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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 153 KB, 1500x998, Interview-56a52eab5f9b58b7d0db505a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13251657 No.13251657 [Reply] [Original]

>What's your biggest weakness, anon?

>> No.13251672

you have to fight meme questions with meme answers. theres no original way that will work

either joke
>potato chips

>im a perfectionist

>> No.13251684

Shemale porn

>> No.13251694

>Idk I don't focus on that shit

>> No.13251695

It's a basic normie shit-test. Congrats, you failed.

>> No.13251698

i spend all of my time on an anime forum about digital ones and zeros

>> No.13251699

Fittin this big dick into my pants

>> No.13251743

I work too hard.

>> No.13251752

My balls are too big and its annoying to wear anything except joggers.

>> No.13251753
File: 42 KB, 443x437, Peepee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think my optimism can get the best of me sometimes. That's actually why I'm here! Because I thought by now bitcoin would be $50k-$100k but it's not and I ended up getting rekt!

>> No.13251833

Trying to find balance between my natural instinct to be a purist with trying to find the right functional pathways for the business

>> No.13251836

best post itt

>> No.13251845

i unironically hate all women and it is probably the reason i cant get a job in 2019

>> No.13251920

If you hate women so much that you can't contain it for an interview then you need to work on yourself

>> No.13251938

I'm gay.

>> No.13251946

I can't stop successfully convincing people to an hero and i don't know why

>> No.13251952

Beautiful, I'm gonna use that

>> No.13251986
File: 1.45 MB, 480x270, giphy (4).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol bro imagine worshipping women so much that you would let them be your boss or hold HR power over you

they are literal parasitic scum that are only good for fucking and for paying rent

>> No.13251996

Brown women

>> No.13251999

The fear of success

>> No.13252019


Before I ghost the company I usually shit on my boss's desk

>> No.13252023

>Interviews, literally the bane of my professional career. For some reason I get very nervous.

How would HR take an honest answer.

>> No.13252030

Weakness? Me? I'm an addict... mentally, I mean. I have the mind of an addict. If you put crack in front of me I wouldn't necessarily smoke it, however, if you somehow got me to try it once by force then I would probably be pawning my grandmas jewellery within 3 weeks. It's a real problem and means I avoid things (except gambling shitcoins) that could bring out addictive behaviour.

>> No.13252061

Say you have self control problems. Addictive personality is bs. We all are addicted to shit we love.

>> No.13252069

Your eyes qt HR.
Now give me your number and gimme da gibs

>> No.13252071

Bullets and thai insurance commercials

>> No.13252078

Haha you reminded me of the Thai insurance commercials, they hit you hard always

>> No.13252084

I don't believe in free will

>> No.13252088

Agree'd. Only communists believe in free shit

>> No.13252107

Fighting the Jews

>> No.13252114


>> No.13252126

>I'm a bit of a perfectionist and can't sleep well unless I know I did my job as well as possible with the tools and support provided
literally just answer this, brainlets eat it up

>> No.13252147
File: 83 KB, 960x540, vs7e46d67oq21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13252169

"that I haven't done my best to enforce the will of Allah"

If rejected for being a religious fuck, sue for discrimination.

>> No.13252203


>> No.13252205

Unironically hired but not for finance

>> No.13252210

>My biggest weakness? Well I guess that'd be my psychopathic tendencies. Haha, just kidding!

>> No.13252214

state a weaknesses not related to the job like mathematics or chemistry or philosophy and make it a medium sized list

>> No.13252218

I'm a perfectionist and I can't help touching women.

>> No.13252231


Ah, we love honesty here Anon.
Do you take or receive? Have you been to Patong Beach? Many lady boys,

>> No.13252746

what do you mean by "purist"

>> No.13252756

my penis is too big for most girls

>> No.13252782


And then pray they don't understand how OCD works.

>> No.13252962

This question is of no value and undermines my confidence in your ability as managers. Why would you wish to torpedo your chances of hiring an intelligent employee by insulting them with such a question? I am skilled. I perform. I deliver. As management it is your job to identify areas of improvement and assist staff in improving. By asking this question you're telling me that you're not confident in your ability of this key managerial task, and thus decreases my confidence in you. Your image as a confident and capable manager is important to your staff and I'd recommend you never ask another candidate such a self-destructive question.

