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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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13254561 No.13254561 [Reply] [Original]

I'm a high IQ autist who can sit and hyperfocus on things for days. I know blockchain tech in depth. Let me tell you a secret. Without chainlink it's all redundant. Why would anyone want to use a decentralized system for computing to execute their smart contracts if the means of getting information to and from it is centralized? Because a trusted third party can tamper with that data as it goes to and from smart contracts, that renders it as secure as a traditional contract. However when you have an end-to-end secure smart contract made completely tamperless with decentralized oracles, something magic happens. You have a system that can automate the job of notaries and tellers, removing the need for many intermediataries in businesses transactions. This saves billions in overhead for companies. Additionally, the price is chainlink needs to rise to match the value of the assets being delt with in high value transactions such as derivatives. I know this is happening. Sergey Nazarov said in an interview recently that the chainlink team is working with banks and insurance companies and planning on going to mainnet soon. I trust him because you can see the chainlink team has kept their promises on Github and pivotal tracker. Don't let black people or discord trannies onto this though, they don't deserve to know.

>> No.13254624

Source pls?

>> No.13254670

you stinkies are truly the scum of this board. being scum, you at float on the top, stinking up the board, covering up all the discussion of the truly great projects. but eventually, like all scum, you will be scooped up and tossed into the gutter.

>> No.13254724


You're aware hashes exist right? You literally can't tamper with the data without changing the checksum. That's how validation of file integrity already works everywhere. Take a look at how Git versioning works.

>> No.13254788

Do hashes have these?
>consensus mechanisms for multiple data sources
>multi-party decentralized verification of a single data source
No u

>> No.13255232
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>> No.13255342

Can you imagine when that dude picks up the phone and is talking to a random CTO pitching him the god protocol? This dude, get this, has been selected by SWIFT, Gartner and WEF, has the head of blockchain at facebook on his team, the creator of the digital signature is his mentor, and the bosses from Cornell blockchain, who are in deep with Microsoft and JP Morgan, are masterminds behind the project as well. The dude who came up with the term proof of work is balls deep in this, co-signed the whitepaper and ran a top-level side academic project that since then has merged with the main company. All their partnerships are low hype, yet reveal an absolute understanding of enterprise adoption dynamics, by integrating their protocol as essential backend to all the key players in the smart contract ecosystem. Accord? Half the top 100 law firms have joined, and it's being shilled by the UK ministry of justice. OpenLaw? Lubin said it was his most important venture. ZepOS? It's used by all the serious devs. Digital signature? Docusign. Banking outputs? SWIFT smart oracle. It's at the center of everything, of all wars. Private vs public blockchains? Agnostic. Decentralized insurance vs legacy? Decentralized finance? Stablecoins? BaaS providers? They all need decentralized oracles. Law firms? They'll all be in the center of the Openlaw vs Accord war. RocketLawyer vs LegalZoom? The biggest industry in the world, the derivatives market, is right in the center of it. ISDA. DAML. Blythe Masters, all leads back to ic3. They swallowed TC and Oraclize. Highly modular code, adapters. Ecosystem already being bootstrapped by the community. They have SGX and soon alternatives, and other options. First moving, first reacting. All will be bend over. The power of memes. Actual needed tokenomics. All this with stealth marketing. The moment they turn on the switch, the fomo will be the intense. When you're aware of the full picture, how can you not be all in?

>> No.13255454

Hard to argue with all that.

>> No.13255503
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Hello, fine gentleman. Does any person have the source to this webm?

>> No.13255521

>high IQ
>asking for help understanding something on /biz/

>> No.13255547

rofl...why is no one saying anything about this post?

pissed off stinkers? rofl

>> No.13255585

135 IQ Chad here
>Why would anyone want to use a decentralized system for computing to execute their smart contracts if the means of getting information to and from it is centralized?
Because decentralization is useful for INFORMATION TRANSFER, you can be sure that no one will fuck with your information in a descentralized system. The creation of that information ALWAYS will be centralized (think about notaries, making deals, buying shit, reasearch, etc), blockchain tech doesn't need oracles to work properly, in fact those are drag.

>> No.13255675


lol tl;dr sry fggt