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File: 142 KB, 1080x1080, LiterallyWho.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13266054 No.13266054 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.13266100


>> No.13266118
File: 1.03 MB, 1412x794, 1546749795019.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13266129

Oh boy
I remember the oracle breadcrumbs
It’s all true isn’t it

>> No.13266162

Muh dick hard !!!

>> No.13266163

I have the biggest grin on my face. I have an immense love for the turbo-autists on this board for shilling Link.

t.120 iq

>> No.13266179


>> No.13266189

oh wow thanks OP, let me add this on to the "THIS IS HUGE GUYS I SWEAR" list. idk who more delusional you thinking theres link swingers who coordinate fud or the people who think this tweet is so huge but price dumps 10%
good job OP really i mean it good job buddy!

>> No.13266195

Holy shit. Unironically huge

>> No.13266200

Literal who on their meme blockchain, yay... Proof of concepts that haven't made a single cent after 2 years of extracting money form the retarded. Should be fucking illegal.

>> No.13266208

The company named Oracle is bending the knee and using the Chainlink network and you faggots are still fudding. You've had 18 months to accumulate.

>> No.13266212

>high iq
>still needs retards to tell him what to do
chainlink in a nutshell everybody

>> No.13266216


>> No.13266219


>> No.13266222

Kys but unironically

>> No.13266232

fudding? i think people have a right to feel justed that such "huge news" is coming out left and right but there is zero price action lmfao huge news hahahahhahahahaha

>> No.13266235

The only thing that should be illegal are retards like you.

>> No.13266246
File: 125 KB, 593x593, 1553589102344.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This must be fabricated somehow.

>> No.13266255
File: 148 KB, 974x499, Screenshot_2019-04-08-18-40-31.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literal hue as usual

>> No.13266261


>> No.13266262

Why would swing linkers fud btc moving gives us cheap link

>> No.13266268

we discussed it a month ago when it was announced and it's literally just one dude working at oracle in brazil doing his own side project thing at some shit tier conference, it's not an official oracle thing
still pretty cool that it's getting attention but it's not that big (for now)

>> No.13266269
File: 108 KB, 500x667, 1333522096176.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>look for that tweet
>it's real and was posted today


>> No.13266273

It's a pajeet that works at oracle presenting at a pajeet conference and not at all in an official capacity

nulinkers still salivate and call it 'oracle parnership' or 'oracle is using chainlink' and then wonder why the price doesn't pump as a result of their fabrications

Oracle will use chainlink eventually. Everyone will. But forcing shit like this pathetic and gay.

>> No.13266282

lmao a literal subhuman
t. xrp / qnt / kleros nigger

>> No.13266289

easily the most retarded and forced shit in the last few days, kys pajeet

>> No.13266295

And Jobs was just a fatherless mutt holding up a phone to a bunch of fat wannabe journos in 2007.

Cope harder.

>> No.13266299

The price has doubled since the start of 2019 and is up 5x the ICO price.

You faggots need to come back to reality and realize that speculative rushes aren’t the norm. Your shitcoins aren’t going to grow 50x in a year again.

Everyone should be ecstatic with their returns if they bought the dip. If you all really think that Link is legitimate, you’re not gonna get rich over night. Look at companies like Google and Amazon: companies that changed the world.

>> No.13266316

Not sure about that
>CloudEXPO Verified account
>CloudEXPO is the World’s Most Influential >Digital Transformation Brand! [June 24-26 >Santa Clara Convention Center] Tickets Here
>New York City | Silicon Valley

>> No.13266329

Comparing a billionaire CEO to a fat fucking huenigger is such a good comparison, thanks anon just bought 100k

>> No.13266340

you retarded dumb fuck oracle is a 137 billion dollar company. All crypyo is 179 billion dollars and only eth has a working product this will change the whole industry and you think it will only 50x value faggot i bet you are a discord tranny

>> No.13266349

Kys you filthy cockroach

>> No.13266351

>not knowing what Oracle is
>not knowing what CloudEXPO is
It's like you're trying to be retarded.

>> No.13266360

Are you done?

>> No.13266365


>> No.13266379

That's another Saturday!

>> No.13266381

Dope let me take my couple bucks of profit..wow the 4th industrial revolution is amazing i can finally afford a cheeseburger yes! Fucking faggot

>> No.13266395
File: 47 KB, 736x552, wtf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13266426

no i could keep going just like you guys do every single day making a shitstork out of LITERALLY NOTHING ITS A PAJEET doing a presentation at a no name conference and you guys are going crazy over it
>muh oracle doing demo project
>price crashes 5 cents

>> No.13266444

Keep going then

>> No.13266450

You really are mistaken how few people know about this. Even the smartest minds in gov’s have know idea. Finding breadcrumbs differs from understanding ChainLink

>> No.13266453

Apes are so fucking ugly. Extinction when?

