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13263700 No.13263700 [Reply] [Original]

Why do a lot more wealthy white men nowadays prefer dating asian women instead of white women? Asking for a friend

>> No.13263704

asians have little to no smell

>> No.13263724
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>> No.13263727
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They don't. Only beta male white men date asian women hence every weeb on this fucking website being obsessed with gook women. This is because they've watched too many cartoons and are manchildren and believe the gook is ""traditional"" but she isn't, it's just lost in translation, she's still a woman. Asian women are bottom of the barrel with nigger women, and basically any non-white women. I don't make the rules, that's just how it is...

Dating an asian woman as a white man is like dating a nigger man (when you think about it), because being white and dating an asian woman is the same as being white and dating a nigger women but then nigger women are basically just nigger men with that clip on hair shit on their head. Nevertheless, only beta male whites date gooks or niggers

>> No.13263730

there's small and light so you can just IMAGINE picking them up and fucking them anywhere you like

>> No.13263756
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that pic holly shit
Asian truly are disgusting

>> No.13263769

CMilk wife? I would bang her

>> No.13263775

Am I the only one who likes Asian women precisely because they're so thirsty for White cock? I don't think of them as traditional, I think of them as lissome sluts.

>> No.13263774

maybe because white women?

>> No.13263776

Offer robust empirical evidence or you just bait poo talking out of your ass. Personally, I see successful white men with western european and mediterranean women.

>> No.13263798

wealthy men marry wealthy women no matter their race for the most part

>> No.13263814
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Because masculinists believe western women to be "degenerate whores" or "stupid selfish cunts" just because they now refuse to be treated like their personnal caretakers: stay at home moms for kids and subversient sex slaves in bed. Basically they refuse to treat them as human beings and idolize third world women as dumb and subservient enough to not contest their masculinity and provide them with the reproductive labor (care) they crave.
That's generally a sign of great ignorance of basic things about women, and especially third world women.

>> No.13263840

Seething roastie

>> No.13263847

They don't you fucking beta neet

>> No.13263859
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How is that not objective, retard? Just look at the thread on /pol/ and even the answers here. They're basically calling white women trash and asian women subservient...
COPE manlet

>> No.13263863

whats the fucking problem. dont you like sex, dont you like to take care of your child, dont you lime to stay at home???

>> No.13263906

Very much so.

I wouldn't describe myself as wealthy, but pulling in six figures a year in a highly prestigious job and have an asian gf. I have dated women of many different races (never dated a full-blown black or Pakistani) and she is far and away the best. A literal model and a virgin when we met. Cooks, cleans and so on.

This is also nice.

Why would I want to date a whore who brings very little to the table and has taken multiple cocks in her ass and mouth?

>> No.13263909
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I'm a man, and never in my life I would be attracted by a souless, child women that would have no personality beyond what's she's told to be and to do. You're the insecure manlet who needs to have a blank and passive personality around you so you can feel good about yourself. Insecure beta, you will end up with a women who can't have a conversation, can't express feelings, can't fulfill her life by herself... fag

>> No.13263913

White woman are way to emancipated now a days. We men just want a woman who cooks, cleans the house and gives nice blowjobs. Facts.

>> No.13263933

i don't particularly care for asian women but the woman i love happens to be asian, and holy shit is this an underrated perk. feeling the pussy go from tight to a water slide, watching your dick covered in white cream whenever you take it out of her. anons can trade jabs about how we're beta all they want, during sex nothing feels nicer than seeing this primal effect you have on her

>> No.13264042



>> No.13264061

I had my fair share of strong independent women. expect to cucked aling the way wasting your time not getting a child until you both are 40 and infertile, that is if you are lucky. if not get cucked divorced and paying for somebody elses child. I mean it isnt set in stone, but most man fail playing this game on ultra hard mode.

>> No.13264229

>not dating a hot 20 y/o and dumping her when she's 25 to date another hot 20 y/o
I can see nobody here made it.

