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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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13278540 No.13278540 [Reply] [Original]

>wages continue to go down
>millennials stop buying houses
>housing prices continue to increase
What the fuck is happening?

>> No.13278560

should have bought land, its a finite resource.

>> No.13278562


The music is about to stop and booming are dumping their bags.

>> No.13278616

The collapse of society

>> No.13278618

There are still enough suckers who don't yet realize that they won't make it.

>> No.13278637


>> No.13278647

Housing is going to dump the moment companies decide to go back to remote or fuck off to Texas or Oregon.

>> No.13278651

House is 10K, land is 2.3mil. Houses don't get more expensive, land on which their built is

>> No.13278668


boomer price fixing, china, et al

>> No.13278675


all the land was bought up decades before you were born

>> No.13278687

and you, owning none, are paying mr goldstein, who is paying his taxes to uncle sam.

might as well get your hands on what you can now so you dont end up living in the bronx for $1000 a month rent and own nothing

>> No.13278712

Wouldn’t the common sense answer be globalization? Oversupply of labour lowers wages and increases housing prices because land is finite but there are more people that need houses

>> No.13278795

0% interest rate on debt

>> No.13278890
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Could you theoretically..
> buy in land in the boomer hood
> rent it for free to pack of wild niggers (maybe even get some government gibs for that)
> terrorize boomers
> buy adjacent land for cheap

>> No.13278925

it actually works, you can rent it to meth heads and they will cook shit in the house and stigmatize the whole area around the house tanking everything around it. if you have enough cash you can then pick up the adjacent properties for lower price and then just pay for the meth clean up but it will sometimes cost $30,000

>> No.13278938

the only problem i can think of by renting it to people like that though is kicking them out since they can become squatters

>> No.13279040

This already happens. Buy land, build projects, drive land values nearby down, whites leave and sell their land to you for cheap. Then once you own the whole neighborhood, tear down the projects and 'revitalize' the neighborhood with nice condos and townhouses and sell it back to white people for 5x what they sold it a decade ago. Oftentimes there is an intermediate period where you invite a bunch of artists to live there for cheap so they can do mural projects and etc and give the place 'character'. Then spike the property values and rent and evict them and sell the 'character' to soulless rich yuppies who want to pay top dollar to enjoy a sense of community that had no part in building (and in fact by moving in and ejecting artists are basically complicit in destroying that community)

Once the community spirit and charm has died off and all the working/artistic poor people have been ejected and all the rich yuppies have wandered off to find a new place to suck the life out of, then it's time for a new generation of unscrupulous landlords to start building projects again and the cycle begins anew.

>> No.13279468


you've just discovered 20th century real estate speculation tactics friendo

>> No.13279512

Federal reserve and other high level banking shit decides housing prices in the anglosphere.

>> No.13279706
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>mfw i might never own a home

>> No.13280001


>literally jew real estate schemes for the past 100 years.

at least biz learns and understands

>> No.13280037

>buy the bubble goyim
once we have a deflationary spiral and boomers are forced to shake their hands for retirement money, i'll consider buying

>> No.13280058
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>> No.13280066

I read your post and felt like lifting up a lion cub while on the edge of a cliff

>> No.13280206
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>mfw boomers are just waiting to be done selling their cardboard houses for 500k to millenials
>then they will raise interest rates again so they buy it back at 20% the price
You can't win. I can't stomach the real estate meme, so even tho I could afford to buy, I'm living with my father.

>> No.13280257

>and in fact by moving in and ejecting artists are basically complicit in destroying that community
nah idiot people just want to live in a cool area for cheap, don't try and blame the jew on the common folk who is still getting exploited to simply get a roof over their head.
fucking boot-licking faggot

>> No.13280300
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Boomer holocaust can't happen soon enough.

>> No.13280301


>living in the bronx for $1000 a month

Try 1700-2000 for any decent place.

>> No.13280335


>> No.13280364

Construction 3d printers are gonna a stop at this masquerade soon.

Like the piece of shit in OP's picture is worth 2 millions.

>> No.13280395 [DELETED] 
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you can buy

>> No.13280409

its money laundering thats it

No real questions about it.

If it walks like a duck, quacks like one

Its money laundering

>> No.13280421
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you can buy something like this for €50k in my country, i'm saving up and gonna buy it in a few years

>> No.13280434

If boomers are jews then does that mean that I am also Jewish?

