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File: 192 KB, 1379x718, Florida.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13228993 No.13228993 [Reply] [Original]

Northeast in a nutshell:
>Astronomical cost of living
>Deal with shitty weather
>Stupid high taxes
>Stupid high income taxes
>Half of the thots are used up ugly bitches
>The other half are brainwashed SJW's
>Deal with unhappy, overworked people
>Long winters


>Low cost of living
>Beautiful weather, feels like I'm on vacation
>Low taxes
>No Income tax
>Beautiful thots
>Hot latinas
>No brainwashed SJW's
>Deal with happy people many who love to workout and stay fit
>No winters and no fucking snow

best decision ever

>> No.13229015


>> No.13229019

Uh huh, wait til summer and then tell us how great life is, Florida man

>> No.13229023

>No winters and no fucking snow
Beaner detected. Winter is the season for whites.

>> No.13229050

>wanting to buy an extra season worth of clothes just for 3/12 months of the year

>> No.13229053

Where in Florida?

I grew up in Naples

Median age of 66

Wouldn't mind living in a younger part of Florida that felt like Manhattan

>> No.13229081

St Pete is up and coming. Probably ideal for what you’re looking for.

>> No.13229086

>florida man
>old people
>snakes and alligators

Only for visiting.

>> No.13229100
File: 1.28 MB, 1217x695, 1541960108757.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Florida man here.
>live in condo a couple miles from the beach
>condo bought at bottom of market crash
>mortgage literally $150 a month
>weather fantastic 9 months out of the year
>walking distance to cool little coffee shops, home depot, target, and longhorn's (literal paradise)
>thanks to based low utilities rates, total living expenses are like $500 a month
>much rather bake for 3 months out of the year than freeze for 6 months tracking snow and shit into my car (been there you can keep it)
I know people like to shit on Florida but there's a reason 20 million people live here. Don't knock it until you try it. And for my fellow Floridians that think the grass is greener, I've lived in California, Arizona, Wisconsin, Tennessee, and a few other places. I've also visited all 48 of the contiguous US states, Canada, and Mexico for extended periods and, lemme tell ya, the grass ain't greener.

>> No.13229101

Its a fucking cesspool. Once I graduate, I am moving out of the state.

>> No.13229104

Strong Appalachian white stay out of my forrest wetbacks

>> No.13229117


I hope our scorching summers run you out of here.

>> No.13229143

You realize that's a Jew lie right? Winters aren't for Whites you dummy, Whites take in more sunlight which is why we burn easier.

Winters aren't for anyone human which is why you put on jackets and coats when it gets cold out you dummy. Stop listening to Jewish propaganda

>> No.13229157

>you put on jackets and coats when it gets cold out
Only if you're a med. True huwhites wear shorts and tshirts in all weather.

>> No.13229163

We have an equal exchange in my stretch of PA
>Floridians move here because they cant find jobs
>PA folk move to Florida to get away from the cold
The cycle completes itself
Also why is everyone from Florida a mechanic

>> No.13229177

florida is based. Just wait until all the boomers die this place is going to be wide open with opportunity and beautiful empty roads

>> No.13229203

Lol I'm here to stay, I'm never going back up north LMAO. I'm FUCKING DONE WITH WINTER WOOOOOOOOO!!!!

Exactly it makes no fucking sense, I live near the beaches too, its a no brainer.

South Florida area. Not near Miami but a bit up north.

>> No.13229334

>Beautiful weather
Lol. Wait another month

>> No.13229345

>Also why is everyone from Florida a mechanic
No jobs

>> No.13229354

Imagine being retarded enough to think no more old people will move there. Its literally a giant nursing home.

>> No.13229432

>>Beautiful weather
>Lol. Wait another month
The beach is always 10 degrees cooler than inland, besides, there's this newfangled thing called an air conditioner. You should try it.
>>Also why is everyone from Florida a mechanic
>No jobs
Lol. The unemployment rate is lower than the national average and lower than many states in the northeast including Connecticut, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, New York, etc.. Source: https://www.bls.gov/web/laus/laumstrk.htm

>> No.13229449

i couldn't make it two years and had a scholarship to the U

>> No.13229553

Shut the fuck up you swarthy brown mongrel

>> No.13229557

Different people like different things, I suppose. I'm trying to get out of FL.
I feel like I'm living in a developing country, compared to the civilized north.
Trashy criminals, trashy drivers, trashy homeless. Garbage public transport. People don't wash their hands in public bathrooms. Drug crisis. Mosquitos and cockroaches year-round. Stray cats. Roadkills that don't get cleaned up. Rain almost every day during summer. Humid heat. I can go on.
It was a mistake to accept a job here.
I feel like my life is on hold while I'm still here. I'd have married and bought a home by now, if I lived back up north.

>> No.13229564

fuck off we're full
You're only marginally better than the retard inbred m*dwesterners

>> No.13229569


Based and carpetbaggingpilled

t. Texas Carpetbagger

>> No.13229570

give it six months you fucking hate the spic problem.

>> No.13229596

yep this is someone who has grown up in tru florida. Not Miami and surrounding ares.