>> No.13264601
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Basically you're afraid to have a relation with someone you consider your equal... Look at how fucked up it is. What makes you so afraid of women that you believe they are bound to decieve and defraud you of your hard earned money. You reek of self victimization and insecurities.
Your reasoning is circular:
>women are all whores and gold diggers
>I should them treat them as venal whores
>they refuse to get treated like shit
>they leave our abusive relation
>that's just another proof they're not fit for being treated well as equals.
>women are stupid cunts lol
You'll never experience love because you're not even able to love yourself enough to have the confidence around other people.

>> No.13264608


>> No.13264623

It's not that I wouldnt want my equal, it women dont want their equal. I was once a bluepill cuck like you.

>> No.13264687
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So basically tou said you want a stay at home wife to take care of the kids that you can divorce at any time and leave her with no savings, no income and the expenses for the kids. That's not how you treat people as equals, beta cuck

>> No.13264713

> a lot more wealthy white men nowadays prefer dating asian women

> imagine being cucked by a white woman

because american men are cucks

>> No.13264739
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In a couple where YOU have 100% of the control of the money/material conditions of living
A couple in which your wife can't leave you because she has no money and no job since she's a stay-at home mom
A relation in which you can do the very bare minimum of the reproductive labor since it's apparently your "traditionnal" waifu duty
>what am I doing wrong?
>why women are so mean, they don't want to have their existences under my control REEEEEEEEE

>> No.13264758

Why would you want some fat roastie when you can have a loyal smart asian goddess?

>t seething white girl
Asian girls are by far much smarter than white girls so that comparison makes no fucking sense


I consider no woman my equal

>> No.13264761

Sounds like you've been hurt anon..

>> No.13264795


That chart is incorrect since the quoted risk is imputed to government and the lack thereof governance versus the discretionary offshore nature of not attracting attention, therefore risk. Man in the middle

>> No.13264821

>that filename

Holy shit I audibly keked in the bathroom at work while taking a shit. Thank you anon.

>> No.13264974

>ur a bad guy who hurt u owo
Gonna be a yikes from me there, "guy".

>> No.13265017
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I don't care that your FEELINGS got hurt, there were only FACTS, cuck. Keep wanking on imaginary brown waifus

>> No.13265074

1488 and all buddy, but women are not and cannot be equal to men. Women who try to compete at being men will just be low tier, physically weak, mentally hysterical men.

>> No.13265080
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Because asian woman are hotter, more traditional, more feminine, more caring and they accept their woman role in the relationship.

White woman are all tattooed, worn out roasties that hit the wall at 20 years old.

>> No.13265095


Women can’t fulfill their lives by themselves period you fucking retard. Western civilization began deteriorating when the idea women are equal to men became commonplace.

Women are human and have rights but any man who isn’t a knuckle dragging ape understands no woman will ever be his equal in ANY category, and it is unair to expect them to be, they are genetically DESIGNED to be a literal sidekick to a man.

How many happy single career women in their 40s do you know of? None. Bitter old dried up cunts.

Women cannot be happy without a man to define literally all aspects of theie life around, and its fighting nature to suggest otherwise. One of the main reasons the west is going literally insane.

>> No.13265098


You're going maximum roastie right now bud. If you're a man I'd get my t levels checked

>> No.13265361

>Raise women to be delicate little pussies dependant on the world for their psychological needs
>Get mad when these women aren't as selfsufficient as men

>> No.13265411

Why would I waste my time on a mentally ill western roastie when I can date an Asian gril who wants to have a family and be a wife?

Any woman raised in the USA surrounded by US culture is effectively brain damaged.

>> No.13265413

why would you want an exact equal though? what's the benefit there? dating younger women makes sense because they're easier and also a lot hotter than women past 25-28

>> No.13265430

because they cant pull white women. so they get the easieat women to date, asian women

>> No.13265448

marrant a de voir que la région la plus socialiste de France est également celle avec le moins de migrant. La CHANCE.

