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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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13231207 No.13231207 [Reply] [Original]

A reminder to be reminded that iExec RLC is the last 1000x.
Blockchains literally need iExec.

>> No.13232040

no they don't need iExec, they need somenthing that helps the consensu process without having t share the historical transictions with all the nodes of the network but at the same time being secure

>> No.13232085

Thank you for reminder fren. Can you remind me how much do i need to make it?

>> No.13232163

When the nex pump?

>> No.13232178
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I had some pissmoney lying around. I bought maybe 500 iexec because of the shills. What should I expect?
What even is this coin

>> No.13232215

> Investing 250$

>> No.13232223

Link makes it obsolete, sorry bro

>> No.13232225

You might get like a 2-5x by end of may if you're lucky. It's the best mid-long term hold.

>> No.13232227

I have 15k portfolio
I just had some pissmoney on USDT and thought why not
And the 250$ is a lot for someone. I personally don't care how much you invest as long as you do gains.
If I wouldn't have so much on crypto already, I would never invest 250$ to "internet money"

>> No.13232235
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>he thinks link can do this
im sorry bro but link has completely different use cases. I'd like to see you name a few use cases that RLC and LINK have in common instead of just fudding with shit fud.

>> No.13232430


computer + Link = POCO

computer + LINK + Ethereum network = iExec

>> No.13232446

Link has not demonstrated any ability to do compute intensive tasks. Even if link is capable of doing it in the future, iExec is already 10 steps ahead. LINK is still pre alpha garbage.

>> No.13232459

Iexec already has oracles dapp

>> No.13232479

poor mans enigma

>> No.13232531

Seems the PalmVeniceBeach are back to shill

>> No.13232539

> no stop loss.

>> No.13232848

>Iexec already has oracles dapp

does it work wie Link?
Is it a decentralized Oracle network?
Is it on testnet? Why is it a Dapp and not a network?

>> No.13232880

ironically or unironically literally?

>> No.13232882

Its an AI oracle. AI is trained to return correct results. The computing part is decentralized. Its a dapp because iExec does computing, doesnt care what you compute. Btw, LINK has no product and no release date and I havent seen any demo either, so those fudding iExec better think about it

>> No.13232975

>Its an AI oracle. AI is trained to return correct results

ahahahah what a joke

don't compare this shit with a network of people prociding the correct data

AI can be hacked, can be wrong, it's not the same thing

>> No.13233021

It's better than not having a product. Also a good AI takes better decisions than humans.

>> No.13233069

>so those fudding iExec better think about it
they should think long and hard
long and hard

>> No.13233073

Right, iExec can't magically solve scaling

>> No.13233188

oracle providers in Link don't need to take decision by their own, they run istances of programs
they don't take decisions

>> No.13233194

no, but through technology yes

>> No.13233223

Silly boy Kyber is the next 1000x rlc is only a x100

>> No.13233235

kyber is garbage compared to rlc dyor retard faggot

>> No.13233243

Let's see a marketplace no one uses vs an exponentially growing decentralized platform that even Samsung loves

>> No.13233266
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lol you don't even know what iExec is and kyber network will be used by no one
>muh samsung

>> No.13233299
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You forgot about TFCloud and RSK fren

>> No.13233304


>> No.13233318
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>> No.13233329

These fags fear iExec and perpetually holding their shitcoin bags so they relentlessly shill them in our threads. They are jealous.

>> No.13233362

lol please enlighten me on decentralized computing resources.
>muh ubisoft
Look I sound smart like you now

>> No.13233376

dyor fagboy
>conveniently ignores intel, alibaba, ibm
imagine lying to yourself so hard because you're emotionally invested in a shitcoin and refuse to see the truth

>> No.13233420

I think we can agree tron > ethereum tho

>> No.13233445

LOL oh wow

>> No.13233704

Yeah yeah messil, tlon vely good. Tlon bettel dan eteleum. Please buy Tlon

>> No.13233734

Centralized sidechains

>> No.13233823

>Centralized sidechains
they can be random so an attakker doesn't know who is validating and what

Again faggots you should learn about blockchain: iExec is not intended to speed up the transactions per second (Scalability of blockchain), it's intended to handle dapps (which already scales per sè in trasaction per seconds and validation time per data per second) that could require too many computational power to run.

You can already do this NOW with AWS and it's not scaling this. It's handling an app which requires too much CPU cicles

The only iusse is that AWS doen't have Poco

You can use Link and Ethereum network to have Poco and a decentralized CPU / GPU marketplace.

Now they will tell ''FUD'' but that's the reality, we probably fell for the meme, me included who I have bought at 1,80$ and at 45$

Now I just hold in the hope that normies pump my bags

But there is no incentive for the coin to appreciate itself

>> No.13233895

>iExec is not intended to speed up the transactions per second
It's intended to offload any and all computations which can artificially allow more transactions to take place.

IE: Cryptokitties shits up the entire ETH blockchain
but if iExec existed, it could have handled the cryptokitties offchain and ETH would have never slowed down.

You can't use LINK and ETH for PoCo you fucking retard LOL link will never be used for intensive offchain computations because there's no reason for any miner to use it.

>> No.13233923
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forgot image
also, LINK isn't even out of alpha yet while RLC is releasing next month. Wait til you see what happens when v3 hits.

The iExec team is literally the best team in crypto. DYOR.

>> No.13234017


>> No.13234067 [DELETED] 

>You can't use LINK and ETH for PoCo you fucking retard LOL link will never be used for intensive offchain computations because there's no reason for any miner to use it.

You don't have to use it for computation, you use your PC for computation retarded!

