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File: 89 KB, 719x861, stevejobscannabis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13273403 No.13273403 [Reply] [Original]

Real success can only be had by those who are able to think different. Don't be an NPC. Open your mind.

>> No.13273523

Steve Jobs died from his own hurbis.

>HURR Doctors are wrong! Quack medicine will save me!

>> No.13273564

NPC talk

>> No.13273591

Steve Jobs is the idol of NPCs.

>> No.13273684

He should be everyone’s idol

>> No.13273694

He also took LSD
take LSD anons

>> No.13273718

Weed is degenerate
t. Smoker for 15 years

>> No.13273976

t.smoker for 13 years

>> No.13273977

haha yeah, what a great thing for the world smartphones have been

>> No.13273979


Why the fuck are you shilling weed so hard? It’s going on 3 weeks now.

>> No.13273985
File: 780 KB, 900x957, 3e0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he wants to get rich on those cannabis stocks

>> No.13273991

>The Apple chief executive, who died this month after a pancreatic tumour spread elsewhere, delayed having operations and chemotherapy for nine months after the disease was discovered in October 2003.

In spite of pleas from family and friends, he tried to cure himself through acupuncture sessions, drinking special fruit juices, visiting "spiritualists" and using other treatments he found on the internet.

Some cancer experts have said that Mr Jobs may have extended his life or even survived if he had promptly tackled his cancer aggressively with scientifically proven medical treatments.
he literally died because of your advice op. chew a dick you npc

>> No.13273995


DESU most doctors are pretty dumb. At least in America you have to self diagnose yourself and really try and convince your doc to do the necessary tests and usually get a second opinion.

A fucking tech assistant at lens crafters diagnosed my rare, aggressive form of glaucoma (I’m 30). I had to go to 3 different specialists to confirm and treat my condition. None of them believed a 30yo could have glaucoma this bad so they all chalked it up to lifestyle, test errors, etc.

>> No.13273996

monied leftists worship steve jobs as a visionary and a genius when, t b h, his sharpest skills were manipulation and sociopathy. next to none of those people know who steve wozniak, von neumann, or linus torvalds are, but they do think they're a cut above the rest for buying into a popular brand

>> No.13274152

>scientifically proven medical treatments.
Which ones? Chemotherapy?
It's scientifically proven to not extend the life of patients at all.

>> No.13274164
File: 207 KB, 800x600, WeedDude.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Pot smokers get the rope

>> No.13274195

>DESU most doctors are pretty dumb.

The majority of them lack experience, their knowledge is too specialized, and they don't have repercussions for making mistakes. How can you get experience when the majority of the population is pretty much healthy? I'm going to go out on a limb and say that the doctors working in less wealthy countries are probably more competent since they're more likely to encounter more and a greater variety of patients.

But, at any rate, that doesn't change the fact that Steve Jobs was extremely stupid. Given his wealth, he could've easily taken a second, third, or fourth opinion. While it makes sense to doubt the doctor's diagnosis in certain cases, it doesn't make sense to downgrade the severity of the condition based on your self-diagnosis, especially when it's cancer. Steve Jobs wasn't even taking a rational and scientific approach to his condition. He literally thought New Age bullshit magic would cure his cancer.

>> No.13274218

That depends on the type of cancer and its stage. Steve Jobs had a slow growing form of pancreatic cancer that was highly curable, but he chose to forgo proper treatment until his cancer had spread throughout his body, which by then was too late.

>> No.13274221
File: 57 KB, 1082x566, ResDEX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine thinking you are counter-culture and not an NPC yet you still haven't gotten into the presale.

>> No.13274232

the hemp rope lol
>BloZ20+4 id

>> No.13274281

The world would be a better place had they never been created.

>> No.13275305

There would be no cheap whores without crack cocaine