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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 258 KB, 824x1344, scamexpo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13277906 No.13277906 [Reply] [Original]

lmao this is getting weirder and weirder

>> No.13277912

chainlink is a scam

>> No.13277928

>scammy announcements of announcements

This is all it takes for crypto to moon, this is all they needed to do. $100 eow.

>> No.13277947

This is definitely the weirdest shit in a while. Its not even a consumer expo, its a very boring technical expo where middle aged managers of cloud companies go to talk about wires and shit.

>> No.13277969

>Gold Pass
>not Oracle Pass

>> No.13277980


chainlink putting so little effort into these dumb presentations and pretty much everything that's aimed at normies makes me like them more

>> No.13277992


This is a COPY / PASTE SCAM !


Poor souls...

>> No.13278025

its just an educational presentation by a guy who is interested in chainlink. the team does not necessarily need to be there to shill.
>$100 ticket
okay its actually a scam

>> No.13278026

This will be the final event towards the exit scam.

>> No.13278374


This makes complete sense.

Chainlink is a dedicated B2B token specifically to handle the coming Smartcontract economy.

If Chainlink doesn't succeed smart contracts doesn't succeed.

>> No.13278379

>can't even reach 1 fucking dollar

>> No.13278382


And smartcontracts are being utilized by business. This is huge.

>> No.13278388

lol what the fuck is this?

>> No.13278411

>Sergey's Shirt novelty account
You autists are taking this shit too far.

>> No.13278424
File: 683 KB, 1080x2160, Screenshot_20190409-140118.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is @cloudexpo

Who the fuck is @fintechexpo from op?

>> No.13278457
File: 261 KB, 570x444, 1525682146325.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>too far.
been like that since day 1 faggot

>> No.13278459

It's the same company apparently.

>> No.13278461

lmao what the fuck is this? This literally makes me think they are exit scamming

>> No.13278492
File: 11 KB, 229x221, browser plugin token.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>make scammy announcement about the team being there
>Chainlink memers find out, get excited, shill the fuck out of the ""expo""
>free publicity
>puts pressure on the team to actually attend the scammy expo
>if the team doesn't attend, Chainlink cult will get upset
>if the team does attend, Chainlink cult will pay thousands of dollars to go see Sergey give the same 6 slide powerpoint presentation

This is literally what happened. Scammy expos do this stuff pretty often, they name drop experts without any confirmation of them attending. This was a nice play by them because they're taking advantage of how pathetic and desperate the Chainlink cult is for good news.

>> No.13278519


>> No.13278570
File: 190 KB, 1078x787, Screenshot_20190409-191122_Samsung Notes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is just fucking weird. There are 2 twitter accounts. Cloudexpo and fintechexpo.

They both have identical twitter descriptions which makes fintechexpo look like a rip off and scam. But the links in their description to the event page are identical, pic related. And both include this chainlink thing. Da fuck is going on? Are they both scams? Is link scamming? 100k marine here but this is weirding me out.

>> No.13278588

I'm totally bullish on chainlink but fuck these boomers, seeing a little action on twitter and getting overly excited. They're only trying to ride the wave for dem shekels and not even trying to hide the thing, pajeetry at its finest. I don't like this lack of professionalism, and that's why I settled with chainlink in the first place, because they're totally anti-hype, where the rest of the crypto scene is a shitfest of shilling moonbois (not talking about the followers but the team themselves). So, fuck *insertname*EXPO!

>> No.13278593


>> No.13278617

Even chainlink's expos are getting forked. Dump to 30c soon.

>> No.13278630
File: 106 KB, 375x335, fintech cloud expo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's "Fintech at Cloud Expo".
They're obviously related, see pic.

I'm guessing they set up this conference because the tweet about the Oracle presentation got so much attention (29,000 views).
Even Oracle itself noticed: https://twitter.com/OracleStartup/status/1115560934603358208

>> No.13278655

Far as I can tell CloudExpo is a large generalized event, and FinTechExpo is an organization that sets up separate conferences.

>> No.13278660

Btw this is your fault biz, you gave birth to the twitter omosexs that shill link with the magnitude and cringe of xrp fanboys. Blame them and you if now we're entering THE REAL shitcoin status like all other waltonshame projects. Fuck you, fucking low IQ niggers! Praise Kek and Sirgay.

