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File: 195 KB, 571x574, Illustration.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13246562 No.13246562 [Reply] [Original]

Is saving money not a common thing? I follow mostly artists on twitter, so I see this type of stuff often. I get it, it's the starvig" artists stereotype. . However, most of these beggers, I guess that fits, also live in the USA or other first world nations. You can save money in those countries. Even with student debt, you could save up some money.

I'm a failure and even I have a decent amount of money saved up. I"ll be able to handle any thing that requires a relatively low money investment. 1-2K for a pc would be easy. The years that that thing could be usefull for would be enough to save that money back.

TL;DR do people not save up money?

>> No.13246589

just chalk it up to them having shit spending habits (mommy and daddy bought everything), and them being unable to budget or save properly as a result

>> No.13246590

85% of burgerclaps can't pay a surprise $500 bill.

>> No.13246604

Normies don't know how to save. They are brainwashed by mainstream as the norm being going to restaurants like everyday

>> No.13246610

Less than 5% of people on Earth have an IQ over 130. This means almost everyone is mentally retarded, and retards generally do not know how to save money.

>> No.13246611

>TL;DR do people not save up money?
definitely not the type in the image posted, those people dont have actual jobs.

>> No.13246612

soem may save up but still beg since they see how well it works for their other artist friends

>> No.13246614

It’s an NPC thing.

>> No.13246618


Rofl, and they have the gall to call us yuropoors. Sad.

>> No.13246638

>my computer of three years if finally coming down on its last leg
> three years
> finally
this hurts even more to read than their pathetic begging. how tech illiterate and dumb you gotta be, holy shit.

>> No.13246639
File: 1.74 MB, 800x450, sneaky serpent.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can save almost all of my money because all I want can be pirated, which doesn't hurt anybody.

>> No.13246649

My gf knows someone who actually paid for her mentally ill single tumblr roastie in vitro by ebegging. When stronk children's cartoon-obsessed adult womyn come together, anything is possible

>> No.13246655

" Put money away and don't touch it" seem simple enough, I can follow it, so most 1st world people should too.

>> No.13246665
File: 524 KB, 499x622, 1466831486046.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you never got an allowance and your parents never taught you how to properly save.

>> No.13246666

It's not about saving up money or not, it's about scamming retards on the internet into buying you shit.

>> No.13246699

I have a hard time asking for money even when i'm selling something, people scamming retards on the internet is not really something I can comprehend. I'm cynical enough to believe it happens but still find it hard pill to swallow.

>> No.13246702

No. Most people don’t save because they have an impulse to consume in order to fill the void within themselves. I’ve also noticed when people do save, they put their savings into the shittiest of financial vehicles that amount to nothing more than storage.

>> No.13246846
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Ye man saving is p complicated

>> No.13247548

Americans can't save money because of poor impulse control, easy access to credit cards, and the predictable mountains of debt that come from the combination of the two. Everyone here makes financial decisions based on the answer to "how much does it cost per month?" It's maddening.

>> No.13247734

THREE fucking years?
doesn't it cost around $60 bucks at the repair shop to swap ram/motherboard? or is it these tards have to have the latest bullshit right?

>> No.13247751

holy fuck lol

>> No.13247840


kek a boss at work once compared something I was doing to "going shopping when you don't know what your credit limit is." I stared at him blankly and asked him what a credit limit is. I actually didn't know. He told me what it is, assuming that I was obliviously living on credit cards without knowing the limit. The possibility that I'm not in debt never occurred to him.

>> No.13247853
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>anyone without an IQ over 130 has a sub-70 IQ
Based brainlet.

>> No.13247858

The starving artist stereotype is meant to be broken by smart artists who don't believe in it.
This person is probably not the techie type... (you seem to suffer from curse of knowledge)

>> No.13247862

I've recently read The Richest Man in Babylon, a book that was often recommended by people on crypto twitter. I found that the majority of habits described in the book were already part of my regular behavior.
I can only imagine how poorly the regular Joe must handle money, if that book can literally turn people's financial lives upside down when they read it.

>> No.13247879


>> No.13247894

You can buy a used 4th gen i5 on Ebay for literally $200. Complete system. Computers aren't expensive and this e-cunt is just wanting betas to pay for her shoes.

>> No.13247913

How the fuck do you break a computer in three years ?? these people deserve to be beggars

>> No.13247920


She needs a brand new MacBook you incel

>> No.13247928

my computer has lasted 7 years, wtf are they doing?