Tampa fag checking in

>> No.13229607

>There is beautiful weather
>I have to sit inside all day
Nice cope

>> No.13229621

>Unemployment rate
meme statistic. Then again, can't expect much on this board. Let's look at PPP, labor participation rate, and what kind of neighborhood the average wage will get you.

desu sounds like you're trying to convince yourself to move

>> No.13229630

Checked, my dude. Florida is amazing and I'm going to live in Orlando until I die. Stay away from South Florida, because it's a third world cesspool. Also stay away from the panhandle, because it's the part that the rest of the country makes fun of us for.

>> No.13229644

There's no way Florida is better than cali.
I've been to both, I'm actually trying to move to cali as nyc has become insufferable.

>> No.13229655

>>There is beautiful weather
>>I have to sit inside all day
>Nice cope
Retard, how is chillaxing on the beach in 75 degrees year round "sitting inside"?
>meme statistic
Oh, of course, it doesn't confirm your biases so it's just a """meme""". Lol, kys
Fresno is a piece of shit, Miami Beach is great. San Bernardino is great, Jacksonville is a piece of shit. It really depends on where you go, how much money you have, who your social circle is, etc.

>> No.13229679

>Retard, how is chillaxing on the beach in 75 degrees year round "sitting inside"?
Add another 20 degrees and 95% humidity.
>Oh, of course, it doesn't confirm your biases so it's just a """meme""". Lol, kys
No way you live in Fl. Hope you're brushing up on your Spanish

>> No.13229682
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Oh great, another snowbird. Can't even put sugar in your tea or syrup on your biscuits like a normal person. Still, I have you fucks to thank for obliterating my southern accent by growing up around you, so that was nice.

>> No.13229690

Orlando anon here. Fucking love it. Iv traveled all over the USA, I love where I live. Mostly white well off, parks, no traffic, right by lake Nona area in Orlando. Pay is amazing as well.

>> No.13229698
File: 64 KB, 800x490, getajob.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think you may have just unironically convinced me to move to Florida during the next RE downturn.
If you actually worked for a living or did actual /biz/ness you would understand why commiefornia is garbage.

>> No.13229702

>Mostly white

>> No.13229707

Just got the fuck out of Central Florida after a decade, you can keep it. Try
> Hot as fuck
> Ghetto as fuck minus a very few select places
> More and more brown people
> Will be a blue state in 2020
En fucking joy

>> No.13229709

Redpill on Florida demographics?

>> No.13229733
File: 347 KB, 1184x1536, 2847812.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Demographics of Orlando from a DECADE ago

>> No.13229737

My neighborhood faggot. Look up the medical city aka lake Nona

I lived in the hood for 4 years, never once had a problem . We all got guns here so nobody bothers nobody.

>> No.13229746

Yes goy settle in cold inhospitable weather, its made for you goy

>> No.13229748

> 55% white is enough

>> No.13229756
File: 1.49 MB, 2880x1558, 284928391.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Lake Nona
You unironically live in the 56%

>> No.13229770

>>Retard, how is chillaxing on the beach in 75 degrees year round "sitting inside"?
>Add another 20 degrees and 95% humidity.
The weather in Miami is upper 70s/lower 80s all week and the humidity is within a few points of San Francisco. The really hot heat is dead middle of Summer for a couple of months. I'd rather have than 6 months of ice and snow up north.
>No way you live in Fl. Hope you're brushing up on your Spanish
I 100% live in Florida and there are many states with a higher and faster growing hispanic population including California.

>> No.13229771

My neighborhood is majority white. Mostly medical workers or tech/it

>> No.13229776

>Medical workers
>Mostly white
Just stop...

>> No.13229793

>I 100% live in Florida
lol... Keep telling yourself that

>> No.13229805

Did you just move there or something? I've never met a white person that oculd stand ORlando. I lived in Daytona (admitted shithole) but I won't go to ORlando unless it's absolutely unavoidable. Niggers, Puerto Rican refugess, Mexicans in Kissmeee, and the never ending stream of BR tourists make it one of the least desirable places I've ever been.

>> No.13229817

Anybody who says Orlando is "mostly white" does not live here lol

>> No.13229827

Even Seminole is like 58% white now

>> No.13229837

Winter park, mills, lake Nona are the 3 mostly white areas in Orlando. Check out boxi Park this weekend you Orlando fags.

>> No.13229858

My fiancé and I visited Orlando a year or so ago and there were soooo many fucking niggers and Cubans/spics. I made a comment that it didn't even feel like America and she, an SJW from Portland OR, agreed with me.

>> No.13229860

To add, the Spanish people in my area are mostly second/third generation and based af Cubans/Rican/south Americans who are more American than all the cuck ass millennials or the nigs

>> No.13229866

>Winter Park
Maybe if you out-earn the Pajeet Doctors
>Lake Nona
We just had this discussion. Are you from McAllen Texas or somewhere similar that 57% white is "mostly white?"

>> No.13229870

I'm from NJ and my area isn't White either. It's full of Indians. In fact speaking Hindi is now showing up on some job requirements. Not kidding.

>> No.13229872

no your best decision ever would be to all-in flo.

