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13268801 No.13268801[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

As a rich and successful /biz/nessman, would you get a loser gf?

For example a girl who grew up poor and works retail in a shithole town and has absolutely no money, no prospects and without you will spend the next 35+ years working the same piece of shit dead end job, seeing the same faces, the same aisles every single day?

>> No.13268816

Low class pleb women are usually sluts.

>> No.13268840
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No because I'm gay.

>> No.13268848

This is unironically how you get divorced raped harder than usual.

>> No.13268858

It's less a question of who the girl is than what she means to you. Warren Buffet's GF after he left his wife was poor when he met her.

The girl can build you up or break you down, it's one of your most important life choices as a successful /biz/ness man.

>> No.13268911

>has absolutely no money, no prospects and without you will spend the next 35+ years working the same piece of shit dead end job, seeing the same faces, the same aisles every single day?

You just described most women, congratulations.
If she is a virgin and takes care of her body, yes

>> No.13268915

Idc I just want a qt trap or girl bf/gf who will do weeb shit with me and let me lay on their lap.

I just don't know how much money I need to make this a reality though.

>> No.13268938

I would if I met the girl when we were both poor and we ended up growing rich together with her supporting me throughout my venture to be rich enough to retire by 30. If I get rich alone I'd date anyone but only marry rich women.

>> No.13268952

as if a trap is wife material hahahahahahaha

>> No.13268953

Really depends on what your goals are. If I had fuck you money, I would be fine with a useless wife, as long as she’s hot. If middle class, is definitely want a wife who makes as much as I do

>> No.13268957

these are the only kind of women i could ever get so yes

>> No.13268964

They can be! You have to expand your options when 90% of women are sluts who fuck around on tinder only

>> No.13268969
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I don't have any porn saved except her set. Fuck she's hot. Love the bored look while she is spread in multiple positions. Wish there was a amateur movie of her.

>> No.13268982

>implying half of Shakespeare wasn’t about how poor but honest is better than the alternative

>> No.13268989

If she has good genes and breeding hips than yes.

>> No.13268994

You're implying that poor people marrying rich people are more honest than rich people marrying each other. They're both in it for the money unless they were with you when you were poor. Its better to marry another rich person since you'll benefit from their money

>> No.13269072

sauce me up senpai

>> No.13269108

I don't care who it is or what it does, as long as I have control of my own money

>> No.13269123

Gf does not equal wife so of course

I'm not going to bleed a ton of money into her though

>> No.13269126

took literally 10 seconds
imgur com a Y4UIa
was disappointing tho

>> No.13269128
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>As a rich and successful /biz/nessman, would you get a loser gf?

did a successful woman would get a loser bf?

>> No.13269252

I'm pretty wealthy. I'd definitely prefer a girl who has something going for her in life. She doesn't have to be wealthy, but talent (of some sort) and ambition are very attractive traits to me. I don't date girls just because they're 10/10s in terms of looks.. At least not long term. That being said, If I really liked the girl, then yes, I would date her. I'd make sure to get a prenup if we end up getting married though (yes, they actually work in my country).

>> No.13269269
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>tfw no jane gf

>> No.13269270

this, if u want tyrone around

>> No.13269275

I'm assuming you're asking about long term relationships. If it's short term (i.e. one night stand, fuck buddy, or just a girl I'm seeing for fun) then I almost don't care about her job/life.

>> No.13269295
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when will be human cloning possible?

>> No.13269305

the only value women have in this world is there ability to bear children. Thats why some dumb slut working at wallmart still has high value. he ability to accepct cock while being 3/10 gives her value. The fat nerd who works next to her only value is his ability to use his back for a check

>> No.13269332

yes they do all the time

>> No.13269385

already did (and married) and
1. I hide my powerlevel well and live frugally, she has no idea what I really have
2. although her job is low paid, it isn't an idiot's job, she has some intelligence. So she's not a loser, just someone who was born in a shithole
3. I honestly don't really care that much about money, I could lose half of it to her and still be perfectly content since I'm naturally frugal

>> No.13269488

>sluts who fuck around
literally what do you think traps are

>> No.13269495

I "married down" financially. Wife grew up lower middle class, my family is upper middle class. I was making twice what she was making when we got married. Then she managed to get a non-technical job at a big tech company where she was making ~$150k/year. She got laid off after a few years but we lived entirely off my salary and saved every penny she made (after tax) during that time. She's not making much now, but the pile of cash we accumulated during those few years has made buying a house and saving for retirement much easier.

