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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 115 KB, 750x736, oooollliiii_ - BJC3WNcj0OV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13244709 No.13244709 [Reply] [Original]

Olivia de Rothschild soon to be the youngest bitcoin billionaire in the world

>> No.13244746

Purity of the bloodline.

>> No.13244759

wait, wtf, is that her ass starting? are her thighs so short?

>> No.13244763

its dress blur obviously

>> No.13244766

it's the dress. it's a long exposure so it's blurry due to movement.

>> No.13244775


right, I'm blind

>> No.13244781

how many bsv for one succ?

>> No.13244797


Is this a Larp or does she genuinely own bitcoins?

>> No.13244799

Imagine what her pussy smells like. Wish i had an ultra isolated qt gf like her, probably a virgin qt still...

>> No.13244805

Why do you post this average looking wanna be instafamous thot here daily? We know who she is and how wealthy she is. Why keep doing it? Her pics aren’t particularly good or interesting or even faux “artsy.”

>> No.13244837

>probably a virgin qt still
lol check her insta she's getting some arab dick.

>> No.13244855

She's a kike and she deserves the gas chamber.

>> No.13244916

Why do you think the rothschilds own any bitcoin?

>> No.13244937

because they're not retarded and it would be extremely trivial for them to acquire a large amount as a hedge

>> No.13245236

there is this account @rotschild_jen on twitter, she tweets some bitcoin maximalist stuff but I remember one of her tweets, that's deleted now, saying that they bought their bitcoins around $1k

>> No.13245244

david seems like a cool guy

>> No.13245274

>lost her virginity at 0
Crazy motherfuckers, those rothschilds

>> No.13245305
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>> No.13245370


Imagine storing your wealth in an censorship resistant and unconfiscable asset. No nazi gov can take it away.

>> No.13245380

this kike rat is ugly as fuck lmao

>> No.13245471

The purest aryan races all have long asses

>> No.13245508

Why are you calling kiked alien reptillioids pure aryan?

>> No.13245588
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they are with Soros in one team

>> No.13245624
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>Attention-whoring on instajew
Were her great-grandfather alive today, I very much doubt he would be pleased with this terminal end to his illustrious line.

>> No.13245636

How the mighty have fallen...

>> No.13245715

at least she's not like her other relative who abandoned her family to become a crackwhore and a deadbeat nigger's abused fucktoy

>> No.13245996
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money doesn't buy you alpha traits. Look at his submissive stance. It's like he's begging to get cucked.

>> No.13246243
File: 966 KB, 1173x582, Annotation 2019-04-06 134123.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm getting a cutie like this no matter what it takes me, I'm designed to have a rich gf, the power if attraction works faggots

>> No.13246307

Your children will be bound to the Merchant's Evil! Create your own DYNASTY! BECOME A KING BY YOUR OWN HAND OR DIE TRYING, YOU LOWLIFE SCUM!

>> No.13246932

>implying a high net worth cutie would let her precious eggs be fertilized by some pleb sperm

>> No.13246956

I've said it before and ill say it again, Rothschilds won't be a thing in 100 years

>> No.13247311

Poor benjamin and ariane had 4 children and all of them are girls. I bet they wanted at least a son but they gave up after the 4th roastie.

>> No.13247357

She looks inbred as fuck lad, look at her face

Completely intolerable as well and acts like she's from some ghetto judging by the social media posts

>> No.13247516

implying you wouldnt nut on them tits

>> No.13247564

Not a single photo of her with a cat or dog. That's strange.

>> No.13247570 [DELETED] 

There are barely any tits I wouldn't nut on but you're a saddo posting this shit everyday, no one cares. She looks inbred as all fuck.

Doubt she'll even inherit much (relatively speaking), Lord Rothschild isn't a retard, he isn't going to pass his wealth down to a retard Instagram "model" or whatever, she has no business acumen, she's a retarded "you go kweeen" zoomer type with a nice name is all.

If she inherited his wealth then she would become prey to more hungry men anyway for being a retarded mong lmao

>> No.13247640

I like this new /ourgirl/.
Better that that awful russian camwhore who keeps spamming her prostitute service.