>> No.13229884

I was at a conference in Hollywood, FL a month back or so and the weather was beautiful but the area was pretty shit. We had some nice dinners in Miami but there's so many fucking spics and english feels almost like the second language there. It's great if you've got money I guess

>> No.13229895

I grew up in Long Island. Very white area. Like I said, I love Orlando. I ride around with my strap. I have a cc I don’t know how anybody can be so scared of “others” when we live with one of the most personal defense friendly laws in the lower 48.

>> No.13229897

>Anybody who says Orlando is "mostly white" does not live here lol
You guys need to understand that not even the major European cities are all white anymore. Hell, London is majority "immigrant" (code for non-white) so of course Orlando isn't going to look great on that metric. I live in one of the major Florida cities and, no, it isn't mostly white overall but the part I live in is. There are plenty of large pockets of majority white urban areas in Florida and not just places like Lawtey and Homosassa. The gulf coast is full of majority white nice clean communities.
If anybody here is deluded enough to think you can go to any major city practically anywhere in the western world and it is more than 80% white, who the fuck are you kidding?
Even shitty ass Jacksonville which is like 50% white has majority white areas like Mandarin and Fruit Cove where you can do everything and almost never see a non-white person. Hell, the freaking McDonald's there is staffed with all white kids. That's when you know it's white as fuck.

>> No.13229911

I live in Florida as well and it’s great m8. Want to move to Colorado eventually so I can grow weed, but if it becomes legal down here I may never leave. No fucking state income tax dude

>> No.13229924

>If anybody here is deluded enough to think you can go to any major city practically anywhere in the western world and it is more than 80% white, who the fuck are you kidding?
You've never been to Europe.

>> No.13229927

this actually gives me hope because I might get a sweet job offer in MS next month. the demographics just bum me out coming from a city that only has ~3-5% africans

>> No.13229934

I went to longboat key/fruitville and did not see one person that was not white all day. Literally all day until we went to the beaches . Gulf coast is based af

>> No.13229942

>civilized north
The north is far from "civilized". People just work more here. The culture here in general just tends towards "work". No doubt the influence of NYC in the region.

I mean if you want to be a worker bee and work near the beehive, be my guest. If you want to live near "White People" then yes, there is a strong presence in the PA + New England areas.

And yes there is more infrastructure up north, but you are trading that for high taxes, overworked neighbors, etc.

The biggest thing I noticed in Florida is just how friendly people are, and the work ethic is different, people work to live, rather than up north, people living to work. Big difference. I go outside and see people having fun on their boats, going fishing, hunting, etc.

Up northeast, people are living inside for half the year, utterly miserable. You are stuck paying high taxes , work is everything, NYC is a behemoth and affects everything around it. If you live in NJ where I live, the state has been taken over by Indians. People really are unfriendly up here.

It's a no brainer, really.

>> No.13229960
File: 59 KB, 814x492, 1524140757196.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You've never been to Europe.
Okay Achmed. The story for Paris, Stockholm, Amsterdam, etc. are the same story. Note pic related was as of 2011 before the most recent immigrant mania.

>> No.13229961

floridia is a trashy shit hole, only people who live there think its great. old folks and trash migrate from the midwest there

>> No.13229970

>wear shorts and tshirts in all weather
In Minnesota, a lot of people will legitimately wear shorts in the middle of the winter. This is typically on days where there's zero wind

>> No.13229973

Florida is a shithole

>> No.13229977

You have no idea what you're talking about, so you use the few outliers. Are you aware there are more big cities in Europe than London and Paris?

>> No.13229983

I did exactly this too. 727 master race. Now delete this fucking thread right now.

>> No.13229985

>You have no idea what you're talking about, so you use the few outliers. Are you aware there are more big cities in Europe than London and Paris?
Struck a nerve, Muhammad?

>> No.13229990

Are you 12? Please tell me every city in Europe with a population over one million and their demographics.

>> No.13229997


>> No.13230000

*that you've personally visited of course

>> No.13230003

So fucking glad to be an early adopter. Kek.

>> No.13230008

But winter clothes are /fa/ as fuck while most summer clothes look like shit. I never feel well dressed wearing shorts and a t-shirt.

>> No.13230025
File: 19 KB, 260x386, grinch13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because you have a skinnyfat grinch body anon

>> No.13230027

>Please tell me every city in Europe with a population over one million and their demographics.

>> No.13230038

Did I strike a nerve?

>> No.13230045

Doesn't change the fact that they are slobbish peasant clothes

>> No.13230055
File: 416 KB, 680x680, 100% sweetie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13230060

Yeah that's what I though, faggot.

>> No.13230066


>> No.13230067
File: 42 KB, 600x462, 1554025934091.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck u say

>> No.13230072

>In Minnesota
Not for long, you'll be a Muslim state soon.

>> No.13230074

Thought, past tense of think the latter of which you obviously have no experience with, retard.

>> No.13230089
File: 59 KB, 500x409, PepePublix.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck off Yankee you failed the test
not one mention of Publix or Chicken Tendie subs.

>> No.13230095

You sound VERY butthurt, anon.

>> No.13230100

>>mortgage literally $150 a month
What's the HOA, $900?

