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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 31 KB, 250x259, 1533632670952.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13253032 No.13253032 [Reply] [Original]

Do you think other boards here on 4chan will find out about it sooner than the general public?

>> No.13253050

there was a thread about Sergey in Fit (it was a fat people hate thread) and everyone was commenting stuff like 1000lbs EOY.

>> No.13253063

i guess there's a fair number of /fit/ crossboarders with us, i've seen /g/ threads with everyone regarding it as a scam
>everyone was commenting stuff like 1000lbs EOY
top kek

>> No.13253153
File: 1.43 MB, 1242x2208, 1554630993150.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What if Link is unironically and literally doa?

>> No.13253166

kek wish that was me, spend all 2014-2017 on fit and sometimes opened biz but didn't understand shit so left, and only got in in dec 2017 like a pleb, we need to develop a shilling method that sucks in retards from other boards for their own good

>> No.13253252
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>december 2017 buyer

>> No.13253271
File: 1.06 MB, 200x270, 1526835631704.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The internet already knows about the joke that is chainlink

>> No.13253397

Another telegram screen shoot literal who BTFO chainlink, well pack it up boyos it's unironically over
>Inb4 OY VEY I was just trying to help you goyim

>> No.13253421

"memes" began on image boards and eventually became mainstream culture. As a meme itself, I think it's plausible chainlink could follow the same path and seep into public consciousness.

>> No.13253469

I put a bit of thought into this. I did see a post on r9k that had a girls tits covered by link logo, and someone in thread said "i am a fellow link marine" so there is some awareness there.

I think its already on pol from time to time.

I think that once Link has taken over 4chan it needs to flow into the gaming community. The gaming community harbors many young soon to be neet white males who don't want to get jobs once they finish university. I am going to be changing my steam pic/name in all games to something LINK related when the time is right. Most gamers are also tech savvy enough to figure out how to buy crypto that isn't just on conebase. Once gamers as a whole find out it will be reddits turn (lots of overlap). Redditors buy our bags and we dump on them hard.

>> No.13253483

OY VEY I was just trying to help you goyim

>> No.13253502

hey wojak KEK

>> No.13253553

I shill /LGBT/ everyday.

>> No.13253675
File: 36 KB, 720x603, 1549693996036.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP, they've already heard/seen, only unlike you, they saw through it because crypto is a fucking scam any way you spin it.

>> No.13253685

thanks, dec 2017 buyer

>> No.13253747
File: 24 KB, 311x325, downloadfile-19.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Somewhere in there, you know it's true. Step away from this fake shit for a bit and come back.

>> No.13253753
File: 434 KB, 1066x1571, thread.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There was a Chainlink thread on /v/ with several cross posters in I remember

Yeah I knew I screencapped screencapped it

>> No.13253755

i saw someone shill it on /ck/ a week ago and i've mained /biz/ since

>> No.13253821

ive seen some of the memes on pol, a few people get them but most dont. so i think cross traffic is some what likely but the influx from reddit into pol has a lot of us older channers drowned out over there. in other words, summer fags suck and gotta go back

>> No.13253855

i bought ETH at $8 thanks to crossposting on /pol/

>> No.13253868

sadly, i legit wanted in on btc when it was around $10 and i "thought" i couldnt afford to at the time. i thought i lost my chance but jumped back in a year to two years ago.

>> No.13254772
File: 938 KB, 498x280, 1541974724435.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know why you guys think this board is such a secret. I've seen plenty of link shilling on other boards (/fit/, /g/, /pol/, even fucking /out/ mentions crypto once in a while). In late 2017, early 2018 /biz/ was the third most acive board after /pol/ and /b/.

>> No.13254901

/pol/ is probably the board with the most exclusive posters that don't care about visiting any of the other boards. There are a lot of senior citizens and schizophrenics that have no idea what cryptocurrency or /biz/ is.

>> No.13254962

first post terrible post

>> No.13255124
File: 99 KB, 862x642, 1513787042484.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13255179

>jumped back in a year to two years ago
There is a big fucking difference on the just’o’meter in that timeframe brainlet

>> No.13255941

you are right.
let us say, i know some people who got justed, i did not. i was lucky. i wanted to mine not buy and already had pc's capable (mined ETH when it was at ATH). I didnt get justed. when the bubble fully popped like many i shut down the miners.
where i got hurt was not focusing on just ETH. I should have stayed on just one.

>> No.13256391

Isn't /g/'s and maybe /sci/'s opinion irrelevant because they consider even bitcoin and ethereum scam?

>> No.13256403

and /fit/ is full of dumb superficial arrogant faggots anyway

>> No.13256562

Crypto is what people will make out of it. Like fiat. They think it's scam, it's scam. They get brainwashed by the mainstream media later on to think it's not scam. Not a scam. Enterprises do not necessarily consider public blockchains scam. Blockchains are very useful. A good public one even more so. The issue was, there is no worthy public blockchain until now. There will be soon enough. Probably several. People with serious intentions are working on them.
Limited minds need not apply.

>> No.13256646

I have seen a few threads on /x/ about the chainlink logo and number associations. Also some anon was even giving out free linkies there.

>> No.13256682

How many of us only live on biz? I travel between biz, pol, x, b , r9k, k so I'd guess Link is a 4chan thing.

>> No.13256692

/pol/ reporting in.
> Logo looks like a cube.
> Logo looks like a special flag.

>> No.13256888

I saw a thread on gif about singularities once and linkies spammed it to death