>> No.13247953

>shittiest of financial vehicles
such as

>> No.13247960

I am an artist who never begs, never gets paid for my work and literally wagecucks in a mine.
Still using a laptop from Walmart, purchased in 2008 to scan documents/art and play vidya on it.
Fuck attention whore artists who can't into maintenance or growth.

>> No.13247961

when you're budgeting it's important to know what something would cost you per month if you buy it on credit as opposed to paying cash up front. many places offer 0% credit lines. it's almost retarded not to have this mindset in America. of course I am talking about larger ticket items (>$1000) and not something stupid like a new phone.

>> No.13247966
File: 100 KB, 564x787, f0409dbba0c8abb3fd0eeb4f48cd8fab.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know these artist people inside and out as I've studied and worked alongside them closely for years and no they cannot save money. For the most part, artists (and women imo) spend more on kiting their work spaces out to look like pic related because it gives them so much cosmic inspiration that the men in their lives could only dream of having. She is a soaring unicorn, destined for greatness because she spent her spare change on every little knick-knack she could find for her 'cute as heck' room and outfit that scream 'I am confident'.

Rant aside, I've found it is usually the people who are not so good at their crafts/ networking/ saving/ managing who struggle the most with this. Good artists can find work and get paid in tough times, mediocre and bad artists can't and have to get lucky. A girl I donated to years ago to help with her PC is asking for $400+ now just saying 'I need it' and posted her paypal on twitter, she is literally down to her last legs imo. She's not even saying shes doing commissions she legit just posted her paypal. I wish I was kidding.She can draw good, but because of this I don't consider her a good artist anymore, she can't save anything these days as she has to spend everything just to survive.

Also artists like your pic related are the kind who do the fun art at the end of the day and don't worry as much about getting paid and saving. 2D artists are at the bottom of the totem pole in the struggling artist hierarchy in the west. Major studios aren't prioritising her medium and the only people paying them are one time commissions to have their porn made for them. What money can you save when you aren't getting any?

>Do people not save up money?

>> No.13247980
File: 250 KB, 586x637, 1535576115773.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she's being evicted. happy now, incels?

>> No.13247982


A slightly shinier one with a bigger number in its name came out and she wants it. Why do you hate women?

>> No.13247986

Satan grows stronger every day

>> No.13248010

Burgers live on credit to sustain a lifestyle that they can't afford. A little 500$ bill casts a light that reveals their ABSOLUTE STATE. Unironically most europeans (even the ones you'd consider poor) have 500$ laying around for emergencies cause they've been through some shit and learned to prepare accordingly. There's even a joke in my country about this.
"What do you do when you run out of money?"
"Grab another 100 euros from your stash."

>> No.13248023

Poor use such as bloating it with useless softwares, not knowing how to clean up their drive, thinking that their pc is dying because it's much slower than before,etc...

Funny thing is, YOU* might also like that in a specific subject you don't know well : your car,your sink, your washing machine, your windows,your TV,etc... You say "I don't need to know how it works, I just need it to work" until it just breaks one day & you feel powerless.
(*Most of the time, tech literates can be self reliant & know how to fix stuff by themselves though, while others call the repairman directly without searching)

>> No.13248050
File: 169 KB, 1271x578, Illustration.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


this is the pc she wants btw.

>> No.13248066

No, I hope she finds/found a place that she can actually afford for her family. But that does not mean that I'm not going to judge her for her poor planning and savings skills.

Evictions and broken Pc's don't come falling out of the sky. they aren't nukes. she isn't nagasaki/hiroshima. She could have prevented this.

>> No.13248069

Can you list some habits please anon?

>> No.13248095

Same thing here. i'm a welder. my laptop was 500 euro's and the tablet i use is a wacom intuos pen small, that has been working perfectly for the past 5 years. Best 70 bucks I have spent in my life.

>> No.13248105

We... I mean... I

>> No.13248110

I'll spare you a read and that other anon from writing a diary entry:
>save as much money as you can
>buy as few liabilites as you can
>used the money that you saved to buy as many assets as you can
Look up on what assets are and what liabilities are, and you're all set.

>> No.13248113

Americans are poisoned with fluoride, TV, and 45% of the country is non-white so it should be no surprise

>> No.13248242

A coworker makes close to over 120k a year and doesn't have 10k to rub together. He cashed in a life insurance policy early to buy some giant shed to store his collectables. People are absolutely dumb.

>> No.13248260

Wtf does he do with that 120k? no collectables that fit in a shed cost that much.