>> No.13230135

On the contrary, you decided to shit up a thread with neo-nationalist eurocuck bullshit over a casual observation that most European cities are <80% european. If it weren't true you would have just laughed and let it pass. Going on a fit demanding the mother of all effort posts of an annotated list of every European city of over 1 million with concomitant demography statistics is the very definition of butthurt. Especially since the statistics are available on the net for all to see. You are a clown.
$138 for the last 8 years. We have a very fiscally responsible HOA here. The condos down the street pay like 4 or 5 hundred for less amenities. I got very very lucky.

>> No.13230140

Lol. My retarded friend back in NY says stuff like this too.

>> No.13230458

St. Pete here, fuck off we're full

>> No.13230489

Same. Hoping no one finds out about St Pete until I buy up some houses.

>> No.13230510


>> No.13230817


Zomg!!! Even in Orlando, houses are built of rebar reinforced cinder block. I paid 242k for my 2100sq foot 4/2 bedroom new construction house 4 years ago.

>> No.13230831

>flooded house
nice rebar faggot

>> No.13230835

based. i go from ny to there on vacations. only a matter of time until i join you anon and embrace florida residency

>> No.13231301

>choosing Orlando and st Petersburg over based Athens GA
>cheap as fuck
>great food, tons of legit restaurants
>unironically some of hottest young women in America
>great arts community, music scene btfo any Florida scene
>comfy vibes because everyone is young and beautiful and happy
>good mix of liberals and conservatives, with conservatives dominating most of the culture and wealth but quirky liberal business owners keeping the town from being a soulless mass of cookie cutter buildings
>elite sports if you are into that shit
>no traffic at all
>everything within 15 mins
>perfect weather 9/12 months
>in the hot summer months all the students leave and you have this massive town to yourself, it's so fucking comfy and chill
>university town so can take continuing education whenever you want to learn languages or study music or painting or comp sci etc
>tons of bars and shit to do at night
>at the same time can stay in and play vidya and in a quiet tree-lined neighborhood
Athens is truly the greatest town in the United States. I've been fucking everywhere and nothing compares to the balance of cost, amenities, culture, architecture, weather... I pity you faggots who think Orlando Florida is some treasure

>> No.13231416


Just moved to Tampa. Staying with my older brother while taking the CPA exam. Only one part left. Once I pass im thinking about moving to St. Pete. Is it a good place for late 20's and single? Haven't really explored much since I've been down here, studying so much.

>> No.13231429

Damn. Which part are the good parts? Where you at?

>> No.13231434

>No brainwashed SJW's
Just don't go to Tallahassee or Jacksonville.

>> No.13231526
File: 153 KB, 960x739, spacehome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>reinforced concrete and rebar pillars says go fuck your storm surge.

>> No.13231544
File: 80 KB, 960x960, FloridaMan4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You gonna do shit (no pun intended) like this OP?

>> No.13231651

>he thinks Florida weather is good
Wait until its 90+ everyday with humidity and thunderstorms all the damn time

>> No.13231660
File: 1.66 MB, 3872x2592, Downtown Tampa from Davis Island.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, it's my home!

Tampa here, Tallahassee for college. Florida is the only place in america that I've ever lived and I love it. I'm never going back.

>> No.13231909

I'm from Jew York and Jew Yorker's have an unhealthy obsession with Commiefornia and it being a paradise. I like Florida but there's too many weird ass places and dindus like 2 seconds from the nice areas.

My paradise would be New Jersey with concealed carry.

>> No.13231926

Nj is a dump, full of Irish/Italian sluts in little towns

>> No.13231962

I do work, I actually have a STEM degree.
I work at the airport, didn't know CA had shit business taxes, surely they can't be worse than nyc.

>> No.13232029

>No brainwashed SJW's
i'll take liberals over Florida Man any day...

have fun with hurricanes, shitty hot summers, and some weird fucking locals....

>> No.13232030

FWIW alot of spics and dindus are moving along the i80 and 78 corridor from NYC through to Scranton / Easton.

There's some really shitty parts of Orlando, no?

You say Italian and Irish sluts like it's a bad thing.

>> No.13232034

>Florida is the only place in america that I've ever lived and I love it.
>never going back.


>> No.13232042

new jersey is just as shitty as florida

you fucking people with "i live here so its the best" mentality are so fucking dumb.

>> No.13232080

It is, buncha single moms all look used up/ drug users. Can mostly be found in pubs.

>> No.13232095

I didn't say I live in NJ. Yet.

I'd take a 32 year old divorcee Italian or Irish cardio bunny with bolt ons any day.

>> No.13232105

I don't know about you sluts, but I like cali. I really like San Diego, even some parts of LA have nice places. Plus it's only a few hrs drive to las vegas.
As a nyc resident, that sounds better to me, I dont care if I have to put up with mexicans and chinks. I put up with swarthy dominicans,puerto ricans, pajeets and biggers here on the daily.

>> No.13232114


>> No.13232130

It's like being in a sauna 24/7.
Jesus, still very nice state.

>> No.13232133


>> No.13232505


This, 239 reporting

can't wait to get my airboat done so I can work frog giggin into my weekend rotation

>> No.13232557

>the only place IN AMERICA
I'm south african

>> No.13232582

Enjoy flooding and hurricanes

>> No.13232615

fuck yeah dude, Im eurofag about to move to florida as well. cant wait to steal a high-paying job from a burger and undermine your social fabric with my immigrant ass lmao

>> No.13232640

how brown is it?

