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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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13263290 No.13263290 [Reply] [Original]

Hi Bizzies, please share any fud/questions you have on CHX (Own) here so i can debunk.

k bye

>> No.13263352

cool, no h8.

let me start here:

9 STO's in progress, including debt for a large US fast-food chain.

>SO huh, they had STO's lined up to 2020, right?????

Yes, they do, in progress means that they have started the legal process... Lined-up means that the process still has to start yet that company is already engaged with Own

>> No.13263356

Some Asian car manufacturer doing an STO through Own is a /biz/ wet dream. CEO debunked this the same day.

>> No.13263450

>So, what about those fake numbers in the share registry???

These guys come from traditional business, they offer a free service and never expected you to start entering billions in fake assets.

>Free you say?

Companies only pay for extra analytics options. Having a share registry is a legal requirement in most parts of the world.

>> No.13263483
File: 148 KB, 1280x1097, photo_2019-01-18_17-41-25.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And another one.

>y team dump????

The team pays contractors (app developers, community managers and other people who are not under contract) in CHX. this has been said by the team for months.

>omg scam, they dump

No. Just calm the fuck down.

>> No.13263489

when can we expect some actual announcements?
I'm not talking about announcements of announcements I wanna hear some facts

>> No.13263501

>including debt for a large US fast-food chain
Florian said in the presentation in Liechtenstein that the STO's in the US all need to be manually approved by the SEC
They just released guidelines for STO's last week so has this one been approved already or are they still at the beginning

>> No.13263509

Good one!

This month we'll get insight into the 9 STO's as they will be listed in the app.

>How do we know?

1. Whales will exit if this doesn't happen.
2. Well, they have been hiring a lot of people lately, meaning we will see action soon.

Fun fact:

Business is really picking up for Own at this point as they are digging deeper and deeper into the traditional finance networks. Some of the latest presentations have created a lot of opportunities with large companies.

>> No.13263526

Are you a native german speaker? I noticed (as a german speaker) that the translations are wonky.

Hammersley is SEC approved, yet yes... as with any STO the SEC is involved at this point. The STO should be approved, yet i have no documentation on it.

You will be able to see the offerings in the app soon. Yet you likely won't be able to participate in most as they will be offering private debt.

>GOOD NEWS! -- They will list USD amounts that are being raised for the offerings.

>> No.13263555

I am, didn't read the translations though.
Another one: Florian spoke about partners in the EU and US but he (intentionally) left out the Asian market.
Do they have connections there and if so are there already interested customers or do they need to start from scratch over there?

>> No.13263580

They have one full-time person there (Sales) since about 7-8 months. Apparently easier than the US. Strong contacts in HK.

As far as i know Asia is no problem, as with most companies the SEC is... Yet Own avoided this by working with Hammersley.

There's also rumours of something big in the work together with Fi-tek. Although i have no details.

To answer your question:
They have been there, they do have some clients there (Europe is their first focus) and connections don't seem to be a problem in Asia either. They are planning to expand to China relatively soon, seeing resources being diverted towards the China efforts.

>> No.13263584

I assume you're one of the telegram admins or at least a team member.
Can you give me a staking spot before June since I'm such a nice guy?

>> No.13263587

Many assumptions.

Nobody gets a staking spot, i know of some whales who will run a one man node... yet luckily this is not centralised like EOS. As long as 100 holders can scrape together enough CHX to be in the top 100 they can run a node.

Very expensive to run though.

>> No.13263601

sounds good. Insulanian said something about that you guys need to migrate the FAST net to the new CHX main net. When can we expect this to be done? I guess that the 9 STO's will need to lockup their CHX as soon as this has been completed and I really wanna see some transaction on the chain

>> No.13263619

and I almost forgot: Can you say something about the two remaining exchanges? I don't really care about price action on them because if the project is a success this will be no problem but in the meantime a volume increase would be nice anyway

>> No.13263622

Lock-ups will happen once community nodes are up. So expect this somewhere in June. Companies will be verifiable when listed on the app. And you might see some bigger names then you expected... (Debt offerings tend to be relatively large, yet i can also imagine a test run from large entities.)

>> No.13263633

I believe mr sascha!

Seriously though, cool thread.

>> No.13263637

Again, assumptions.

Even insiders have no clue about the exchanges. I do know that it doesn't necessarily have to be 3. As Sascha is not a native speaker, 'a few' could also mean two. (Inc Bitmax)

BitMax is also helping Own expand business in Asia and with exposure to Chinese investors.

