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13229123 No.13229123 [Reply] [Original]

He will have his entire livelihood stripped of him lying under oath. Occam's razor suggests that he is in fact Satoshi. Watch any of his fucking videos, read any of his papers, patents, etc. and then tell me with a straight face he's not.

I pity you if you're not buying BSV right now. There's literal court documents in PUBLIC showing that he's satoshi. Eventually once this leaks, just use your brains and imagine what will happen to the price of BSV.

BSV will unironically be 10k within a year.

>> No.13229140

Stop posting about this retarded faggot. No one cares.

>> No.13229141

Occam's razor actually suggests that he is a narcissist who craves attention.

>> No.13229142

he is professional charlatan. how new are you?

>> No.13229154
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Imagine shilling a fork of a fork with some far fetched conspiracy.
Imagine now the initial fork went 100% while this piece of shit barely move a muscle.

No more imagining, this once in a life time opportunity (won't last long!) is named Bitcoin SV, Sanjay's Vision.

>> No.13229173

It's baffling that Craig has probably managed to make tens of millions of dollars by fooling retards like OP.

>> No.13229182

Yes because no one has ever lied under oath.

>> No.13229193
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Ahhh OP I see what you did, nice bait my man

>> No.13229200

cant you read the legalese?
The statement reads "...or, as the plantiffs would say, by the Satoshi Nakamoto partnership."

the lawyers know he isnt the real guy so this is a cover-your-ass move so later they can defend themselves if perjury is threatened
who the fuck cares what the partnership is called, I can start a Bill Gates Partnership LLC tomorrow

>> No.13229207
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What the literal FUCK has this guy ever done to make anyone question his integrity?

>> No.13229211

Imagine just not moving coins from a satoshi wallet

Possesion is ownerships CREG go sober up

>> No.13229213
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>> No.13229235


Funny things is no one can REALLY prove he's lying if the actual Satoshi is dead lol. He might actually get away with it.

>> No.13229256

Not confirm he has private keys that the real Satoshi would have. It would actually be very easy to prove if he had the keys.

>> No.13229257


A bunch of racist jealous losers (due to the Indian jokes) upset they’re going to miss out. None of you know or have any qualifications to even fucking understand the underpinnings of a blockchain.

Watch any of his videos you bozos. It’s crystal clear that he’s Satoshi.

You guys are jealous that he’s a billionaire, cares about the world, and doesn’t cater to your peasant demands.

>> No.13229277

Imagine actually doing that.

You dumb fuck. You want plausible deniability if you’re Satoshi. Why would you move those coins and make it 100% certain that it’s you. Millions of people will try to rob and torture and kill him if it meant getting a piece of that pie

>> No.13229279 [DELETED] 

Humm I don't know Anon.. How about faking proof that he is Satoshi and editing old blog posts to make it look like he invented Bitcoin? How about (allegedly) stealing more than a million Bitcoins from David Kleiman's family after Kleinman died?

>> No.13229286

Nothing. They’re jealous. Ignore them.

Fucking bunch of racist white incel copers who haven’t done anything significant in their lives while Wright is pushing out a patent per day.

>> No.13229304

Humm I don't know Anon.. How about faking proof that he is Satoshi and editing old blog posts to make it look like he invented Bitcoin? How about (allegedly) stealing more than a million Bitcoins from David Kleiman's family after Kleinman died? How about Creg's own mom labeling him a pathological liar? Just to name a few reasons.

>> No.13229310

Unless the real Satoshi left his private keys with someone

>> No.13229335

>there are nonwhites on his who get booty blasted by poo on loo jokes on a hyper capitalist cigar afficanido SharePoint


>> No.13229344
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ITT: Creg Sanjay Wright

>> No.13229358 [DELETED] 

not gonna bullshit you biz i need someone to send me $15 of ETH to get my funds off an exchange (they're stuck because i need $15 for min withdrawal)
can anyone help me out? will send back but unironically..


>> No.13229359
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Chill out sanjay, take a little mud bath, let your mind wander a bit - breathe in the aromas

>> No.13229403

Genesis wallet proof or suck a dick

>> No.13229521

this, plus one look at this face and you should know that he is fake
but at least he is entertaining for now, it will be boring once he is locked up for good

>> No.13229744
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If Occam's razor was suggesting anything, its that he should show cryptographically some how he is Satoshi, not have hissy fits and throw all his degrees into a wheel barrow. He acts like such a little bitch about everything no one believes him.

There was a time I was right there with craig and ver. Since then ive dumped anything that has to do with the BTC/BCH/BSV blockchains and went into ETH.

