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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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13227392 No.13227392 [Reply] [Original]

>be my friend
>have a decent contract construction job out of high school
>make 500 per week after taxes
>routinely blow it weekly
>buys his fucking gf ELEVEN pairs of shoes
>constantly complains how he's broke
>gets a 6k bank loan for a car
>dumbass wrecks it
>"hurr I shouldn't have to pay off a car I wrecked and don't have anymore"
>can't understand why bank harasses him daily
>tell him about crypto and stocks and how he should invest 200 each week from his check
>says he would rather save cash even though he fucking doesn't
>has bought several vapes in the 200$ range and sells them at a loss when he gets bored of them
>impulse buys a 150$ pistol for 300$
>hates it, sells at a loss for 179$
>construction contract is up
>now jobless and out of money even though he made 2k per month for the better part of a year
>lives in trailer still, jobless
>has the nerve to try and borrow money from me
Why the FUCK are people like this? I told him to save. I showed him mutual funds, crypto, precious metals, fucking everything. Is being poor genetic? Are people like this just wired to consume consume consume?

>> No.13227411

because of the jews

>> No.13227417

You answered it yourself OP. Poor people are poor because they deserve it. They're impulsive and completely incapable of thinking about any time but the present.

>> No.13227426

He was probably getting his dick sucked by his gf while you were typing this thread though

>> No.13227429

low IQ

>> No.13227432

There are 2 tipes of people, those who make and women.

>> No.13227433

They're poor because they're stupid.

>> No.13227435


lel, seething poorfag, your gf means jack shit, making easy money is 100x better than sex

>> No.13227436

t. brokeass

>> No.13227608
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lol 3D
Just Monika.

>> No.13227639

Low IQ impulsiveness. Most poor people will remain poor

>> No.13227692

He's not that stupid. He said NO to crypto.

>> No.13227777

Why are poor people stupid in general?

>> No.13227822

Intelligence is associated with long-term planning. Poor (dumb) people are impulsive because they can't perceive the future

>> No.13227830

>be my friend
No, thanks.

>> No.13227842

i know you want to sound cool ranjesh but that makes no sense

>> No.13227848

Low IQ

>> No.13227851


>> No.13227857

Good chunk of that comes down to laziness and a desire for instant gratification.
Also plugging that empty hole inside them by constantly buying shit. If these people had actual hobbies or goals they wouldn't be spending so much time on buying crap and building identity based on what they consume.
But they have jack shit going on for themselves, no plans no ambition no real identity. They just drone around constantly spending.
Basically just meat puppets made to consume and breed.

>> No.13227866

You just described about 80% of my shit hometown.

>> No.13227867

It’s not that poor people are stupid it’s that stupid people are poor.

Also checked

>> No.13227878
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>be my friend
I refuse.

>> No.13227886

spend big too appear wealthy to females + low interest rates and inflation so no point in saving

>> No.13227887

To say poor people are dumb to spend their money is the same idiot thing normies say when a basement dweller ask for advice for relationship: Just b urself
Poor people are poor for a large number of reasons and one of them is non education about finance/money.

To say poor people are dumb for a trait that literally makes them poor its like say how dumb a incel is to not be able to find a gf, to tell to a male hapa how he just have to be himself to find a western girlfriend or to say to a bizraaeli to buy low and sell high instead of buy high and sell low.

>> No.13227892

top fucking kek

>> No.13227897


>> No.13227927

Because they are like you.

If you have proper resources, time and education and dont know the real answer you are dumb or even worse than they, that have no resources, no ocium neither education.

>> No.13227935
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thanks anon

>> No.13227939

I understand things are bad for many in Brazil anon but up here in the USA about 60% of the population has all the resources they could ever need and are still retarded.

>> No.13227951

Insightful. People may give you shit, but I see what you are getting at here. Everyone wants to better their situation. Some know how and lack the will. Some know how and lack the resources. Some don't know how but try. That said, there's people like the guy in OPs post who are just absurd, self-injurious morons. This last group is smaller than most make it out to be, but it feels nice to come together and shit on them after a hard day of bettering yourself.

>> No.13227967

No, to have internet doesnt mean you have proper time or education to use it in a proper way. To have water doesnt mean you know you have to drink it many times a day instead of once a day.