>> No.13266454

Oracle corporation ... is literally nothing. Please say that one again, as thinking this in a sincere manner is sufficient proof of pathological delusion.

>> No.13266457

im done i cant take it anymore this is all a sick joke

>> No.13266458

Does this mean something? Should I sell my links? This clown timeline confuses the shit out of me.

>> No.13266466
File: 482 KB, 1000x1926, 1455023990793.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>head blockchain guy at Oracle is doing a presentation specifically on Chainlink on behalf of Oracle, at Silicon Valley's CloudExpo
>"i-it's nothing guy'ze I swaer!!"
Your mental breakdown is my entertainment.

>> No.13266485

ITS A DEMO DONE BY A PAJEET WORKING FOR ORACLE THIS ISNT ORACLE DOING IT, if link was actaully worth it it would be oracle themselves doing it you fucking idiot

>> No.13266499


>> No.13266510
File: 242 KB, 1600x1200, shitshappening.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13266512

This is the kind of thing you write when you have no idea what the concepts "company" and "employee" mean.

>> No.13266532

>it would be oracle themselves doing it you fucking idiot
It is Oracle Corp presenting you absolute asscapped retard

>> No.13266538

They don't want to hear the truth. they live in a fucking fanatasy world where Samsung is pumping link bags and not a hacked exchange, and anyone who dares point out the absurdity of these conclusions is spreading coordinated FUD.

The Linkmarines are offically fucking XRPtards.

>> No.13266544

literally dumping right now from the news lmao

>> No.13266554

based and redpilled.

>> No.13266563

>blatant projection
Please go and scream at some random wall, like you usually do.

>> No.13266566
File: 254 KB, 565x713, oracle chainlink cloudexpo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13266573

kek when your all in but still enjoy shitposting come on guys you dont know by now anyone talking shit about link is balls in? We are just bored by now theres nothing to do

>> No.13266578

fuck you 1000$ EOY!

>> No.13266583

Oh we know.

>> No.13266587

Imagine being a nolinker

>> No.13266588

Shame that the phrase "oracle corp" and chainlink are completely unsearchable in the way we want it.
Have to find official Oracle Corp materials...

>> No.13266596


>> No.13266603 [DELETED] 
File: 104 KB, 1280x720, omg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13266605

you must wait for me faggots my vidt hasn't mooned yet

>> No.13266611

>high iq

>> No.13266615

Why does reading this make me hard? so weird...

>> No.13266627

What maeks me sad about this is that you faggot are onboard but don't really even seem to comprehend Chainlink in the most fundamental ways.

If Oracle wants to use Chainlink, wouldn't they just fucking use it? Rather than having some third party break the news on twitter.

IDGAF what you guys think. Prepare for dissappointment (again) in the very near future.

>> No.13266633

oh look its nothing

>> No.13266653

cool, hope you sold then.

>> No.13266655

>head blockchain guy at Oracle
not the case you absolute brainlet, he's a mid level engineer in fucking brazil
this is just as retarded as the samsung shit, or the salesforce shit before it
mainnet announced at dreamforce, remember that bullshit?
only the lowest of low iq linkies like finrekt are unable to process this information accordingly

>> No.13266661

1000 suicides eoy!

>> No.13266674

nigger titties!!!

>> No.13266679

You don't "just use" paradigm shifts you tard.

>he's a mid level engineer
He's literally the "Principal Cloud Architect".

>> No.13266716
File: 40 KB, 500x281, oow_london_dates.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Blockchain Sessions at Oracle OpenWorld London
>Jan. 16 & 17th
>If you're in London or close by, then you're invited to attend these sessions to learn more about blockchain. The agenda covers topics as diverse at tracking supply chain items with blockchain, to using blockchain to establish and verify digital identity.

>Blockchain — A Use Case Deep Dive and Technical Demos
>Bringing Enterprise to the Blockchain
>Product Traceability Powered by Blockchain and IoT
>Liquid Talent: Workforce 2.0 with Blockchain
>How to Build a Decentralized Blockchain App with Oracle Blockchain Cloud Service
>Blockchain, IoT, and AI: Maximizing Value Through Embedded Business Applications
>Product Traceability and Recall with Blockchain and Augmented Reality
>A Holistic Approach to Harnessing IoT, AI and Blockchain Technologies for Retail
>Five Essential IoT and Blockchain Innovations to Transform Today’s Supply Chain


>> No.13266732


>> No.13266733
File: 20 KB, 236x269, Untitled43.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unironically huge and unironically mind blown hat I can still buy LINK under $1

>> No.13266737

Please go back to twitter. You guys have made this board unusable. I remember when I first got into LINK the project was so attractive and Linkies were by in large very smart people. Now it has devolved into this.