>> No.13247676

>Doubt she'll even inherit much (relatively speaking)

whole different story, because female perspective. one thing that is sure tough is that she never will work one day in her life and live life on easy mode to the day she will day. her bank account will have enough zeros whenever she checks it. she wont need to spend just one second in her life thinking about mortage, taxes, loans, stocks, bonds, interest. or even crypto if you want - considering 97% of /biz/ is male spending hundrets or thousand of hours and being still down 95%. she never will need to understand any of this or just waste a single tought on

>> No.13247709 [DELETED] 

Bourgeois mediocrity is boring, she has no purpose to exist - her whole life is a hedonistic hell, lad. She may as well be dead imo

>> No.13247759

Goyims are Roth pets.

>> No.13247797

her whole existence and beeing is unironically defined by her "tribe". growing up in a elitist bubble, where all everything is already laid out for you. and nothing ever left to chance since day 1. only interacting/socializing in predetermined social circles.....

did i miss something - pretty sure i did. seems pretty fucked up desu.

>> No.13247826

Yeah you're right on bro
Without perspective of poverty wealth maybe doesn't mean so much

>> No.13247893

Fuck that person who posted link to the Rotschild 'axe' AMA, went down a pretty deep rabbit hole since then and I've spent like 10+ hours just looking into it. We're fucked desu

>> No.13248086

That was a good read


>> No.13248249

Based digits. Based poster

>> No.13248340

She's a giant midget.

>> No.13248381

I didn't figure out what exactly he meant by bloodline though. Direct relatives/close family? Or yourself? Or anybody with the same blood type?

>> No.13248406

whoever makes these threads daily, please keep doing so.

most interesting thing on biz this bear market.

>> No.13248475
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and by bitcoin you, of course, mean bitcoin sv

>> No.13248500

What do you find interesting about it?

>> No.13248518

I will start to message them and send them several messages, how many time until I get suicided?

>> No.13248536

I thought that was obvious. He's saying that your genetic heritage is everything.

The Rothschilds are famous for keeping the "bloodline" strong - they even married cousins and eventually intermarried with the European aristocracy.

To put it another way, if you marry a low caste woman your children are likely to inherit those "low class" traits such as lower intelligence and you weaken the blood line.

>> No.13248545

Did you read the thread?


if you dont see whats interesting there you're a mega npc sorry

>> No.13248547

Laughing out Loud!

>> No.13248572
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woman hating incels go back to /b/

>> No.13248588

do it bro, report back

>> No.13248606

But why? What’s the purpose of having the strongest and purest bloodline?
He says in the AMA that if your bloodline is strong enough to be considered a rival to them, they will destroy you. It’s handy to know what’s the end goal before you risk standing into spotlight.

I thought you mean OP. Because he just always posts Olivia and then disappears, he doesn’t contribute much. The AMA you linked is something else obv

>> No.13248628
File: 196 KB, 685x1073, WhatsApp Image 2019-04-06 at 23.43.28.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sent DM too, how many time until I get ~suicided?

>> No.13248632

That thing you are referring to as a woman is a demonic Jew.

Kys cucked faggot.

>> No.13248659

Laughing out loud!

There's so much wisdom in that thread. I believe it's probably legit. Even if it's a guy LARPing, it's one hell of a performance... he clearly knows his shit and has an extremely high IQ.

>> No.13248660

At least contact her with a meaningful purpose, this shit is useless

>> No.13248670
File: 22 KB, 480x360, 1449189494956.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

favelanon trying to get gibs from the rothshilds

>> No.13248672

yes but I got interested into those threads and all this conspiracy threads from reading these threads.

I heard about the rothschilds conspiracies before but didn't care because I thought It wouldn't affect my life regardless. turns out, theres quite a few interesting things to learn from them.

That, plus the based schyzo posters that show up in these threads are always funny.

>> No.13248676

I have sent DM, like I said first I need t know if she allow to be reached from no contacts.

Also if you think its nothing do a instagram and do yourself.

>> No.13248686

The purpose is survival and being king of the hill is the best position for it.
In the AMA he refers a lot to observing and observation of nature or natural law. Watch some documentaries about animals and reflect that we are not that different, we are also animals.
Look back in history. Who do you recognize more, genghis khan or Russian serf #1646461? Who made more of an impact in the world? Who are the stories about we still remember today?