>> No.13232658 [DELETED] 

>The season that causes whites the most pain when exposed to is actually their season

nah winter is great

>> No.13232671
File: 67 KB, 580x562, race_laziness.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>80 IQ people are Americans
yea sorry buddy it doesn't work like that.

>> No.13232690
File: 103 KB, 1023x653, race_murder_black_countries.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whats the nog situation like?
overall demographics?

>> No.13232751

> thinks he’s high IQ because he slaves away for shekelstein like a good little goyim
state of huwites

>> No.13232795
File: 155 KB, 599x786, latin_america_iq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what brown shithole are you from?

>> No.13232824

I’m from Europe ergo I’m whiter than you by default. Now address my point.

>> No.13233424

snakes and alligators? PUSSY ALERT PUSSY ALERT

News flash by the way: Old people are everywhere

>> No.13233447

this is silly talk. I own a sign and vehicle wrap shop that I just started a couple years ago and I am a journeyman plumber. Only lazy people don't get jobs down here or just end up as a "mechanic" as you say(which is still a job so saying there aren't any jobs doesn't make much sense)

>> No.13233453

Texas has all the pros, but you can actually get a job that pays a reasonable salary and you're not going to be swallowed by the ocean in 20 years. Florida is for dimwitted boomers and sea niggers from PR.

>> No.13233477

Holy shit look at that. All the roads will be underwater within the next decade. Screen cap this.

>> No.13233573

Can confirm Jacksonville is shit but your not escaping Florida without driving thru it.

>> No.13233689

accurate, their always talking about low taxes but never make a income over 100k.

>> No.13233958

>he doesn't wear board shorts and nothing else for the entire year

>> No.13234047

I grew up in Los Angeles but fucking hate that shithole of 'diversity' and urban sprawl. Miami has always interested me if I ever wanted to live somewhere warm again, but I feel like Miami and all of Florida for that matter is a fucking warzone of insane people with guns and hurricanes constantly rolling in. When I visited Miami I liked it more than LA (and Honolulu for that matter), but it still seemed far too touristy (and still quite diverse). Where do the rich people live in Miami? For example, most rich people in LA don't live in LA, they live in Calabasas

>> No.13234074

I'll stay in Boston where the niggers are quarantined, there aren't tent cities full of junkies, and the women are hot and sophisticated

>> No.13234092

OP if you live in Palm beach Island then you are gonna make it. But you probably live across the bridge in the ghetto and as such are gonna be fucked by the hood when it realizes you have shiny things. I'd recommend buying a mean pitbull and a shotgun but either way them jack boys is gonna get yo shit

>> No.13234118

>go from air conditioned home to air conditioned car to air conditioned work
I unironically enjoy the heat here, probably because I was born in it though. Not being fat/poor also helps, it would suck to have a car with shitty a/c or fat flaps weighing you down

>> No.13234163

Irish women are disgusting

>> No.13234177

Florida is actually disgusting due to the horrendous weather (humidity, extreme heat) and bugs, but I agree northeast living is pretty cucked though culturally one of the most interesting regions on the planet due to history

>> No.13234189

3 1/2 months a year? Southerner detected. Winter is a 6 month season for true Northerners.

>> No.13234193

shit dude, almost everywhere is better than cali these days.

>> No.13234226

Imagine having room temperature IQ and believing Florida is anything but 65+ seniors (thats the white population) and a cesspool of black and brown Spanish speaking criminals. Thinking any other way is just cope.

>> No.13234300
File: 1.60 MB, 1920x1080, rays.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

St. Pete's nice, especially for your demographic. The downtown area is constantly getting new stuff and there's lots to do already.

>> No.13234383

Born and raised on cape cod, MA where the pilgrims settled. The history gets old really quick.

>> No.13234429

There are nogs but nowhere near the level of these Florida cities. The town is pretty segregated and nigs know their place around here, they’re not like the Atlanta nigs who think they run the world.
That said if you’re looking to genuinely never interact with a black person you can live in Oconee county which is the white flight zone next to athens. Very nice houses, super conservative

>> No.13234462

Boston and portland are the only major cities I’d consider. Portland is like a cheat code because it’s a major city but overwhelmingly white. I have never seen a whiter urban area in my life. If it wasn’t for the shit weather I might live there year round. I plan on having a summer house there when I make it

>> No.13234463

My uncle has a condo at the Ritz in Boston and it cost him a fortune. To me the size is not worth the amount he paid for it. This applies to all if Boston especially the upper middle class areas. All overpriced shacks.

>> No.13234523

The rich part of Miami is called Brickell. It's what you see on the TV shows usually with the big fancy buildings.

>> No.13234859
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Same. I personally love the temperate rainforest climate of the PNW so I plan on living here year round once I can afford a reasonable home for my family.

>> No.13234905

kek I’ve been in that exact neighborhood of astoria a few years back. beautiful place
the constant grey skies and lack of sunny days would get old. other than that it’s literally a perfect place to live

>> No.13235038
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>a couple miles

Unless you're on a coastal island florida fucking sucks. Beach towns are all pretty based except Daycoona and south florida

t. north florida beach town

>> No.13235085


Christ dude I noticed the same thing about the hand washing. My boss would be shitting in the stall next to me, finish up, and walk out without even running the water.

