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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 77 KB, 1600x900, wojak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13264472 No.13264472 [Reply] [Original]

Damn. i just watched a video saying 4chan is a website mostly frequented by 16 year olds

I cant believe it. I'm 27 and have been here for 11 years.

is this true??

how old is the average /biz/ poster ?

(And when did you start getting into business ((so the faggot mods dont ban me for another week)) )

>> No.13264474

36yo convicted pedophile / rapist here.

>> No.13264476

Did they at least break it down by board? /v/ and /tv/ are probably worse with it than /biz/.

>> No.13264477

don't believe the media
the 30yo boomer is meme for a reason

>> No.13264478

maybe on /b/, /ft/ is full of 20-25 year olds

>> No.13264489

20 yo here, started browsing this year.

>> No.13264493

31 here and a bloomer

>> No.13264497
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>> No.13264499

36, but then Im on biz and not on b any more

But yea, 36 year olds without history dont just come here. Most of us here have been here for 10y+ on different boards

>> No.13264503
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>> No.13264512

1 year lurking around here

>> No.13264518

37 and unironically work in legit blockchain

>> No.13264522

23 yo zoomer

>> No.13264532

>mfw literal 34 year old boomer

>> No.13264533

21, been on here for 2years, lurked g in highschool

>> No.13264535
File: 40 KB, 443x455, 1552125529303.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

31 year old boomer

Been on 4chan about 12 years now

>> No.13264537

I think we should have a biz-meeting (one thats not in thailand)

most of us are 30+ and could easily afford a meetup somewhere

>> No.13264539 [DELETED] 

I would think it is a psy op to discourage people to frequent this place. You know, information control and all that.

Would be nice if you could greentext some of your experiences

>> No.13264547 [DELETED] 

Oh I forgot to mention I'm a literally a 30 year old boomer.

>> No.13264575

45yo X’er here. Home sick today. Been on biz almost since inception. Holder since 2013.

>> No.13264576

depends on the board. /mu/ and /r9k/ are pretty young and thats probably correct.

>> No.13264586


>> No.13264587

23, been on 4chan for about 5 years, just recently started coming to biz because I'm fucking sick of being a wageslave and want to get started with stocks (and maybe some coins)

>> No.13264593
File: 237 KB, 477x935, 1278861376985.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I started on /b/ in highschool, then moved to /mu/ and /fa/ (fa has to be the most autistic and un-self aware board on 4chan)

then /r9k/ when i was really depressed for a few years

after that, /fit/ and /new/

/pol/ once it came into existence and /tv/

nowadays i only frequent /biz/ (even though im not really into business or crypto) (wageslave)

pic related, old /b/ tier image that used to make me feel something inside

>> No.13264599

32 yo here

>> No.13264598

/biz/ is much older to be honest

>> No.13264672

26 next month, Summerfag Class of 2011

I don't know what video that was or how old said video was, but the number varies a lot between boards. I don't know which board is the youngest, but I remember the last few times I was on /r9k/ at the beginning of this year there were a lot of underage b&'s on there. You can tell because most of the greentexts took place in high school. The oldest hands-down is /pol/, the stormfront refugees have all been displaced during the Trump-Hillary election by actual 50 y/o boomers who got chased out of Facebook for their antisemitic shit.

FWIW, I started on /g/ but quickly migrated to /int/, then in college my main boards were /r9k/ and /h/ lol. Once /gif/ died I stopped coming here except for /vg/, then someone at work told me that buttcoins are on the rise and I've been on /biz/ ever since.

How are you posting on here if you got convicted?

>> No.13264685
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THE restaurant manager

>> No.13264695

ye, they used to post alot of spiders on wednesdays

>> No.13264696

ah yes. i spent quite a bit of time on /g/ when i was getting into building my own pc and csgo

>> No.13264702

26 yo here. Neet with no prospects. Been here on 4chan since like 2005/6. Not sure i'll see the other side of 30 at this rate, life is not good

>> No.13264706

I'm also 27. Been in crypto since 2013, largely ignored it between 2014 and 2016 which is why I'm still wagecucking.

>> No.13264709
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I'm 27 and been here for 11 years as well.