>> No.13248284

If she were thin she could camwhore and get the money easily

>> No.13248295

Normies dont know how to respect objects and items. They rip, tear and throw things carelessly. I've never broken anything of mine. They all appear brand new despite heavy daily usage. They're like animals they cant help themselves.

>> No.13248331

>people scamming retards on the internet is not really something I can comprehend.

You need to have a psychopathic streak.

>I'm cynical enough to believe it happens but still find it hard pill to swallow.

Just try ordering stuff from Aliexpress. You'll get a fairly good chance of getting incorrect products, incorrect quantities, or out right empty package, even from supposedly reputable sellers.

>> No.13248334

Yeah seriously. What the FUCK do you have to do to brick a modern PC in 3 years? Back in early 2000s yeah I can see being careless online and fucking your PC up and being too stupid to fix it, but that shit is not really a problem anymore

>> No.13248347

Buys old cars, tractors and idk what else. Useless junk for most part. Buy 1 or two if it's your passion but hes got literally dozens of each. Each coating thousands.

>> No.13248365

Do those old cars and tracktors atleast keep their value? People like old stuf after all.

>> No.13248383

Barely. Many are broken and he barely sells any of them ever. I get making money off of old stuff like those American picker guys but he doesn't ever really sell. And mind you hes spending 20k on this shed and he's been doing this job for close to 7 years. He shouldn't have to cash his life insurance for spare change.

>> No.13248394
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2d Artist if they are smart bite the bullet and move to where the work is. There is still a union in LA and starting pay is pretty decent if you can find work and manage to dealt with living in CA. Starting is like 1,888 a week for even the lower ring guys. I have a bunch of friends in 2d TV, thats the only reason I know this.

>> No.13248407

If the obesity epidemic doesn't kill the burgers, the debt collectors will.

>> No.13248415

Sometimes the debt collectors show up to the funeral of diabetics.

>> No.13248421

I don't even make that much in a month. I don't make that much in a month before fucking tax.

>> No.13248433

atleast they have a sense of humor when taking money from people that don't have it.

>> No.13248436

How do I buy her a new computer?

>> No.13248442

Donate 2.5k to her kofi page.

>> No.13248444

>45% of the country is non-white so it should be no surprise

Europeans need to imagine the US as a combination 10% Guinean, 35% Spanish, 10% Turkish, 5% Japanese, and 40% northern/western/eastern European. Of course 50% of those people can't into money.

>> No.13248459

You can hear the vocal fry in their writing.

>> No.13248463

fuck her

>> No.13248466

Kek, I built a PC better than this more than two years ago for around half that price.
This is why you never give money to people who haven't earned it. They are bad at managing capital and piss money away which is why they are poor and angry.

>> No.13248468


>> No.13248477

Have you ever seen a girl use the internet?

>> No.13248483

My PC is 9 years old and I still play all the newest games on it lol
recently finished Sekiro

>> No.13248496

It's in the screenshot of the tweet. i'm not aiding her behavior. Put some effort into it yourself.

>> No.13248509

Its before tax and union dues and med insurance but only if your in the CA union, other wise youre looking at 600-1200 a week before taxes.

>> No.13248514

You also don't live in LA (I assume?)

>> No.13248531

not even in the USA.

>> No.13248542
File: 105 KB, 660x400, 1552926434508.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most people are working 2 of 3 jobs and can barely get by!!

>> No.13248556

the goverment should give those people the millions they gain from giving tax breaks to amazon.

>> No.13248584

Americans being retarded with savings is no joke. My mom is completely incompetent. She's 50 somethings years old and has no savings, barely makes rent, lives paycheck to paycheck, even took one of those sketchy fucking ghetto loans to pay her rent once because she can't budget for shit. She's almost been evicted twice. I really don't understand how someone could be so retarded and how a baby boomer who had an absolute surplus of opportunity could be so broke and have literally no assets to speak of.

Another friend of mine who was constantly bragging about how he's building credit and once even gloated about how me and his brother aren't going to go anywhere without building credit. Of course now he is about 10 thousand dollars in student loan debt for a fucking community college (some useless general science degree, mind you) degree he not only hasn't finished but literally quit on obtaining; he now has decided he's going to move out of his parents place and pay God knows how much in rent when he could literally just live with his parents and axe the fucking debt by busting his ass at work and being frugal.

And on top of that I have so many coworkers at my shitty 12 dollar an hour slave job with new car payments and financed cell phones that are also struggling to pay their rent and utilities bills that it makes my head spin. I'm not high IQ nor am I wealthy or have a massive amount saved by any means but I really cannot understand how people can be so impulsive. You would think a country with such a high population of evangelicals would be woke on usury and the damage it does to your mental being but the reality is that being an impulsive cretin supercedes religious morals.