>> No.13270279

If she isn't a crazy person, sure why not.

>> No.13270297

>imgur com a Y4UIa
cant find em show mee!!!

>> No.13270326

The only thing that matters when it comes to a gf is
>her genetics
>her history

genetics for nice hips/face/body etc. and the history to determine what kind of person she was and if shes a slut or not. good genes + good history = wife material

>> No.13270335

You gotta get the lonely neet ones

>> No.13270345

You will burn in hell and no one will come to your grave faggot

>> No.13270368

My ex wife was a over achieving lawyer and had a really shit personality - definitely not the type to bear a child (she is still childless).

My qt pi went to university, got a mediocre degree and works in a shitty office but has a really warm and compassionate personality that I need to keep my cold spergness under control.

>> No.13270373


>> No.13270392

how retarded do you have to be to end up a poor female? i mean. if you have a vagina and look decent you can get any rich boomer you want. getting rich with a vagina is the easiest thing in the world

>> No.13270447

no because it would mean shes not somewhat smart and i feel that i wouldnt last too long next to a stupid hoe. id just go mad

>> No.13270451
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I have dated loser gf once. Never again. She was working at grocery store for 5$ an hour. She couldnt pass her exams at hs for many years. Almost no interests, or motivation to do anything. I was with her because of her qt looks and virginity but this is all big meme and nothing else. After 6 months we tried to fuck, but she was too tight and I couldnt get in. After 9 months we broke up. Complete waste of time and energy.

Now Im happy with another women.

>> No.13270463

No, there will be people. It's hilarious how mad people get over what other people like. It affects you in no way with who I want to love or be loved by.

>> No.13270498


>> No.13270514
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>> No.13270555

Never wife up a poor female. They come from a lesser caste for a reason.

>> No.13270605

HOLY fuck. I have the same fucking story. Knew a girl who liked me for years and after my girlfriend left me, I decided to get with her. No interests. No energy. Constantly negative. Only liked watching movies and listening to music. But she would blow me so fuck it. I could feel the relationship dying and I honestly did not care. So i decided I would turn to fuck her and lose our virginity before I would dump her kek. I told her we should fuck and then I acted like I just remembered I had a condom in my wallet as if it was not premeditated. She believed that shit. First time trying on condom. Her pussy was too tight and went dick went limp quick from not being used to condom. Gave up. 4 months wasted. (almost a decade ago)

>> No.13270624

That means she wasn’t turned on dingus

>> No.13270627

>not doing foreplay on a virgin

fucking idiots

>> No.13270644

10 years ago mate. I know. Im sure both of you guys were studs the first time trying to fuck though.

>> No.13270670

You need to actually read Shakespeare fren

>> No.13270719

>not crazy
Top jej, good luck anon.

To answer OP's question. I dunno. As someone who grew up lower middle class, I find it very hard to get along with girls in middle to upper middle class. They don't have the slightest inkling of what struggling is actually like and they squander so much on stupid shit. At the same time, most girls from lower class are there for a reason

>> No.13270744
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>> No.13270772

I once went on an online first date with a girl who worked in retail in a small town. I didn't have a car nor a job at the time. I'm pretty sure that's why she didn't want a second date. Five years later I'm making $75,000 while she still works in the same place, along with her boyfriend.

I'm going to go with a resounding no.

>> No.13270781

I'm upper middle class and my GF is in extended foster care for adults (she's almost 21)
She isn't the best with money but she is really quite intelligent. She knows all of the state capitals, elements, and presidents in order by heart, for example, and has an IQ of 138. Her mother skipped two grades in school, but she because addicted to drugs which is the source of all of her problems.
She has many problems, but smarts isn't one of them, so if she can get some of her emotional issues in check she has a very high likelihood of success. She's in school for advertising.
I dearly, dearly hope her issues aren't genetic. I don't want my kids to suffer in the ways she does.

But even then I don't think I could let go of her, because I'm almost positive her powerlevel is higher than most peoples in this thread.

>> No.13270824

Those are the best ones if they're not old enough to be embittered by it and don't have a relatively big appetite for expensive garbage.

>> No.13270882

>Mental problems

Idk desu, why would you marry another autist like you, makes no sense.

>> No.13270898


21 is young. You'll both have a large spurt of mentality maturity, probably at different times. I don't believe "mental illness appears later" means its delayed, it means the picture gets clearer and clearer concerning those who can't help themselves. Best thing to do is abort before 23.

