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File: 909 KB, 1423x880, debtclock.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13264743 No.13264743 [Reply] [Original]

Is it a genuine concern or is it just a meme?

>> No.13264744

its a big meme. nothings gonna happen we can just print more money, stop listening to these commies whining about muh debt

>> No.13264755

Its going to be 30 trillion by the time trump finishes his secon term. He has already added 2 trillion in 2 years. Republicans are doing this so they can bankcrupt america and have an excuse to invade more countries as a distraction and to steal gold and oil from poorer countries. America V.s Venezuala is happening before the end of his 1st term. 100% jews have been planning this for a while now.

>> No.13264765

>spending a trillion more dollars than we're able to produce
everything is fine goy keep putting 5% in your 401k

>> No.13264767

The national debt is a concern mainly depending on who is in office. Hardly anyone said shit about the debt when Obongo was the Head Nigga in Charge, in contrast it's now the end of the world thanks to the evil emperor Blormpf, the Orange One.

>> No.13264777

>nothings gonna happen we can just print more money
if this cheat code worked all those countries that tried it would be prosperous but they're not

I don't know the answer but wouldn't printing money make loans riskier
also printing gibs or fake stimulating the economy isn't going to replace production from jobs

>> No.13264801

based dubs for truth. I agree with you anon. Trump is a disaster for the economy and national debt is not a meme. We are all fucked and heading towards total collapse and BTC will be the new reserve currency and heavily controlled by china and russia. Americas dominence on the world stage is over.

>> No.13264809
File: 5 KB, 243x250, worried.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you realise all economic growth since WWII has been one massive bubble

>> No.13264825

if loans default you just print more money and bail out the banks. and immigrant workers will take care of the economic growth. literally nothing can go wrong so stop being a pussy

>> No.13264826

>>13264755 pcgpvd+I
>>13264801 pcgpvd+I

>> No.13264830


>> No.13264837

ita not a meme, it just means your country is a debt slaves to foreign countries like israel and always will be.

>> No.13264843

oh no no no

>> No.13264848

First day on the job?

>> No.13264856

It's a meme. The debt has been around 100% of GDP since WW2.

>> No.13264870

Not as long as the debt doesn't grow faster than real GDP growth rate plus inflation. Since it does, you're looking at either austerity or more inflation in the long run.

>> No.13264874

You do realize they just create money out of thin air, ex nihilo, right?
You do realize the entire principle of the debt is that it can't be paid back, it is to turn the goyim into cattle paying interests forever, right?
You do realize this is why antisemites are antisemites, right?

>> No.13264879

hes right. the jews have sucked dry your country and you morons think their wealth = america's wealth. once there is nothing else to leech off they will leave you all to die in a civil war or a race war. only deluded burguers cant see this

>> No.13264881

what if we start convincing college debt slaves who can't find work to leave the economy and start using bitcoin
because banks will not give them access to any financial tools if they decide to not pay

then we build collectives in a certain area so we can take over local votes
and start using what they learned in school to offer a service or product but only use bitcoin/crypto whatever works best
us oldfags who made money in this stuff just some of our gains to kickstart the new economy with low interest loans and community building activities

>> No.13264882

Trump is buying popularity by running a deficit to give tax cuts, so that his approval rating won't dip below 40%

>> No.13264885

Quality post

>> No.13264913
File: 190 KB, 1922x1143, Greek_bond_10_year_historical_STL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, it will lead to the collapse of the dollar and world economy. When that will happen is not clear, but it's coming.

Do you know what triggered the crisis in Greece? It was discovered that the Greek government had cooked the books and had a lot more debt than they claimed. Investors freaked out at the possibility that they were going to default. All of sudden they could only borrow money at 30% on the bond market. When the cheap money tries up, America will be fucked. The Fed can print more money but this always leads to hyperinflation.

American debt to GDP is around 100% right now. China is dumping US treasuries. The petrodollar is collapsing. Countries like Venezuala are selling oil in Yuan. China and Russia have set up their own payment system to circumvent sanctions on USD trade (financial warface).

Read Zerohedge, get educated senpai.

>> No.13264914

Makes you wonder how many political shitpost are authentic and how many are social media terrorists trying to demoralize Americans.

>> No.13264937

Another paid shill replying to himself. Does your boss know you are this awful?

>> No.13264941

Caveat emptor

>> No.13264971

All Politicians buy their popularity through Gov't programmes or tax cuts desu. The economy is a hot potato, politicians just hope they can pass it on to the next schmuck before it explodes in their hands

>> No.13264979

99.999.9.9.999% of money doesn't exist so it doesn't matter.