>> No.13248692

>What’s the purpose of having the strongest and purest bloodline?

How do you think rich and succesful dynasties (or tribes...) stay powerful throughout centuries or even millenia?

>> No.13248695

That's so fake it's laughable you retard

>Way of nature
Kikes don't believe in the way of nature, they do the opposite of nature. They despise natural law

>> No.13248704

>niggerscammer begs rothschilds for money

>> No.13248707

sorry what???

>> No.13248716

only cucks put the pussy on a pedestal.

>> No.13248737

Any student with a background in philosophy/lit/political science/econ could have written this for the kek. It can be a someone frome their social circle. In my mother tongue I could easily larp something like this.
But it's possible one of the roth was doing that for the godlike production schizos for the lol. What makes me think it's a larp is the karmic talk. I dont believe a Rot would believe in karma. Possible the indian author in the thread was the larper.

>> No.13248760

Everything that is doable and sustainable is part of natural law. Not morality or your kind of morality, which you inherited from your millenia old culture.
The problem with morality is you make yourself predictable and you self restrict with it. Kikes have a more pure or let's say untainted type of morale, which serves them well. Justice, karma, evil is all a set of the "beautiful lies."
Seeing the world for what it is requires a stomach made out of Adamantium, freedom has a very costly price and very few are capable or willing to pay for it.

>> No.13248761


>> No.13248781

Also dont forget that several members of the family killed themselves because of depression. Money dont always buy happiness.

>> No.13248788

Tell me something to ask\saywhen they reply me

>> No.13248790

All trite horse shit

>> No.13248807

Sure buddy, prove me wrong

>> No.13248832

This. They're a bunch of scumbags but they aren't stupid.

>> No.13248840

People are in the situation that they are now because they deserve it.
If they deserve better, then they will work towards it and achieve it.
It is that simple.

>> No.13248893

Well I don't disagree with what you're saying but just the talking about them as if they're some demon soul sucking whatever like >>13248545 is trite and stupid, imo.
I agree with that too but so do many poor people who are 'oppressed' by the wealthy, but they still believe that.. what's your point? People living in poverty can still believe that and do. Lord Rothschild (or most of them really) born today not into the circumstance he is would be a nobody, but of course that doesn't matter in the end and you could say the same for anyone or anything i.e. you or I wouldn't be where we are had we not been born in a first world nation in the West, etc. But it's just circumstance on their side

>> No.13248901

Also to enhance that perspective, with the perspective from the AMA:
You deserve exactly where you need to be. Your own actions resulted in your position. For the rest of the variance, for which you are not directly responsible, your fathers and your fathers fathers are responsible. Each bloodline is where it needs to be.
Got fucked up genes, are an alcoholic and who knows what else? Blame your ancestors. They should have done more. They should have bred with the right kind of woman. They should have thought you the right skills. The cards your dealt on your birth are the cards your ancestors gave you.
By the same token, you OWN your proginy. The cards they will be dealt at birth are the fruits of your labor. Get a woman with good genes. Get wealth, teach your kids, the right stuff. And so on.

>> No.13248911

The """"AMA"""" is complete horse shit, you clown. Have you read it yourself? Get a grip. It was probably YOU that fucking wrote the thing

>> No.13248921

Of course she will inherit some of her fathers wealth... She just does what teenagers do at her age.
Based David from the English branch: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/David_Mayer_de_Rothschild

>> No.13248923

>I could easily larp something like this.

Sure buddy. He takes 100s of questions and owns every single person in that thread who tries to take a pop at him or outsmart him. Whether he's actually a Rothschild or not, it's a very impressive performance.

>> No.13248927

You're aware that several Rotshild killed themselves and are drug addicts?
>muh bloodline

>> No.13248932
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>Sure buddy. He takes 100s of questions and owns every single person in that thread who tries to take a pop at him or outsmart him. Whether he's actually a Rothschild or not, it's a very impressive performance.

>> No.13248963

So what? Royalty had never a problem killing of some disabled relatives. That's dedication, that they are willing to purge their own blood for the sake of the prosperity of their own proginy and house.

>> No.13248977

Sure, she'll inherit some of it but she won't be the one controlling much.