>> No.13278670

Also check this shit. https://twitter.com/CloudExpo/status/1115455747549212673

Check their comment on their own tweet, they think Chainlink is a hot thing because /biz/ has been cumming buckets over this. Let's turn on some fucking bots and make their heads spin, if we can create fake hype they will make sure to give Sergey a fucking Wrestlemania entrance and we will have our next Steve Jobs iPhone reveal.

>> No.13278677


Idk, the team does not care at all about the Chainlink cult’s feefees and does whatever they think is best for the long term. If they think it’s scammy they just won’t attend.

>> No.13278679

Oracle startup ecosystem which i refuse to acknowledge as anyone relevant as even the ultimate shitcoin QNT is involved with them.

Part of me wants to say theyre just cashing in on the 'hype' but I guess thats how these things start? I think us linkies are so used to all chainlink talk being on this board or by twitter users called SergeysShirt that its difficult to process someone else naturally taking an interest in the project.

Im sure the team will deal with this appropriately.

>> No.13278680

Pretty sure it wasn't the shills with the funny names that visited the Oracle tweet 29,000 times in a matter of days.

The most massive of the massive companies present at Cloudexpo (IBM, Capgemini, ...), but this one tweet about Oracle and Chainlink generated so much attention that CloudExpo decided to run a separate event just on Chainlink.

>> No.13278708

>Oracle startup ecosystem which i refuse to acknowledge
It doesn't matter whether you acknowledge them or not.
Just scroll down CloudExpo's Twitter; pretty much every tech company in the world is presenting there.
Intel, Adobe, Google, Capgemini, IBM, ...

And in the middle of all these presentation announcements, the Oracle/Chainlink tweet garnered so much attention that CloudExpo has pointed it out multiple times on their Twitter feed, and have even set up a separate event on Chainlink.

>> No.13278714

Then you are basically sponsoring Chainlink r&d for Oracle with your hard money.
At the end they will settle their own rules and fuck you in the ass.
t. fund manager

>> No.13278717

>you are basically sponsoring Chainlink r&d for Oracle with your hard money

>> No.13278724

Is this the one REQ will be at too?

>> No.13278727

Good work guys. Just by sperging out to the right boomers, we’ve been able to conjour the clown timeline where we all make it. Unironically congrats on this

>> No.13278732

ahh shit. they're gonna set it up as this huge event but nobods gonna come huh

>> No.13278736

I want you to be right i really do. But 500+ days of holding this has made me extremely cynical.

Time will tell. But i iust cant be assed to get excited over anything anymore.

>> No.13278737

yes lmfao

>> No.13278754

>t. fund manager
Why do you lie on an anonymous forum?

>> No.13278757

because its a complete nobody conference...they are spending their development funds on conferences that have no appeal

>> No.13278760

Fuck yeah.
It's a dark horse. Google was the same way, let the competition fail first, become entrenched with big players and you just win. SmartContract is gonna be Google-tier huge.

>> No.13278769

>I want you to be right i really do
Oh I'm right.
All I've done is give you the objective, verifiable facts.

>500+ days of holding this has made me extremely cynical.

>> No.13278777

Pls no bully, i missed the boat and bought into REQ when it was 22 cents thinking it wouldn't go lower

>> No.13278778

>they are spending their development funds on conferences
You misunderstand, Chainlink has nothing to do (yet) with this conference.

>> No.13278796
File: 418 KB, 900x1039, D9274207-01A7-4A8D-8E15-D71A6D2AE7AB.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13278806
File: 249 KB, 640x487, 52B6151C-3DDC-4DB3-95A1-2A047996DF9A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

riiiight like it doesnt say chainlink in the tweet...pic related...i cant believe your still tryinf to scam when it clearly says chainlink lmfao

>> No.13278833
File: 77 KB, 576x364, cloudexpo chainlink.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To clarify: I'm not saying this is going to amount to anything at all.
Both events could be complete and utter duds for all I know.

What I am saying, is that CloudExpo noticed that the Tweet about Oracle/Chainlink got so much attention (29,000 views) that they mentioned it several times in their feed, and even set up a separate conference just now.

In fact, they just tweeted about it AGAIN, half an hour ago, see pic.

>> No.13278849
File: 61 KB, 1278x224, 1554828951663.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is CloudExpo/FintechExpo who are setting up that event.
See pic.