>> No.13248611

My dad just went and picked up a brand new 2018 laptop from some lady who bought it for her parents and they never used it, offered $300 and got it (1.5 days work). This bitch probably needs the newest 2k macbook because her old one is "slow".

>> No.13248616
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Amazon will get that money at the end of the day anyway lol...people will buy tons of shit off of them with the govt money. So they might as well give a chunk of it to them.

>> No.13248621

Yeah. From years of democrat policies.

The Affordable Care Act is the recent example of government overreach forcing people into working 2 or 3 jobs.

>> No.13248629

You're close on the money but not the brand.


>> No.13248679

That's nasty. I bought a tower from some dude who broke his hand for ~600 about 8 years ago soon after the i73770 came out had 16g and some hd6950 which was ok at the time I used that until it died and just got a 1070 last year so all in all i've spent about 1k and just pirated everything I need. I never buy anything brand new much less a fucking walmart prebuilt. I'm sure she will be hitting solid 60 on LoL or whatever these idiots play.

>> No.13248681

>You would think a country with such a high population of evangelicals would be woke on usury and the damage it does to your mental being
I'm saying this as a quite religious person but most churchgoers are absolute shitbags.

>> No.13248698

shitbags as actaul bad people or more like vegans?

>> No.13248755

The fuck does she need such a good PC for, especially if she's an artist?
She could build a decent PC for $500

>> No.13248756

From my experience most self proclaimed Christians don't actually go to church. From my experience the "good church girls" are mostly promiscuous untrustworthy thots and the guys walking around in rosary beads are just Dominican and Puerto Rican gangbangers that have committed practically every sin you could imagine.

>> No.13248758 [DELETED] 
File: 135 KB, 1043x1282, Screenshot_20190406-145920.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> was returning a video game to Walmart.
> if I recall correctly I got a broken PS4 and a game I bought from walmart may have been damaged
> attempted to exchange
> one thing led to another and I think the super ugly obese lady who put her hand all over the disc prevented me (quite disgusted she touched it, idk why so many people have this urge to touch the product when they can clearly see it with there eyes).
> went to a different walmart
> cute girl opens ps4 game case
> she pulls on the game disc while it was still under the button you push to release the grasp
> bends one side of the disc like 60 degrees upwards while the rest is still flat on it backs
> WTF!?
> I sure wasnt going to leave without an exchange at that point.

How difficult is it to realize you shouldn't pull discs like that!? She was cute but after that I was utterly turned off. Wouldn't date a girl who can't even realize such a simple thing

>> No.13248803
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I heard furry porn artists can earn a lot of money
Your run of the mill anime artist isn't going to earn much money, though
Even a high quality CG commission like this is only ~$100

>> No.13248870

The world is oversaturated with crap.
I try to keep my life as clutter free and utilitarian as possible in every aspect, be it furniture, clothes, items, the own body or a healthy mind free of unnecessary thoughts. Basically as ascetic as possible. In my experience, most people focus on the wrong things. Unsatiable greed, and not for knowledge and wisdom. Consuming and collecting. That's their life in a nutshell. Still, the little things are important. Sometimes everything seems bleak but that's life and one can not be happy at all times unless one is a child or ignorant.

>> No.13248872

It really sucks that most artist ask so fucking little for their art. I have done one commison and asked a 100 dollars ( lowered it from 200 because i started feeling guilty). There are artists 10 times better than me that ask 25 dollars for a full body drawing.

Those artists, including me, are part of the problem when it comes to underpaid artists. Most of us should be more like slugbox and ask 400 dollars for a commision.

>> No.13248992

You think that's high quality? A piece of shit like that gets thrown together in three hours tops.

>> No.13249070

Actually this. If my mom had a surprise bill right now of even 200 dollars she'd be fucked. She is literally living on foodstamps and subsidized housing and she still barely makes it. she basically has no future and is fucked and expects everyone else to save her despite not giving anyone anything in return.

>> No.13249098
File: 504 KB, 936x936, IMG_20181020_082825_288.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>high quality

>> No.13249144

>what is "hyperbole"

Based autist

>> No.13249166

>Less than 5% of people on Earth have an IQ over 130

>> No.13249179

So you are the richest person in your town?