You use Link (or the ROC network) to validate the compunted result and say ''Hello this is really the result, no fake!''

You can do this no with AWS, but it's not decentralized and not an open marketplace, ok.. but this is not somenthing extraordinary to justify a x100

It's an open marketplace where people sell their cpu idle

you can do this with other blockchain and Link used to Poco

>> No.13234078

>You can't use LINK and ETH for PoCo you fucking retard LOL link will never be used for intensive offchain computations because there's no reason for any miner to use it.

You don't have to use it for computation, you use your PC for computation retarded!

You use Link (or the RLC network) to validate the compunted result and say ''Hello this is really the result, no fake!''

You can do this now with AWS, but it's not decentralized and not an open marketplace, ok.. but this is not somenthing extraordinary to justify a x100

It's an open marketplace where people sell their cpu idle

you can do this with other blockchain and Link used to Poco

>> No.13234083

Thx mate just sold all my Rlc to buy Link

>> No.13234110

>You use link to validate the computed result
Link will never be able to validate a computed result nor will it be able to have miners.

If you think link is anything similar to iExec I'm sorry but you're clearly a retard and should sell all of your crypto.

>> No.13234128

>Muh link can do anything

Kys retard

>> No.13234129

>Link will never be able to validate a computed result nor will it be able to have miners.

Link + PC+ SGX + ethereum

Not link alone

iExec it's like a marketplace website, like Ebay.... you can go shopping on eBay, on Amazon... there is no esclusivity

>> No.13234176

No it isn't. Also top kek if you think link will ever be able to do that or anything at all because for all we know Sergey is off in Thailand fucking ladyboys with your investment money.

Link hasn't even demonstrated shit and you linkfags are all up in RLC threads every time because you know that RLC is actually delivering, and ahead of schedule at that.

>> No.13234251

HOnestly from your bitter answers I guess you RLC are a bunch of kids.

Is this all you can do? Explain me why Link can't do that

>> No.13234287

Because link can't do anything LOL
Also because iExec is vastly superior at the main thing it was built to do so there would be no reason to use link even if it became possible to compute.

Link doesn't even do one single thing let alone off chain intensive computation. You live in a pipedream.

>> No.13234317

2 months ago it was 150$

>> No.13234351

So fucking sick of these French losers.

>> No.13234424

Link is a scam. It’s actually literally a fucking scam. Link has accomplished nothing and will continue to accomplish nothing. Sirgay goes around giving the same speech for three years mean while siphoning money from your retarded Link investors for Big Macs and estrogen injections. You fell for mass shilling. I knew DAY ONE of Link shilling on /biz/ it was a scam. Within an hour a dozen threads popped up with bullshit inorganic shilling trash. I did an hour of research and knew it was a fucking ruse. Sorry anon, you’ve been had.

>> No.13234461

Serges Cant even do laundry you idiot

>> No.13234541

>putting the dollar sign after the amount
Of all the pajeet shitcoins out there, this one is the pajeetiest.

>> No.13234543


what is this rhing iExec is superior to Link? To provide a marketplace where demand and offer meet each other?

>> No.13234568

Trusted marketplace for recources and data. Also fog computing. Link retards don't understand that iexec and link arent even competing. you need a way to verify calculations which link has no mechanism to do. However linkpool could provide computation in iexec marketplace. But these low iq pajeet kids with 300 links come in and shit up every thread

>> No.13234624

^ 100% this

>> No.13234688

In developed countries unit of measurement and fiat symbols comes after. Don’t be a retarded burger

>> No.13234797

>Trusted marketplace for recources and data.

you can do this with any blockchain and Poco, tell me why not

Poco--> stake---> verification

>Also fog computing

Fog copunting are pcs, tablets which execute the computation in proximity to the device of the request for compunting

Why can't be done with ethereum and SGX and POS and POCO?

>> No.13234816

>Why can't you do something that iexec does the best with something else
Yeah you can re-create anything

>> No.13234821

>you need a way to verify calculations which link has no mechanism to do

Oracles can execute the computations and then with a POCO algorithm they can be verified the oracle which cheats loses its stake

>> No.13234837


>If i didnt already invest into internet money, I would never invest into internet money.

Did I read that right?

>> No.13235251

LINK has no product, get it over your head. Linkies sound pathetic desperate at "muh LINK can do anything" but nothing has been archived yet. Go spam somewhere else, it's like talking to a down syndrome. Show me a PoCo LINK smartcrontract that does the same that iExec does and is backed by Intel, Alibaba, Ubisoft and IBM and I'll think about selling my RLC stack

>> No.13235416

Hope it'll dump soon

>> No.13235737

another french fag project

>> No.13235790
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biz-quality fud

>> No.13236655

ok I bought in
wen pump?

>> No.13236671

>Muh robots.

What a pile of shit.

>> No.13237097


>Muh nothing, 1000$ EOY

>> No.13237317
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>> No.13237331
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>> No.13237937

Get ready for D E P A R T U R E boys

>> No.13238380

Kek these linksters are delusional

>> No.13239292

the lower highs and shallower ramp than the previous is a sell signal for me. sold to accumulate.

see you at 9300 so I can add another 15% onto my stack. godspeed boys.

>> No.13239346

Good luck selling and Alibaba posting the article about iExec and suddenly x2 over 30 minutes like last pump.

>> No.13239768

risk/reward, my dude. this 15% i make now will be 150% by the time we 10x in the next month.

>> No.13239817

Or you could lose your precious stack if baguettes decide to release another bomb all the sudden

>> No.13240923

I hope you get shit on. You won't be able to time the next 100 million dollar pump.