I'm gonna screencap this exchange. Nothing is happening. Nothing is going to be announced. If oracle wanted to make smartcontracts, they'd do it. Do you really think this fucking brazilian is gonna hop onstage and say 'oh we at oracle love chainlink that's why we're eliminating traadional invoices and conducting all of our business through SCs".

You're retarded. This is not official. It's nothing. Just like that RUssian nigger from microsoft that contributes to github as hobby. I've see this shit happen so many times now it's honestly vexing.

>> No.13266749

>This is not official.
See >>13266566

When you shit in the street, say hi to every Pajeet you meet.

>> No.13266769

This is the best part about Chainlink
It’s shilled to subhumans lurking biz that don’t have an idea what Oracle (the corporation that bought sun, that runs databases for almost every fortune 500 company) is, next thing is retards asking who IBM or SAP are.

This is the 4th INDUSTRIAL revolution kids, recolutionizing the INDUSTRY.
Chanlink is the INDUSTRY STANDARD and will be used by every IT company that wants to implement and work with the blockchain standard.

Now go buy Kleros as they are closer to building oracles than /ourguy/ Steve

>> No.13266779


>> No.13266790

>Now go buy Kleros as they are closer to building oracles
Care to explain?

>> No.13266796
File: 119 KB, 1200x900, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nothing is going to be announced
Something was literally announced. The delusion, holy fuck.
No conference would ever do anything, including announcements, that would displease Larry Ellison as he would absolutely annihilate them with his army of lawyers.

>> No.13266806

fake and ghey

>> No.13266817
File: 239 KB, 640x597, 7B3FF9A0-9CC4-4FA4-9A6B-601D712EE09C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13266827

ugh fuck. It’s from cloudexpo. I kinda got confused thinking it was oracle doing the retweet. jokes on me

>> No.13266845
File: 92 KB, 525x362, download (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's ... happening ...

>> No.13266848
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>> No.13266863

Come on newfags, please lurk more

>> No.13266873

Not really an argument

>> No.13266904

he's just a mid level engineer working with brazilian startups to implement Oracle solutions
it's literally like when you thought the salesforce "implementation architect" roastie was also someone important because you don't understand how job positions work in these huge corporations

>> No.13266915

Jewish Weather Modification programs also have Principal Cloud Architects. Coincidence?

>> No.13266944

Chainlink is a part of a standard implementation of blockchain tech for Oracle Corp? Great news.
Now I remember why I quickly learned to mentally filter out Chainlink fud posts. They are pure retardation distilled more often than not.

>> No.13267030
File: 15 KB, 557x130, oracle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not to fud but this guy already said that it's just a personal project at the moment when he announced this speech

>> No.13267047

Things changed one can clearly see.

>> No.13267060



>> No.13267064

>he's just a mid level engineer
He's literally the principal cloud architect, and is presenting on behalf of Oracle.

>just a personal project
See >>13266566

>> No.13267070

Lmao how delusional can one group be? He literally says oracle is not using CL and it’s just his side project

>> No.13267071
File: 42 KB, 800x450, oogaboogaaa-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there's even an argument happening

>> No.13267081

Of course Oracle doesn't "use" Chainlink, no one does because the product isn't out yet. Doesn't mean they're not looking into it.

>> No.13267092

this is getting sad

>> No.13267136

i tried explaining it to you kindly, you still refuse to deal with reality and instead call me a fudder, it's very frustrating trying to talk with B R A I N L E T S

>> No.13267159

who remembers when that tweet said “oracle doesn’t use chainlink YET” before he edited it?

>> No.13267172

>denying reality
Sad indeed

>> No.13267181

Cmon Adelyn, just fucking retweet this shit to rek the sweating bottomselling swinglinkers. The unfaithful does not deserve the midas touch of The Serg

>> No.13267191

>typical conversation with a schizophrenic
Your delusions don't constitute reality

>> No.13267209


>> No.13267228
File: 57 KB, 1024x576, 1554421103551.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

120 iq holy shit
that's close to retarded
Pic related

>> No.13267248

There is a fucking reason they didn’t retweet it. It has nothing to do with the CL team. Stop being so delusional mate

>> No.13267256

Holy shit you are one insufferable tard

>> No.13267267

Also someone google translate that tweet into korean and retweet it towards the gooks over at bithumb / Korea cryptohubs to see the market reaction over there

>> No.13267311

They are already aware of that.
Korean crypto investors are basically one huge circlejerk on virgin slanty eyed gooks who trade valuable information to their kind 24/7.

t. related to Korea

>> No.13267386

OP here, I'm a man of few words. I'm aware of this >>13267030 since the very first day it was tweeted. Still, if you think that chainlink is a meme/scam/whatnot, please sell. Nobody wants you aboard and, frankly, I would do my best to persuade every single low IQ from buying link. Having said that, breadcrumbs season has ended for the good, now it's all in playing sight for who knows where to look. If you don't, please, just fuck off. This unfunny shill/fud pump/dump carousel will come to a bloody end, nobody knows when (inb4 tonight), but everyone with a semi-functional brain knows that it will be instantaneous, leaving no time to act accordingly. Now let this thread die, enough with your shill/fud bitching around.