>> No.13280440


>> No.13280456
File: 112 KB, 764x938, E63A28F6-7E89-4BAB-893B-9EEDF136BEDE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So real question /biz/. Do I buy now and put a roof over my white children’s heads, or wait out the bubble? I don’t want to nig out and dump 5 kids into the world with no money to support them, but they need a home right?

>> No.13280821


As many have said. The shit box itself isn't worth 2 million. The land that shitbox it sits on, is what cost so much. Construction technique matters little.

What would matter, is changes in zoning. That piece of land is only zoned for single family residential. Zoning it for multi family would make for a much more efficient use of that land.

>> No.13280990

easier mortgages

>> No.13281042

You should perhaps mention that this cycle takes around 30-50 years. Its not like you can sit there and follow it through start to finish in a couple years. I think it seems to happen naturally almost, people moving the strings just pick up where the others left off over the decades and just carry out the next step.

>> No.13281055

Nice table buttplug. God I fucking hate open plan kitchens. I hate open plan everything. London is full of open plan shit apartments they disgust me.

>> No.13281154

has been an thing for a long time https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blockbusting

>> No.13281262

Housing market is big cluster fuck. Few years the market is fucking insane, prices going skyward with no end in sight. Next few years; the market shits. That home that costs $200k or more now will be listed at half that or less during the next shit cycle.

I bought my home during the last shit show. Nice 3 bed/1 & 1/2 bath w/ basement & garage. Main floor totally redone. Got it cheap.

4/5 years later house next to mine sells for way over what I paid for mine. Only thing they did was replace the windows. Rest of it dated to the late 60's. (saw pics on Zillow)

>> No.13281306

>government prints money
>gives to people to buy houses
>why do housing prices keep going up??

>> No.13281317

>and others
lazy. fancy, but lazy.

>> No.13281327

because land directly relates to location and travel time. closeness to amenities like transportation hubs, good schools, parks, shit like that. a house is a depreciating asset like a car, wear and tear devalues it. property on the other hand continues to rise because everybody always wants to reduce their travel times and live in nice neighborhoods. if you don't understand why that house is worth that much, you know nothing about business in general.

>> No.13281332

unfortunately the natural gas leak got them. looks like it was installed incorrectly, started leaking at night, and boom, they all ded.

>> No.13281340

Van living or bust. This shit is just ridiculous anymore

>> No.13281346
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increased immigration simultaneously drives up housing prices and depresses wages

>> No.13281381

jew hasn't meant jewish for 10 years grandpa

>> No.13281383

This. Illegals are buying all the housing. The system is working perfectly. The problem is the people. Non-whites are too wealthy and powerful.

>> No.13281391

immigration != illegals

>> No.13281393
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reminder these threads are a failed attempt at convincing zoomers to turn communist, you NPCs

>> No.13281394
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>Get Me My Booze Boy

>> No.13281396

>birthrates continue to go down
>millennials stop having children
>population continues to increase
What the fuck is happening?

>> No.13281409

really? think about it, it's not hard.

>> No.13281411

ironic since you're pushing (((their))) narrative

>> No.13281444

>Talking about economic reality makes people dislike capitalism
Ironic because 30 years ago the opposite was true.

>> No.13281445

They literally used to do this. In the 60's and 70's a bunch of realtors realized wealthy people in the south were super racist. So they hired a bunch of black mothers to take their strollers around these neighborhoods and tell people they just moved in. The racists were so scared of the scary niggers thet sold their big homes for cheap to the realtors

>> No.13281447

youre just false flagging as an 'antisemitic'. anyone can see through it at this point. youre probably leftypol or an ancap

Natural selection declares youre too stupid to find affordable housing

>> No.13281490

what do you know. insect? Get a job stop smoking weed and you can afford a home

>> No.13281502


>> No.13281530

good goy

>> No.13281556


Basically this. We are at a peak. A peak that is right next to a cliff.

Most boomers got what they wanted and have the property they felt right about buying.

What they don't fucking get is that most people under 35 are making shit money and have a ton of debt.

When a product has no new buyers, guess what happens to the price of that product?

>> No.13281607

They are importing buyers as fast as they can.

>> No.13281621

No that's the slave labor you're thinking of.

>> No.13281643

Jewish interests practiced this in the Germantown neighborhood of Philadelphia
This neighborhood was founded in the 1600s, predated the country itself, and even served as a temporary capitol during revolutionary times. It couldn't survive a few years of blockbusting in the 50s.
Lets just say, it's not German anymore

>> No.13281724

Laws in amerifat are allowing foreign investors with tons of cash to come in and continue to buy houses at these prices - i don't honestly see an end in sight. Things are still going for 20% over asking price in cash for places people won't even live in. Most millennials don't even have a chance and aren't even the demographic anymore.