Dating gets more retarded and desperate the older you get. Once single chicks hit 30, it's over. You want enough time for you and her to start over and have another good run with someone new.

>> No.13272020

Bro you get that trap QT!. And this guy hating why you so mad for if more people were gay traps u might have a gf by now.

>> No.13272412

Checked and kek'd, my based perv!

>> No.13272425

most behavioral problems can be solved with diet, believe it or not

avoid meat
eat mostly leafy green/legumes
drink distilled water

>> No.13272443

Loser women are the ones that get knocked up by any willing sap and stay home collecting child support and welfare.

>> No.13272448

What is that like

>> No.13272490

It depends on the girl. There are some girls who ain't with the dude due to money,etc. I'd pretend to be a bum and see if she likes me as a bum first.

If she was hot and we got along then why would I care that she worked in retail or at Kroger/walmart or mcd's? These types of girls can make the best long term wife's cause they end up liking you for you and not cause of the money you got. After you get to know each other, etc then you tell her "uh babe I really am better off than I look" You don't gotta tell her exactly how well off you are you know. If she really likes you she won't ask or care.

There's this girl at my local Kroger, well If I wasn't married I'd seriously consider trying to to know her and let things go from there.

>> No.13272568

>avoid meat
Suck my nuts, nigger.

>> No.13272594

Good tips for those who wish to feel good for a few months and then slowly become anemic and sickly over the span of a few months for no discernible reason

>> No.13272606

for protein, you can have fish, eggs, and dairy. it might help to try avoiding meats temporarily to see if mental conditions improve

>> No.13272632

Fish, eggs and dairy aren't going to give you sufficient iron and saturated fats

>> No.13272647
File: 37 KB, 700x390, girls_girls_32.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>As a rich and successful /biz/nessman, would you get a loser gf?

I really want more than one.

>> No.13272661

Women that smart are unusual. I'd keep her.

>> No.13272665

yes they do?

>> No.13272690

You don't know very much about nutrition. Although I guess that was already made clear when you advised people to avoid meat.

>> No.13272723

Doesn’t matter if she’s wealthy or not, but I’d get a traditional christian girl who’s close to her family.

Good for you, good for your kids,

>> No.13272773

Protein is the least of your problems with a diet that unhealthy.

>> No.13272940


Yes I would, cuz Lower class plebs tend to make more babies, I would breed the shit out of her so I have enough descendants of my wealth

>> No.13272970

Why would a woman's wagejob matter in any way? They're not supposed to be working and she won't be working.

>> No.13273022

how much link do u own

>> No.13273037

sure if she is qt and gf-material

>> No.13273145

I would not, primarily due to fact that they can be a gold digger. Alot of crazy chicks out there so it be too much of a risk

>> No.13273594
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It depends. Some people are sometimes made for a certain profession. I know a bunch of people that say they'd love working retail if only they could make a decent wage off it.
Most cases however fuck no. "No prospects" is the keyword here, sometimes people are down on their luck but no prospects means youre too dumb and lazy to get out of it. Why would you get a dumb lazy gf when you can cut the middleman out and just buy a fucking tenga?

>> No.13273967


Or... and hear me out here... just avoid carbs, sugar, and processed foods.

>> No.13274113

sure if im successful i dont care of she is not so long she is fun to be around and dont try to castrate me non-stop

>> No.13274126

shittiest health advice comes from those trying the hardest

>> No.13274137

or just dont give a fuck because your body sorts this shit out so long you dont eat too much or tio little it will adapt to any diet unless extremely inbalanced.

>> No.13274230
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>Good tips for those who wish to feel good for a few months and then slowly become anemic and sickly over the span of a few months for no discernible reason
It's insane attempting to reason with you subhumans.

>> No.13274290

Not really, carbs, sugar and processed shit truly are something you should at least learn to manage

>> No.13274389

Thank me later boyos


>> No.13274789
File: 102 KB, 634x734, 2F478D2000000578-3356084-image-m-26_1449848092497.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one looks like a lonely neet

>> No.13274814

doesn't matter if the calories are right. the human body is extremely adaptable but it was made for adverse environment not this abundance of food and zero incentive to move your ass.

>> No.13274819

> nigger voodoo sculptures

>> No.13274844


>> No.13274847

>For example a girl who grew up poor and works retail in a shithole town
If she is attractive and under the age of 19 yes