>> No.13267426
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It's weird. Despite all my hard work and perseverance, it's really starting to look like I might make it because I followed meme advice on a random image board populated by degens. I think Ive found my people.

>> No.13267448

Mainnet will be out before that day

>> No.13267449
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>> No.13267459


>> No.13267463

If you knew about that tweet then you knew oracle isn’t using CL. Maybe stop creating threads like this to shill your shitcoin. Think for yourself and stop following these autists on this board

>> No.13267483

>incoherent rambling
absolute state of nolinkers

>> No.13267522

Link to the moon

>> No.13267530

No shilling, just fucking with trannies for the lulz (not literally). You come with a conclusion? Good, I have mine.
>t. OG 'autist on this board'

>> No.13267651
File: 8 KB, 400x400, VaApQoAm_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

damn it feels good to be a linksta

>> No.13267758

>principal cloud architect
Just so you know, "Principal X (Engineer, Architect, etc.) is a common job rank amongst SV companies. It ranks above "Senior Member of Technical Staff" and below "Consulting Member of Technical Staff." If you've been waging in tech for your entire career and have switched jobs a few times, you can expect to be a "Principal" by your mid 30s.

>> No.13267800
File: 94 KB, 953x596, ballersergey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's actually real
OP is based as fuck

>> No.13267802

I member

>> No.13267808
File: 286 KB, 1224x1028, KLEROS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uh I hate to break it to you giuys but Kelros confirmed he spoike with sergey an
1: There is no working product
2: Sergey doesnt know what hes doing
3. Kleros have already solved the oracle question

This isnt fud, this really happened. Sorry linkies.

>> No.13267821


If you weren't stupid and falling for the binance delisting fud, you should have made decent gains by now.
I'm never selling

>> No.13267882

>salesforce almost a certainty now

>> No.13267891

This fag should get the kneepads ready.

>> No.13267895

All will bend the knee. Just watch.

>> No.13267912

I confirmed I spoike with sergey and
1: Kleros sucks
2: The dude behind it is a literal who
3: Kleros's trading volume is laughable

This isnt fud, this really happened. Sorry kleros.

>> No.13267937

Whatever you say, boyfriend.

Meanwhile, in reality: >>13266566

>> No.13268053

Marc/Larry do what Larry/Marc does

>> No.13268365

A real linksta ass nigga plays his cards right.

>> No.13268939

Sage goes in all fields pleb

>> No.13269212

he editet the "yet" out

>> No.13269217
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>> No.13269229

the price is stil 55 c

>> No.13269243
File: 23 KB, 300x398, B0FC307F-D4A3-40DF-BAC8-95CB420F6861.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based and Trayon-White-Sr.-pilled

>> No.13269250

Nigga. Post the original tweet where he said they aren't using Chainlink YET. And then edited the tweet I'm a nanosecond.

To everyone that knows anything about Chainlink the signs are everywhere.
Most fudders hold link. They fud to buy more, because they swingtraded and are at a loss or because we are bored to hell.
This is unfuddable and they know it.
The ones that could really fall for this weak fud are the ones that doesn't even know Chainlink exists or the ones that are convinced it's a 4chan Nazi coin and never researched anything.

>> No.13269276
File: 86 KB, 750x1334, D76064A3-9829-4981-8E00-E5BB2F00DEE7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Clement, stfu and get some actual hair plugs instead of photoshopping that shit, and your neckbeard also looks straightup fake

>> No.13269347

>mid level engineer

your optics are weak, i bet you're weak too, faggot

>> No.13269777

Do us all a favor and kys brainlet.

>> No.13269822

You don't need to fud goys, you just need to say high and clear


and if you spam it enough you will surpress the price, it's that easy desu

>> No.13269866

You are right. But every little bit helps. Another tree in the forest

>> No.13269896

You retards have made so many mistakes in your life what makes you think stink link is any different?
> Weird rape dungeons
> No comp laundry
> Downer Dan
> Stuttering potheads
> Literally who

>> No.13269905


>> No.13270055

Nolinkies in absolute MELTDOWN LEVEL 10 DAMAGE CONTROL

>> No.13270217

this. Grats on the dubs

>> No.13270370

based and checked
it's fucking happening tonight boys

>> No.13270397

are you so stupid you cant see that sergeys face is photo shopped?

>> No.13270507

Thanks m8

>> No.13270843
File: 841 KB, 963x691, h-honk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's all so tiresome