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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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13254761 No.13254761 [Reply] [Original]

post your biggest regret in crypto

>> No.13254766

Buying COLX, should've bought HOT

>> No.13254820

Buying crypto

>> No.13254828
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Not cashing out at my ATH (913k €).

>> No.13254853

Literally this shit, OP. BOUNTY was the first coin I ever bought back in Jan 2018.

>> No.13254854

How much is it worth now?

>> No.13254862

1.5k in VET lel

>> No.13254870
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I got greedy

>> No.13254873
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-Keeping and losing 10mil of colx on the Coinsmarkets exit scam.

-Bought Antshares when it was $0.50,- remember reading someone posting about it being the Ethereum of China, therefor i figured that's 1.3 billion reasons to buy into it. Started shilling it to all of my coworkers, 5 of them invested around a thousand euro's each, on average we all had about 2k of them.
When it went up all of them were my best friends, we even had this private group chat we'd be speculating on and i'd be up nights researching and analyzing shit, it then hit $5 and i proposed to the guys to sell, cash out 2k we placed at the start and with the rest wait for it to drop and buy in again, it never quite did, they all kinda hated me for the remainder of it's bullrun. Think they still haven't quite gotten over it.

-Buying 100 elastos for $70 a pop

-Losing my lisk wallet pasphrase, bought in when it was still hovering at the 10 cent mark, hated myself seeing it go to $30 and me not having it anymore

>> No.13254878

selling 2k EOS at .75ish cents before it took off, not swinging [redacted] but who cares, ill still be a millionaire anyways if i live modestly for a couple years.

>> No.13254882
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>> No.13254915
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120k €.

To be fair. I was only in crypto for 5 months. I didn't know shit. Right now I'm prepared and will start with a shitload more money. So it'll be alright. Learned an expensive lesson.

>> No.13254924
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Ahh, and getting into but not participating in the iota ico.

That was also a bit of a stinger in hindsight

>> No.13254945
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Other than not selling at my ATH, holding onto these worthless REQ and WAN tokens has killed me

>> No.13254952

Not selling all my Chainlink at 15 800 sats

>> No.13254959

Not going all in Litecoin.

>> No.13254981

My even bigger regret is that, in 2012 I had business relations to some Chinese people and we looked for the best way to transfer money to China. we talked about bitcoins but they said this is not the best option.

If they would have accepted it, I am pretty sure that I would have invested a lot earlier.

Pretty sure too tho, that I would have lost nearly everything during the last crash.

>> No.13254982
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this piece of shit

>> No.13255033

Being a fucking bitcoin maximalist and trading, but not buying ETH at 1-2 dollars.

>> No.13255036

>not cashing out on life changing money

But why?

>> No.13255041

Leaving 200+ bitcoins on mt. gox because "what could go wrong"
Selling bitcoin again at $2700 in summer '17
Buying bitcoin at $6k in summer '18
Not buying bitcoin / eth sub $4k / $100

>> No.13255053
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MFW I read this

>> No.13255117
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Good question.
I cashed out a fair bit. I also put stuff back in.
But I gained so fucking much in such a short period (5 months from 14k to 913k) I thought this shit would go on for a while. I couldn't concieve that it would go down so much so fast.

And when it started going down, I didn't think straight. I thought. Ok now it's 600k. It will probably be 800k in a couple of months again. Just HODL. Because HODLING and greed had brought me so far. It was the right strategy during the bull run, so it conditioned me.

I still have a shitload of money right now, so im not depressed or complaining. I just learned my lesson and will cash out more when the time comes.

>> No.13255143

investing in BCN and not sell everything at its peak

>> No.13255158


Same, I didn't have as much as you, about $150k at peak, but I this was back in jan '18 when everything was mooning. It makes you crazy. I literally though I would just hold for another 2 weeks I would be a millionaire and cash out. When it started crashing I luckily sold the shit coins and cashed out about a third but the rest I put into coins with "good fundamentals" like a retard I thought they would keep mooning. What I had left I got rekt with 90% losses.

>> No.13255183


Setting my stop too tight on LTC. When all in at 23.50, got stopped out at 22.80 or some bullshit. Shit keeps me up at night.

>> No.13255193

Yep. Psychology is a funny thing.
But you have to live through it to be able to do something about it. We made so much by being greedy. Once that stops its almost impossible to switch.

Now we know what can happen. So when the new bullrun comes (and it will come, don't underestimate the greed of people) we'll be prepared.

>> No.13255233
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Funny thing btw.
I made a shitload on bnty. And actually sold almost all of it.
I once had 400k BNTY and sold almost all around 80 cents I believe.

I just 'reinvested' it in other scams during the crash like the mongoloid i am hhahaha.

>> No.13255283

Fuck, stop triggering me.

I bought $20k worth when they were 50c apiece. My 40k coin stack was worth fucking $100 or something earlier this year. The ultimate just.

I loaded up on another $2k worth last month just to DCA myself to a 5c break even.

They're up quite a bit recently, hit 1c earlier this week, but jesus it's a long road back to break even.

>> No.13255357

lmao I can't even
I can imagine you wanted to transfer some of your 2017 profits into one of the low-cap "moonshots" being shilled on /biz/. I still remember all the kucoin garbage being spammed here.

>> No.13255380

Yeah, fucking tell me about it. This shit was being shilled nonfuckingstop back then. Made the link posting here look tame by comparison.

>> No.13255382

Put 3k USD into VeChain at $6. Could be worse but it was all I had at the time. Thankfully cut my losses and put everything into LINK at .22c

>> No.13255474
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e t e r n a l
g o o k ' d

>> No.13255496

Hodling for a year then selling the bottom

>> No.13255508

from the frying pan into the fire...

>> No.13255527

finding /biz/ falling for about 7 trash meme coins mistakes were made it's embarrassing to even think about

>> No.13255818

When I first wanted to get BTC that is what I searched and that trading platform PLUS 500 comes up. Buy Bitcoin it says. So I did around the 400 mark, and then I think I pulled my earnings to bank it, of course the markets were volatile and Id not used a trading platform like this and def not one that just sucks your money away on a bad trade instead of you just keeping BTC as it should be. I started losing but it had me hooked must have spent over a grand that disipated into nothing, going manic trying to make good trades. It gets worse though cause after and then during I started buying actual BTC but not holding it no, buying psychedelic truffles online and later ecstacy and diazepam on the deep web. So my regret is not doing what I originally wanted to and getting hustled at every turn. I even lost 100 quid on cocaine from a reputed vendor that split and some more in another scam.

"Ha ha sucks to be you etc" Not exactly, this school of hardknocks bitcoin baptism of fire taught me how to trade in the most punishing way. People probably pay more for tutoring. Now I am in a good position, holding a lot of what I think is a massively undervalued token which although like everything else dipped to half its initial rate, Im still breaking even from other trades Ive made. So when everything BOOMS like it has been doing, just as I knew it would. I am set and ready to go!

>> No.13255871

pretty much everything

>> No.13256846

I owned bitcoin when is was just $244, got scared out back in 2015 sold it all :( feels bad man

>> No.13256985

Atonomi. Biggest piece of shit ever.

>> No.13257022

Not even the very wise can see all ends.

>> No.13257560

Selling 1k usd of rvn in November (around 500sats) to buy msr at 3800sats