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13242473 No.13242473 [Reply] [Original]

>be me
>wife puts me through school
>accumulate too much debt and move in with in laws
>finally graduate
>get a job
>fired after 3 months
>to not let my in laws know, I pretend to go to work everyday as I interview for other jobs.
>been one whole month of being unemployed
>wife getting progressively worse, fighting more because we have no privacy for sex and no money to afford our own apartment
>lied about leaving house today, stayed at home and mainly just relaxed
>wife caught me in my lie
>thinks if I can lie about this, what else have I been lying about
>accuses me of cheating on her
>calls me liar
>takes dogs and leaves house
>her parents left this weekend giving what would have been a much needed weekend of privacy
>been driving around town looking for her and when I find her, she just bolts away in her car

I’m constantly upset. I love her very much. She’s honestly sacrificed a lot for me by putting me through school and being the bread winner for all of these years. She’s even given me around 14k to put into crypto that’s floating at 11k now, not the biggest loss.

I have no one to talk to and I’m now just sitting in a parking lot.

>> No.13242488

You're a fucking failure.

>> No.13242493
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>been driving around town looking for her and when I find her, she just bolts away in her car
u sure u healthy mentally m8?

>> No.13242495

Tell her whats up. Ups and downs come and go, good relationships should be preserved. You're the man

>> No.13242501

What was the debt you accumulated?

>> No.13242502

uber eats
amazon flex

these are all jobs you can start without an interview and work your own hours with no boss and make between $12 and $24 an hour.

>> No.13242509

another loser who fell for the college scam

>> No.13242513

First of all calm down and breathe. Second of all you have an amazing wife, but you're just a man, you're imperfect. Admit it, and go find her. Also work out a schedule to look for jobs (5 days on 2 days off). This sucks but don't lose a good relationship over this

>> No.13242519

Dude... i would fucking kill for a woman like your wife. I want a dual-breadwinner household but with me pulling in the Lion's share. I need a woman that is a professional and can deal with kids at the same time.

>> No.13242528

Just living expenses when we first tried to make it on our own. All of our debt is around 50k including my 16k student loan.

>> No.13242539

Communication is key.

When you’re back on your feet treat her to a vacation.

You’re a good guy, correct your mistakes and don’t lose a good wife over the miscommunication. Remember that all bad things don’t last and you’re probably just feeling extra down because of the heat of the moment.

>> No.13242565

Yeah I’m chilling out. This keeps on happening tho where it builds up to some dramatic fight like this. I punched a hole in the door 2 weeks ago because she started fighting with me because I didn’t immediately wake up at 8am to go out the door and be productive like her.

On average I’ve been getting 3 interviews a week. I’ve gotten through 3 interviews with a super prestigious niche company that I think I got a shot at. My main problem is lack of money.

It is super nice. If I got a 50k job, we would be betting over 100k which would be great. I don’t want my wife to work but to even afford a house, everything is SO fucking expensive. Wife’s put on 30 pounds in the last 4 years of her working at a desk job. She’s unhappy with her job, but still goes. I shouldnt have lied but I did so to avoid a fight. Life’s fucking hard all memes set aside.

>> No.13242569
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>> No.13242574

OP, I can teach you to create your own social media marketing agency, no investment needed.
Dont give up

>> No.13242599

What degree/job did you have? You should have been honest about being fired. Embarrassment isn't as bad as your current situation by a long shot.

>> No.13242626

Every one sleeps on you Favelanon. I for one am glad you are back. Missed you buddy this place needs more positive people tryna help like you .

>> No.13242627

Anon. if you love her you'd be busting your balls to find a job. if i had a women that loyal i'd be putting all of my energy into getting rich because she fucking deserves it. do better bro, you've obviously got it in you. good luck to the both of you.

>> No.13242630

It’s honestly a meme degree. I took a lot of math classes but all the Econ classes was nerd shit

Her parents are Asian and are very honor based with status as a huge superficial thing. It would just put more burden on my wife and strain on our marriage of them harping on us.

I think I got her to calm down, she said she’s coming home now.

>> No.13242633

Valeu irmao, Mae queen fazer Real Estate. Vou pegar minha licença basica de real estate logo

>> No.13242648

kill her. then rape her corpse. record and upload. become a meme. problem solved.
>he really thinks there will be some legit advise here

>> No.13242660

Give Adress I’ll send you 5 GTFO

>> No.13242666

Fucking kill yourselves. Disgusting

>> No.13242702

Yeah it kinda is. Pretty sure most economists hold doctorates, but that doesnt mean you cant get the typical office job. They basically take any 4 year biz degree.

>> No.13242821

Yeah my GPA was lower too because it was a difficult major. I want to do commercial real estate, but that’s fucking hard to get into.

My problem is lack of money. I got married too early and can’t really afford s wife. I’m on the cusp of making steady income but, not quite there. Thanks to all the anons who gave me nice advice. Feeling better but, problem won’t be solved until I make money.

I know what my wife wants to be happy
1. A baby
2. Money so she has more time
3. A home of her own to nest in

In California it’s fucking expensive just for those basic things. I dream of leaving it all behind and living on a farm. But I need money to realistically do that. I fucking hate money, the lack of money is the root of all evil.

>> No.13242827

What coins do you think this anon holds? Probably that pajeet fantom shit

>> No.13242831

>Wife’s put on 30 pounds in the last 4 years of her working at a desk job.
Dump that pig you retard

>> No.13242838

It’s partly my fault from asking her to take the depo shot for birth control. Even for her weight, she is still petite and actually at a good weight to conceive.