I am talking that people that doesnt have the resources:
-Enough food, safe and protected shelter and good surroundings, money to eat and to have a social life and ocium
Cant even be blamed because they dont even have time nor even are teached how to be rational and develop their logos.

People that have a smartphone, acess to fast food isnt the same to say they have acess to proper resources.

>> No.13228011

People get mad because I may lack resources but I am not dumb, I already helped guys like OP that were millionaires and became mad when I sent them photos of my rich gf and me at clubs/lounges on VIP section because I do Social Marketing for them. They think they are superior to everyone else, but they cant brag to Chad or Stacy because they ignore them, so they come to pretend they are wise to normal individuals, its like a cat that cant brag to a tiger and start to mock the ants that were on their normal lifes.

To someone with resources, education and everything else be so deluded and distorted to reality its a clear signal of non empirical abstraction and also lack of analytical skills.

I like to see their asses burn because they are just bitter individuals who like to be passive agressive on the weak but dont say shit to the strong ones.

>> No.13228027


>he thinks perceived trait is the same as inherent trait

>> No.13228040

It was a analogy, anyway you can distort in any way you want to the point you will say a inherent trait is a perceived and vice versa.

>> No.13228041

I can see how little experience you got in life and how much shit you absorbed from 4chan. Just stop.

>> No.13228052

I think a more accurate question is ro rephrase as why are stupid people poor?
Kind of answers itself huh anon

>> No.13228053

t. Impoverished brainlet

>> No.13228056

Oh yes, I have a distorted view,myself that learned english from old donated books that even had sperm on some maganizes, that lost my childhood friends to jail or literally being killed in my front, to have acess too social circles I dont belong to, to need to hustle for basic things because I dont have a structured family and everything else have the same view of a basement first world dweller with low testosterone.


>> No.13228068

This is a wrong question you retarded, there is stupid people both rich and poor, money doesnt correlate with wisdom or intelligence you fucking piece of shit, or are you talking that monks and other individuals that literally gave their life to science and evolution are dumb and fucked up hedonistical individuals are smart?

Fuck off

>> No.13228097

>money doesnt correlate with wisdom or intelligence you fucking piece of shit
lmao yes it does you salty loser.

>be dumb with normie background
>less likely to succeed above normie level
>more likely to fuckup to poverty level

>be smart with normie background
>more likely to succeed above normie level
>less likely to fuckup to poverty level

What you mean is rich people can have dumb kids. But even then, their smarter kids would be more likely to INCREASE their wealth, while the dumber ones are more likely to decrease it.

>> No.13228112

Best answer ITT

>> No.13228125

No it doesnt you fucking retard, money is THEIR tool to enslave us all, that is the reason USURY is a FUCKING SIN you piece of shit degenerate.
The reason usury is a sin is that it degenerate the ideals and the correlaction between work-value and reward, people are receiving rewards just for speculative actions and also degenerative actions.

>hurr durr poors dont get rich
This is the reason retard, there isnt almost social mobility as the system that THEY made is made enslave all of us, this is the reason people are usually rewarded with wealth even producing degenerative results to society.

Smart or geniality doesnt correlate specifically with the hability to generate wealth in a DISTORTED/UNFAIR system.

Unless you are licking THEIR boots and enforce this fucked system.

>> No.13228150

No it doesnt you fucking retard, money is THEIR tool to enslave us all, that is the reason USURY is a FUCKING SIN you piece of shit degenerate.
The reason usury is a sin is that it degenerate the ideals and the correlaction between work-value and reward, people are receiving rewards just for speculative actions and also degenerative actions.

>hurr durr poors dont get rich
This is the reason retard, there isnt almost social mobility as the system that THEY made is made enslave all of us, this is the reason people are usually rewarded with wealth even producing degenerative results to society.

Smart or geniality doesnt correlate specifically with the hability to generate wealth in a DISTORTED/UNFAIR system.

Unless you are licking THEIR boots and enforce this fucked system.

>> No.13228160

Favelanon, just remember that most people you're talking to aren't in Brazil. The situations between Brazil and most of the US aren't comparable.

>> No.13228176

Can you show memutual fund and precious metals?

>> No.13228181

>Cant even be blamed because they dont even have time nor even are teached how to be rational and develop their logos

You can't even write, stop giving your worthless opinion. Also using stupid words like logos and ocium doesn't make you smart. You spelt access wrong twice, you have the brain of a peanut.