>> No.13263640

I doubt it's sascha he doesn't have the patience to deal with small investors
This is a nice thread though, thanks

>> No.13263642

Any questions?

Some people seem excited, like the person that bought 3% of supply last month.

>> No.13263671

Florian said that Liechtenstein passed a law that enables OWN to automate the STO process more.
Was that a coincidence or is it a result from the partnership with the finance minister?

>> No.13263673

To continue this lovely trend;

What is up with all the 4chan warriors? I am aware of the squad pumping it from 5-15 mil... yet that group has nothing to do with 4 chan.

>> No.13263684

Own works closely with the Liechtenstein government. I know it sounds very silly... Yet that wanting to become the 'Amazon' of STO's is no joke. They are doubling down on a growth strategy and have a weird amount of connections in the finance world.

Heard about a lot of this from people who met them in person. Hoping to be able to join one of the next meet-ups myself.

>> No.13263693

What do you think the rabid fudsters on 4chan are doing? There seems to be a couple of guys that really hate chx. They can't really believe they will push the price down with these threads right?

>> No.13263694

It makes sense though.
Liechtenstein seems to be doubling down in the financial market - they got some bigger banks from Luxembourg because they are probably more open to change
If they see the potential in the STO market it would make sense for them to push players like OWN which are located in Liechtenstein

>> No.13263698

And when do you think the STO hype really kicks off? Around the next halvening or earlier?

>> No.13263710

They have their own channel <CHX Markets>
Consists of like 10 people, Ghost, Fido etc. which seem to be angry at the official channel and the team because they got banned.

I do see where this is coming from because the telegram seems to be heavily sensored and everything negative gets skipped or removed
This is the only red flag for me but I guess some people just can't handle criticism

>> No.13263711

From what i have heard/seen there is a kid that hates Own with his guts, people have been leaking his identity left and right so that will likely stop.

For the rest i wouldn't be able to tell you. I noticed a lot of these other platforms spend a lotttt of money on PR... so paid trolls wouldn't amaze me (Speculation though...)

>> No.13263716

Small country, high income per person... Liechtenstein wants to be another Monaco ;) Can't blame them for it...

Let's hope they stay this supportive!

>> No.13263729

I can't tell you, neither can i tell you which company will be the most successful in the STO space. I can tell you that that won't be Raven though. Yet as this is a huge market there is place for more than one dominant platform

>> No.13263736

I think it's more about your attitude, i talk about swing trading in there and it seems to be fine. Those Fido guys etc... they spam DOMP EEETTT in chat 6 times a day... can imagine that being worth a ban

>> No.13263743

so you're not an admin
where did you get all this intel?
I'm not saying you're a larp but please elaborate

>> No.13263761

Ok now I'm curious, why not raven?

>> No.13263763

I understand, yet i can't comment on that.

I would like to add that you should always do your own research (Before buying, and dumping). Most of this information can be found in the chats, Own website and by having a general overview of the conventions they attend (Importance) A fintech background can be nice when investing in Own :)

It's up to you to decide if you trust me or if i'm a larper. Are you in the German Channel?

>> No.13263773

Raven is no different then Waves. You still have to bring your own lawyers and everything... Smartlands also is a small fish as they focus on property.

Polymath, Securitize and my favourite -- Own are the real competitors as they provide an easy to use solution... As with Raven you still have to do most of it yourself without any support.

>> No.13263835

Also funny all this fud when you can literally ask anything in main chat.

Blockchain questions --> Insulanian
Operation things --> Florian
Marketing --> Ivana
Overall suggestions --> all of the above

You can also tweet to Ermin (CTO/Co-Founder) on Twitter, he decides everything tech related and likes talking.

>> No.13263857

Hey anon, thanks for this AMA. I think it sheds quite a lot of light on the FUD people have been reading nonstop

>> No.13263893
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>> No.13263967

Any questions about team/partner history?

>> No.13263971

Ummm it's Ghost. I never said I hated Own. I still hold all of it. I hate that faggot Ray. Still in the telegram btw haha.

>> No.13264009

Also I find it very amusing that you fucks try and threaten me like I'm scared.

>> No.13264023

Kid, nobody cares. Whales were happy when you finally kept your mouth shut with your cuck 'why don't girls like me???' and 'daddy giving me 20k extra tomorrow to pump CHX',

you are incapable and will most likely end up always staying an incel. Why care so much about a fucking telegram admin, kiddo.