>> No.13281739


Not only doesn't the old product have no buyers, we have seen a global building boom all across the planet. There's a ton of new inventory out there too and it's not always radically more expensive than the old crap that's often in need of expensive repairs.
Also not only is the debt problem, but a ton of people without debt don't even qualify for loans anymore as banks get stricter with their terms. We're going to see a drop that's unprecedented and it's going to be global.
What's the most interesting thing about this is the recovery phase.
Things are so fucked all across the spectrum that I don't think we're going to see a rapid recovery. It might take well over 10 years for the prices to return anywhere near where they were.

>> No.13281800

Jokes on you, housing prices in crypto would continue to decrease.

>> No.13282302



Who is right? I’m looking to buy a house and I don’t think I can wait another year until I start making white babies.

>> No.13282460

Ohh no I can't buy property where all the housing is in a bubble, no way I'm moving to anything but San Francisco or New York, forget the rest of the country.

>> No.13282538
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tfw paying 1400 for ROOM in the fucking BX just because its close to college.

>> No.13282600

Jews artificially manipulating our economy and swindling money out of our pockets in the form of gibs, taxes, insurances, licences and regulations in an effort to make it difficult for white people to form families while making it easy for shitskins to propgate so that they can advance their Kalergi plan agenda and genocide the white race.

>> No.13282988

wait out the bubble. Save more money for a larger downpayment. That way when the bubble does pop, you can actually have a small enough mortgage payment to take care of your retarded spawn.
Or go ahead and mortgage a house at today's interest rates and whore your children out to payon the pricipal. I dont care.

>> No.13283011

In 10 years, Ill have saved enough LINK to buy 10 houses on the cheap.

>> No.13283043

since millenials /families and couples dont want to buy houses the only ones left in the game are big property/development companies.
so sellers are trying to maximize profits and adjust for market demand.

stupid idiots are letting buisnesses buy land instead of townspeople coming together to purchases it as a citizen owned endeavor.
this result in new corporate fuedalism, no one owns, they only rent or get assigned lodging by their company.

>> No.13283079

There is this old boomer at work. I'm sure they get paid double what I do. She and her husband are buying a new bigger house in a better area than theirs.

This is housing. Boomers buying expensive houses from other boomers who can't take care of it anymore. Boomers jewing boomers. This is the last of housing increases.

>> No.13283087


>> No.13283088

Mass immigration and welfare.

>> No.13283112

H-houses are a ponzi scheme...?

Oh my god this makes so much sense, everyone refuses to sell their house less than they bought it for because "muh houses always go up"

hollyyy sheeit. We need to give them a reason to sell.

>> No.13283143

>implying you know your father

>> No.13283157

Depends on if you can find something cheap that you'll pay off <10 years. That's what I'm doing.

>> No.13283166

You don't need to be a citizen to buy US property. The world wants US property. Therefor, the quality of US citizen success has very little to do with the cost of US property.

>> No.13283325
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Might as well just burn the whole neighborhood down too at that point, you have all the fixings for it and it kills two birds with one stone so that you can rebuild with reasonably sized yet high quality houses (i.e. NOT Mcmansions) with the insurance money afterward.

>> No.13283362

>We need to give them a reason to sell.
It is the cycle. They will find a reason when everyone else is doing it.

>> No.13283402

chinks buying with cash

>> No.13283434
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Pic related

>> No.13283445 [DELETED] 


>> No.13283451

You are retarded. €50k buy you shit in London or most parts of the UK. Thats probably somewhere in Eastern Europe (educated guess Estonia), and given the shit pay Europeans have compared to the us it may take 5-10 years to save up depending on what job he does.

>> No.13283456
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>> No.13283469
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Wages aren't going down you dumb faggot.

>> No.13283471

All wage growth that used to belong to the US population now goes to the Chinese wage worker. Chinese new middle class now has excess disposable income they need to park somewhere. The Chinese then buy US residential real estate and let it sit there, since it's better than keeping money in the mainland even if its not rented out.

Basically, the Chinese are getting your jobs, your wage growth, and using it to buy your houses.

>> No.13283478
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>> No.13283552

1 shekel has been deposited into your account.

>> No.13283592

housing price to income has been going up steadily, we are at the very least going to see a correction in the coming years

price to rent ratios in my area are like 30+, horrible roi

long term capital appreciation of homes is going to be mediocre at best

there are just so many better risk return investments right now - crypto, electric, 5G, software