>> No.13265449

Wrong. You are free to find out for yourself why white western women are shit. They are all yours my friend.

>> No.13265460


Women are different and lesser at a basic, genetic level. SOME women can be great, but they are a vast majority, and for those who find a supporting role to a man unfillfilling should be allowed to persue greatness. This was always the case even before womens lib bullshit.

The average, and vast majority of women will literally only find fulfillment in subservience and support of a GOOD man. It is genetics. Its like asking a domesticated dog to find fulfillment without a master, or a beta wolf without an Alpha.

That does not diminish them as complementary pieces of a puzzle, men need women like this desperately to be functional. Western women are broken and will not/can not fulfill this role.

This is why western men look to foreign brides for their literal needs.

>> No.13265492

Because white men are near the top of the food chain and non-white women are at the bottom. Men with power want to feel that way and chink women who will literally worship you are the best way to get that. White women are the most desirable but at a certain point men want to be chased and not the other way around.

Beta whites like chinks for the same reason, but only because of repeated failed attempts with desirable white women.

>> No.13265517

>asking for a friend
this phrase is so tired..
checked regardless

>> No.13265538

nigga I wont unlearn what my own experience thaught me. its over, enjoy the ride nontheless, maybe shit works out for you.

>> No.13265543

look fellas,

It's just going to come down to having a happy marriage with genetically shitty kids or having a terrible marriage with healthy kids that look like you. There is no shame in either decision, just pick a route and keep it to yourself

>> No.13265545

A real man forges women into what he wants. He doesn't flee to another culture in hopes that their women aren't ruined yet. That's weak cuck mentality. Besides, Chinese are all subhuman termite people with no individuality or empathy for their fellows.

>> No.13265556

Also this

Your primary concern as a straight male should be to subjugate high quality women and have many healthy, successful kids. It is more admirable to subjugate the "liberated" western woman than the culturally submissive eastern woman

>> No.13265630

Asian women so far have treated me better.
>small thoughtful gifts
>wants to pay often
>more sexually attracted to me though so far they put sex off longer than western women but afterwards want more sex
>seem conscious about saving money
I honestly never thought I'd be treated as an equal by women after slogging through dating in the west for so long. The few asian women Ive been out with all had decent jobs, were independent, valued their control over their own lives. To me it seems like I get passed over in the West unless I lead with my business/success but in the East theyll at least take a chance and get to know me. Im planning on dating in the west for a year or two but once I retire off crypto if Im not in a relationship, I'll bounce back to the east Seoul/Tokyo/Singapore/HongKong.

>> No.13265871

It's only the beta White males that try to wife them, trust me.

>> No.13265958

This could also be why there are so many gay people running around these days. The modern Western cunt has triggered a sort of primal defense mechanism in the brains of today's children, and their brain chemistry changes around this and turns them into faggots. Prove me wrong.

>> No.13266301

>be white guy living in the west
>95+% of girls in the same country are white
>~1% of girls in the same country are Asian
>more than 15% of white guys at least, would prefer asian as first choice for gf
>=85% of men competing for 95% of white girls, while at least 15% of men are competing for the 1% of girls that are asian
>for every white girl, you need to compete with maybe 1 other guy
>for every asian girl, you need to compete with more than 10 other men and be top tier alpha to even get a chance

b-b-b-but asians are easiest

sure they are, if you happen to be the only white man in a Burmese village, but not in the West you dumb fuck

>> No.13266372

Why would you be with someone who won't take care of your kid, won't take care of your home, and denies you a sex life? Literally what is the point if that? Everything else a woman provides is called friendship. You don't marry them for those other traits/actions.

>> No.13266386

You're thinking of pair bonding societies. The reality is, since having a sexual partner no longer takes a man out of the competition but rather emboldens him, you actually have 40+ local competition for every single worthwhile woman, regardless of race.