>> No.13229752
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>> No.13230220

>Millions of people will try to rob and torture and kill him if it meant getting a piece of that pie

Convincing enough people that you're almost certainly Satoshi Nakamoto would have the same effect as unequivocally proving it. Criminals wouldn't re-evaluate their plan because they think there's a tiny chance he fooled them.

>> No.13230227

Only because he knows Nick would never come out and claim his rightful title, he's not retarded unlike Faketoshi.

>> No.13230283

All nick has to do is sign a message like "im not craig" without actually revealing who he is but wait he cant because hes not satoshi kek

>> No.13230517

I do not take advice from retards who talk like this, financial or otherwise. They always turn out to be incompetent.

>> No.13230560


>> No.13230625

Why the fuck would him being satoshi or not have anything to do with the price of BSV. Nobody gives a flying fuck who created bitcoin other than autists.

>> No.13230659

A better question is, who the fuck cares about BSV

>> No.13231240

BSV is the best, only brainlets disagree. The only thing haters have is ad hominems and misrepresentations.

128mb blocks now, uncapped in 2020. Bring it.

>> No.13231254

Kek, I hope the faggot gets taxed for all his alleged crypto holdings in Satoshi's wallet. Imagine having to pay a billion dollars in taxes because the courts finally believed your retarded cry for attention larp.

>> No.13231268

This would be the best timeline possible

>> No.13231270

>Occam's razor suggests that he is in fact Satoshi
Stop. Being. Retarded.

>> No.13231837

Here's the deal. Craig can't be Satoshi.

What is the one thing we know about Satoshi? We don't know whether he's an asian or a transgender black fatass, if he's American or even if he's alive. We only know *one* thing: that he has gone through great pains to hide his identity.

Craig blatantly exclaiming numerous times that he is Satoshi flies in the face of the only characteristic we have of him.


>> No.13231856

If craig is satoshi he gets locked up by the CIA

Lmao imagine wanting to proof u are satoshi and the cia comes after you

Dead funny

>> No.13231863


Dumb. Satoshi was only anon because that was the only way to bootstrap such an audacious idea. Noone would have touched if it was some guy that you could find on Facebook

>> No.13231871

I honestly think he might be Satoshi. If this turns out to be real, I also think the BSV price will start dumping.

>> No.13231881

i don't give a shit if he's satoshi. Bitcoin is the currency of the people. The people choose bitcoin to be bitcoin, not bitcoin sv.

>> No.13231895

go fuck yourself creg

>> No.13231897


>> No.13231898

Or he's a compulsive liar, as confirmed by his own parents.

>> No.13231905

greg in action

>> No.13231906

Anyway the argument is over whether the Satoshi Nakamoto group was a "partnership", which implies a for profit objective, or a "cooperative", which doesn't imply shit. This has a bearing on whether the plaintiffs have a claim to certain money.

>> No.13231908

That would crash Bitcoin.

>> No.13231975

this is going to pump so fucking hard

>> No.13231981

Stop making these threads Craig you shiteating piece of shit. Noone likes you, you are just making it worse.


>> No.13232014

Why would I buy the coin of this useless sociopath, even if he is satoshi or jesus christ or whoever he is?

>> No.13232026

pushing out patents is the last thing satoshi would do though

>> No.13232064

>pushing out patents is the last thing satoshi would do though

>> No.13232074

Delusion has increased to 100

>> No.13232276

No one cares even if you spam it

>> No.13232299

They can do the same with other confirmed rich people?

>> No.13232307

He can just have an alternate version of Bitcoin that he calls Bitcoin and say that's the Bitcoin he was talking about.

>> No.13232322

No they can't that easily if they don't have big crypto holdings.

>> No.13232348

nice bait

>> No.13232355

It says “satoshi Nakamoto partnership” meaning at best he is only half of the brains of BTC. Very different from him claiming to be the one and only satoshi nakamoto

>> No.13232367

>Very different from him claiming to be the one and only satoshi nakamoto
are you sure that is his claim?

>> No.13232376

This seems logical to me too. He really might be Satoshi, even though people don't want acknowledge it. And also, the truth will be the start of BSVs downfall, again even though people don't want to yet acknowledge it.

>> No.13232556

>craig turns out to be satoshi
>craig + nchain
>nchain hold over 800 blockchain patents to all kinds of shitcoins
>nchain wants to take bitcoin to support all types of business
>nchain developing all kinds of stuff
>thinks this is bearish
you both are total brainlets, nchain doesn't give a fuck about redditor hating bagholders like other coins, it's the miners and businesses nchain are looking to get involved in bsv
if you don't see where bsv is going you have failed the simplest intelligence test

>> No.13233432

can't wait to download 36tb for a full node

>> No.13233503
File: 8 KB, 224x225, fw45uj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Satoj said he want bitcoin to crash, so your argument is invalid