>> No.13249195

that's pretty bad.
a lady i know has spent her whole life on welfare and she lives like a damn queen, fully stocked food, an apartment nicer than any house i've ever lived in, and somehow enough money to not have any problems.
the only time she works is if she feels like saving a couple thousand to take a vacation.
guess you just have to know how to work it.

>> No.13249225

I'm a failure too and I save like mad. Probably had something to do with not being confident in your money earning abilities in the future.

>> No.13249277

pretty sure shes a part time whore and gets paid in cash

>> No.13249300

bit too old for that, and not very good looking.
think sara jay with a chubby old woman body.

>> No.13249323

Hello, is repair man at door please open
>is not real repair man

>> No.13249336


>don't spend your whole salary, always put something to the side, no matter what
>don't go in debt for things you don't absolutely necessarily need (a loan for a house is reasonable, perhaps a car if you need one commute to work, anything else is irresponsible)
>don't pay rent, buy property instead (if you're paying for something for years, you better own it in the end)
>have your saved up money make more money for you (invest)
>do your due diligence on investments (evaluate the risk, invest reasonably)
>if you're in debt, don't try to avoid it, instead make a plan on how you're going to repay it and stick to said plan until it's repaid

like I said, most of this stuff seems obvious, but many people can't seem to grasp it/adhere to it

>> No.13249359
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>t. retard

>> No.13249386

I'll give this. I know nothing about cars, but I do know enough about computers, environmental geology, and drywall . I won't fault all tech illiterates

>> No.13249516

evangelical christians were co opted by Jews so they are the OPPOSITE of woke on usury. Also like that other anon said, most religious people suck. They do not live their teachings and just go to church and praise Jesus and pretend. They are mostly malicious and greedy. I have known a lot of religious people.

>> No.13249589

I have a better PC on all fronts besides the graphic cards (I have a 1070 not a 1080) and I built mine for under 600 dollars because I got a bunch of the parts on sale.

>> No.13249619

>have known a lot of religious people.
They arent religious people they just go to church because they feel expected to. So many people at my catholic church support abortion and gay marriage its disgusting. I always figured going every Sunday is a coping mechanism of degenerates to make themselves feel better.

>> No.13249665

>For the most part, artists (and women imo) spend more on kiting their work spaces out to look like pic related because it gives them so much cosmic inspiration that the men in their lives could only dream of having. She is a soaring unicorn, destined for greatness because she spent her spare change on every little knick-knack she could find for her 'cute as heck' room and outfit that scream 'I am confident'.
Fucking lol, this was/is my girlfriend to a T. Luckily she's gotten better and is actually going to be selling most of the crap she's accumulated over the years. I got so pissed off when I realized how she's worked her ass off for years only to spend that money on knick knacks and prepared food.

>> No.13249760

(((surprise))), goy

>> No.13249765

American here, people here do not save but instead blow everything, I save and sometimes people tell me,”what are you saving all that money for? Enjoy life, you can’t bring it with you when you die”. A majority of Americans have never had real struggle, which is why many bitch over the slightest inconvenience

>> No.13249775

It's old and not nice-looking you incel.

>> No.13249786

Install gentoo (or at least xubuntu) & you'll get another 10 years out of that laptop

>> No.13249790
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cyber beggars get the rope. Just another reason to delete social media.

>> No.13249792
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At least she is sorry.

>> No.13249939
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>> No.13250044

One time I tried to repair my laptop myself and could only find replacement parts from aliexpress because it was so old. I had my reservations, but the vendor actually went out of his way to get the parts and they were actually the correct ones. Very pleasantly surprised. But yeah, women are garbage with money and as more men get more effeminate, they get worse with money too.

>> No.13250052

good wolfe/10

>> No.13250157

never take a credit except in emergencies, brainlet. you americans have to learn that literally (((they))) want you to think like that. if you cant affort it cash, dont buy it.

>> No.13250199

fuck that cunt. thats fucking lambo begging.

>> No.13250235
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unless you live in babylon, tx and are the richest man there you didn't read the book, capiche?

>> No.13250282

How the fuck can a 3 year old PC already be "giving up".

Moores Law died 7 fucking years ago.

My PC I built in 2012 still plays pretty much any game I throw at it after upgrading the gfx card.

I'm supposed to believe a 3 year old PC can't run Photoshop? What the fuck did she buy? A fucking Intel Celeron with 4GB RAM?

>> No.13250285

You don't even need to get things on sale. Paying over $1000 for this performance is complete retard tier.