>> No.13264719

Actual boomer here, 54 years young. Stumbled across /biz/ in early 2017 while researching crypto projects and ended up sticking around. This place is too entertaining to leave

>> No.13264725

Based boomer

>> No.13264729

data mining

>> No.13264738
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>> No.13264742
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>Would be nice if you could greentext some of your experiences
this, need some stories for my next fap

>> No.13264745

I remember when 4chan was a site for smart people pretending to be stupid.

Nowadays it's the opposite.

>> No.13264747
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been here since 2005 dont know how many years that is. Newfags cant triforce

>> No.13264759

Sorry but I don't buy that. I'm a 29 year old boomer and I've been here for about 10 years. I remember that my generation were the "young" one that frequented image boards and forums and being older at these places was mocked at. But 10 years later I find it hard to believe all of my generation just left. We are still here, my guess is that the shame of being "that old guy on the internet" haven't left some of us so we fake statistics to make ourselves feel better.

>> No.13264766


▲ ▲

>> No.13264770 [DELETED] 
File: 3.57 MB, 857x613, 604F8CFE-E733-422E-B9AE-390B5B2303BD.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

17 year old, turning 18 in 8 months. I’ve been browsing /biz/ on and off for about 2.5 years and started trading crypto in early 2017. Started browsing 4chan when I was 13 though.

>> No.13264782

It's a lie, most kids are on /b/ likely though, reality is that zoomers don't come here or very few of them compared to millenials.

>> No.13264901

>he doesn't know
enjoy your vacation

>> No.13264938

>Been in crypto since 2013, largely ignored it between 2014 and 2016 which is why I'm still wagecucking.
Kek are you me? Biggest fucking mistake ever, got in just at peak in 13 and then rekt in the crash so decided to ignore it until 2017 instead of buying the eth ico

>> No.13264951 [DELETED] 
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>> No.13264975 [DELETED] 



>> No.13264978


>> No.13264980


rolling for kek

>> No.13265012
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26. I'm a restaurant manager too.

>> No.13265029

3rd restaurant manager in this thread.
Are there more?

>> No.13265033

51yo here. Started /b/ in 2006

>> No.13265041


>> No.13265044

>28 soon to be 29
>9 years of my life wasted playing video games and posting on 4chan
>delete steam yesterday for the 50th time to focus on work after realizing I spent 70 hours in the last 4 days playing Borderlands 2
>tfw can't delete 4chan
>tfw shitposted the whole day instead of writing
>tfw will probably reinstall steam by the next weekend

>> No.13265046

Yeah I 'discovered' this place when I was 28.
Now 30.
Had heard of it but never really checked it out.
Probably one of the few.

>> No.13265048

22, been here since 2013

>> No.13265070

We are the same person. I'm not missing the next bullrun though. Buy an Urbit star and get Handshake coins after the mainnet comes out.

>> No.13265076


>> No.13265113


▲ ▲

>> No.13265128

been here since 2008

/b/ 2008-2011
fit /fa/ /mu/ 2010 2013
/biz/ 2017 present

a little bit of luking on /x/ /r9k/

>> No.13265144

Maybe in 2007 I'd believe the average poster was 16. Truth is most of us that were 16 back then just never left and we're boomers now

>> No.13265154
File: 125 KB, 1121x1023, 1554580978901.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

30 years old NEET here
life is a hell

>> No.13265155

hes the 2nd, retard. people lie about the dumbest shit its ridiculous


>> No.13265178 [DELETED] 

rolling #1

>> No.13265228

rolling #4

>> No.13265239

Fucking bullshit I'm 30 and am in good company here I'm going to stay here for another 10 years at least.

>> No.13265250

based and 8pilled

>> No.13265271

Id fuck er

>> No.13265288


>> No.13265305


>> No.13265309
File: 47 KB, 800x450, honklhonk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

23 Zoomer here

>> No.13265324


>> No.13265370

we must be related

>> No.13265408
File: 20 KB, 500x313, comeon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Listening to anything (((the media))) has to say, especially about the Internet.
Seriously tho this place is mostly 20 to 30 somethings.
Most of the highschool fags have not reached the level of cognition required to post here. Have you talked to a 16-year-old IRL lately? None of those guys are posting here, but I suspect many of them lurk.