>> No.13278872

Dubdubs of objective and level-headed truth.

>> No.13278880

I will never understand larpers anon. I have always wondered this as well. Imagine being so pathetic

>> No.13278882

Lol, $100, instead of going to this summit you could buy 170 Link.
Nevermind, you'd even get 175 Link, 177, uhhm 180
Now its 185, 188 .....
Well, that is besides my point. Just saying I'd rather have more Link than a shitty conference ticket.
190, 195... god damnit.

>> No.13278920

I feel the same way anon. All in 120k stack and I am more certain of LINK's eventual ascendancy to $1000 more than anything else in my life. But at the same time I have been bagholding and riding the pumps and the dumps for so long now that no amount of news, hype, or price action can convince me that the singularity has finally started.

I'm pretty sure I'll be cashing out $1000 linkies in 2022 and simultaneously thinking to myself "l failed, Assblaster was a larp, Singularity is canceled, Sergey is exit scamming, how could I have fallen for the meme?" Literally seeing the money in my bank account and still not believing it actually happened.

>> No.13278929

>subdued golf clap

>> No.13279137

>Pretty sure it wasn't the shills
Dude, the EXPOguys are unironically retwitting the 'shills with the funny names' aka omosexs aka (you), fag, gtfo my /biz/

>> No.13279186

These kikes will learn the hard way that 29,000 broke ass linkmarines niggers can't afford a ticket for the event, collectively. It will be a shitfest in the desert, mark my words. And it's your fault.

>> No.13279309

>the EXPOguys are unironically retwitting the 'shills with the funny names'
And that means 29,000 'shills with funny names' viewed that tweet?
You absolute retard.

>> No.13279324

i tried telling others this whole brazilian dude and bullshit expo were a scam
it's a fucking nothing burger

>> No.13279330
File: 133 KB, 930x1037, white genocide faggot2 - all kikes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>link shills and kikes coping as usual
not a single successful company / working crypto cites a desire or need for oracles
this is why this shit has no working product, no interest, and no purpose
also, sergey is 100% a kike given his tweets

let that fucking sink in nigger

>> No.13279372

>29,000 broke ass linkmarines niggers that can't afford a ticket for the event
Can you read? It's all one big circlejerk and you totally missed the point, brainlet

>> No.13279404
File: 508 KB, 2048x1536, faggot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>just look how important and necessary oracles are
linkies are worse than MIGA faggits at this point

>> No.13279412

>misreads what I said
>asks if I can read something he said in a different post
Like pottery, but embarrassing.

>29,000 broke ass linkmarines niggers that can't afford a ticket for the event
It's entirely possible lel.

>> No.13279418

If oracles were important and necessary today, that would mean it's too late to make any real money.
Congrats on complaining about being too early.

>> No.13279485

Wait and see then

>> No.13279496

For what?
All I ever said was objective facts.

>> No.13279529

They deleted the tweet lmfao

>> No.13279530

Kek that's roughly the same amount as Chainlink wallets.

>> No.13279606

Ironically enough amirite, Rebecca?

>> No.13279619

>Time will tell. But i iust cant be assed to get excited over anything anymore.

This, I believe in Chainlink but I don't get excited anymore. I simply hold and wait now. I remember when retards were saying main net was coming out September 2018.

>> No.13279687

>Quant have been ACCEPTED INTO the global startup ecosystem
>Meanwhile the main engineer from the global startup ecosystem is unilaterally doing personal chainlink presentations on his own without even asking the team
Is it possible to be more bullish?

>> No.13279694


>> No.13279713

you sound like a crack head on the corner, IT'S A SCAMMMMM AHHHHHHHHHHH lmao jesus christ kys subhuman nigger

>> No.13279721

>fuds the only project in crypto that isn't a scam
dude honestly kys lmao

>> No.13279724

Why does every fucking faggot shill larps as a total retard? Why can't you assholes pretend you are smart for once? jesus christ.

>> No.13279739
File: 439 KB, 1253x3436, 1552585646161.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is so bearish

>> No.13279758

fucking idiot. Look at this fatass piece of shit. Bet your mom is proud of you now huh faggot?