>> No.13250291

lol same, my 2012 pc with i7-2600 is still solid as fuck after replacing the heatsink and slapping in a GTX 770... I can play anything and multitasking is a breeze on 16GB RAM, normies are retarded

>> No.13250351
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>> No.13250356

>what's an i7?
>what's a gtx770?
>what's a heatsink?

normies don't know anything. 3570k and 980ti going strong. replaced my 670 a year ago. only building a new tower to get end of life win 7 updates.

>> No.13250727

Yeah but I paid 240 dollars for my 1070 and it feels good having a computer made out of parts that I could sell for more than I paid to get new.

>> No.13250770

underage pls go

>> No.13251492

I know. I got an 8gb 570 for $95 that I put in a similarly specced build that was about $500. Dumb roasties will never know that feel of making good value purchases.

>> No.13251553


No, women especially. Even the ones that bitch about how irresponsible with money everyone else is will ask where they should go on vacation before anything else if they catch a financial windfall.

>> No.13251584

mutual funds

>> No.13251854

This is the first year that I learned to be methodical about my savings after beginning to study investment (starting with The Richest Man in Babylon as mentioned upthread). I thought that I was behind the ball on knowing how to properly save but as I speak with my friends I learn that saving money alone is a skill much less actual investing. I fear for most of my friends' futures but as the saying goes you can lead a horse to water but you cannot make him drink it.

>> No.13251887

Trips of truth

>> No.13252032

my samsung laptop is 5 years old this year. I got worried when the hard drive started clicking earlier this year but now it's fine.

>> No.13252473
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Don't compare spanish with mexican, southern euros aren't really good with managing their finances but it's nothing compared to how retarded central and south american are.


>high quality
The clouds don't even fit with the sky nor does the rest of landscape which doesn't even fit with the character, also character proportions are slightly wrong.
The whole composition isn't really good either.
Use less effect and simplify, using more effects doesn't mean it looks better, in fact this doesn't look like anything currently.

>> No.13252663

NPC's are the enemy.

They are the willing cogs in a global consumerist debt based inflationary machine perfectly designed to enrich a small minority of people we know no homeland, no boundries, and no interest other than that of self preservation

>> No.13252701

who's going to work for you then?
delayed gratification. you've either got it or you don't.

>> No.13252776

You can just replace the hard drive, that roastie is dumb as fuck, but then again it's a roastie

>> No.13253787


Renting is fine when you’re young and have no idea where you’ll end up. I make enough to buy a house but I could be living on the other side of the country within 3 years if the opportunity presents itself, so I rent. Plus housing is overinflated and due for a crash soon

>> No.13253837

Taking a mortgage in my country is cheaper than renting. Thinking of buying a one bedroom somewhere for a 120k euros hopefully.

>> No.13253840

Many people have no self control at all and waste their money as fast as they get it. So no, some people just straight up never save money even though they definitely could then beg for free money from others whenever they need or want something that they can't afford.

It never occurs to them that they should be more responsible with their money, these people have no concept of responsibility to begin with because they were never taught this lesson by their parents who just gave them all the money and things they needed/wanted when they were a kid.

Long story short, if you have a kid, make sure to only give them money that they actually earned and teach them to save so that they don't grow up to be a money wasting jackass who begs for free shit on the internet and from all their friends and family constantly. Pocket money should only be given in exchange for chores being done and half of it should be saved in a tin for buying something nice later. It's parents not teaching these basics that causes this kind of behavior in fully grown fucking adults.

>> No.13253850

It's not just burgers. It's equally bad all over the spectrum. Especially with women.

My mother is in the same boat.
The thing is that she could easily save money, but somehow manages to spend all of it into useless shit.
Doesn't matter if she makes 2k or 8k a month. She has made all kinds of monthly salaries during her life and that money at the end of the month is gone.
She owns nothing, has zero savings and has lived paycheck to paycheck her whole life.
I tell her to save and invest whenever she gets money, but instead she insists that she deserves a holiday and goes abroad on a yearly basis.
I refuse to go with her because I save and huge surprise she ends up having a shitty time when she just picks some random half alcoholic friend to go with.
>She just spent the whole time drinking and didn't want to walk and see sights!
Wow, I wonder why that happened. For the 5th time..
And when I suggest buying a home so she can finally stop burning her finances on rent, the subject somehow becomes an impossible hurdle to get over.
>But I won't qualify for a loan, it's so much money, it can't be done etc..
It's like the brain is hardwired on constantly spending and saving or buying assets is an impossible hurdle to tackle. Only way for her to save money even for a while is to get lucky and receive a lot of it in one chunk.

There's absolutely no hope for people like this. They could unfuck their situation in a matter of couple of years but they will never do it.