You're the reason half of their fucking community left. Wrecking your Own investment.

>> No.13264033

Just read up on the damn project. We see you spamming that you'll dump on everyone with your tiny bag. It's a bit weird, honestly.

>> No.13264035

Obviously you guys care since you can't stop talking about me lul

>> No.13264067
File: 75 KB, 1118x1280, Bylan Bee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bet you wish your parents would, too ;) Or girls... Maybe some day someone will like you.

Now let's leave it to the grown-ups again.

>> No.13264162

Why do these threads always have to be hijacked...

By the way, Own will launch it's own Securities exchange 'very soon'. Apparently being built in cooperation with at least one large traditional player.

Full end to end, Issuance, registry, secondary market.

>> No.13264181

Do I need to get scammed 6 months wage to qualify as an adult? Haha

>> No.13264317

own /chx is a scam. the price is tanking because devs are dumping/slow exit scamming.. that's why op make this post. hes desperate and delusional.. he thinks shilling it on this dead forum will stop the price dumping

>> No.13264336

>Own /CHX is not a scam. the price is stable because the team is working/bizdevving. That's why anon makes this comment... he's desperate to get back in and delusional... He thinks fudding on this dead forum will dump the price.

Anon doesn't know anything about Own, don't be like Anon.

>> No.13264349

> The price is tanking
The price is up 3x from a month ago
> That's why op make this post
That's why you made this post

>> No.13264440

This is how I know CHX is a good, solid investment. When bagholders resort to doxing and leaking someone's personal information. Talk about desperate.

>There seems to be a couple of guys that really hate chx. They can't really believe they will push the price down with these threads right?
If rabid fudsters have no bearing on the price, what's the point of creating a thread to debunk FUD? The concept makes sense, nothing wrong with positive threads, but it's not even an organic conversation. OP rapid-fire "dispelled" FUD by copy pasting answers he pre-written to intentionally retarded questions (case closed, guys!). when moon sirs?

More like, these statements are made to discourage and demotivate fudsters.
>You think raising legit concerns on a chinese basket weaving board is doing anything to the price? HAHAHA.
Faggot. The price is bleeding down by itself. There are only a few thousand wallet holders with more than $50. And maybe 5% of them read /biz/ and that's being generous. No one with a working brain is going to buy CHX based on the graphs alone. Anyone who is comforted by shitty arguments like in this thread deserve to lose their money.

How could you confirm they have STO's lined up till 2020? Why would OWN ever admit to not having STO's lined up to anyone? Even if you're an insider. Proof is in the pudding: Where are they? Fake numbers in DSR dashboard, they did not expect people to enter billions in fake assets? Wow, in that case, OWN's wallet security must be tight! But since I neither have my life savings in CHX nor am I being paid to FUD, I'm not going to bother arguing against each and every single illogical answer the OP barfed up and been workshopping for the past 24 hours.

>> No.13264463

Sounds like someone's salty. Any questions?

>> No.13264516

The admins of the telegram are trying to doxx me lol.

>> No.13264578

>This is how I know CHX is a good, solid investment. When bagholders resort to doxing and leaking someone's personal information. Talk about desperate.
>>There seems to be a couple of guys that really hate chx. They can't really believe they will push the price down with these threads right?
>If rabid fudsters have no bearing on the price, what's the point of creating a thread to debunk FUD? The concept makes sense, nothing wrong with positive threads, but it's not even an organic conversation. OP rapid-fire "dispelled" FUD by copy pasting answers he pre-written to intentionally retarded questions (case closed, guys!). when moon sirs?
>More like, these statements are made to discourage and demotivate fudsters.
>>You think raising legit concerns on a chinese basket weaving board is doing anything to the price? HAHAHA.
>Faggot. The price is bleeding down by itself. There are only a few thousand wallet holders with more than $50. And maybe 5% of them read /biz/ and that's being generous. No one with a working brain is going to buy CHX based on the graphs alone. Anyone who is comforted by shitty arguments like in this thread deserve to lose their money.
>How could you confirm they have STO's lined up till 2020? Why would OWN ever admit to not having STO's lined up to anyone? Even if you're an insider. Proof is in the pudding: Where are they? Fake numbers in DSR dashboard, they did not expect people to enter billions in fake assets? Wow, in that case, OWN's wallet security must be tight! But since I neither have my life savings in CHX nor am I being paid to FUD, I'm not going to bother arguing against each and every single illogical answer the OP barfed up and been workshopping for the past 24 hours.

chx was a pump and dump. the devs are fraudsters.

price is taking. devs were exposed as liars/misleading/over prmoising/underdelivering/incompetant. people are leaving telegram in droves. devs are dumping their tokens

>> No.13264594

>The admins of the telegram are trying to doxx me lol.
That's how you know you were right. They're nervous and sweaty because they think you played a major part in the price tanking. Imagine them spending all day on Google to find out about you, instead of spending that time to research OWN. Most bagholders are still not aware how shitty that Hamersley Partners deal was, for example.