Btw having access to a smartphone and internet is all you need to succeed, stop being such a dumbass.

>> No.13228182
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>> No.13228197
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Imagine being so empty inside that you actually think getting your dick sucked by some crusty lipped THOT is more important than having your financial shit together

>> No.13228198

For sure they are, people here get in debt with the ilusion to earn more with a degree, there too, people here get in debt for 30 years for a house, there too, capitalism globalizated the debts and "Their" power of enslavement.

To specifically correlate different traits in a distorted way its just a way to lie.

Where is the contract that I have signed that I have to use correct grammar to please faggots like you? Report me sucker, lol.
>smartphone and internet
Its the same to say you just need a brain to be a genius, so why you aint a genius?

>> No.13228207


>> No.13228229

>invest in mutual funds
>buy gold and silver

>> No.13228260
File: 65 KB, 575x651, plebbit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yo i haven't seen this in years. holy fucking kek

>> No.13228272

>smartphone and brain are the same thing

No it's not, you fucking idiot. I have no clue why stupid retards like you post when you have nothing good to say.

>> No.13228285
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Impulsiveness means low conscientiousness which has 0 correlation with IQ actually. But it's very likely the guy OP is talking about also has low IQ.

>> No.13228293

OP here, phoneposting. Yes he’s a certified brainlet

>> No.13228319


Yea seems like it lol. Sometimes people know what they should do they're just too lazy to do it(low conscientiousness) but that dude seems like he's completely lost lol.

>> No.13228332

Well, you have hands and arms why you dont build a new quantum computer to change our lives?

>> No.13228377

>consume consume consume
most people's life philosophy

>> No.13228401

And what honestly set me off was he sold me a rifle for 100$, and then 3 weeks later he asked me for 50$ more for that rifle AFTER we had closed the deal, saying he “really needed the money.” Sorry man I really don’t have much sympathy for you when I tried to teach you what to do to get out of poverty months ago

>> No.13228414

The reason anyone know its bullshit its because you are a fag.

And I dont deal with fags :)

>> No.13228449

t. Brokeass

>> No.13228462

You're right. People just aren't "educated" in how to not spend $12 a day on cigarettes, $8 a day on marijuana, $6 a day on beer, $4 a day on energy drinks, $4 a day on vape etc.

The truth is OP attenpted to educate his friend a lot and failed because his friend is a hedonist dumbass who will always stay poor. No individual or organization can truly teach someone to live within their means or below, they're going to decide to of their own accord and often they will decide to be stupid compulsive, impulsive chuds instead because they're too stupid and short sighted to be anything else. Look into the "marshmallow game".

>> No.13228528

People are educated to consume, this make things even worse as: no finance education + consume empowering/inducement.

OP didnt tried to educate his friend, he tried to impose his view into him, the reason it failed its simple: his friend have decades of conditioning and mind poison, its like to twist someone with a 15 minute daily talk when he is being poisoned for 23 hours and 45 minutes.

>> No.13228708

Poor people tend to get roped into MLM schemes too

>> No.13229122

t. coping monkey that would have failed the marshmallow test as a child

>> No.13229201

having a low IQ means they are impulsive, poor at decision making, and especially poor at long term planning

sam hyde sums it up well here

>> No.13229261


cope harder

>> No.13229314

I'm very savy, i don't waste my money, i'm trying to invest them.
I save on saturdays drinking, i don't go to parties, i don't buy shit, i don't take loans
Still poor as shit
So maybe it's better being a cuck like your friend, at least he enjoys life

>> No.13229316

Every poor person I've ever met. LITERALLY every single one, SMOKES cigarrettes all fucking day

>> No.13229326

I enjoy life too. You and I will both be rich in time

>> No.13229327 [DELETED] 

not gonna bullshit you biz i need someone to send me $15 of ETH to get my funds off an exchange (they're stuck because i need $15 for min withdrawal)
can anyone help me out? will send back but unironically


>> No.13229366

Hope so fren, btw your friend is a dick, maybe he will learn something when he will feel broke

>> No.13229383
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>giving someone financial advice is imposing my views on him

>> No.13229399

>my friend

>> No.13229463 [DELETED] 
File: 43 KB, 500x376, 3zsKk8f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think you understand how statistics work. The fact that some smart people are poor doesn't mean that there isn't a correlation between intelligence is financial success. Pic related. There are plenty of studies on this.

