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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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13273789 No.13273789 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone know anything about real estate? Thinking about buying a home soon, but I really want to get into the real estate market. It seems like that’s where most of the wealthy people I know make their money. I’m thinking of buying a duplex or triplex and living in one of the units so I can own my home and start renting out as well.
This idea is still in the embryonic stage, which is why I’m coming here to see what you guys think. I came here when /biz/ was first created but stopped when it became 90% crypto. I’m hoping most of hose posters killed themselves so we can talk about real business.

>> No.13273801

>maintenance, dealing with faggy laws and niggers

Just buy bitbean cash.

>> No.13273844

>renting to Tyrone
I’m not retarded Anon.

>> No.13274608

Looks like your going to jail instead

>> No.13274624

Where do you live

>> No.13274686

Buying a cheap house to save on rent is a good idea. Real estate is a meme. The only people who make money in real estate are brokers and managers who are pieces of shit trying to get their clients to waste as much money as they can to increase their commission cut. Better and more reliable returns can be found in equities. If you want to hold onto a couple million, you could flip shopping centers in developing neighborhoods, but you need the time to deal with a lot of bullshit. It's better to save what you can because taking out huge property loans is how people go bankrupt. Boomer pajeets and chinks like to buy businesses because they are power tripping retards who likely money launder anyway. Trust me, it's not a good investment.

>> No.13274705

>The only people who make money in real estate are brokers
This is the most retarded shit I've read today and I was on /pol/ for like an hour

>> No.13274756

Another retard who is coping that he is paying rent for the rest of his life.

>renting is nearly for free and way better than paying off his mortgage.

>> No.13274778

real estate is in a big bubble, dont buy

>> No.13275338

Washington state

>> No.13275368

You are an absolute retard lmao. Rental property works like a charm in any big eu city.

>> No.13275378

Hey is that the American dream home? Glued wood chips and a paper facade with painted on fake stone? Nice, how much? 5 million dollars? Seems good :) The next 15 years this thing barely survives will be comfy!

>> No.13275429

>has never owned real estate nor worked in commercial real estate
I said buying a house is a good idea. The rest if hard to argue with. Most properties that are tenable are owned by the big players not individuals. Of you have the opportunity to buy a true investment it will be outbid and sold before you call on it.

>> No.13275998

Not everyone lives in a 3rd world street shitting, locust infested shack village like you, fuckhead. In the USA a good wood home lasts at least 300-400 years with proper maintenance. My next door neighbors house is 120 years old and has had zero maintenance. It looks like shit but it’s still standing. Cope harder.

>> No.13276059

Oh nononono you don't know what wood is, all you get are siberian wood chips glued together. Real houses are built from bricks on a fundament. Not a little plywood house that flies away with the next storm. You mutts don't have houses, you have quite literally cardboard boxes.

>> No.13276091
File: 22 KB, 379x339, 1535343410488.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>assume you're making a decent amout of money and thus paying tax
>buy house, rent it out
>tax reduction of about 25% of your monthly mortgage payment
>dwellers pay 60%
>pay net 15% of mortgage payment out of pocket
>10 years later, own house you paid 15% for
>Real estate is a meme
yeah right, for dweebs it is

>> No.13276104

Enjoy the coming hurricanes

>> No.13276445

Spot the raging fat homosexual mutt.

>> No.13276474

Cope. Imagine living in the richest country in the world and being as poor as you.

>> No.13276496

>renting out your property
yuk. real estate agent or nothing m8.