>> No.13265435

30 here, remember you have to be over 18 to post here zoomers

>> No.13265504

This. I'd estimate average age here is probably 25-27.

>> No.13265674

32 years oldfag here since inception.

>> No.13265740

>4chan is a website mostly frequented by 16 year olds
In the 2000's, sure, but we're all here forever so no way that's the case anymore.
>t. wizard

>> No.13265772

32ish Year old Boomer reporting in

>> No.13265782



>> No.13265792


▲ ▲

>> No.13265805
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>this thread

>> No.13265858
File: 601 KB, 724x948, CCFF5A30-9A34-4156-BC2C-56AC040181BA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

23 year old here. Been on 4chan since 2012 (/fit/ fag), on /biz/ since 2017.

>> No.13265882

25yo, been here since 2014 i think.
made a lot a money but i'm still a kissless virgin loser neet (but a neet in a fully paid appartment at least)

>> No.13265883

Get a program called Cold Turkey and block distracting websites.

>> No.13265885

I've always been in love with Rebekah. I know she'd probably cheat on me and then cut my balls off or something, but it'd all be worth it

>> No.13265914


>> No.13265954

gib qt yandere gf pls sirs

>> No.13266137

27, started browsing when I was 14.

>> No.13266146


its been 4 years and i am still a newfag i started coming here when i searched the source of shrek is love shrek is life. Started on /b/ whilst it was slowly runover by porn, moved to /r9k/ to feels post and got the "some of you guys are alright" posts. Checked /biz/ earned 10k thanks to XVG then lost 5k cuz i am a retard and now i frequent /biz/. This time I am not going to make the same mistake in the bullrun

>> No.13266211
File: 20 KB, 248x203, F0590898-2C0F-4145-B518-023AAFC62657.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

83 yr old here... been on /biz/ since 1953.

>> No.13266244

>this time it’s different

>> No.13266263


>> No.13266271

34 get

>> No.13266277

Serious question, are you a kissless wizard at this point?

>> No.13266317
File: 3 KB, 125x125, 1554680179460s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think the transition was largely from /pol/ to /biz/

Boston sleepover and Zimzam we're fun times

Some anons are in /qresearch/

I'm in the clown timeline the best timeline

>> No.13266323

32, biz is the only board I visit on this site anymore. Been here since 2005.

>> No.13266338
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>> No.13266363


>> No.13266367

Goyim get!

>> No.13266400

they prob meant:
Average Mental Age

>> No.13266402

37, feel bullish on life more than ever

>> No.13266404

Your grandpa should reevaluate his clothing

>> No.13266434

C’mon Linda, let’s get you out of here baby

>> No.13266456

44 here /b/ /diy/ /pol/ /biz/ been here for 13 maybe 14 years. Nothing else compares.

>> No.13266469


>> No.13266471

34. been here forever. don't go to /b/ anymore. mostly /ck/, /lit/, /diy/ and /biz/. i am technically a millionaire based on net worth but it is mostly because i bought a house in seattle 8 years ago.

>> No.13266479

Any statistic about this website is always 100% wrong.

>> No.13266497

27 police cuck here

>> No.13266505


>> No.13266516

18, been browsing since right before the boom in 2017

>> No.13266522

>started browsing b when I was 12/13
>moved to x when 15ish
>moved to pol around 18
>started lurking biz after 2017 for crypto now I mainly lurk just for the anons who post the needful tips for business management and shit

Hopefully after the GBR I can pursue the many business ideas I have been scheming on just need initial investments

>> No.13266703

Do you got something saved from pre-2009 chans?