>> No.13254253

Last point hits close to home. My parents took out a loan to buy property ( I am from Eastern Europe so it's not that high compared to US standards but still a decent amount where I am from ). They had a decent paying job that if you combine the effort they could have payed off that loan in just couple of years but instead they decided to wait until literally last moment. I was 13 - 14 when they took it out and in the end had to pay that loan by myself since they were that incompetent. I am in my 20s now and once again not really bashing on them for doing that but why bother prolonging the loan and interest when you can pay off easily in just a few years. Also there were certain points where they did not even pay anything back during certain years for whatever reason.

>> No.13254644
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I just live like I’m broke most of the time. It’s pretty easy, and even kind of fun.
I get paid every Tuesday (which is so nice) my paychecks are usually around $550. I put 150 into my checking, and the rest into savings.
And then I play the “can I survive this week on $150” game.
I usually make it, but sometimes I gotta transfer another $20-$50 to get me to payday.

>> No.13254666

wait so you survive on 600 a month. how cheap is your rent? do you live with your parents,like everyone should to save up money early in life?

>> No.13254683

Bills come out of savings.
That $150 is for food, gas, and living expenses, mostly gas.

>> No.13254730

thats the spirit. this anon, this.

>> No.13254770
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In the States, people are encouraged to move out ASAP in the name of independence before they are financially independent
Being used to the lifestyle they could afford living at home, its a hard shift
I moved out at 17 during the recession and with no license to impress a girl
It was a retarded move, but on the other hand it made me harden up and learn how to live off of very little to get by and get bills paid.
Now I'm 25 and back at home.. Saving up money, buying crypto and PMs.

Some people budget meticulously and account for every penny, but that seems inefficient within a "time budget". I work off of percentages of income.
>50%+ savings
>25% to bills and expenses like gas
>25% free
Lately I've been able to save 75%+ of my income

>> No.13254785
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>> No.13254829

I got a new i5 ThinkPad for work, $420
of course that's 'not good enough' for the kind of faggots who keep apple in business

>> No.13254842

>what is opportunity cost
sometimes it's better to have it right now. of course, i'm talking about necessities, not toys.

>> No.13254855

My laptop from 2012 was $650 and still runs, albeit not so fast - takes a long time to boot and load programs, have had to swap batteries a few times, but it works without error.

>> No.13254900

Crédit churning is good shit. Truthfully, you only build credit by paying regular payments on a loan. The longer you make regular payments the more it improves your score. Paying off a debt early does not help your score.
Unfortunately if you're a retard who's collective port is in the red, building credit has no worth, unless you want to snag a massive loan and skip out of the country.

>> No.13254906

>tfw 70k cushy job as a 24 y/o
>tfw live well below my means and don't waste money on depreciating assets and other bullshit
>tfw have enough savings to withstand pretty much any bullshit life can possibly throw at me
>tfw at the point where I can live off my savings account money and invest my entire paycheck, $2000 every 2 weeks
>tfw maxing out 401k and IRA and putting the rest in a personal brokerage
>tfw float all purchases with credit, building up great credit
>tfw at the bottom of my salary potential, can only go up from here

these are some pretty based feels ngl

>> No.13254939

Live your entire live like this but take it to the razors edge. Budget out what your monthly costs are and then try to nail it down within a 10 dollar range. Put everything that isn't part of the monthly budget in savings. Everytime you hit a certain number in savings e.g. 1200 put 200 into a Vangaurd ROTH IRA account to buy ETFs with. If you do this indefinitely you can retire when everyone is slave wage caging.

Sit down and write out your budget and go over the books every Sunday. Check your actual spending against the budget every Sunday so you can cut back on dumb shit. Set your monthly entertainment budget and stick to it. Do not ever go over budget and always find ways to cut it even thinner. Look for those buy 2 get 3 free sales. Look for coupon doubler locations or places that accept rival business coupons. You can absolutely make it.

>> No.13254954

Yeah, at that point your only major risks are women, your own degeneracy, and economic collapse.

>> No.13254957

I've known people that break their laptops this quickly because they'd use it while laying down and put the laptop on the bed with nothing underneath it so all the vents get blocked and it fries itself while you have three Facebook tabs open. Most of the time it's because Windows becomes "slow", which has been the main way Apple has been selling Macs for a long time.

>> No.13254971

Why not buy the house and then rent it out in the future if you do decide to move. Should save you a few grand within 3 years regardless

>> No.13254974

never gonna make it.
>you need a budget

>> No.13255060

I do have a budget, anon. Working off of percentages of income works and it works well.
I've adhered to this for the past 2 years. In that time, I never once failed to meet the targets I set and save way more of my income than most.