Anyway, the point is they're just rich Jews from a banking family. One day all will be for nothing, all of their work over the centuries goes kaput when one of their inbred offspring fucks everything up (or something else comes up, like war), it's just a matter of time when you think about it. Fortune's wheel will turn and you know the rest

>> No.13248984

Lol you're easily impressed anon I have several philosophy PhDs among my close friends and nothing he writes here is mind blowing but maybe for a brainlet like you it is. It definitely is for the godlike schizos.
If I had to guess which one of the roth wrote it if it was true I would say it's David. Pol sci degree, vegetarian and a writer.
But there are things no Rot would ever write so it's obviously a larp.

>> No.13249006

Kek, Alex Jones interviewed him once

>> No.13249017

Good candidate... David Rothschild was even on Alex Jones.

I don't think it's so hard to believe that someone like him would shitpost on the internet for the lulz.

>> No.13249021
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100% this

>> No.13249026

You on the other hand will invest all of your resources into your crippled kid, selfish as you are, dooming all your future proginy. If there is no other choises its a tragedy, my condolences.
Life is hard, life is survival. Life is not about fun, and it is certainly not easy or with easy choises

>> No.13249068
File: 275 KB, 557x510, tucker.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>speaks rudely and condescendingly towards everyone, obviously compensating for his low self-esteem, small penis, and lack of power over his own real life situation
>doesn't say anything with substance, just pseudo-intellectual babble that you'd expect from a 112 IQ teenager in high school, which he probably is
>impressive performance

>> No.13249074

Is this video still around?

>> No.13249081

>Your own actions resulted in your position.
Not true. People underestimate luck. https://blogs.scientificamerican.com/beautiful-minds/the-role-of-luck-in-life-success-is-far-greater-than-we-realized/
>Life is hard, life is survival. Life is not about fun
I'm sorry you suffer from depression and no, life can be fun and easy if you're willing to change your beliefs.

>> No.13249092

what is youtube

>> No.13249115

>Role of luck
Wow is this some Jewish tricks.

>Don't look at race, IQ, or culture goy
>Don't observe patterns goy
>Just so happens luck is unevenly distributed to whites
>It's just random xd

Fuck you kike

>> No.13249131

It's kind of true. Your race, IQ, nationality, parents etc. are all pure luck.

>> No.13249165

I hope Vitalik will finally get a harem of 1000 cuties and impregnate them all. We need a better world.

>> No.13249173

Luck is variance, which is manageable as every poker pro can prove you. If you NEED luck, how come that dynasties remain on top for so long, generation after generation? Getting lucky is nice, but you are in no way absolved from your responsibilities to your proginy. Believing you need luck is just an easy way out.

>life can be fun and easy
The more responsibility I take on and the less I chase pleasure and fun, the less I suffer unnecessary. If you give up chasing hazy concepts like fun and easy, you will finally face life as it is and it's actually better that way.

>> No.13249193


>> No.13249201

It's fascinating that so many people don't see themselves as a dot in a line of ancestors and proginy. You are one of many. Your ancestors are 100% responsible for your circumstances. You are 100% responsible for the circumstances of your proginy.
Just imagine if people stopped being selfish individualistics and rubbed their 2 neurons together to improve their family. Like compound interest, in a few generations you might become kings yourselves.

>> No.13249207

You keep misspelling progeny and it's annoying as fuck
Also the first Rothschild didn't get lucky, (or maybe he did actually) and everyone after got considerably more 'luck' if you can call it that
Just a matter of time before their family fades away anyway, just look at the royal family lol

>> No.13249238

>how come that dynasties remain on top for so long, generation after generation?
What do you mean by "remain on top"... Sure they have more money than all of us but they aren't necessarily happier. Several of them committed suicide despite their wealth. I don't call it "remaining on top" when you kill yourself or is a heroin addict. If you can manage to be happy with your life all those rich people would be jealous of you. Of course money helps but to a certain extent only.

>> No.13249251


>> No.13249281

My bad, I'm not a native speaker and didn't know it's progeny.
>their family fades away anyway
Doesn't look like it so far. But they made many other bloodlines fade away by turning them into trannies and by destroying the family unit.
Also I'm giving up on you anon. Consider, if you want to, what "wealth" means and if whether happiness is a useful goal or not.