>> No.13264629

they banned me from telegram for raising legitimate concerns

>> No.13264660

The title says AMA, not fud without foundation. Everyone here seems to have missed the boat, time to get back in?

>Muh fraudsters
>muh dumping
>muh legitimate concerns
>muh 4 chan warriors

>> No.13264678

>The title says AMA, not fud without foundation. Everyone here seems to have missed the boat, time to get back in?
>>Muh fraudsters
>>muh dumping
>>muh legitimate concerns
>>muh 4 chan warriors
look at req, skycoin, 0xbtc. that is your future

>> No.13264731

You're not going to convince anyone to hold their bags or buy into CHX, sorry. Try again tomorrow.

You couldn't even argue anything against how if OWN didn't "expect" someone to enter fake data in the DSR and filter it out when displaying the data, what that says about their security. Should be basic cyber-security 101 to "expect" such a thing. This isn't a Mountain Dew contest where people vote up a flavor called "Hitler Did Nothing Wrong" or draw the jew meme out of pepperoni, we're dealing with supposedly half a billion dollars worth of tokenized assets.

>> No.13264733

You seem very emotionally attached. Sounds like you got burnt a few times.

>This was a thread for questions by the way

>> No.13264816

It's a free tool. Nobody expected a bunch of teens to start adding fake assets. At the end of the day that won't matter anyway... As it's a service with a paid extension.

This is some horribly thought out fud.

>> No.13264851

>You seem very emotionally attached. Sounds like you got burnt a few times.
>>This was a thread for questions by the way
i 4x'd on chx (would have been 5x if i sold top).. then i sold and 2+x'd on fantom... i'm the anon that told biz about chx and fantom... and rvn and holo before that... btw ive been in crypto for 10-11 years.. you should sell your chx and buy back lower.

>> No.13264909

>It's a free tool. Nobody expected a bunch of teens to start adding fake assets.
Maybe if OWN was a traditional business ran out of Nebraska, sure. In the crypto world? How convenient. It's almost as if the numbers are higher, it adds social proof to OWN's operations. Now if there was a way to remove the number of businesses shown or put the $ into the negative, I bet they would have been watching the data like a hawk.

>> No.13264923

Thanks Chad, CMO at Google as well? I've been in crypto for 26 years and in stocks for 130.

>> No.13264940

Companies don't care. You can literally do the same (Share registration) on paper. Anyone with a small bit of brain knows those numbers don't matter.

Good thing they'll list the offerings in the app before the end of the month. Should keep the kids far, far, far away.

>> No.13264964

>Companies don't care.
About misleading numbers that makes OWN look more successful than it is? If you say so.

>Good thing they'll list the offerings in the app before the end of the month. Should keep the kids far, far, far away.
Will see. I wouldn't mind OWN delivering and staying away from moonboys.

>> No.13264967

>Thanks Chad, CMO at Google as well? I've been in crypto for 26 years and in stocks for 130.
nah i just invest. i invested in google pre ipo.. and all the biggest tech companies of today when they just got started.. and only invested in those.. never had a year i made less than 100%..

imo im the best investor in the world.. and dont spend much time researching. 5 mins a day on techcrunch.

>> No.13265059

Looking more successful? It's a free service. FREE i tell you. The only people you could lure in with tactics like that are teenagers.

Glad we agree on the Moonboy part.

>> No.13265071
File: 74 KB, 960x540, Roadmap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Own just published a roadmap

>> No.13265241

X-Change? could it be? For securities? Own-ing equity.

>> No.13265357

All of the above, biz doesn't know how bad they're missing out

>> No.13265358

>Own just published a roadmap
no one cares. project is dead. move on

>> No.13265384

y dead sir?

>> No.13265406

What's happening with the Dashboard that was talked about weeks ago?