>> No.13235176

NJ is awful
>Most densely populated state
>Nothing but suburbs where neighbors don't even talk to each other like they did 20 years ago
>No real outdoor activities, just the pines and the shore
>Girls start to get fat at 17 now, even college girls aren't that great
>Young people leaving at an alarming rate
>Have to jump through hoops to get a gun
>High taxes
>Overpriced apartments because you're either conveniently near Philadelphia, NYC, Cherry Hill, Trenton, or the shore
I grew up here, I've lived in other states but had to come back to live with my parents to save money. This state is garbage
Wawa is great though

>> No.13235195

Fucking Europoors come into every thread about the US and start babbling about their shit continent. Fuck off Ahmed

>> No.13235258

>Amerimutts calling actual real whites "Muhammads" the moment you call them out on their 3rd world country
Like clockwork.
Also Rome is >90% white, eat that dickhead

>> No.13235271

Italians aren’t white, Giovanni.

>> No.13235622


Alright cuck. Please kys.

Thank you.

>> No.13235684
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>> No.13235752

>also Rome is >90% white, eat that dickhead
Your city is a tourist trap smelly piece of shit way to fucking ruin it, and fuck no Italians aren’t white they’re basically Europe’s Mexicans in the minds of white Americans, both equally lazy as fuck and sweaty

>> No.13235797

I grew up in Florida, it gets a lot of hate but it's a great state. Just don't start shit with anyone because people shoot people instead of fighting here.

>No brainwashed SJW's

Not sure where you got this idea, there are plenty of them here it's just the people here will fuck your shit up for starting shit with them so SJWs don't run their mouths to strangers like they do in other parts of the nation. They're still all over the College campuses though and they are more likely to be white people than non whites, non whites just aren't into the SJW shit as much in Florida too.

>> No.13235799

No we're Europe's Ubermensch. I'm Italian and I'll never identify as White. Who wants to be White? White people are cucks who posture and spew garbage on message boards but don't do much else.

>> No.13235820

>I'm Italian and I'll never identify as White

That's because you aren't white, it would be pretty weird if you identified as anything but black.

>> No.13235836

>moving to Cali from New York
anon, you need to free yourself from the (((city trick))).
t. cali anon who lived in Wisconsin for 5 years and realized the midwest is great

>> No.13235989

florida is a shithole
so is north east
north midwest is the best

>> No.13236216
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they're morons bruh. bonus points since italians actually keep the trash out of their country.

>> No.13236672
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Lol everybody has a pool. Is that true? I zoomed in on Boca Raton whatever the hell that is.

>> No.13236772

This. Floridanon here. Born and raised. Lived in most major cities, nyc, chicago, Atlanta.... spent too much time in DC and Cali... it will never get better than Florida. Especially N Florida where there’s green grass for miles and miles

>> No.13236795

Which part has more shelter from hurricanes, the northwest?

>> No.13236822

That’s the best part. People don’t go looking for problems because you get shot

Most of the crime in Orlando is nig on nog violence in the hood or a tourist getting robbed. Ever since they passed stand your ground, we went from having a serious crime problem to one that’s is much much lower. I have a friend who owns a restaurant in a bad area that got robbed. He happened to be there, ended up shooting 2 of the Hatian fucks boys while they ran. Cops called him a hero and didn’t even make a notation of the drugs found in his car while doing the crime investigation.

>> No.13236834

Also to add, downtown Orlando is one of the best set up for nightlife cities iv ever been to.

>> No.13236860

No, the very center with the most land to buffer. Ocala and Orlando are generally pretty safe from hurricanes because they’re practically the furthest inland in all directions

>> No.13236868

Nope I'm not white. I'm Italian. Best food, best music, best art, best women, best culture. Stay jealous while your women get bbcd by Ahmed

>> No.13236885

Now do the states by IQ. Pro tip: Florida is the highest

>> No.13237002

holy fuck imagine living in GEORGIA.... LMFAO

>> No.13237017


I'd say SW, tough for storms to make the turn from the south of the state and go back east

>> No.13237096

Florida is hardly the best part of the South. There's a part of the South that's majority white, few blacks and hispanics conservative, very little carpetbagger cancer, way fewer scorchers, better cost of living, less regulation, more jobs, etc.

But I ain't telling no one where it is.

Can't tell if b8 or retardation: the post.

>> No.13237116

Italians are the niggers of europe

>> No.13237286

Yes, I’d recommend it.

>> No.13237348

>walking to home depot
dumbest thing ive read in days

>> No.13237419

Tennessee motherfucker, nashville area.

>> No.13237469

>The unemployment rate is lower than the national average
Service and retail jobs

>> No.13237577

Everything you said was wrong which tells me you’re retarded. Sage.