>> No.13255108
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Pretty hard to save money when Jewish advertising hits you 24/7 to keep consuming so the GDP can keep going up.

>> No.13255144

You're missing the point, obviously they've saved money, but why use that when you can get a pc for free by begging? Don't be dumb.

>> No.13255174

That's what happens when the market is oversaturated, you end up with people who are otherwise good marking their shit down to sell anything. To charge a sustainable amount for your art, you either have to be a well-known name (which of course takes many years to build up), or do super niche fetish shit that probably takes a toll on your mental health. If everyone charged the same high amount, there'd be one chucklefuck who comes along and charges a super low price and then gets 90% of the commissions, and it turns into a race to the bottom.

>> No.13255200
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They just should get a job. People like this actually piss me off just because you draw decent doesn’t mean you deserve money for it. I make music so much music and still have a job while although I have aspirations of doing it full time I’m not going to do that until I have guaranteed occurring clients and sales. these people are retarded it’s actually hurts. Why go into a trade without having a plan she deserves what she gets tbch

>> No.13255212


By how? Protecting people with preexisting conditions from getting raped by insurance companies?

>> No.13255221
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you're all scrubs. I started out doing Photoshop shit on a shitty HP from 1999 that only had the RAM and HD ever upgraded on it. Pic related, it's the model I had (though ours eventually had 384 MB of RAM and 80 GB of hard drive space)

>> No.13255246

>50% savings
this dude knows what's up

>> No.13255271

you're a good son, anon

>> No.13255275

Companies massively cut hours and avoid increasing the hours of part time positions like the plague to avoid the ACA's mandatory insurance requirement.

>> No.13255290


>> No.13255326

A few grand probably isn't worth the hassle of home ownership. I know what I'm saying is counter to the theme of the thread but as a recent homeowner, this shit is a lot of work.

>> No.13255361



>> No.13255683

>Less than 5% of people on Earth have an IQ over 130.


>> No.13255704

I'll let you in on a little NPC secret:

Imagine if the concept of projecting into/seeing a future you was near impossible for most.

>> No.13255902

>2012 housing will crash soon
>2013 housing will crash soon
>2014 housing will crash soon
>2015 housing will crash soon
>2016 housing will crash soon
>2017 housing will crash soon
>2018 housing will crash soon
>2019 housing will crash soon
>2020 housing will crash soon
>2021 housing will crash soon
>2022 housing will crash soon
>2023 housing will crash soon

>> No.13255939

>he thinks saving money is about iq

>> No.13255947

People bring up this topic of why cat people save money yet no one actually tries to get to the root cause. Just a coincidence everyone can't save money, everyone is just a retarded piece of shit. If you can't figure out why a massive amount of the controlled masses can't seem to function as an individual, you are also in the same boat as them.

>> No.13255989

If you can't figure out how to save money in America, then yes, you are a massive retard. It comes down to what you want and what you're willing to do.

>> No.13256431

supply and demand baby. art is a sell outs business. it was always about the money and if you think otherwise you played yourself.


>googles australian housing market

capitalism baby the goy has been taught to burn the dollar for things that provide them nothing in return.

>> No.13256458

It's already crashing hard in CA

>> No.13256469

what the fuck?

>> No.13257153
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Not really....SF and LA in CA are still at peak prices.....Its the same as in NYC and London. people are still buying overpriced shacks and every inch or space they can get their hands on. Place in NYC are now even selling their "airspace" over there building so the adjacent building can grow over theirs. Its fucking insane. allowing the russians, Chinese, and spanish billionaires to buy up land and APTs to hide their money here is large part of killing the real estate market in these places.

>> No.13258050

Where do people get ”surprise bills” of >$200 from? The biggest surprise for me is some random Netflix subscription or similar around 10 dollars.

>> No.13258110

I don’t understand why people fall for advertising. Weak mind? Poor upbringing leading to not acting responsibly? You need food and shelter funded by an income. Why do people think it’s okay to spend 1/3 of their monthly paycheck on takeaway when they can spend 1/10 on cooking their own food? Likewise with tech, clothing etc. Buy shit that works for a long time, and don’t gain weight and you won’t have to spend any fucking money on needless things.

>> No.13258266

Japan could've prevented those nukes.

>> No.13258304

Most of the time, it is failure related to cars and household appliances. Transmission goes, refrigerator dies, etc etc
PM is important