>> No.13265410

point 3 in april, sir. show offerings in app.

>> No.13265422

Here he goes again with the fantom talk. Fuck your shitcoin that has nothing to do with the thread topic but you bring it up in every chx thread.

>> No.13265562

This thread is a disaster. Someone deeply involved with Own (probably someone on the team) just threatened to dox one of their critics. I had my doubts about whether this was a scam but now it’s crystal clear.

>> No.13265638

all aboard the fud train.

>> No.13265757

Sascha janitor big scam me smart listen me

>> No.13265763

>people have been leaking his identity left and right so that will likely stop.
Wow. I don't think you realize how badly you just fucked CHX over. Now to the usual list of

ponzi scheme 48% guaranteed returns
fake customer data
token dumping
bullshit partnerships
delayed mainnet

we can add doxing to the list.

>> No.13265783

Doxing who? That kid told everyone who he was ages ago I thought

>> No.13265830

You forgot to switch your IP address, stupid. Own is owning themselves hardcore this evening maximum kek.

>> No.13265838

Nope, the admins started threatening me.

>> No.13265855

Lol. Bitmax = Own?

Salty, salty little man.

And yes, it's so weird that people don't like a kid that sends half a dozen people death threats on the daily lol. Never did i say the team did that either.

From what i have seen it was the smartlands community who doxxed him after he kept on spamming porn in there under fake accounts because they banned him.

>> No.13265859

own are censoring people that raise legitimate concerns.. i was banned from telegram too

>> No.13265868

Why would I try to switch my iPhone? I asked a question about the dashboard and then asked this
Blows. If it was the musclepump then who cares its just people feeling powerful they are just anons who have time on their hands to be an admin, means nothing

>> No.13265888

When Sascha said he's going to sort out the little niggles, he really meant it.

>> No.13265892

You say all these things but have no proof.

>> No.13265905

Nah it's Bill from Smartlands and Ray. But yea, they have no power in real life so they try and abuse their imaginary "power" in the telegram groups.

>> No.13265913

If this doesn't immediately make you scream scam and close the thread you deserve what's going to happen.

>> No.13265927

Guys stop saying bad thing about CHX or they will leak your identity left and right.

>> No.13265932

Hi fellow Own Chads. It seems we are outnumbered. I think @chxtraders managed to find 4chan lmao

>> No.13265938


>> No.13265950
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>> No.13265968

>Guys stop saying bad thing about CHX or they will leak your identity left and right.
When I said in the last thread I wouldn't mind if OWN had ties with the mafia, if the price was reaching the stars, I didn't quite mean it this way. Sascha, please, have mercy. chx good $100 eoy

>> No.13265985

chx was sub 1m marketcap only a few months ago.. i shilled it on biz for 5 months. 90% of the posts about chx were made by myself. also, the devs mislead everyone about everything to help pump the price. the devs started dumping their tokens as soon as price started to rise. i dumped my chx near top. no one is shilling chx anymore. and everyone knows the devs mislead us all. price is tanking. everyone is leaving their telegram. it's going back to sub 1million marketcap.

>> No.13265989

I sold my bags @ 8K sats, kind of regret but still. When will a good entry point will be?

>> No.13265996

Yeah... you can find that guys info in 2 seconds. He literally uses his own name. He's almost as much of a brainlet as you are lol. Just not as desperate atleast.

>> No.13266014

Yes, we know. You're the ultimate OG.

Support is at 20c. So if it dips under you'll have a party... could go to the low 10's. But hey, might not break it.

>> No.13266050

thank you, buying back in @18c.
CHX made me sick gains in this bear market and I do belive that the future of STOs is bright.
Thanks again

>> No.13266051

>Support is at 20c. So if it dips under you'll have a party... could go to the low 10's. But hey, might not break it.
there is no support the devs wont dump through

>> No.13266065

When moon sir? How many Ownies to make it? Do you kindly recommend we market buy on IDEX or Bitmax? If I said anything wrong in this post I apologize in advance, please forgive me.

>> No.13266073

Don't forget to diversify, as i've mentioned before... There will be multiple dominant platforms..

ok. Good thing you sold all you had then :)

>> No.13266094
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the devs dumping coins is 2015 and retarded as fuck man. Fuck off

>> No.13266101

the devs sold all the eth theyr raised at ico at the bottom. they have no money. sasha said they fund own out of their own pocket. they need to keep dumping their tokens for the next few years to fund their business. sasha said they wont break even for a couple of year. they will market dump through any support. there is no liquidity. when i sold 100k chx price tanked 10%. they sell this amount every few days. it's going back to sub 1m marketcap.

