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13245726 No.13245726 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.13245745

Thanks just sold 100k TSLA shares

>> No.13245753

OH NO! You can't push or yell at someone in 2019 that's practically attempted murder!

>> No.13246029


>> No.13246033

I hope it was a roastie, and he shoved her right in the tits

>> No.13246260
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wow he pushed someone? he sounds like a psychopath that level of aggression is abnormal and dangerous

>> No.13246327

Could the employee push him back without getting fired? Thought so. I would sue him for assault.

>> No.13246351
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>> No.13246366

chad move

>> No.13246394

Sometimes people need to be put in their place

>> No.13246403

sōyboy manlet rage

>> No.13246409

Finally some bullish news for TSLA.

>> No.13246435
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and rape

>> No.13246506

> t. corporate bootlicker

>> No.13246552

investigated accusation - probably found nothing. another leftist rag that is triggered by success writes another clickbait headline.

>> No.13246564

leftist faggot loser

>> No.13246581

Was it a higher paid employee or just some production line worker?

>> No.13246609


This is why you fags are never gonna make it. You think that just because someone has money it gives them the right to violate someone elses sovereignty. But you fucking mongs are too dense to realize that because you're just run of the mill sheeple. Sure you might be contrarians to the norm but you're still useful idiots for cunts like Elon who rape the gov of tax dollars and beta test garbage ass software on public roads. It would be funny if one of you was killed by a tesla though.


>> No.13246620



>> No.13246623
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who pushed you anon?

>> No.13246625


same, sold 5k myself

>> No.13246643
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Steve Jobs did this all the time. Nothing special when the CEO goes ape shit on employees.

>> No.13246709

You'd be a loser cuck if you let him get away with pushing you around. Pushing him back only lets him take revenge by firing you. Can you punch him in the face? Obviously not. By suing him you hurt him where it hurts: Bad PR, wasting his valuable time ($$$), and a tiny little sting in his pockets in the end.

>> No.13246720

>work shitty wagie job
>tell media elon pushed you and get free retirement

>> No.13246769


>dude resigned
>musk got butthurt and raged at him

>> No.13246805

do you think it was that guy making all the "what to do when my boss wont let me quit" threads?

>> No.13246830

How the hell can your boss prevent you from quitting? They can do the basic bitch threats like "im gonna prevent you working anywhere else" but nobody can stop you walking out

>> No.13246917

When I was in the military I got hands put on me a couple of times by senior sergeants who would hide behind their rank when they did it. Elon strikes me as that sort of fellow.

Always respected the guys who would offer to take the chevrons off and go behind the company office. Thats what a good leader did in that world if it was gonna get physical. So basically Elon is a fat bitch who beats his line workers and hides behind his position.

> no where near chad or alpha

>> No.13247358

>mad that anons are defending a businessman who suckles off the teet of the government to make ends meet

>is unironically a military welfare queen sucking up taxes himself

Holy fuck anon the cognitive dissonance is startling. Sounds like you made a good career choice though, doesn't sound like you make much of career that required any thinking. Stick to following orders and getting slapped around by your superior officers, definitely more your speed.

>> No.13247810

>military welfare queen
This is probably the worst /pol/ meme. The military is shittily run and wastes a bunch of tax dollars, but that doesn't reflect on an individual service members intentions for joining or role in the organization.

>> No.13247823

>You think that just because someone has money it gives them the right to violate someone elses sovereignty
Money has nothing to do with it you faggot. All I said was some people need their shit slapped sometimes. You're one.

>> No.13247880

fucking this, that's so wrong to say and makes you look like a 12 year old that has never paid taxes and doesn't understand the world. while the US military is definitely fucked up in a lot of ways the people who sign up for it are not welfare queens. if they don't actually end up having to go get shot at, it's always a possibility, and for choosing to take that risk they actually earned it.

>> No.13247882

Ive been out for 8 years bucko. You have a different perpective on life in you're 30's than your 20's. But yes most in the military are the epitome of welfare queens. You break even after 1 enlistment, if you stay in beyond that then you're cucked for life if you're enlisted.

When a CEO slaps an underling for any reason then that's way out of line. Thats a pure abuse of power. If you can't comprehend that then you really are a corporate bootlicker. It also implies that you would do the same if you were in power so nah.

>> No.13247891

But did they fucked or wat?

>> No.13247899

I bet the people who praise Elon for this are impulsive, violent people projecting themselves into him.

>> No.13247904


>> No.13247927

I hope this is bait. Anyway, ethically the employe has no right to push back/blame him, being him an inferior human being in every single aspect of his person compared to Musk. Period.

>> No.13247981

At the end of the day he is still superior to the cuck, more money, higher IQ, higher carisma, you name it. If you would take the money go for it. I mean it's the wagie way, get publicly ridiculed for money, makes sense at least.

>> No.13248033
File: 66 KB, 206x369, 408F9DEE-7BCE-4CAF-9EF1-6D34C9496EE7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus. He pushed you. It is quite retarded to write a news article about that. Just sue him. Get your money and leave him alone. But. Elon is currently the type of guy who will fight it just for fun....

>> No.13248045

He yelled “I WILL NUKE YOU” to the employee confirming that he has autism

>> No.13248100

It should be irrelevant to your happiness whether he has higher IQ or more charisma. All you should worry about is that you have more money than you had before. Who cares about being ridiculed in the comment section of a blog entry or Twitter? Becomes old news three days later while your money stays.

>> No.13248120


Employee DOES have the right to shoot him dead though.

>> No.13248132

Spotted the cuck. I'll give you one whole eth for sharpie in pooper, timestamped obviously. Deal?

>> No.13248144

Only if he's a wh*te incel.

>> No.13248145

Wet dreams, wagie?

>> No.13248179

If you join the military you're basically tacitly admitting you're not cut out for anything besides following basic instructions and being a literal meat-shield. Their IQ cutoff is unironically 81.

It is not a place for people who matter.

>> No.13248225

no, you'd be a wagie. that's all. life is not fair and you are a pathetic loser leftist who needs the mommy state to coddle him and cry to when life is not fair. jesus you should be ashamed

>> No.13248275

Sounds pretty Jewish.