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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 881 KB, 1024x683, 1523830760159.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13241060 No.13241060 [Reply] [Original]

how many people hold more than 10,000 link

>> No.13241068

around 6000 wallets contain more than 10k link

>> No.13241075

I do, so that's one

>> No.13241082

Me do.

>> No.13241083

shit im rich

>> No.13241086


>> No.13241088
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>> No.13241094
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Link is a scam bro we're all just larping.

>> No.13241103
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>> No.13241107

I am one. 6000 out of 7.7 billion puts us in the top 0.00007% wealthiest people on earth.

>> No.13241110

3140 wallets presently containing more than 9999.99 links


>> No.13241115
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>> No.13241119

Man, only 6000, that puts me in rare company.

>> No.13241120

Holy shit I can actually respond to one of these
t. 12k stinker

>> No.13241121
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>> No.13241129
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>> No.13241140

Say no to data mining

>> No.13241145

is 100 enough link to make it? im a hobo and i cant afford anymore. i bought my link on a display computer at bestbuy

>> No.13241156 [DELETED] 

i will give you some link, I love trainhopping. throw me an email

>> No.13241174

your a kind marine, i was just larping btw.

>> No.13241188

22.5k link 23k Canadian dollars

>> No.13241215
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>> No.13241219

Doe lars

>> No.13241225
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>> No.13241230

65k here... yolo

>> No.13241235

gang gang

>> No.13241251

This is how you do it folks.

t. 18k linklet blessed with good fortune

>> No.13241275
File: 560 KB, 2048x960, 098A2E45-14B2-4EDA-8698-B61C55CADFC4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also, it’s been 10k to make since the beginning. Though those with less will probably still make it..

>> No.13241295
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is this fresh, i have never seen this

>> No.13241302
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>> No.13241308

Got it earlier today. Some genius level autist is riding shrooms waves churning these out.

>> No.13241313
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>> No.13241322

Who’s that?

>> No.13241337

I do 90k

>> No.13241338

After the distribution of LP the other day, I was looking through the transactions and saw some address received 100 LINK in one go from the DEX distribution (you receive 0.25 LINK/LP). I searched the address in Linkpool and this guy owns 475 LP. Just one person bought almost 50% of the supply. Keep in mind that at the time of the ICO for LP ETH was between 800$-400$. At the minimum, he put $200K into LP. If someone's gonna make it, it's this guy.

>> No.13241349

>200k to blow on internet tokens
he has already made it

>> No.13241352

10k was so you dont kill your self you retard.

>> No.13241355

Same difference

>> No.13241372
File: 58 KB, 585x800, 1554484198194.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well imagine being italian and saying I got 10K link lmao because I do. no more captchas. today is the day I buy the 4chan gold pass.

>> No.13241375

200k to make it.

>> No.13241386
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chanledg accepted

>> No.13241399

You spelled enigma wrong

>> No.13241484
File: 844 KB, 1152x1242, 3F144C59-4C9C-4B23-8B13-2C3524951608.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

28k link reporting in.

>> No.13241488

I've got 22k

>> No.13241559

why do 67 wallets have exactly 18,200 Link? seems fishy where is wallet autism

>> No.13241578

employees paid in link from the team

>> No.13241603

I do

>> No.13241635
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>> No.13241648
File: 133 KB, 750x1334, 6ABE6C33-705B-4629-86AA-8F79E4846523.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whose biz meme address is this?

>> No.13241649

31k reporting for duty

>> No.13241695

not bad. badly needs more matrix though

>> No.13241749

Not bad? That's a terrible strategy...besides NKN and LINK all the other shit is worthless.

>> No.13241995

12k insurance stack
Have no clue what this does
Bought it for the memes, literally
My lowest stack in all of Crypto
I just love being part of “it” wouldn’t lose a minute of sleep if it goes to zero

>> No.13241999

38k reporting in. feelzgudmayne

>> No.13242004
File: 122 KB, 634x517, 1524693706310.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we wuz kangz

>> No.13242012


>> No.13242014



>> No.13242016

finally got to 500 link today, I'm the only linklet in this thread

>> No.13242025

33K, is it enough for a million pre tax in burgerland?

>> No.13242043
File: 71 KB, 545x530, 1524177147214.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why the fuck isn't my wallet in that list

>> No.13242050

>is it enough for a million
anon, i....

>> No.13242101

What app is this

>> No.13242392

>tfw you realize you have more than each anon so far.

>> No.13242428

140k link. Ausfag, fuck you niggas. The great replacement

>> No.13242436
File: 61 KB, 1280x592, 15347706499583.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

7.5k, it's most of my savings bros. I need this W.

>> No.13242463


Do you hold your coins on Binance?

>> No.13242481

>tfw my wallets on page 8

>> No.13242486 [DELETED] 

Can I have some? I'm not a hobo but lost all savings on mom's cancer bills. I have no link but do want to buy if I ever have some money to spare. I did travel without tickets a lot tho so I guess I'm not far from that Anon.


>> No.13242499

12k linker bought most of them when they were 20c....
what is our future?
i am a fucked up retard irl with 2 serious convictions and 10 years in prison...
i just want enough money to buy a house in the woods and raise a family...