>> No.13264999

The true redpill is that WWII was draft-only (no volunteering) which then drafted a 60/40% ratio intentionally from republican voting bases to destroy the country.

The absolute hell of a redpill that is actually crushed me man.

>> No.13265000


Wrong. Rule of law

>> No.13265001

You took the bait, you must be new here so fuck off back to you know where.

>> No.13265027

contribute something worthwhile faggot your "joke" isn't funny.

>> No.13265036
File: 1.44 MB, 3264x2448, 1E3D7FBB-2CD0-4CB5-A76C-8F55DFF01FFE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Amerikkka is will go through Hyperinflation similar like in Weimar Germany in 1920-1930s

>> No.13265087

What does it matter if my ancestors killed republican bootlickers or demcratic boozlickers you are all a bunch of mongrel niggerlovers in the usa no exception even your gay (((republicans)))
Genetic trash we should just kill all of you

>> No.13265118

that will only happens once there is no spirit for retaliation.
the last nail in the coffin will only happens once america demographics are absolutely fucked and they achieve greater israel so they can escape there.
otherwise there would probably be another shoah

>> No.13265131

Only the creator is allowed to use the cheat code. All the others will suppressed and destroyed. Thank god the mighty army of freedom is on our side.

>> No.13265146

It's something to keep in mind, but right now it isn't an issue. The US debt:GDP ratio isn't bad.

>> No.13265151

Someone post the debt redpill. That a large portion of the debt is owed to banks

>> No.13265156

>I don't know the answer but wouldn't printing money make loans riskier
It would make loans safer but tank interest rates.

>> No.13265160


we can just print more money

>> No.13265162

The better redpill is that a large portion of government debt is owed to the government itself.

>> No.13265172


>> No.13265177

You're a buffoon.

>> No.13265182
File: 274 KB, 308x400, 1489595182524-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Economist here, OP.
Nothing gonna happen, why?
Because USA is the most powerful country in the world, California, by example, is more rich than BRAZIL, look at the size of Brazil, is a fucking continent. USA has the power to expand the monetary base indefinitely, of course, beign rational in this process, ignore the fucking MM'ts theorists.

>> No.13265193
File: 40 KB, 569x398, debt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes. Fun how that works.

>> No.13265208

calm down dude no need to get so angry. go ask your mom for some tiddy milk

>> No.13265264

They said the same about Rome nigga

>> No.13265280

Nothing will ever happen because the whole world is in debt. It basically doesn't matter anymore.

>> No.13265290

Did Rome have a fiat currency that existed as part of a global system of fiat currencies with heavy international trade and nuclear deterrents?

>> No.13265300

Explain why I should use the debased and jewed US dollar which is guaranteed to lose purchasing power over time, rather than converting it into sound money such as Gold or Bitcoin.

>> No.13265311

>Read Zerohedge
they have been calling for collapse for 10+ years. why should I start believing them now?

>> No.13265318

Gold and bitcoin are more volatile and less usable. Can you go to the gas station and buy gas with gold or bitcoin? I can't. USD is more usable and stable.

>> No.13265326

Kind of. Rome had a massive professional standing army that could deploy anywhere. This basically like having a nuke back then.

>> No.13265333

Not really, no.

>> No.13265339
File: 17 KB, 490x394, Purchasing Power of U.S. Dollar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can buy gas with it, sure. It has purchasing power today and possibly tomorrow as well. But anyone who keeps more than petty cash in federal reserve notes is begging to have their wealth confiscated from them through inflation. Gold and Bitcoin will preserve this wealth.

>> No.13265343


>> No.13265351

You know what's even better? Investing in revenue-generating assets to grow your wealth.

>> No.13265352

Just imagine being this desperate to cling to the Jewish lies that infinite money can be printed with no negative consequences for you or for your savings

>> No.13265360
File: 60 KB, 733x463, worldreservecurrency.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The US will remain the world's superpower only as long as USD remains the world reserve currency.

America runs a trade defecit every year. It's number one export is the US Dollar! That's because USD is the world reserve currency largely due to the petrodollar, which is cracking right now. What do you think the crisis in Venezuala is really about?

China and Russia are already breaking free. The Saudis have now even threatened to ditch the petrodollar.

The US empire will not last much longer.

>> No.13265362

As in not volatile. It declines over time through inflation but in the short term the value doesn't have extreme fluctuations like, say, Bitcoin.

>> No.13265372
File: 40 KB, 320x320, backtoreddit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Economist here
>Bunch of nonsense
This is why nobody who is a serious thinker respects your "profession"

>> No.13265376

USD is stable and is the currency that has the highest liquidity, and u can assure the value of the "real" money buying BTC and gold.
>normal life
Buying BTC, Stocks, national debt.
BTC, gold.