>> No.13238204

Jealousy runs deep, just like the BBC in your wife's pussy

>> No.13238475

>talking to your neighbors

lolno. I'm putting hedge rows all around

>> No.13238509

I fucking hate everyone of you northern fuck heads ruining this state

Driving away what little culture we had and replacing it with your own, hating immigrants who don't assimilate while brandishing your Ohio State paraphernalia, New York tee shirts, Michigan bumper stickers, all with reckless abandon

My skin crawls and my bile boils over whenever I see your out of state plates, just wondering how long it's going to take before you drift into my lane without a glance at your turn signal, for it's not Floridians who are bad drivers, no. It's the stupid inbred transplants with Florida plates who give us bad names. We're fantastic drivers, having grown up dealing with your bullshit

I can't do literally anything without being assailed by gridlock traffic, bloated and inflated lines and waits at the doctor/grocer/literally anything

I wish you all would fuck off and die. Fuck off, we're full.

>> No.13238661

You sound like a complete faggot. No offense.

>> No.13238679

That's actually where I'm from. Pretty great place but Pinellas is ground zero for the opioid epidemic so

>> No.13238703

I go to UCF here, Orlando is pretty non-white but I don't mind the Hispanics here

>> No.13238759

>Beautiful weather
Wait til summer...

>> No.13238859

i can't get a fucking job. i live in florida. 10 months of applications (4.5 yr work experience) and nothing. web dev btw

>> No.13238911

That's what happens when you go into a meme career. I've been here in Tampa for 3 months studying for the CPA exam full time and have been getting blown up with job recruiters on LinkedIn. I have 4.5 yr experience.

>> No.13238974

>meme career
isn't everything a meme career?

i didn't choose that career, it chose me. it was the only job offer i ever received

>> No.13239020

t. Ohio

>> No.13239185


My only advice is to skip the application process and go in person and speak with a hiring manager for a company that you are genuinely interested to work for. It shows initiative. Hand them your resume so it skips the line of pending applications. Make sure you actually research the company before doing this so you can incorporate why you'd be a great fit.

True story this actually worked for a friend in wallstreet. He kept sending applications/email and never got a response. So he put a suit on and went to the firm in person. The security questioned him and asked if he had an appointment. He lied and said yes. When the hiring manager comes down to see who was there to see him he apologized for lying but explained to him that he would do whatever it took to get his resume across because he genuinely was interested in working for this firm. Long story short he got the job. It's all about taking initiative and selling yourself.

>> No.13239247

>"have you tried walking into the store, asking for the manager, looking him straight in the eye, and giving him a firm hand-shake?"

t. boomer

>> No.13239252

>this shitpost has been brought to you by the Georgia chamber of commerce

>> No.13239344


>> No.13239356


The defintion of insane is to keep doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. If you haven't had a job in 10 months then you have to try something different.

I'm probably talking to a NEET.

>> No.13239380

Like georgia needs more people. Atlanta is massive and one of the fastest growing cities. It's also a glimpse at what your future is going to look like when whites become a minority. Disgusting cesspool of a city

>> No.13239386

>you have to try something different.
like what? i do keep trying different stuff

>I'm probably talking to a NEET.
indeed, i have been a NEET for about 10% of my adult life, virtually all of it in the last 10 months

>> No.13239435

Do you not understand that when you submit your resume/application it gets buried and never looked at until someone at that company gets a referral and digs it up? Go out and network. Stop being a recluse.

On that note your resume is probably fucked up if you haven't heard from one single company in 10 months. Make sure you're not just listing out daily tasks. Put actual specific goals you've accomplished at work.

>> No.13239508

>Go out and network
care to be more specific? explain it to me like i have aspergers

>Stop being a recluse.
what do i go talk to random people at walmart?

>On that note your resume is probably fucked up if you haven't heard from one single company in 10 months
well i got a few in-person interviews but they went with someone else

>Make sure you're not just listing out daily tasks. Put actual specific goals you've accomplished at work.
i basically just did the same thing over and over and over again. i made websites. there's not much else to put.

here is what i have

pass = lolcox


^^^ that is my resume

>> No.13239567

How's the IT scene in Florida? Is it all in Orlando or Jacksonville? I'd avoid Miami since its a spic colony at this point and I don't speak Spanish.

Also I love fucking Asian sluts. Are there are a lot of chinks and gooks in cities outside of Miami? Are they down for white cock or do they fuck nigs and spics?

>> No.13239600

i've lived in florida my whole life. you're not going to find many asians outside of the top ranked unviersities, honestly

it's mostly blacks, whites, and mestizos

central and south florida is full of hispanics. north florida has lots of blacks. whites everywhere

>> No.13239674
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St.pete and tampa are cool to you if you're a shallow piece of shit who likes drinking and eating all day, most people here are kinda lame, if India had manifested itself as an american city/region its pinellas county and other surrounding areas, most people here are just larping pajeets, winging it through life aimlessly like headless chickens, with lots of confidence while they fuck things up, just stay away from here if you want to know happiness, glow niggers in full effect, im not sure whos fucking sick idea it was to shill florida here..

>> No.13239729

>and what have you been doing since December, anon?
it is easier to get a job when you have a job

>> No.13239757

>it is easier to get a job when you have a job

i say that i am working remotely. it says it right there:

>(Part time remote work since December 2018)

it is a web dev company so i don't actually physically have to be there

i also say "i am learning {insert relevant technology that they use} in my free time also"

last time it was angular.

it's actually better this way, i think

>> No.13239788


How much do you make remotely?

>> No.13239816
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I didnt expect my thread to blow up like this.