>> No.13242516

I have 1k for more than a year now. Lurking these threads is self mutilation as a linklet

>> No.13242521
File: 859 KB, 805x783, 5134819B-73FD-4101-AA17-EC399C4BDB03.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw only 196k chainlink tokens

>> No.13242561

Even if you’re a linklet you’ll have some nice capital to invest into other projects after the price singularity

You just win

>> No.13242631

It was the max buy in for anons the ico you literal faggot

>> No.13242711
File: 26 KB, 413x412, 1517544222071.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its 33 million. At least. probably more. Thats if you can hold long enough

>> No.13242732
File: 110 KB, 970x980, 1520577056847.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw only top 3k
im never gonna make it lads might as well end it here

>> No.13242751
File: 190 KB, 442x650, 46A6987A-8BF5-4360-9295-67D59B196B3E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I’lm Losing my mind
People with white earbuds follow me everywhere
My closest friends keep asking me how much Link I have
Pls help

>> No.13242784
File: 160 KB, 1221x979, 994FAC16-F3B1-44F9-97CF-6A85669DA78C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’ll just add for any poor schmucks out there.
Never EVER reveal your position. Because they might come for you. And if they do. God help you.

>> No.13242789


Chad portfolio, LINK/BAT is comfy AF.

>> No.13242811

My shit is still on binance because I'm a lazy retard

>> No.13242813
File: 153 KB, 800x450, 243A138D-27A8-4896-9F72-CE8224850B22.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can’t be the only one. AMI THE ONLY ONE??

>> No.13242836

40k here, holding this bag forever

>> No.13242851

I unironically held 210k link but sold i january

>> No.13242927

Between 25k and 30k. Browsing /biz for the last year or so has made me emotionally numb to the shilling, fud, predictions, larps, breadcrumbs etc. so if it goes to zero I won’t lose any sleep.

>> No.13242944

throw me some links nigger

>> No.13242957
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>Only 3k ppl own more think than me.

Holy fuck, bois

>> No.13243081

Excluding exchanges.
Many do not withdrawal from binance.
So its more than that.

>> No.13243165

3000+ new future millionaires

>> No.13243182

>All of this proofless larping

>> No.13243440

Tfw 1.1k linklet

>> No.13243443


>> No.13243513


>> No.13243527

Lol, 2900 of those will sell at 5 bucks

>> No.13243555
File: 12 KB, 245x205, images.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So pretty much everyone here who owns link has over 10k by now going by all the comments. Pretty good frens

>> No.13243686

Italian here too. 50k, feels like it is not enough.

>> No.13243694
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i have 100 link only go without me frens

>> No.13243715
File: 482 KB, 1200x1200, 1553667176185.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never bought or sold or traded, Just held 1400 Linkies from September 2017 on MEW.

>> No.13243983

I hold .01% of the 4th industrial revolution. Kek. Comfy AF.

>> No.13244003


>> No.13244250

The guy will be fucked hard by a (((platform hack)))
>muh investigating, stay tuned on twatter 4 muh updates

>> No.13244258

AI oracles running on RLC makes link obsolete.

>> No.13244267

>what is a smartcontract

>> No.13244271

Not understanding smart contracts will be your downfall

>> No.13244283

Welcome to the 1st world mario and luigi, don't store your linkies in the same pocket where you store your spaghettis, you're notorious spillers.

>> No.13244312
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>what is Oyster Pearl's (((hack)))
Just the first example that came to my mind, there are plenty of them in all flavors. Educate yourself, negroids.

>> No.13244323

Its not a coin, nor even a full erc20
Do some research brainlet

>> No.13244493

Get a load of this guy, my fucking sides, kek.
Let's get real for a second, did you inspected the source code of the smart contract? No. Are you lurking the auditing process? Nope. Will you take even a quick look at its results? Not a chance in hell. On top of that, (((bugs))) exist and they're also quite popular in crypto as you can see.
Now, I'll tell you what you are. You are that nigger that signs every piece of paper without blinking an eye in front of a literally who with a nice suit.
You're supposed to read the contract first, because what is written on that piece of paper can fuck you raw, legally. And smart contracts are no different.
You're that brainlet that falls systematically for buzzwords, too stupid or too lazy to take a closer look, so you have to cope with trust. And let me say this, it's paradoxical to rely on trust in a fucking trusteless system, you're an imposter.
Educate yourself, then speak, retard.

>> No.13244533
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It's only half that actually. 3300~ have over 6k

>> No.13244645

And many people diversify across multiple wallets.
So it's less than that

>> No.13245179
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Is 5k enough to make it? I'm not trying to be super villain rich. I just want to play video games all week and fuck whores all weekend. I would consider becoming a normie with a family if I can get to a million though just so I have some divorce/child support insurance.

>> No.13245250

105k here. ICO was sept. 2017. You really think people only have 10k? Topkek

>> No.13245334

what was ICO price?

>> No.13245369
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Page 28 checking in

>> No.13245393

Not your keys not your link, have fun being exit scammed by the chinks once they decide to pull the trigger.

>> No.13245538

10 cents 2k sats. I didn’t buy at ICO but I mean it’s been under 50cents for years.

>> No.13245669

20k link. Ontario fag here.

>> No.13245760

57k maybe I sell a 2500

>> No.13245767
File: 360 KB, 600x580, pain.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sold my stack at 17cent and got out of crypto a while ago

>> No.13245814

34k albertafag here. daily reminder that anything eastward beyond manitoba is degenerate.

>> No.13245820


>> No.13245844
File: 536 KB, 539x569, 1505686295081.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>MFW My wallet is number 777

>> No.13245848


1/6000 here... former 50k holder from ico but sold 40k for $1.25 cuz gains.

>> No.13245852

Forgot the ranks, think I’m a second lieutenant reporting in

>> No.13245875

>ad hominem
>autistic screeching
>ad hominem
>"reeeeeee im a burger who can't buy Lp so I must fud reeeeee"

>> No.13245916

Was talking about smart contracts and niggers in general. Nobody gives a shit about fucking linkpool. Also vpn. Also step up your game pajeet, you're a fucking mess.

>> No.13245957

had 20k
dumped for chink scam
luckily it was only 10% of my cryptostack lol
no intentions buying back in even though I like the idea of it
couldn't care less, 1k 0xBTC will make me trillionaire