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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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13244943 No.13244943[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I'm Black. I love crypto and Biz but sometimes feel like I'm not welcome when I hear there nigger comments. Are Blacks really not welcome here?

>> No.13244960

Fuck off Arthur you literal nigger

>> No.13244966

Do not worry fren all of us here love blacks and your very welcomed, they just use that word to troll around. Honestly without blacks there wouldnt be a /biz/ so your certainly welcomed here. niggers make good slaves to build shit like this.

>> No.13244968
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What's that, son?

>> No.13244983
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everyone is welcome on /biz/. people saying the "n word" are just other black people, so it's ok if they say it

>> No.13244995

Hi monkey

>> No.13245013

/biz/ is mostly black. everyone's just pretending to be a racist. just like most linkers are gay.

>> No.13245027
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you can't hurt me anon.

>> No.13245029

stop telling him the truth u dumb nigger

>> No.13245094

NO, No, blackanon..this place is fill with pajeets and they like using the word nigger a lot.

>> No.13245129

The MTV thug culture is meant to keep you and your people down by the way. It’s a perfect example of mind control. Try to spread the word fren

>> No.13245135
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>> No.13245141

Beaner reporting in. Minority squad fren

>> No.13245154


Filipino minority reporting in. They say chink a lot but i'm not offended cause I aint a chink. ignore the racist comments. ocassionaly you will find good info on here.

>> No.13245155
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You're more than welcome at BITMAX the best exchange for colored people to trade.

We love blacks come to BITMAX
We take your govt money

>> No.13245157

I live in a rural village in the West of England. I'll keep that in my mind..

>> No.13245163

plebit ruined this site

>> No.13245169
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>> No.13245171


>> No.13245181
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>> No.13245194 [DELETED] 


>> No.13245209

this is proto-/pol/, the video

>> No.13245248 [DELETED] 


>> No.13245570

Seeing someone trying to improve themselves regarding economic situation, fitness, ect is a great thing to see. Congratulations on not being apart of the heard who commit a shit ton of crime and can't speak proper English.

>> No.13245579

why do you assume anyone on here saying the word "nigger" is white, you racist piece of shit? They're black and they always say it, I'm not going to stop them

>> No.13245592

Are you a black person, or a nigger?
They are different.

>> No.13245619

fuck off nigger. im a kike and 90% of 4chan unironically wants to gas me. go find a safeplace to cry about losing the genetic iq lottery

>> No.13245627

I get even more pissed when people assume my gender.

>> No.13245628

You should be picking cotton for me instead of becoming a crypto millionaire when I'm a failure of a neet.

>> No.13245640

>They are different.
no they're not, you blue pilled normie faggot

>> No.13245666

t. Never met a black person or a white nigger
Something something incel
Something something basement

>> No.13245725

Anyone can be a nigger regardless of race. Words evolve over time. You can also be gay without being a fag

>> No.13245742

you didn't use t. correctly you newfag. go back to whatever normie shithole you came from

>> No.13245757

Nice trips of satan. NIgger is a state of mind. Even whites can be niggers

>> No.13245771

a nigger is a black violent criminal as far as im concerned

>> No.13245788
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You can stay as long as you know your place, don't get too uppity, and remember to thank your genetic superiors for giving you the privilege of enjoying the white man's civilization while your brethren on the dark continent rot in shit.

>> No.13245793

Die jew. It's not a fucking meme. You have fucking destroyed our nations because of your neuroticism.

>> No.13245901

Jeez, it's a nice beautiful Saturday morning and all of you cracker virgin incels still wake up bitter af kek

>> No.13245905
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>> No.13245912


Blackanon, this is indeed a racist community but it’s meant in the most enduring way and we are all racist against every race. Even though we all disagree with each others culture, economic and social background this is just a boys club we’re we only actually hate jannies and niggers. Hope that clarifies things.

Black = cool
Janny / nigger = not fucking cool

>> No.13245930

I'm white and I am not racist, nor do I use racism even when I am joking on basket weaving forums. I guarantee 99 percent of the racists here wouldn't dare behave that way to your face. just keyboard warriors.

>> No.13245931

How can you not feel welcome, there is even a literal coin for you called N G R coin. It is symbol of respect. SHIEEEETTTTTTTTT

>> No.13245949
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Pic related fren, nobody cares in the best kind of way

>> No.13245956

It's jealousy. When they find out their prized possession, the all holy white girl, only craves bbc their ego gets crushed. It's just reparations for slavery...no hard feelings wyteboi

>> No.13245960


>> No.13245961


Heh, anon... have you met our retarded brothers over at /pol/? One of them just shot 35 people in a mosque for no reason...