>> No.13242853

Keep at it anon. Cali would be hell though, I don't envy you there.

>> No.13242861

Then go marry that pig you NPC wagecuck nigger
please tell me you hold no LINK.

>> No.13242878

Listen bro, sounds like you need some help controlling your emotions. I know it's hard, but suck it up, admit you were wrong, and don't avoid fights. That only makes things worse. What you want to do most is communicate. Don't argue with her and whatever you do, don't jump to physical confrontation. Even punching the wall can't have gone over well with her folks, much less inquiring neighbors. Just be completely fucking honest with her. Apologize. Let her know you're trying. Yes, everything costs money but you already fucking knew that, didn't you? Go out there, bust your ass, make some money to move. If California is too expensive, plan out where you're going, how you're going to achieve it, your commute, every last little detail. Take $50 of what you save and set aside a day for a date. Take another $50 and get a gym membership if possible. You'll feel more motivated to bust your ass if your ass is busted already.

You've been in a slump. You're depressed. You're angry. But buddy, your old lady is on your side. Build yourself up for her, if not yourself.


>> No.13242894
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jesus fucking christ man...

>> No.13242923

Bro I'm in Cali to, everything is fucked. You know homelessness is going up? I don't know what the fuck the dems are doing expanding social programs rather than finding solutions to problems.

>> No.13242954

You should not have lied in the first place. You fucked up, OP. You can't build your relationship on lie.

Well you can, but you look like a looser to me, I would lie till the end.

>> No.13243049

thanks jeff!

>> No.13243058

She took the doggos?? That bitch!!

>> No.13243086


>lying to your wife

Not gonna make it.

>> No.13243107

You sound like a total loser, bro. Not only are you freeloading off your wife, but her parents too. Really incredible lack of self awareness.

>> No.13243128

Why’d you get fired, OP? What did you learn from it?

>> No.13243149

Importing a metric fuckton of cheap labor to keep wages low is what.
There’s a reason people are fleeing the blue states in droves, anyone with two brain cells can see the writing on the wall.

>> No.13243156

How do I unsubscribe from this blog

>> No.13243166

How can one be such a cuck just blows my mind. Your wife despises you. That's clear as a day but you're so bluepilled and conditioned it is unreal.

>> No.13243185

I believe in you

>> No.13243186

>Her parents are Asian
read the whole thing thinking how similar this sounds to my own relationship dynamic, even if details are vastly different, and sure enough, there it is
it's like all asian women are wired this way. incredible partners who love you in a way nobody else does, yet can't help but start explosive fights every few days

>> No.13243293

I got fired because I couldn’t relate with my co workers, all bros into drinking and fucking sluts on the weekend. They then iced me out and stopped teaching me things so I got let go

>> No.13243306

Been married for 4 years. Pre marital sex is for niggers, nigger

>> No.13243324


Glad to see some positive anons here. I do my fair share of lurking and trolling but it feels good to have a thread that isn’t spamming crypto coins

I bought into crypto in October 2017, right at the end of the bull run. Didn’t know what I was doing and got 0.2 btc stolen from me from a shorty exchange, then added more in January cutting my gains. Only 30% down now tho from doing DCA so I think I’ll make it.

I really hope you all make money and get to have happy families. That’s really all I want. I say dream of living in Hawaii and just spear fishing and trying to live off the land. One day

>> No.13243327
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I got the doggos back

>> No.13243328

Some normie life you got going there OP. Sounds comfy tbqh

>> No.13243330

Already had make up sex but, we will fight again until I can make enough money to afford $2500 monthly rent

>> No.13243343

It’s nice having a wife that gives a shit about me. It’s just frustrating to not be able to provide for her financially, I seriously just graduated a few months ago. I think the success in our relationship as I met her at church and dated her for a long time before deciding on getting married. I was only 23 when I got married and she’s 5 years older than me. I’m under pressure to make money because I want her to have kids in the next 2 years.

>> No.13243346

Don't know where to even begin with you.
You fell for all the memes.
On top of that, you're lazy.
I know you didn't come here for advice, just to vent.
With this being said, for some reason that woman is sticking with a man who can't even provide for himself and has no independence, which is extremely unnatractive.
This is gonna go from bad to worse. Get smart kid, start making money NOW.

>> No.13243445

sorry, you sound retarded. have fun!

>> No.13243451

>>wife puts me through school
>>accumulate too much debt and move in with in laws
What does this mean? She put you threw school by taking on debt?

>> No.13243886

I’ve been there. You need to learn to hide your dislike of them. Have lunch with them. Play along. Maybe make it clear that you can’t be into that stuff because you’re married. On the good side, you have an excuse to get out of happy hour after work because of the wife (but you’ll need to go occasionally, but then you can use her as an excuse to cut out early.)

>> No.13243904

Best thing to do is be honest in the first place, don't get suckered into stupid arguments. Just laugh it off give her a hug and some kisses and carry on with life.

Works for me

>> No.13243917

>wife caught me in my lie
>thinks if I can lie about this, what else have I been lying about
>accuses me of cheating on her
>calls me liar
not unreasonable

>> No.13243984

this. You're just an autist who can't relate with people, not even your wife. You need to learn how to relate with people first.
Also getting into debt for living expenses is retarded.