>> No.13266735

27, and I'm glad I didn't start to frequently visit this place earlier
I got here late 2017 while looking for some good crypto info, but pretty soon figured that gambling on shitcoins is way to risky for my taste and that I should just keep going the slow but steady bot route instead
now I frequently visit this place only for the memes and original info, while my bots make steady gains for me on a daily basis
but even though there might be some original info or memes spread here and there, most of the shit posted here is just low quality shit repeated over and over again which is really tediouse to crawl through
however, I only plan to stay until the next real bullrun ($25k+ or something) and then leave this place for good, or at least don't come back here this often
as I already feel how I'm getting more and more autistic each time I find some golden info or meme in this sea of shit, but it's really not worth it for me at least
I hope that all of you, who are slightly autistic make it, all the others on here should better get a "real" job as you really don't have what it takes
you can stay here, but you should better start admitting to yourself that you are just a degenerate (gambler)

>> No.13266748

24, hi nsa data mine

>> No.13266787

18. been posting on biz since i was 16yo

>> No.13266804

I think the only big board with an underage average is /v/, most are late teens/early 20s. this board is by far the oldest

>> No.13266814


>> No.13266834


>> No.13266840

24 been here 10 years

>> No.13266887

27, 11 years as well.
Proto wagey in big tech.

>> No.13266902

27yo boomer reporting in, been here for 9 years now. I love to suck cock

>> No.13266925

>None of those guys are posting here, but I suspect many of them lurk.
as they should be.

>> No.13266929

30 yo boomer, been here on/off since 2007. 4chan is still most fun place on the web desu. It's changed over the years but hasn't lost its vitality.

>> No.13266992


>> No.13267006
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I want to be 18 again. Fuck this. Getting older was the worst thing to happen to me. Money can't replace youth. Nothing can replace the vitality of being young and attractive. Money is just a cope.

>> No.13267028

both /tv and /out are arguably older

>> No.13267042
File: 175 KB, 622x464, 1552608675705.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just wish I could still have fun on the internet. It used to be so easy for me to lose track of time because I was having so much fun online.

>> No.13267051

Give me your money then pls

>> No.13267055

>I cant believe it. I'm 27 and have been here for 11 years.
lol I'm 19 and if I'm still on here when I hit 25 I will kill myself because it means I haven't made it yet and am a loser.

>> No.13267065

Imagine the smell

>> No.13267152

nah, i'm 24

>> No.13267226

Explain /gif/ dying, I didnt know that was a thing. What was it like before/after and whe did it happen? I browse rekt threads fairly often there.

>> No.13267475


>> No.13267547

i'm 26yo

>> No.13267732

18 yo here, been lurking since late 2017.
Started off with /r9k/ and quickly became a /pol/tard and now I mostly lurk here
/x/, /k/, and /s4s/.

>> No.13267835

This is pretty obvious if you ever go on /pol/. Every taxation thread is filled with people making up bullshit stories and fake anecdotes. Also just look at what gets people riled up here. It's always kid shit like vidya or capeshit movies.

>> No.13267847
File: 89 KB, 1038x827, 1554257985157.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

26 y/o millionaire bitcoin NEET here. Started browsing /b/ regularly at 16. Started browsing /g/ regularly at around 20. Came to /biz/ after /g/ got fed up with Bitcoin threads. Now I mostly just lurk /g/, /biz/, occasionally /sci/, /r9k, and /b/, and /pol/ when there's a happening. I've gone through intense depression phases in the past.

>> No.13267888

UK or USA?

>> No.13267934


Gib yandere vick.

>> No.13267975
File: 328 KB, 599x586, Selection_258.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

28, been here for 10 or 11 years. I'm honestly glad I didn't find this place earlier than around 18 years old

>> No.13267987

you're here forever

>> No.13268016

fuck off new fag.

>> No.13268032

67 year old here started browsing when crypto started to become a thing >>13264472

>> No.13268050
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>> No.13268072


>> No.13268094

Lmao are you the guy who tried to make threads on here and /biz/ bragging about managing a Texas roundhouse?

>> No.13268107


>> No.13268116

there's people who did this. and AGAIN are currently ignoring it and will miss the golden bull.
had to drag my buddy back into the light recently.

>> No.13268133



>> No.13268209

23, was introduced to /b/ by a mate of mine 7 years ago while I was at school. He tried to freak me out by showing me the fucked up shit that was posted there. I kinda took a liking to it and lurked that board for a year or two. Then I came to realize that 4chan offers boards that don’t post sick and twisted shit but boards for self help such as /adv/ and /fit/.

Been here ever since soaking up all the info I can get from here and by surfing the interwebs so I can make it some day living in a condo in Bangkok while fcking hookers off passive income (was able to get a taste of this last year).