If you're highly intelligent then there really aren't many good excuses not to be wealthy (if being wealthy is one of your main goals in life). No, not even being born poor in a favela. Good degree --> perfect grades --> get scholarships --> go to a 1st world country for your master --> make it. And that's the normie/easy way to make it if you're smart. There are plenty of other options if you can think for yourself. I made 500k from nothing with only an internet connection (and no, not from crypto).

>> No.13229517
File: 43 KB, 500x376, 3zsKk8f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think you understand how statistics work. The fact that some smart people are poor doesn't mean that there isn't a correlation between intelligence and financial success. Pic related. There are plenty of studies on this.

If you're highly intelligent then there really aren't many good excuses not to be wealthy (if being wealthy is one of your main goals in life). Good degree --> perfect grades --> get scholarships --> go to a 1st world country for your master --> make it. That's the normie/easy way to make it if you're smart. There are plenty of other options if you can think for yourself. I made 700k from nothing with only an internet connection (not crypto). I could have made it from anywhere in the world.

>> No.13229723

More or less, he was conditioned from birth to try and sate every base desire immediately

>> No.13229757


There is a correlation but it's rather weak(around 0.3 for income and 0.16 for wealth IIRC). Only talking about IQ when it comes to "making it" is retarded if IQ explains only a smart part of it.

>> No.13229775

His gf is probably sucking someone else's dick for money.

>> No.13229853

Sure, I didn't say IQ has a perfect explanatory power. However, I do believe that if you're highly intelligent, not lazy and making it is one of your main goals, then there really aren't many good excuses not to end up somewhat well off. Every single intelligent person I know who isn't somewhat wealthy is either lazy or prioritized other things than money in life (nothing wrong with that).

>> No.13229868

>monkey poster comes into thread
>makes it about himself
>dumps paragraphs and shits up the whole thing


>> No.13229937

unless your biology tells you to pace around your room like a schizo you're just going to forever be a debt slave

>> No.13229993
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>The oral jew

>> No.13229994
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Hey /biz/, I need your help, because I'm doing a project for personal finance and I need your help.
I just need to know this information:
What benefits come with a penetration tester?
What is the average length of the career? Some career fields have a mandatory
retirement age, if you have chosen one of these what will you do next?
thank you for your time, my friends.
(PS fucking google isn't working with me, so this is why I'm asking you guys, thanks)

>> No.13230004
File: 245 KB, 1024x769, portrait-of-man-with-big-mouth-laughing-picture-id84439708.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am those who make

>> No.13230053
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my post was just a joke, I hope you haven't been taking so many redpills that your post wasn't also a joke, since it's some very hard sarcasm if it is

>> No.13230101

May as well have shown him a noose

>> No.13230138

Yet for some reason they successfully pump out multiple kids who grow into adulthood and continue to do the same. They even get smart people to help them along and shield them from the consequences of poor planning.

Maybe smart people are the dumb ones.

>> No.13230174

And he will probably live til he is 80, happy as a brainlet. Where'as you'll be dead by 35, killing yourself after realising nobody gives a fuck about your efforts and you're still an unlovable bitter cunt.

>> No.13230216

What the fuck are you doing posting in this thread?

>> No.13230267
File: 150 KB, 960x647, jewish pedophile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You really think blaming the 8 day old baby dick snip and slurp inbred larping ethnic cult is a joke?

You ever see kikes when you try to take their baby dick binky from them? Their collective lust for slurping from the infant phallus fountain can't be downplayed. Even the "secular" and "progressive" pedokikes can't help but jerk off their kike jagon and flick their goblin kike bean to the screams of a new tribe member being mutilated and molested.

>> No.13230389

t. broke retard

>> No.13230945

>why are people with no money bad at money
Lack of experience

>> No.13231055
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>Poor people
>Good with money
Pick one. The very reason they are poor is because they are very very bad with money.

>> No.13231089

I'm your friend, except no gf and I always have a contract.

>> No.13231335

That's the point of the thread!!! He was asking why!!!!!