>> No.13239818

>low salaries
>no jobs
>no pizza
>living near the beach (only reason to ever live in FL) is just as expensive as northeast if not more
>mosquito-born illness

>> No.13239819

>Winters aren't for Whites you dummy
because europe is such a tropical paradise?

>> No.13239831

it was intended as a troll thread wasnt it pham

>> No.13239832

i hope you enjoy doomerism buddy because that's what we will give you

>> No.13239852

it's a lie. i actually left that job in june/july, then worked remoteuly UNTIL december or so. making $18/hour (the same as when i worked there) but inflating my hour by like 5x

so i don't actually work there anymore but i did work remotely for a few months after leaving that place. i didn't get fired, i quit because i couldn't afford to live there and also the job was terrible, illegal under the pay crap with 0 benefits ... not to mention less than 1/2 of the median income for my position apparently

>> No.13239904

lol have fun with those piece of shit drivers. i was there on vacation last week and everyday i saw some moron almost crash

>> No.13239920

yikes and bluepilled

>> No.13239982

>Can't even put sugar in your tea
You should be thanking them for delaying your type 2 diabetes

>> No.13239995


Yeah this is a poorly written resume. Look at my objective compared to yours.

Passionate, multi-talented professional with several abilities attained through collaboration, continuing education, and achieving a Bachelors Degree in Accounting. Search to secure a progressive role within a dynamic organization.

>> No.13240000

Just because you currently live in a shit hole doesn't mean you're meant to live there

>> No.13240014

Holy fuck checked and true as fuck

>> No.13240041

>Passionate, multi-talented professional with several abilities attained through collaboration, continuing education, and achieving a Bachelors Degree in Accounting. Search to secure a progressive role within a dynamic organization.

that's just a bunch of fluff. it means nothing

i actually paid some company to write that one. fuck, at least it wasn't my money

what should i write? my degree, once again, has literally nothing to do with my work experience

really, my only objective is:

>Sell my labor to the highest bidder

that's all i care about, that's all i want .my only objective here

>> No.13240100


Jesus you're obtuse. You have to fluff to get the damn job. It's about selling yourself. Nobody is going to want to work with you with such a dim attitude.

I now know why you're unemployed. I'm done here.

>> No.13240146

>I now know why you're unemployed
yeah because i believed some dumb boomer who said i was "qualified" for a better position so i quit. turns out he was full of shit LOL

i'm going to steal your objective anyway

>> No.13240203


lmao. why don't you just spam apply for jobs in silicon valley/san francisco/seattle. those kikes should pay for your relocation and housing i would think, if you're good enough

>> No.13240222

i have applied to over a thousand jobs

got 4 in person interviews

only 1 job offer. it was a pyramid scheme door-to-door sales job. horrible reviews so i didn't take it. it was also a 1 hour drive away, and no guarantee for pay

straight up nobody wants to hire me. not sure why lol

>> No.13240240


that's weird. I know someone in silicon valley now that said they're hard up for good programmers

>> No.13240280


If you think florida is paradise then you haven't been here long enough.

>> No.13240350

There's no shortage of jobs. If you have 5 years experience and are currently employed.
If you aren't currently employed your resume goes into the garbage for 90% of companies

Whenever a company says they're struggling to find people, they mean they're struggling to find 6'4" chads with 10 years experience in Vue.js willing to work for $40,000 in Oakland. Don't believe their lies.

>> No.13240437

>There's no shortage of jobs. If you have 5 years experience and are currently employed.
well it says i am employed [part time remote work] on my resume, so...

what am i dong wrong?
pass = lolcox

>If you aren't currently employed your resume goes into the garbage for 90% of companies

ok but it says i am part time remotely employed

>Whenever a company says they're struggling to find people, they mean they're struggling to find 6'4" chads with 10 years experience in Vue.js willing to work for $40,000 in Oakland. Don't believe their lies.
so i need to learn vue.js? i rarely see that in any of the job descriptions

>> No.13240824

DAYUMMM I was thinking about NY and Cali, I hadn't really considered becoming a FLORIDA MAN like you.

>> No.13240826

Fuck off, we're full

>> No.13241085


Based anons. South Florida here, grew up here after moving from NY midway thru my teens. Buying real estate sucks right now and rents are rising pretty significantly in my area which sucks, so I'm considering moving into broward which is really spotty, some nice areas right next to some absolute shit areas.

>> No.13241116

florida is a shithole. autumn and winter are beautiful and peacefull. i'm sorry op, but you have extremely shit taste

>> No.13241196

Miami anon checking in
can confirm amazing if you have money but can't imagine living here if I couldn't afford everything I want

>> No.13241301

Wait until August when it’s 96 degrees out and you can’t breath and your balls are plastered to your thighs.

Not to mention the mosquitoes are terrible. I’m so glad I left that hot box.

>> No.13241388

I've come to savor the sweaty sexy summer desu
being sweaty at the club with everyone else also sweaty
feels comfy

>> No.13241441

>literally a fucking swamp
>did i mention the heat?
>air is like breathing water

>> No.13241500

What about only being 5 feet above sea level?

>> No.13241722

everyone has an in ground pool in some subdivisions

no need open, drain, or close it for winter season either