>> No.13265379

The uniparty takes turns caring about the national debt. Also, the media wasn't as consolidated into rubbing Jew hands 20 years ago as it is today.

>> No.13265380

how can you say that israel is the holder of the foreign debt when the vast majority of government bonds are being held by china, india, japan, etc. ?

>> No.13265394

Ok, jew theorist.

>> No.13265403

How many years have I been hearing this now? I wonder.

>> No.13265417

Government debt is a problem whenever the country struggles to pay off its own debt and starts strangling citizens with taxes.
Italy is 130% Debt/GDP but just under 50% GDP for government spending, the US is 108% Debt/GDP but with 36/37% GDP in government spending for example.
The US isn't as much as debt constrained as Italy, even if the Debt/GDP ratio is becoming similar.
TLDR: The US isn't facing a potential debt crisis, for now.

>> No.13265419

No one storing their savings in sound global money rather than a debased local currency (which will soon be rewarding them with negative interest rates as well as inflation) is concerned about short term fluctuations.

>> No.13265432

What in the flying fuck are you talking about? The debt was one of the forefront topic even on the liberal media during Obama. The issue now is that policies are being put in place intended to instill growth to offset tax losses but they aren't working like planned. Dem's want to tax the shit out of you to pay for tranny hug boxes, Repubs just want to charge the credit card till the end of time and never pay for shit because they are economic retards...but no tranny hugbox. Either way you are getting a shit show.

>> No.13265463

Because those people are fools who don't understand why gold was replaced by fiat in the first place. Either you want money that you can depend on to have a certain purchasing power in the short term, like USD, or you want assets which will grow in value in the long term, like stocks or real estate. Gold is a hedge that you use against the market, not money.

>> No.13265512
File: 213 KB, 541x899, The_Hanke_Krus_Hyperinflation_Table.pdf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gold was replaced by fiat because communists were not able to implement their central planning policies if they were constrained by sound money. The USD has short term purchasing power - for now. What makes it immune to the hyperinflation which has nobbled fiat currencies on at least 56 occasions in the past century?

>> No.13265524

Thank you, Antman. Very cool.

>> No.13265546

>Gold was replaced by fiat because communists were not able to implement their central planning policies if they were constrained by sound money.
>The USD has short term purchasing power - for now.
And for the foreseeable future.
>What makes it immune to the hyperinflation which has nobbled fiat currencies on at least 56 occasions in the past century?
A central bank that is intentionally insulated from partisan politics.

>> No.13265571

Are (((you))) paid to shill here?

>> No.13265578

I wish. If the Fed wants to sponsor me that would be great.

>> No.13265581

Why is a totalitarian monopoly on the creation of credit considered to be non-partisan? I mean, I understand why a Jew would say that. But it isn't, is it.

>> No.13265600

Because it isn't being constantly subjected to the whims of politicians that need to pander to voters. They have a mission statement that they can pursue even if it's unpopular.

>> No.13265616
File: 251 KB, 1500x966, purchasing-power-of-the-us-dollar-1913-to-2013_517962b78ea3c_w1500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keep holding those Federal Reserve Notes, goyim

>> No.13265694

We've all been subjected to their (((non-partisan))) asset bubbles and balance sheet expansion designed solely to preserve their power at the top of the federal reserve system. And the net result is that anyone who faithfully keeps their savings in US dollars is being deliberately robbed of their wealth.
The media, controlled by Jews, is doing the citizenry a disservice every day that it fails to point this obvious truth out. All to prop up a completely fake currency with nothing underpinning its "value" apart from faith in the (((central bankers))). And of course, that lingering threat of State violence against those who seek to peaceably use alternatives.

>> No.13265705

>insane conspiracy ranting intensifies
I'm not going to pretend that the Fed is perfect. It isn't. Mistakes have been made in the past and I'm sure mistakes will be made in the future, but they do a good job overall and they're certainly better than what we had before.

>> No.13265712

>what is inflation

>> No.13265725

The real concern would be when people stop buying America debt

>> No.13265726

Good bait anon, you had me fooled for a while. Do you accept that interest rates can never be "normalized" again under the tenure of the Federal Reserve and will necessarily go negative?

>> No.13265730

Not a problem for the people in charge.

>> No.13265738

Considering interest rates were raised multiple times last year, no, I do not.

>> No.13265765

Its just a meme. They can just mint a $100 trillion coin and then deposit it at the bank. Problem solved.

