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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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13264027 No.13264027 [Reply] [Original]

What level of frugality is too much in the pursuit of wealth?

>bus to work
>shower, shit, shave etc at work to save on electricity and water bills
>take in as much energy as possible/is healthy from the company fruit bucket to minimise what I need to spend on calorific intake
>coffee from work coffee machines
>only wear suits to work to save on cleaning clothes
>company policy where if you're working after 7:30pm you can expense your evening meal, take advantage of this a couple of times a week
>same policy applies to a taxi but since I have a bus pass I usually dont bother
>use work/neighbour's wifi where possible
>another company owns the first three floors of our office so I steal food out of their fridges when possible
>when my bus pass expires I try to get away with not renewing it for as long as possible until I get caught
>company throws out a bunch of perfectly good stuff all the time like keyboards, mice, monitors etc, take what I need and sell the rest
>deliberately stay virgin to avoid medical bills associated with STDs, legal fees from rape accusations and alimony payments

Anyone else do this?

>> No.13264044

You lost me at >only wears suits

>> No.13264053

Past a certain point, it becomes a sick display of status via asceticism. Like monks wearing cilices to prove their superiority over the flesh.

>> No.13264077
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why don't you just give up living all together?

>> No.13264087

Absolutely based. You are going to make it anon.

>> No.13264090

>deliberately stay virgin to avoid medical bills associated with STDs, legal fees from rape accusations and alimony payments

Keep telling that to yourself and maybe you'll start believing it

The rest of the post was just to make this bit of denial seem more plausible.

>> No.13264101

>he has sex with roasties
>he thinks he's going to make it

>> No.13264102

>deliberately stay virgin to avoid medical bills associated with STDs, legal fees from rape accusations and alimony payments
Wear a condom, don't rape anyone, and don't get married. How fucking hard is that?

>> No.13264194

Just let the incel have his cope anons

>> No.13264207

It's the fucking mentally ill /r9k/ vibe spreading over all other boards. It's okay to be ugly and rarely ever have sex but if you unironically think that you will suffer any disadvantages in life from consensual sex with a condom, your life is a meme. You have actually sucessfully ascended.

>> No.13264480

>don't rape anyone
>How fucking hard is that?
OP is a nigger you racist fuck. He can't help it.

>> No.13264494

so basically you live without any fun to save shekels you can get for being a slave

>> No.13264588
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>only wear suits to work to save on cleaning clothes
how is this possible

>> No.13265217

Dry cleaning, nigga.

>> No.13265471

Pretty good but check this:
>Peepee AND poopoo in the shower
>Poo first and then pee it down, breaking chunks with foot like grating cheese over the drain

>> No.13265526

I know this is a joke but here goes anyway.

How does that save anything, since it surely wastes lots more (warm!) water to have an illusion of clean afterwards?

Why not just shit on a street?

>> No.13265627

depending on the country you life in, you should think about getting in a coma.
no more rent, health insurance will pay for your food etc. you dont even need your bus pass anymore!

>> No.13265680
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>Deliberately stay Virgin
t. Incel cope

>> No.13265700


>dishsoap as shampoo, bodywash, laundry detergent, and y'know, actual dish soap

The bus pass thing is gonna get you fines if they catch on though

>> No.13266399
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>>deliberately stay virgin to avoid medical bills associated with STDs, legal fees from rape accusations and alimony payments

yeah, right

>> No.13266529


>people actually taking this post seriously

>> No.13266542

Seething normalfag.

>> No.13266561
File: 3.68 MB, 375x635, 348E2976-343F-4FC5-92EB-9D8133609E14.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

buy cheap groceries and pirate games
Spend half of weekly paycheck on whores to keep sanity
Other half in shitcoins

>> No.13266568

>to keep sanity
and lose dignity

>> No.13266629

I know a guy who had consentual sex, she stole his watch and accused him of rape. it’s dangerous to have sex in 2019, its your word vs a womans word in a trial by jury. if you cant deal with the cons dont deal with the pros

>> No.13266742
File: 65 KB, 1444x1420, 61iVqN+AhUL._AC_SL1500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People taking the meme response to the meme story serious and criticize it using meme arrows

>> No.13266754

Do you know how much it costs to have a girlfriend?

>> No.13266756

>spending any money on whores.

>> No.13267374
