two Yorkies' and people loved that too. Got accepted to 4/6 of my schools.
What some see as important, others view as mundane,...now you have AI systems scanning all corporate resumes so many aren't even seen because they are filtered out depending on what key words or phrases you use. Never know.

>> No.13281983

Laughed my ass off. Thanks anon. I'm gonna add the stock ticker next to my night shift position at target lol.

>> No.13282104

Dude med school is for degenerate losers. I know bc im an attending. People in medicine are literally dumb as fuck

>> No.13282483


>> No.13282975

>Got accepted to 4/6 of my schools
tf out of here with your toddler shit, enjoy never being interviewed by actual employers

>> No.13283864

should a 'profile executive summary' be removed ?
should the final "additional info" section be removed?

>> No.13284499

Thank you