>> No.13245968

you place is called "r*ddit" , you can find there subs or whatever they call it for aggregates. crypto, stocks what ever you looking for.

now you can go.

>> No.13245992

fucking pol IRL lmao

>> No.13246014

Stfu nigger

>> No.13246021

I wish i was black. I’m just a loser honkey that plays fortnite, watches pewdiepie, and remembers the stats of black athletes but the internet allows me to be a racist although i envy those niggers

>> No.13246049
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correct anon. we whites are civilized and can think critically about the future enough to understand that there is a time and a place for certain unsavory actions, a quality that is found in low numbers among minority groups. that being said, i am unapologetic about my beliefs and principled in nature, thus i speak freely when the situation presents itself.

>> No.13246050

of course not they wouldnt wanna get shot and robbed

>> No.13246051

Thank you nigger Anon

>> No.13246100
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If you're here, then you're clearly not a nigger. It's a huge diggerence between black and nigger. It's as different as a wholesome virgin girl without tatoos and an inked up druggie hooker. I still wouldn't rent out to you though. Better safe than sorry and so on

>> No.13246141

Of course you welcome we all tranny's that roleplay

>> No.13246261

Do not listen to this sperg. Everyone of every race, color and creed is welcome here. Heck, I'd prefer a person of color profits handsomely as your situation in life is more of an uphill battle. I would like to personally welcome you here with open arms. Just ignore the racists and you'll love it here.

>> No.13246679

go fuck yourself
beaners and niggers aren't minorities, dipshit.
OP if you want the truth most of us are racist white nationalists. The rest are weak wristed reddit cuckolds and insecure nonwhites.

>> No.13246698

one day you will get shot or hung. You think that's impossible because life has been easy and calm for the last 60 years, but things are going to start changing, and weaklings like you will go first.

>> No.13246714

Just out of curiosity, How long is you honk?

>> No.13246718

I’m actually a chink larping as a white guy larping as a nigger

>> No.13246786

africans I grew with in Europe are pretty based, always in a good mood and cool to hang around with.

"african-americans" on the other hand seem to me like they have a shitty crybaby mentality, i can't be mad about it I guess it just comes with the territory when you come from slavery and grow up in a culture with an inferiority complex.

Nobody on biz genuinely cared about blacks, until the 2017 bullrun attracted a decent amount of pol tards and you could see more racist posts.

>> No.13246835
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>> No.13246872
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>> No.13246896

Niggers generally are a weight on society. They want everything for nothing and the fibber meant to hand them a check. It’s my tax payer dollars going to your sorry ass piece of monkey shit. The biggest threat to freedom, liberty and the pursuit of happiness is #1 Jews #2 niggers.

>> No.13246906

This one individual is an exception to the general consensus

>> No.13246940

Mixed race majority Vietcong burger here. Peeps round here like to say gook alot but it's only because ICX took all their money.

That and Tigermommy can't spell.

It don't matter. This place lost me money but taught me how to make it. I don't think the majority are white nationalists, I think they're just the loudest and clearly the most insecure. The rest of them are just here to make a buck like the rest of us.

>> No.13247053

Why the hell would you want to browse here? Most niggers are broke, and i don't like them for having to grow up around a bunch od little niglets, I'd like to think im irrational, but if you spend more than 10 minutes around these monkies here you would understand, I've heard black people in other states are not as niggerish so I hold hope.

>> No.13247075

Crackers are a cancer to society because as soon as they experience struggle it is the jews, blacks and asians holding them down. The victim mentality is strong amongst them

>> No.13247091

Sure thing wanna fuck my wife?

>> No.13247122


>> No.13247126

It's all said ironically. Biz loves the blacks!

>> No.13247163

keep paying taxes you deluded cumskin i need more NEETbux

>> No.13247287

We ochea lil nigga. Israel has no right to something something. We white now lil nigga.

>> No.13247367

Most people on here are morons trying to troll other morons. Offend everyone and welcome everyone

>> No.13247393
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maybe if kikes weren't kikes and niggers weren't niggers everyone could just live in peace.

>> No.13247923

Blacks are fine.
We just hate the ones that behave like niggers and faggots.
That's independent of the race.

>> No.13248209

Enjoy your vacation, kiddos.

Remember this ID when you can't post :^)

>> No.13248239

Lol okay

>> No.13248282

t. redditnigger

>> No.13248562

Don't worry cuz. Always remember that the richest man during his lifetime was Mansa Musa.

>> No.13248941

That triggers my safe space