>> No.13266126

Selling your $100 didn't make a dent in the supports.

>> No.13266130

>the devs dumping coins is 2015 and retarded as fuck man. Fuck off
they are dumoing their chx... look at smart contract. sasha also said so in their telegram and ama's. dumping/selling, call it what you want

>> No.13266168

I agree fellow 4channist. Team dumping tokens is perfectly normal before the platform even launches and there's no volume to support the dumping. It actually is bullish since it shows how generous the team is to share their tokens with us at such low prices.

>> No.13266207

>I agree fellow 4channist. Team dumping tokens is perfectly normal before the platform even launches and there's no volume to support the dumping. It actually is bullish since it shows how generous the team is to share their tokens with us at such low prices.

>> No.13266278

So, how many of you are linkies? I see we have FTM king here as well.

>> No.13266341

>So, how many of you are linkies? I see we have FTM king here as well.
33% ftm, 67%eth atm

>> No.13266430

What a hilarious meme.jpeg sir. Weown© is so cool and funny.

>> No.13266524

All rights reserved. No stealing me memes!

>> No.13266601
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> Now it's crystal clear

>> No.13266815

>least one large traditional player
London Stock Exchange

>> No.13267531

This is exactly how I always pictured him. Weird!

>> No.13267579

holy shit that nigga tall

also, how are people getting doxxed? like you should always keep a level of anonymity in the crypto community

>> No.13267664

Holy shit OWN has to be the most divisive project right now on biz. If this is a buy signal then I dunno wtf is, if incels on here are betting their diapers in a bunch and turning into emo fags over Sasha and his scam company and dedicating so much time into keeping the fud updates rolling then this shit is primed to be big. Keep it up retards. Watching you cry like little babies is making me want to load up more.

>> No.13267774
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>> No.13267777

This is one of those threads that make me consider getting some of this. Normally when you see someone make an autistic thread like this its either some guy whos really passionate about a project thats gonna moon one day or some dumbass with a shitcoin. no middle ground

>> No.13267790

I do look amazing, thank you Ryan

>> No.13268046

What a nonsense on this thread holy shit. I have never seen such a weak fud in my life

>> No.13268060

>Holy shit OWN has to be the most divisive project right now on biz. If this is a buy signal then I dunno wtf is, if incels on here are betting their diapers in a bunch and turning into emo fags over Sasha and his scam company and dedicating so much time into keeping the fud updates rolling then this shit is primed to be big. Keep it up retards. Watching you cry like little babies is making me want to load up more.
im a fudder. you know my eth wallet address. no chx in it.

>> No.13268070

look at the chart. it looks like its going to drop off a cliff. i expect a 50% drop in the next week

>> No.13268141
File: 53 KB, 339x335, sminem5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>look at the chart. it looks like its going to drop off a cliff
he's using TA on an IDEX token
never gonna make it

>> No.13268187

Yep, and it's already down almost 50% in eth since the pump despite the fake mainnet launch and an exchange listing happening since then. They are desperate which is why they have resorted to threatening kids on 4chan.

>> No.13268224

dang this thread was so chill and informative when the kids were still in school

now it turned into a fucking circlejerk

>> No.13268234

Why don't you buy everything ATH then? After all, fuck TA.

>> No.13268283
File: 13 KB, 500x500, 1525346335500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13268287

that doesn't make any sense

>> No.13268298

Exactly, just as buying something that is dropping off a cliff and bleeding every day.

>> No.13268348

Kid I'm not buying I'm already in balls deep
It's not worth to swing trade this shit since every day could come an announcement and the train leaves so I'm just waiting

Why are you so mad though? Did the telegram admins touch you somewhere downstairs?

>> No.13268588
File: 3.30 MB, 360x202, own-train.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Kid I'm not buying I'm already in balls deep
oww my balls

But wouldn't have guessed you're a bagholder. Seemed like you wanted others to ignore the shitty chart and buy in. And yes, one of the admins touched my pee pee in 4th grade and still bitter about it. Won't leak his name though, but it rhymes with fud.

>> No.13268777

>a project thats gonna moon one day

>> No.13268789



>> No.13268814

Ok. Im spending the rest of my savings on some CHX

>> No.13269798

>multiple dominant platforms
Which ones do you like? How would you rate Desico?