>> No.13231357

No; most poor people are poor because you need money to make money and the more money you have the easier it is to make it (especially with stocks; any idiot with a million dollars could live easy buying stock that goes up by a mere 1%, but it take significant skill and intelligence to play the stock market with 1k as a day trader). If OP's friend had been born into a middle class family he'd be taking out mortgages he can't afford and keeping up with the Jones's like everyone else in that income bracket. People higher up are even worse; it routinely baffles me to see rich people make $300,000 a year and then claim to be middle class because they struggle to manage it; most of those people live in the most expensive cities in the world like San Francisco when they could have it made anywhere else.

>> No.13231383


Start rich, be good with money -> be rich p(0.9)
Start rich, be bad with money -> become poor p(0.1)
Start poor, be good with money -> become rich p(0.1)
Start poor, be bad with money -> be poor p(0.9)

Repeat for thousands of years of human history

>> No.13231384
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I have an older brother that makes over 100k a year now and I told him to just buy 1BTC when it was only $3500 and he laughed it off like he was so fucking smart and didn't do it. People in power don't want high IQ people to make a lot of money. They want idiots to make a lot of money because they know that they won't save it.

>> No.13231442

haha 'brain of a peanut', great insult
nice rekt anon. also full agree with you, logos and occium is bs

>> No.13231560

Why the fuck are you friends with this guy

>> No.13231868
File: 74 KB, 609x616, 965A4759-6B70-461E-AFE4-F9553673C9DB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey OP with the based investment advice. I’ve tried to convinced normies with decent jobs with literally the same 25-50% offer and even offer really good friends to learn for free instead of charging 50 bucks. No takers. Everyone just wants to believe their own story they’ve convinced themselves d/d. OP needs better frens.

>> No.13231875
File: 62 KB, 1024x776, 4B8D5F5B-531E-46F7-A0FF-6F7B4B5F3742.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People with all the confidence have no IQ and vice versa. You will learn this in your 20s youngster.

>> No.13231877

Bcs they are stupid

>> No.13232132
File: 970 KB, 2048x1366, 1550199593897.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP just do what I did during college to make some money.
>go to low SES areas
>scout out hot bitches but also average bitches who can be made to look hot
>convince them you can make them rich without them needing a degree
>give them a taste of the good life (and dick ay)
>start cam-pimping them out
>basically manage all their social media, patreon/twitch/whatever for the hot ones
>for the average ones just go straight for camwhoring
>remind them frequently how empowered they are and how much money they're making while you take a a 30% cut
>use some fomo stuff about holidays and special deals on clothes when yo need to bump their sales/hours up
>when the hot ones a fully on the hook, start camwhoring them as well for much more returns
>burn out the average one by eventually getting them on manyvids/clips4sale all that shit
>but with the aveagre chicks you can get them to do more debased and degrading things like having trains ran on them by, of course, the bbc

Repeat until you're bored or finished with college, the move to a high SES area where these chicks will never meet you (not that they even know your real name kek)

After 4 years I made out with $200k but I wasn't really trying and had to study.

Poor people are your slaves and to be money bags, use them as such by giving them the illusion of choice and the dream they can 'make it' lmao

>> No.13232257

> Shut-in, conscious,extroverted, non-agreeable, non-neurotic, higher IQ men are the money chads
6/7 on this roll not bad
we are going to make it bros

>> No.13232396

jews didn’t force him with a fucking gun to his head. it’s the normalfag’s fault he’s a massive cuck and parts his money to Shekelstien every paycheck

>> No.13232629

You sound like you've lived in your mom's basement your entire life.

>> No.13232642

unironically kys scum

>> No.13232768

Well youre on 4channel here so this is expected issue I guess... how the fuck did you approach them with an offer? In the street, club or how?

>> No.13232924
File: 47 KB, 850x400, quote-if-a-lion-could-talk-we-could-not-understand-him-ludwig-wittgenstein-31-91-36.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can you convince someone when you aren't speaking the same language? 90% of people are mind-pozzed retards who will never achieve financial security, along with a host of other things...

>> No.13232947

>Nikola Tesla
He died a beggar lol

>> No.13233775

t. incel

>> No.13234248

hey faggot guess what? brazil is the new world now fuck the usa
>what is smartphone and intenet
get rekt genius

>> No.13234269