>> No.13265779
File: 62 KB, 367x464, basedd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a big meme in terms of politicians talking about it. Like during voting time they'll be like "muh fucken debt", but then when they are in office nobody cares anymore. They'll just keep printing more, do some monetary schemes, invade countries etc etc. I doubt they'll let anything collapse into a total fucking anarchy. They won't profit from a 100 million rednecks running around with guns. And besides most of the debt is to the USA itself or something? Like only 30% is to foreign countries. It's a huge meme, but just in case keep some tangible assets when shit hits the fan.

>> No.13265799
File: 93 KB, 645x729, brainlet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> And besides most of the debt is to the USA itself or something?

>> No.13265800

Then why did they stop raising rates?

>> No.13265832

Because they determined that was best? The fact is that they did in fact raise them, which proves that they are capable and willing to do so, which suggests to me that your claim that rates will necessarily go negative is false.

>> No.13265841

See >>13265193

>> No.13265870

The asset bubble in US equities dropped 20% between October and December 24th, which was enough to convince the Fed to reverse direction. This shows that they are unwilling to raise rates.

>> No.13265899

>reverse direction
False as they did not lower rates again.
>This shows that they are unwilling to raise rates.
False as they did in fact raise them.

You're trying to argue that the Fed is unwilling to do what the Fed literally did. Good luck with that.

>> No.13265964

They proved they are not willing to let the asset bubble in US equities deflate. Pausing is not an option with equity markets at all time highs. That's where the inflation which will end up destroying the dollar is hiding out.

>> No.13265998

>They proved they are not willing to let the asset bubble in US equities deflate.
More accurately, they are not willing to crash the economy. If they weren't willing to let the market cool off, they wouldn't have raised rates at all.
>Pausing is not an option with equity markets at all time highs
Equity markets are at all time highs more often than not. It's almost like the economy grows over time or something. I'd also like to know what your reasoning is to say "pausing is not an option".

>> No.13266032
File: 339 KB, 478x600, clownworldbox.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Shilling this hard for the greatest scam in history.
>Implying the charlatans with fancy titles have solved the economic calculation problem.

>> No.13266048

Great argument you got there kiddo.

>> No.13266052

(((The economy))) is just a number, GDP, which has to going up in order for the "economy to be growing". Asset bubbles increase GDP. Inflation increases GDP. Central banks justify their existence by increasing GDP. If you can't raise rates when unemployment is at record lows, and stocks are at all-time highs, when can you do it?

Why is pausing not an option? Because the markets have interpreted the latest Fedspeak and are already pricing in 2-4 rate cuts between now and the end of 2020.

>> No.13266057

Smoke and mirrors. That graph refers to who owns bonds on the secondary market. The Fed component is the bonds they purchased during QE.

The bankster cartel that owns the Federal Reserve receives interest payments on all of those bonds. And YOUR tax money pays for it!

Laughing out loud!

>> No.13266080

>buying gold for the apocalypse
nigger are you dumb or retarded?

>> No.13266089
File: 31 KB, 480x547, consider this.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Claims there is no argument while ignoring key terms.
KYS, agenda-peddler. Your labors here are fruitless and in fact you are just going to get the opposite of your desired result by continuing to post here.

>> No.13266091

> The Fed component is the bonds they purchased during QE.
You realize that the Fed buys and sells bonds during normal open market operations, right?
>The bankster cartel that owns the Federal Reserve receives interest payments on all of those bonds
In that there is any truth to this, member banks of the Federal Reserve receive a fixed dividend (by law), with the remainder going right back to the Treasury. Amusingly enough, the Fed often pays the Treasury more than the Treasury pays the Fed.

>> No.13266106

based roflchild

>> No.13266147

>If you can't raise rates when unemployment is at record lows, and stocks are at all-time highs
They did raise rates though. I hate to keep harping on this fact but you seem to be ignoring it. The reality is that the Fed did in fact raise rates.
>Because the markets have interpreted the latest Fedspeak and are already pricing in 2-4 rate cuts between now and the end of 2020.

>> No.13266164

By all means, tell me what argument you made.
>your desired result
Oh? What do you think my desired result is? This should be good.

>> No.13266730

>Advocating for keynesian economics

>> No.13266993
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>> No.13267015

China will destroy us. Mark my words the niggers are coming

>> No.13267234

Do you have a link and source to that report? Any anon help out Thank you

>> No.13267295

Search for it on fuckduckgo (fuck google)


>> No.13267639

Most people assume the way of fiat has existed since the time of Christ. Your graph should make it obvious that it is not so. Who knows what will happen in 30 years? 50? Get out of fiat while you still can, brothers, and begin stockpiling gold and any crypto above semi-shitcoin status.