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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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13276896 No.13276896 [Reply] [Original]

>Its Christmas time.
>BTC is 25k+
>All of your bags have done at least a 100x.
What do you do next?

>> No.13276912

My bags haven't done 100x because I held Bancor

>> No.13276936

Who would have thought a 300 mil ico wouldn't 100x

>> No.13276939


I start cashing out half my 5mm and putting into a 50/50 equity/fi stack as sustainment money

Margin short btc 50x with the rest, yolo

>> No.13276952

Not sure. Assuming BTC goes above 100k there's something seriously wrong (already is) with the traditional fiat system. So probably invest in save havens like Silver, land and water.

>> No.13277013
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>Trust Jews
>(You) lose
Consider it a valuable lesson anon. Not as valuable as the $150,000,000 + that BNT delivered straight into Israel's coffers. But valuable nonetheless.

>> No.13277047

I cant wait until this picture is proven false in a month or two, anyone who has this saved on their phones / computer or posted this here is a certified brainlet

>> No.13277099
File: 118 KB, 997x523, 1550020211081.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright well if Part 2 comes true then I'm planning my retirement.

>> No.13277155

Why do you think so? I don't disagree with you, I just want to see your take on it

>> No.13277404

>this is a sucker's rally

>> No.13277645

What do you mean why do I disagree, better question is why do you believe it..? There have been countless speculation where btc would go up to $6k, how come no one is posting them? People post this crap because it was on muh biz. That guy could of put anything after the April call and you guys would of gobbled it up, it’s probably more easier to gobble up because everyone is much more bullish now and it was saying moon from here on out.

If you really need more proof, go look at the last bottom, it tested the bottom several times before breaking resistance. In before muh reddit spacing

>> No.13277787

Timo says we're headed to 3k and 30c links. timeline is 2025 fellas

>> No.13278301

I say we're headed to 900k and $864 links. timeline is 2019 fellas

>> No.13278645


>> No.13278839
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Based Asuka poster speaks the truth

>> No.13278932

>I cant wait until this picture is proven false in a month or two, anyone who has this saved on their phones / computer or posted this here is a certified brainlet

he said 5300 in April
5300.. really makes you think, he gave the ammount

On a ratio of 2/20 some post which is considered as ''larp'' is really whales or insiders. Don't forget Vitalik, Charles lee and other important whales broswen biz



>> No.13278946

who is he?

>> No.13278968

56IQ thread, Jesus Christ. If crypto wasn't so easy you would all be fucking broke. In fact, you probably are.

>> No.13278979

Why would they browse biz? There is literally no point.

>> No.13278990

>he thinks the whales will make the thing so predictable for him

>> No.13279017

Vitalik has used biz meme expressions
Vitalik has deleted a Chainlink twitter post one year ago
They are nerd, they broswed 4chan probably before becaming rich, and rich are strange and sometime enjoy watching the losers and the dumb money sentment

>> No.13279030

Holy shit how stupid are you?

People with an IQ of 56 does not have the mental capacity to do basic things and you think they congregated on a obscure site on the internet to discuss finance?

Jesus Christ

>> No.13279055

>Vitalik has used biz meme expressions
Spoiler alert, faggot: everyone on twitter uses /biz/ expressions and memes. /biz/ has had the biggest impact on crypto meme culture by far.

Kill yourself mouthbreather.

>> No.13279116
File: 110 KB, 705x710, 1549716807345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

where is the bulge? I'm confused, is it a trap or not?

>> No.13279124

>Gets BTFO
>k-k-kill yourself


>> No.13279188

>45IQ drooling retards can't into hyperbole

>> No.13279218

Deluded brainlet
He said: ''Memes have elected Trump as president, you have to believe in the power of meme''
You know what you have to do now. You have to market buy the blue cube

>> No.13279219

damn this shit is too accurate

>> No.13279237

Move in with my friend and then maybe get a wife and start a family. I still got to figure out the details though.

>> No.13279314

>What do you do next?
buy an house, then plastic surgery then a girlfriend and some children (I am 29 years old). The rest in Gold and Silver ETF until the crash in the stock market happens, then buying SP500

>> No.13279335

I will do all these things
I will do all these things

>> No.13279351

>I am 29 years old
I can't imagine being so old and still so fucking stupid. How fucking tragic.

>> No.13279395

because you're a zoomer, but you will turn old anyway, no matter what.
On this board you have the tendecy to consider 30 years men as old, this is simply not true. At 30 years you can enjoy life the same way as a 20 years old, well the emotion are less intense, and you think more about stability, but this doesn't mean you are ''finished''... if you ant you can fuck 20 years old prostitutes
Life is easy man
you have to imagine detailed your future for the universe to come into your direction

you patetic loser with social anxiety basment dwelling

>> No.13280657
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It's only up from here bro

>> No.13281289

Pic isnt happening. Maybe 9k but btc isnt breaking 20k until decemeber.