>> No.13254093

lmao peek /biz/

>> No.13254269

For western europoors this is kind of the way to go. Either this (has one downside: Lots of times the question is asked in reference to the job you are being interviewed for or, if not, it may still seem little too off-topic) or name smth minor that you solved by doing something everyone in the business world appreciates.
>Im not good with keeping track of appointments in my head. Luckily we have all sorts of electronic gadgets to help me schedule my day. Ive been using Outlook and my synced (insert shitphone) for years now.
>I have a weakness of clustering my desk up with papers, so Ive been trying to do most of my work on the computer instead of piling up paperwork.

I feel like murricans should answer with memeanswers instead, because you are talking shit 24/7.
>Im a perfectionist bla

>> No.13254300

"Do you really want to play this game? This is the kind of game where the only winning move is to not play."

>> No.13254312

18 naked cowboys in the shower

>> No.13254316
File: 258 KB, 732x732, 1552795502545.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Big ole anime tiddies

>> No.13254359

gonna use this one

>> No.13254374

whenever i see a female in a higher position i rape them at night

>> No.13254589

I struggle to make meaningful connections with members of the opposite sex

Oh, and my core could use some work

>> No.13254641
File: 138 KB, 736x919, 609d424d84f090565233a330d857a050.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know why
Blonde hippy chicks with dreads give off all the red flags of being grimy and something to avoid but fuck me its hot

>> No.13254650

What's the correct response?

>> No.13254672

Inability to delegate.

Your weakness should also be a strength.

>> No.13254916

Lol bro imagine Marissa Mayer having a 600m net worth and turning out better work in a month than you will in your entire life

>> No.13254941

I have a cuck fetish and can't help it

>> No.13255002


Having to sell myself to you for money.

>> No.13255034

>well, I suppose my biggest weakness may be that I'm unable to recognize my biggest weakness. Can we move on?

>> No.13255049


>> No.13255089

This. Stubbornness is also one that can be played both ways.

>> No.13255146

Sometimes I think too critically when making simple decisions. In previous lines of work this has proven a great strategy for preventing operational losses, but I understand that this habit can be a hindrance for management when assessing a new employee's competence. I have been working to reserve this energy & hyperfocus only for more complicated and risk-intensive business decisions.

>> No.13255163

sometimes i work too hard
has to be said with straight face

>> No.13255187

u think they havent heard this a thousand times and know that u are full of shit?

>> No.13255189


>> No.13255273

>unzip pants, proudly reveal micropenis while maintaining intense eye contact

>> No.13255282

This guy fucks. He also does well during job interviews.

>> No.13255294

>doesn't even know what it's like to truly express yourself without selling out to other people's expectations
never gonna make it

>> No.13255345

The reason this will never work is because it requires status and credibility upon delivery and you’re the desperate faggot actually interviewing for a job lmao

>> No.13255399

Female detected.
>resigned in 2017
>spokeswoman for google
Fucking lmao. Next time you rattle off some female executive avoid the cabalists. Being part of cultist social club is a bad long term strategy and shows poor judgement, regardless of sex.

>> No.13255439
File: 2.99 MB, 1920x1080, 1553718883953.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Femdom and lezdom

>> No.13255448

What the fuck is a "shit-test?" Do normies really spend their whole lives just testing each other and being tested by each other?
Imagine living life jumping through hoops for other people, what a joke.

>> No.13255554

It comes from the pua sphere. A shit test is when a woman says or does something to determine whether you are a conforming desperate beta or indepndent non-needy alpha male with other options. The woman doesn't really do this consciously. It's just how they're wired. They insintcively want the guy who has the best chance of insuring their survival and giving them strong healthy babies.

>> No.13255575

I lie compulsively about my weaknesses.

>> No.13255944


Good post for noticing the difference between europoors and muricans. Americans are just insane in general.

>> No.13255969


Of course they did. What they're indirectly testing is your ability to bullshit.

>> No.13255992

That I sometimes love the jew too much. For example, yesterday I donated 1000$ to my bank, money I seriously needed for food.

>> No.13256248

so desu neyo

>> No.13256275

Something about volunteering for non-whites

>> No.13256277

My humongous cock

>> No.13256286

This shit won't fly anywhere, you have to talk about something that is not a major weakness but there was some space for improvement so you recognized it and solved it. "I am a perfectionist" is a meme now even for the most retarded-15-people-company HRs.

>> No.13256298
File: 17 KB, 230x230, 1554534499276.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...Ninjitsu users who can shield their body with chakura...

>> No.13256661 [DELETED] 

I'm a porno addict. HD, SD, 4k, 8k, I got it. Backdoor whore #48 vhs in mint con, that's me. I've tried therapy. I've had a couple of incidents in public, I need help but the docs advice just don't cut it. I need this job man, I gotta buy new video tapes...