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13240197 No.13240197 [Reply] [Original]

smoking kills. how to stop?

>> No.13240204

Don’t do it anymore

>> No.13240209

Don't stop bro. You don't want to be an NPC like all the blue pilled faggots on this board.

>> No.13240213

you don't buy it. case closed

>> No.13240219

that tobacco is deadly is a CIA myth, it actually strengthens your respiratory system

>> No.13240238

Redpill me on this anon
I smoke 40 lucky strikes a day

>> No.13240244

nigga you dying.

>> No.13240251

REDPILL ON DIS DESU baka baka anon kun san

>> No.13240260

Bruh that persistent cough and feeling like shit all the time is from smoking, don't listen to some random internet retard l0l

>> No.13240264

Lmao hey how's your deleted thread? You got BTFO so hard you actually deleted your entire thread. Still projecting onto everyone else how stupid you are, huh?

>> No.13240282
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what the fuck are you talking about? he's right. fuck off. even if he deleted his post, he was high. leave him alone

>> No.13240286

No trust me bro smoking cures cancer and expands your brain. Don't listen to people who became homeless as a result of their own drug habits they're just glow in the dark CIA niggers trying to keep you away from the HEALTH BENEFITS that are smoking weed. They're all just NPCs but not me, random guy on the internet.

Smoking is good for you, your lungs will become big and stronk like mine (cough)

>> No.13240303

Oh, you mean the thread where I single handedly debunked a dozen people attacking me? I didn't delete it. Some dumb shit NPC mod did.

>> No.13240304

He didn't delete a post, he started a thread, argued with 12 people and deleted the thread. If he wanted to be left alone he wouldn't be shitting up other threads with his stupidity.

>> No.13240308

hahahah. we are all on the same boat. you are exaggerating like a redditor desu

>> No.13240313

someone tldr me on this deleted weed thread, i missed it

>> No.13240319


>> No.13240337


>> No.13240339


Everything in moderation, anon.
Smoking 2 packs a day is like drinking 10 cups of coffee to keep yourself awake, it's not healthy. However drinking 1-2 cups a day has been shown to lower risk of Type 2 Diabetes, Lower risk of Alzheimer's disease, and lead to less risk of heart disease. Tobacco has a similar effect on the brain, smokers have been shown to have a decreased risk of stroke, brain aneurysm, Alzheimer's, and Depression.

>> No.13240343

You didn't debunk shit, you didn't even respond to half the last posts. All you did was call everyone an NPC.

I'm assuming you read my posts though it's too late to respond to them now. Anyway I hope you all smoke some more weed. I'll be the one laughing in a few years from now knowing that you gave up your money for temporary """enlightenment""" but a very real lifetime full of mental fog and stupidity.

yes, that was the joke.

>> No.13240366
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>> No.13240385
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>> No.13240388
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>> No.13240399
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>> No.13240408
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>> No.13240425
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>> No.13240428

Just picked up some fire

>> No.13240433

I responded and dubunked every single attack including your stupid ass posts. I was writing a response to your dumb shit post when the thread was deleted.

Ten years from now you'll be working for me and blaming others for your failure. You're worse than an NPC. You're a rat in a cage stuck running the wheel and wondering why your can expand outside the walls.

Elon is definitely a smoker. Ents can always recognize each other. He probably blazes every morning while his car drives him to work.

>> No.13240442

ten years from now BITCOIN NIGGER!

>> No.13240460
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>> No.13240464

Nicotine salts are pretty good

>> No.13240469
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im dying

>> No.13240508

First line treatment is nicotine patch followed by gum for cravings. If those don’t work, see your primary medical doctor and ask about varenicline (Chantix). If that doesn’t work then maybe you don’t really want to quit.

>> No.13240509
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>> No.13240533
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>> No.13240534

>not smoking excessive so u can crossover early.

i smoke 2 wood packs today nigga, no one can smoke at my level.

>> No.13240538

Damn bro you topped up. Make up a batch of edibles.

>> No.13240641

u wot m8? I smoke this shit

>> No.13241350

Its really very easy.
Mailorder me and I'll give you a blowjob every time you try to smoke.
After a few days you will dread cigs.

>> No.13241394

you give awful bjs? or?

>> No.13241402

based baka desu anon deu baka bot bot bot bot bot bot

>> No.13241405

How long will you last cumming 8-10 times a day? I bet its less than 1.

>> No.13241423

use a volcano vaporizer you absolute cuck

>> No.13241432

thnks you...........

>> No.13241447

Take the black pil, and find ypur love for god back

>> No.13241452


>> No.13241463
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there is no creator. I already won this one. cope.

>> No.13241503


switch to edibles or don't buy it.

>> No.13241529

Wew your stronk as fug

>> No.13241561

yea bro u reduce the risk of stroke, dw about the other nasty shit. Its natural for human to smoke we've been doing for thousands of years.

>> No.13241568

unironically my lungs got better after i started smoking. its like they toughened up and i stopped having late night coughs

>> No.13241702

This. Smoking weed is proven to cure asthma.

>> No.13241716
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literally this

>> No.13241805

here ya go bro ima tell ya

>be me, smoker of cannabis only
>smoke up to 4 bongs a day tho
>teeth getting fucked, lungs getting fucked after 4 years
>be a leaf also
>approach doctor, explain that I want to quit smoking but i dont want to quit marijuana, it has benefits
>get sent to medical cannabis clinic
>tell em spiel bla bla life going good love da weed but wanna be healthier
>get it
>apply for insurance through school
>apply for compassionate pricing
>purchase 25% THC / 3% CBD Oil
>one mL of this and it's spacefuck zone for 8 hours
>INCREDIBLE body high (CBD oils go up to 30% at least)
>3% CBD feels close to strong MDMA body high

that's how you stop. get a better product for your addiction. You'll never quit marijuana and if you do you'll be miserable, being able to afford edibles oils or maybe even vape is way to go. Vape still fuks ur teeth and breathy bags so don't rec.

>> No.13241902

22 year smoker here that quit two months ago.
I couldn’t take the health negatives anymore also I smelled like shit all the time especially since all my friends quit too.
We all juul or vape or do hooka. Try Juul, it helps with 90% of the craving, give it a shot.

>> No.13241938

The deaths from cigarette smoking are caused by the glue on the papers and the microfibers in the filters, which scar your lungs repeatedly similar to fiberglass insulation.




I smoke foreign cigs only... No nasty glue and "fire safe" multi-ply mystery paper as found on US cigs. No faux cotton filters. Get woke

>> No.13241981

i smoke tobacco pipe

check this out OP


read it 4 real sir

>> No.13242020

what's your brand canceranons
>t. parliament blues

>> No.13242037
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Japan has the best fucking flavors

>> No.13242055

Concentrates > flower > edibles
LSD is what you think weed will be before you ever try weed

>> No.13242061

love this gif

>> No.13242114
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cook it and eat it instead

>> No.13242126

I'm all in KYS

>> No.13242136

>He probably blazes every morning while his car drives him to work.
on autopilot

>> No.13242198

tips plz,I be dyin

>> No.13242215

You will stop once you get lung cancer.

>> No.13242226

Is this shit they put in cigs-not the tobacco
That why they outlawed smoking, it makes you a man and is actually healthy, or about slightly worse than marinuana

>> No.13242534

Buy a vaporizer for your weed or start vaping if you smoke cigarettes.