Thanks /b/, /trv/ and the most influential to me /biz/. You guys have well and truly opened my mind to the world of money and cheap women.

>> No.13268220
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31 year old here. Been on this site since it came into existence.
I'm not even half your age and I feel like I've been here forever.

What did you do on the internet before you came to this website?

>> No.13268225

20 here

>> No.13268227

Are you at least living in your own?

>> No.13268236

>I cant believe it. I'm 27 and have been here for 11 years.
I thought this too
and the memes reflect this too
like the nostalgia memes post about doom and stuff

>> No.13268270
File: 35 KB, 1282x349, when I get sad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>make it some day living in a condo in Bangkok while fcking hookers off passive income
How do you plan to accomplish this?

>> No.13268359

Pretty much the same things I do now. I visit forums related to my field, scroll through facebook, online shopping etc.

>> No.13268427
File: 26 KB, 604x516, 1554454018400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sounds like a good browsing habit to emulate. I literally never go to any other website besides this one, but I have a field of my own and have neglected to look for forums on it... Thanks for checking in with us younger anons!

>> No.13268482
File: 73 KB, 600x445, 1553267720125.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Been here since 11'

>got engaged fully by /pol in 2016
>/b is cancer
>/gif is the same shit all the time
>rolling for the lulz

>> No.13268500

/biz/ is full of 23yo doomer (such as me ofc) we been here since the start of the bullrun, but we bought past summer 2017.

>> No.13268546

22 y/o and Ive been on 4chan for 7 years

>> No.13268791

Explains all the LINK Threads desu

>> No.13268885


>> No.13268934


>> No.13269142

Was here around 2006-2007 to look into /b/ sometimes and came back as a doomer in 2017

>> No.13269336

For me? It's Tonya

>> No.13269370
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>> No.13269376

wait all u faggots were pretending to be zoomers?

>> No.13269398

21, been here 10 years
Growing up with this place it's very easy to see who's underaged.

>> No.13269411

21 I've always considered myself to be a younger faggot on /biz/. Started on /tg/ moved to /g/ and then /pol/.
Found /biz/ after someone shilled it in late 2016 and took the opportunity to leave /pol/.

>> No.13269424

Turning 30.

>> No.13269449
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Been here since 2018.

>> No.13269483

21 years old
/pol/ 4 year vet

>> No.13269508


>> No.13269512


Your poor mind must be fried, after seeing /pol/ from a young age.

How much do you hate non-whites?

Do you believe a race war is imminent?


>> No.13269599

I turned 30 last month but I did start lurking at 15/16

>> No.13269626
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>> No.13269629
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>> No.13269638

That I can absolutely believe, there are obviously many lost souls here who are traumatized and emotionally stunted at a high school mindset.

>> No.13269668

Yes, fren, but I essentially have no friends, so no one comes to visit.

>> No.13269671
File: 30 KB, 480x360, 30yoBoomer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Na man, /biz/ is clearly full of 30 year old boomers, you can just tell.

t. 30 year old boomer

>> No.13269722

> Found 4chan at 25 only went on /b
> Finally went to /pol around 26
> Then got /fit by 27
> Purely /fit until January when I found /biz at 29 and here we are

>> No.13269806

I'm 18, started lurking last year when I was 17.

>> No.13269831
File: 176 KB, 1920x1040, Screenshot from 2019-04-09 00-09-01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

28 around for ~10 years

>> No.13269885

20 yr old chad here. Started lurking on here in 2018 after the 2017 boom that I sadly missed out on. Only go on the biz cause that's all that matters here.

>> No.13269906


Fucking this!

>> No.13269949

started lurking in 2007 with current age of 36 and an investment portfolio of $380K

do with that information what you will

>> No.13269980
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>> No.13270005
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I wouldn't doubt it, I found 4chan at 15. I'm turning 26 next month...I think the only two boards I frequent these days /sci/ & /biz/ filters young folk. I.E. a teen can't post on /sci/ because they don't know enough to participate and teens don't have any money.

>> No.13270013
File: 26 KB, 640x369, 9c5230634f5de9902159a62be07b6b12dab66c4e_hq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Charts like these are construed. Only newfags actually post in those threads.