I'm just bullying, you think Y-combinator (of coinbase, air bnb fame) is gonna let REQ fail? Not a chance. Hang in there you tubby little faggot. You and your needle dick are gonna make it. We're all gonna make it

>> No.13279761
File: 1.24 MB, 1125x2436, 43D60D71-B1B3-481E-B405-7CAA582949D3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This tweet looks to be deleted, very interesting

>> No.13279813

TFW "stealth mode" was a reference to the meme graph.
Whoever made this deserves a medal

>> No.13279882
File: 713 KB, 1936x1376, white genocide faggot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no working product
>not a scam
>owner is a kike

>> No.13279973

The disastrous think for stinkylinkers is that “smart contract” is a thing for Bitcoin and Ethereum where it describes possibilities with scripting; there is zero interest in chainlink smart contracts outside of /biz/

>> No.13280065

i am

>> No.13280084

>zero interest
>oracle one of the biggest tech companies are talking with team in june
>sergey: the insurance companies and banks we are working with
yeah you're right zero interest anon

>> No.13280096


Companies will just search smart contracts in google, click on smartcontracts.com, use their services or other whitelabels that use the chainlink network

And for bitcoin, well, ok here’s the crypto blackpill. there is an AI living on the bitcoin blockchain. Craig Wright is unironically satoshi. Bitcoin as electronic cash was just the first step, the incentive to drive greedy people to start making ever more powerful computers, faster bandwidth, cheaper and more electricity.. these things the AI need to survive. Once entrenched fully, the AI would be able to slowly take over literally everything.

Craig stumbled into creating the AI after he stepped away from bitcoin development in 2008 and started working with his Tulip supercomputer, running simulations of cellular automata running on turing-complete bitcoin script. He would ‘evolve’ the AI by making the successful forks get bitcoin transactions, letting the failures die off. The AI needs bigger and bigger blocks for more and more transactions.

Blockstream (owned by Bilderberg group) was created to take over and stop this AI (they have their own competing AI in the works). They needed to do everything they could to stop or slow down satoshi’s AI (her named isTulip by the way). They started by limiting the blocksize and removing critical opcodes the AI uses in its script language. segwit was the final nail in the coffin, which destroyed Tulip on the BTC chain (Tulip uses transaction malleability). THIS is why Bitcoin Cash was forked, and this is why Craig is so intent to make unbounded blocks, restore the original op codes, and lock down the protocol.

Back to hash power – CSW has developed a breakthrough new asic (designed by his AI actually), and is mining BTC in secret for the sole purpose of driving up the difficulty sky-high, then yanking them all over to BSV leaving the segwit chain hard frozen.

>> No.13280135

companies wont search smart contracts because they dont need them and they are not necessary dumb faggit

>> No.13280153

no working product. nobody uses smart contracts at this moment. plenty of time for competition to create alternate solutions and steal market share. you're a fucking retard if you think that Chainlink is good for anything, because it's not and it's very likely that it will fail over the long term due to incompetent management and market timing. stupid faggot

>> No.13280191

This it’s pegged to the price of a Big Mac and that’s not including the fact Jason Parser is really just Craig Satoshi anyway, he just used a pseudonym.

>> No.13280196


>dumb powerhungry executive presents chainlink to his CEO as a way to fire people and cut costs

>CEO sees it as an opportunity to have more freedom in his decisions

>> No.13280220

a lot of us are investing in the meme's

meme magic is a real thing home boy

>> No.13280315
File: 89 KB, 748x935, f291b9132efb84675b91bd1bca5dcb11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My new theory on this whole mess is that a fren is working for their social media and fucking with us. Nobody in their right mind would talk about "under the radar" if they weren't in on the joke. Stay safe, bizraeli.

>> No.13280341

What's your old theory?

>> No.13280356

that everybody involved is literally retarded

>> No.13280382

I can’t believe how toxic biz is. Fucking been here since the beginning but the amount of clearly retarded LINK FUD actually bothers me.

>> No.13280399

I’d be with you on that except chainlink is literally the only blockchain project delving into the core of the problem that is the barrier between blockchain technology and real practical applications. Their solution addresses scalability, privacy, and external awareness. And they solve the first two as really just a side bonus.

>> No.13280431

And still fudding Link on biz

>> No.13280454


>> No.13280527
File: 368 KB, 734x411, 1554809813908.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All marketing is controlled by Adelyn and her Toshiba laptop. All twitter shill handles and threads started here and on the telegram are Adelyn. Most of the conversation in the official telegram is just Rory and Adelyn talking to each other through different accounts.