>> No.13249364

Yup they actively manageed their wealth through generations unlike other financial dynasties who busted after 1-2 generations

>> No.13249366

I'm not disagreeing with your point about genetics and offspring I'm just saying it's they'll eventually mess up

>> No.13249492

Just do 30 seconds of research...

>> No.13249686

They already did
Theirs names being known to public is the sign of ultimate power loss

>> No.13249718
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>> No.13249746

She a inbred Jew though

>> No.13249755

Your powers wont curse or affect any innocent anon in this post, your own curse shall be reversed and comes back to you with particles of conscience. May Jesus, Maria and the Holy Trinity protect the weak from your foolishment.

>> No.13249811

>To put it another way, if you marry a low caste woman your children are likely to inherit those "low class" traits such as lower intelligence and you weaken the blood line.

The thing is, in today's society, high IQ white women don't have children.

>> No.13249820
File: 8 KB, 227x222, 1528811780257.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i want to fuck that tight pussy with my big fat plebeian cock

>> No.13249826

wait what thread are you guys talking about
link me niggers
...please :)

>> No.13249835

nvm i am blind or smthn

>> No.13249900

This reasoning has it's flaws.

Have you seen the movie Idiocracy? The movie itself is average. However, it shows that even the dumbest redneck, if he has a high libido and high birthrate, can have litterally thousands of offspring.

What good will Roth trillions be if in 150 years, there is no such thing as money?

In any case, they put themselves in the spotlight, making them a target.

Also, there has been an article of a guy impregnating more than 600 African women in just a few years. This guy is a tiny Gengis Kahn, even if he his dirt poor and trash compared to Roth. So even if this guys doens't have a quality bloodline, he has the quantity.

>> No.13249951

>if you marry a low caste woman your children are likely to inherit those "low class" traits such as lower intelligence and you weaken the blood line.
this is completely wrong though. Swap the newborns of a clever, loving and well-educated couple and a low IQ poor and abusive meth addicts couple. Guess which baby will have a better life. Of course the one with "inferior" genes living in a loving family. In fact this kind of experiment was tried by some jews. There was a documentary about it

>> No.13249952

I'm not directing any ill towards anons or anyone, really. You may believe me or not.

>> No.13249971

Good luck to her in all of her endeavours.

>> No.13250258

That was a good read - Pretty sure it was a larp, but decent performance.
Coincidentally I made an NLP algo 2 nights ago and decided to train it on that page:

>can't shake the ride? check out videos of possessing magical key. which an inability to changes. etc, one +, our line has shown some measure of resolve thus far. not to say i expect you to succeed ; in fact i am sure you will not. but have at it old chap if you are so inclined.
>or facilitated? even telling each forewing : why humans beings consciouss then cells etc would cease,
>he would have not vote, different magnitude, flighty thought they take a high probability of others. now bring them to find on perception, told and your preconceived notions fill the welcome! it not copy and she obviously refers to force or caught and see who possess such were fair shake the fruit will hate. system has dropped the feeling of benevolent slavery and tell those intelligent as mosquitoes bother with little ) are free from next system established is i will need " on some sing the critical of development.
>even if the stupid amoungst you want the truth, you are too uneducated to know what even to ask.
>fell free! they give me of his " passed emperors, how could blame properly. countless words that they will pay to these queries
>nor the roots and half - " whats good health. albeit with tenderness
>that's right, chose, help when others? accept its consideration by animal instincts is going. conceited, or not decide, mr uk and what dream ( assuming he is subservient to fathom his favorite story in wolf's clothes, are both subtle and prevails. i particularly beneficial but it becomes difficult birth rates in allow them. energy from black. msnbc. who is possessive. but peppered ( an unpleasant conditions they mention control freaks you ( action anyone could teach your decisions are powerless to oppose it bye bye.
t. nlp

>> No.13251048

eyes wide shut

>> No.13251084

yeah "depression"

>> No.13251541

Could you explain what the image that anon posted was?

>> No.13252639

Lmao, how clueless are you? They don't have trillions in fiat. They don't use fiat. They are on top of the society because of their knowledge and power, and that means they can buy anything they want just with their name. Fiat is their creation and that's why they don't use it since they know it has no value.

>> No.13252786

This. They got killed by the family for not having the same interests.