>> No.13270025


>> No.13270044
File: 43 KB, 1024x521, 9ae.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

20 been here 7 years

>> No.13270062

All the chain link posters are boomers, whether physically or mentally.

>> No.13270067

26. been on for 14 years. I was groomed into doing anal play by homosexuals on this website

>> No.13270094


Surveyfags are getting smarter.

>> No.13270099

There's absolutely no way 16 is the average. At least not on /biz/. Based on the ages I've seen posted on /biz/ I'd say the average is somewhere between 23 and 28. Maybe all the lurkers are 14 yos but I doubt it.

>> No.13270105

9999 years old here, my bday is tomorrow

>> No.13270112
File: 190 KB, 1920x1040, Screenshot from 2019-04-09 00-40-02.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the chart is from this thread faggot

>> No.13270121

I will send you 1 ltc if you share 3 stories

>> No.13270124

im a 40 year old boomer. been on the chans since early mid 2000s. i think a thing about the age is that at certain ages you evolve. many started at b go to pol then biz

>> No.13270160

the average is brought down by millions of chink infants exposed to /b/ threads to prepare culturally for espionage operations in the USA

>> No.13270191

45 years old fuck here. On 4chan since 14 years, though with breaks.

Got a family with great kids and a career, so apparently you are not completely fucked if you stay too long.

>> No.13270230
File: 33 KB, 680x544, 1543369509429.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't imagine my dad browsing 4chan kek. But based.

>> No.13270280

Yea maybe. But on /biz/ I wouldn't be surprised if there are more/just as many 30+ yos as <18 yos. I don't think I've ever see anyone who's <15 yo mention their age on here. There seems to be tons of 30yo boomers.

>> No.13270311

Wyhyy not

>> No.13270516

Survey for what exactly

>> No.13270546

Absolutely played

>> No.13270594


>> No.13270614

I figured everyone here had always been here with some new people of course
Do people actually leave?

>> No.13270618
File: 111 KB, 800x691, annunaki Marduk ancient god.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I even out the average age though because I am 1,000,000,000 years old

>> No.13270835

I'm reborn every 300 years

>> No.13270969

I'm 25 but I've been coming here since I was 12. I've been here on and off. Started off in /b/ but I took a break once it started to get filled with trannys. Then I jumped on /pol/ and left as around the time BTC hit 5k. I've been on /biz/ since but I've gone back to /pol/ because of yang memes.

Shit it's been a long time.

>> No.13271005


>> No.13271492

So ronery

>> No.13271499

>tfw almost 28
>tfw been shitposting since 2007

>> No.13271537


>> No.13271590

2008, 26, /b/

I couldn't look away. I literally haven't even seen /b/ for probably 5+ years. Mostly /tv/ and /v/ with some randoms every now and then

>> No.13271804


>> No.13271824

from my experience /g/ is a pretty old board
lot of 25+ boomers there

>> No.13271836

>stalking in the 2nd degree
>terrorist threats

that's actually really hot ngl

>> No.13271853

No way. Average has to be 23 or something now. The core demographic has aged

>> No.13271895


>> No.13271932
File: 23 KB, 258x245, 1554584489142.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit OP,
4chan literally shows you average demographics
>Age: 18-34
>Gender: ~70% male, ~30% female
>Interests: Japanese culture, anime, manga, video games.
>Education: Majority attended or currently enrolled in college

Imagine believing a youtube video made by a 4chan user.

>> No.13271936

33 yr old Boomer here

>> No.13271954

so fucking based. we've literally lived parallel lives anon <3

>> No.13271988
File: 70 KB, 467x398, 1541812499133.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

arrived as a fresh boomer just over a year ago, Thanks "CocaColaKid"

>> No.13272032

im 32, Ive been stuck here for 7 years, how the fuck do I escape this hell hole?

>> No.13272066
File: 23 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>giving out all this juicy personal info
>for 0 compensation

nice try, FBI

>> No.13272108
File: 417 KB, 1846x867, zmniynxvkg201.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Most of the highschool fags have not reached the level of cognition required to post here
If you believe this then you need to lurk more. Some of the threads here are ideal for people who are young, drunk, or brain damaged.