>> No.13266389

>genetically shitty kids
what does that even mean?

take for example Chinese compared to whites
>higher intelligence
>bigger population (more successful at reproduction)
>will most likely have higher life expectancy soon (developed Asia already have)

Looking at any biological criteria they already have better genes since they are more successful at survival

>> No.13266403

Sure, and what do you get when you interbreed?

>> No.13266413

that is true, but still, if the supply side of western born asian women is 1% that of western women in the same country, while the demand side is not reduced nearly as much, it makes no sense to claim that asians are easier unless specifically talking about asians in asia

>> No.13266433

not sure, but I do agree with you sort of, unsure if I would want a mixed kid at all, which is the only downside

>> No.13266445

You get unhealthy children when you mix races, both mentally and physically. That article about "healtht" genetic diversity was a out inbred vs noninbred, it was a study to scientifically reinforce anti-incest laws. Journalists are retarded so they heard "diversity" and said you should fuck more black people, then cited each other. None of them have ever read the study's evidence, only the conclusion and misinterpreted it.

>> No.13266477
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Cuz white women are whores

>> No.13266476

I feel sorry for mixed race people. You can always tell how sad and confused they are. They say more people are doing it now, but statistics say otherwise. Also, mixed race people can't get bone marrow transplants, so if they need one they're fucked.

>> No.13266508

>Asian women are soulless, go with a white womyn with "soul" :^)

>> No.13266982
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Pourtant on entend tout le temps l'extrême droite expliquer avec mauvaise foi que si les "socialopes" font entrer "en masse" des immigrés c'est pour qu'ils votent pour eux... Bizarre, bizarre
Sinon pour la Bretagne, ça n'a rien à voir avec l'immigration mais plutôt parce qu'historiquement c'est une région qui était très pauvre comparée au reste de la France, principalement des pêcheurs et des paysans dans uen france qui s'industrialisait à grande vitesse, tout celà ajouté à un rapport conflictuel au pouvoir central d'Etat et à la culture dominante ca donne des générations de gauchistes et de syndicalistes. Pendant tout le 19ème et les deux tiers du 20ème les bretons étaient ceux qui émmigraient vers la capitale et le reste de la France, qui se faisaient traiter de voleurs, violeurs, bandits... Ensuite vinrent les polaks et les ritals... maintenant les arabes et les renois, peut être un jour ce sera toi... Insh'Allah

>> No.13267115

Mixed here. You're a faggot.

>> No.13267121
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unequivocally based and extraordinarily redpilled

>> No.13267130

All women are whores.

>> No.13267162
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Because of stuff like this. And you just KNOW she has a provider at home that enables the lifestyle and the behavior

>> No.13267173

>t. seething roastie

>> No.13267186

>I audibly keked in the bathroom at work
Oh I was wondering what the noise was coming from the stall next to me

>> No.13267225

>with desirable white women
Cuck. Something gone through thousands of BBC is desirable only for a cuck.

>> No.13267231

All people are whores.

>> No.13267265

>too stupid to know the difference between god-tier east asians and shit-tier jungle asians

You post a photo of a woman who is obviously a shit tier Filipino jungle asian and then lump her into the same category as Koreans and Japanese.

Jungle asians (thailand, philippines, malaysia, vietnam, indonesia) are shit-tier and are basically the niggers of asia, while Koreans and Japanese have the highest average IQs of any race.

>> No.13267284

T'inquiète ces connards de Bretons y passeront aussi. Pour le meilleur (?) et pour le pire, il seront aussi remplacés.

>> No.13267289


>> No.13267300

I want a Kpop gf

>> No.13267326

Nah, the real cope is writing all women off as whores instead of acknowledging that the problem is you. Incels are living examples of the fox and the grapes.

>> No.13267343
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>> No.13267353

Head on back to /pol/ cletus. You got lost on the wrong board again.

>> No.13267366

>Confirmation Bias: The Thread
>And Watch For Confirmation Bias 2: The Shit-Postening Coming Soon to an Image Board Near You!

>> No.13267391
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>> No.13267415
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